*---------1         *    1 The Main Bridge
         / |         |       / |    2 The Brig
       *   |     2---------3   |    3 Calabus' Post
     /     |         |         |    4 The Secondary Bridge
   *       | *---------*       |    5 The Guardian Room
   |       | |       | |       |    6 The Chamber of the Witch
   |       | |       | |       |    7 Energy Storage Area
   |       * |    C--4 |       *    8 The Wind Turbine Room
   |       | |     /   |     /      9 The Cage of the Sea Monster
   |   5   | |   6     |   * <-RAND A Entrance/Exit
   | / |   | |         | / |        B Humbert's place (A Private Room)
   *---------*         *   |        C Prosper's Island
       |   | |             |
       |   | |             |
       |   7 |       8-----|---*
       |     |             | /
       9     |   *---------*
             | /         /
   A---------*         B

pulsating energy ball - Energy Storage Area
wind energy ball - The Wind Turbine Room (kill engineer, go back in)
black ball of organic matter - Sea Monster
prisoner chain ball - lead them out