T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes '(Group) Redryn: 'Quest Completed: 21+9+6+2+38+38=114 qp. 32s. Avg:28.39.'' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Domovoy quotes 'for what this +6+ qp?' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}DragoDrake Dragoknight quotes 'extra qp' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Samar quotes 'luck i guess' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes 'yea lucky qp' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Domovoy quotes 'ty :)' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes 'almost perfect, max possible is 41 qp on a quest' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes '.Godlike. Enki tells the Vampires: 'hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha' T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Redryn slaps Redwood. T3/r7/2014-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes 'and thats after truncating.' T3/r7/2014-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Do not speak to me of dragon fire.' T3/r7/2014-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'my .fortune this login: A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for democracy, but won't cross the street to vote in a national election. -- Bill Vaughan' T3/r7/2014-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes '(Friend) Escobar: 'The song is titled "Kim Jong Il Shall Rain Fire From The Heavens Onto The Western Infidels"'' T3/r7/2014-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'very funnymr. jokey....joke maker' T3/r7/2014-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.' T3/r7/2014-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes 'That doesn't even make sense' T3/r7/2014-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'An adorable bunny rabbit is not a drink container.' T3/r7/2014-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'wth not :(' T3/r7/2014-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Lies.' T3/r7/2014-01-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '"You are the Pan" - Rufio' T3/r7/2014-01-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'pan the man' T3/r7/2014-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'The (Aarchaeology) Professor tells you, 'I am in an area with a keyword: deadlights' have fun' T3/r7/2014-01-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'The drained corpse of Kojiro is lying here.' T3/r7/2014-01-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}~S.E Aqua~ Eskilade quotes 'sharing my quote of the day' T3/r7/2014-01-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}~S.E Aqua~ Eskilade quotes '"All of the world is a stage, and most of us are desperately unrehearsed, but that's what makes the show interesting."' T3/r7/2014-01-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}DagasWolf quotes 'lol' T3/r7/2014-01-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yes, THAT Neeper quotes 'I find your lack of faith disturbing.' T3/r7/2014-01-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'I find your excess of faith disturbing.' T3/r7/2014-01-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mommas Boy Devol quotes '[ 69 ] owned items found.' T3/r7/2014-01-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ryv quotes '[ 35 ] owned items found.' T3/r7/2014-01-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ryv quotes 'You have completed 36 campaigns today.' T3/r7/2014-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Madolebr quotes 'skittles' T3/r7/2014-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'Lifereaper rubs his nipples.' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'my smartphone is dyslexic' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'This monster is a revolting combination of human and cock.' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Definitely Defines quotes 'delicious' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'Fiery Ferra tells you 'Do not send me any more tells. I do not know you and have no urge to. Thank you.'' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'You beep Fiery Ferra 'Okay, but I will be following your career with interest!'' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'she's just playing hard to get, keep at it. you'll get her some day.' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'I ignored her' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ramis quotes 'aard to get, hmmm' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'you sir deserve a mdeal' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'since when did they let girls into the emerald paladins?' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'if you just wanna jump straight to the end you can go pester an Imm. maybe ask Toki for pointers' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'I don't think replying to tells is considered 'pestering'' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'I offered you an option. anything you inferred is on you' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes '(199) (K) (Magic) (Glow) (Hum) Trivia Spell-up Potion (1)' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes '(31) (K) (Magic) (Glow) (Hum) Trivia Incomplete Healing Potion (1)' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'Kilfer gives you a cookie.' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'nobody cares. please stop.' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'this channel is for quotes, and I intend to keep quoting anything I deem quoteworthy' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'good luck with that' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rurouni Kinjin quotes '" i intend to keep quoting anything i deem quoteworth"' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'CPBOT : Information to help campaign bots. ' T3/r7/2014-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}WuvsDreamy Korridel quotes ''another reason to not like people! they give you crappy viruses :('' T3/r7/2014-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Quibbling Nibbly quotes '"I just get really happy when they finally let her shop"' T3/r7/2014-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes '(blonde on tv) "give a man a fish he eats it...teach a man go fish and... he sells ig or something!' T3/r7/2014-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'it*' T3/r7/2014-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Definitely Defines quotes '"The problem with internet quotes is that you cant always depend on their accuracy" -Abraham Lincoln, 1864' T3/r7/2014-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Hey baby, wanna kill all humans? (Bender Bending Rodrigez)' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes '(200) (K) (Magic) (Glow) (Hum) Trivia Spell-up Potion (1)' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes '(32) (K) (Magic) (Glow) (Hum) Trivia Incomplete Healing Potion (1)' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ryv quotes 'An angry drunk's decapitation does UNBELIEVABLE things to you! [2926]' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ryv quotes 'damn...first in like 4 remorts' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'As it settles in your inventory, it turns into a Trivia Point Token.' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '3/200 aint bad!' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Definitely Defines quotes '"Redwoods were awesome!" -NoCal, 2050' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes '... when I met Albert Einstein & had tea with him...' T3/r7/2014-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}HastheD Colori quotes 'yall got high? like redneck high?' T3/r7/2014-01-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'They say that people only use a fifth of their brain. I feel like I use a lot more than that, like a sixth or a seventh.' T3/r7/2014-01-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'Science likes to play God. Macroeconomics simply assumes God is a stationary AR(1) process, and calibrates Him. -Noah Smith' T3/r7/2014-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'If your not fire your last' T3/r7/2014-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kilfer quotes 'If your not first your last' T3/r7/2014-01-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Come on down to Aardwolf and have yourself a time...' T3/r7/2014-01-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Plenty of helpers, day or night. Puppers saying howdy neighbor.' T3/r7/2014-01-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Woke up at 3am to find kid crying and covered in vomit. Had to clean him, clothes, and bed. And they said I wouldn't learn ANYTHING being in a fraternity.' T3/r7/2014-01-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Madcatz quotes 'XXXX chants the phrase 'grey afro'.' T3/r7/2014-01-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'I really shouldn't have driven home from the bar last night' T3/r7/2014-01-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'especially since I walked there' T3/r7/2014-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Alagner quotes 'this is what i turn into when i get really hungry. Man become machine and machine becometh monkey' T3/r7/2014-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Macuiltotec quotes '"The other day I was driving and I seen a girl driving and texting. It really pisses me off when people drive and text so I caught up to her at a stop light, rolled down my window, and threw my beer at her"' T3/r7/2014-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'what a waste of beer.' T3/r7/2014-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'that's why I've developed a new anti-texting product called a text shade. Just toss it over the windshield so the texter doesn't have to struggle with sun glare, thereby ensuring faster texting and by extension faster return to paying attention.' T3/r7/2014-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Xaeris quotes '(Friend) Jhav: 'Seeing as this is you, I'm deeply suspicious of what you call 'chocolate custard''' T3/r7/2014-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes '(217) (K) (Magic) (Glow) (Hum) Trivia Spell-up Potion (1)' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'As it settles in your inventory, it turns into a Trivia Point Token.' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Codex quotes 'Yeah but how many did you buy? :P' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'thats not the point' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jhav quotes 'The point is trivia.' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'do you mean trivial?' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes '(Friend) somebody: 'although drinking the fetal juices was a bit odd'' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}HastheD Colori quotes 'sexy' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mt. Craigath quotes 'I forget this channel exists sometimes.' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Codex quotes 'Why the heck would you drink fetal juices!?!' T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Mt. Craigath raises her hand. T3/r7/2014-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Codex quotes 'there goes my lunch :' T3/r7/2014-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Niggardly Redwood quotes 'A crazy monkey chants the phrase 'hos'.' T3/r7/2014-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ryv quotes 'Odin, the Allfather's Gungnir, Spear of the Allfather DECAPITATES you! Have a nice death!' T3/r7/2014-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'I know knug fu' T3/r7/2014-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ryv quotes 'Queen Jula says, "We are well pleased with you Ryv. Take this token of' T3/r7/2014-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Diaspora quotes 'PopsPicasso' T3/r7/2014-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ryv quotes 'Next 2 campaigns will include a trivia point reward 18:00:00 Ayla blesses you with a Trivia Point Token.' T3/r7/2014-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}OneManArmy Jerome quotes 'check' T3/r7/2014-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Welcome to Illinois -- where our governors make our license plates!' T3/r7/2014-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rurouni Kinjin quotes 'sweet' T3/r7/2014-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes '(Imm) Hashtag Rhuli: Although it is said anyone who wears this hat will be more lucky in finding pieces. ' T3/r7/2014-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Xaeris quotes '(Group) **********: 'I was trying not to beat my child'' T3/r7/2014-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Takgi quotes 'A goblin says, "Takgi, I'm gonna tear you a new ass!"' T3/r7/2014-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes 'tmi, or "you've got a sick psychological fixation there, if you had to post that."' T3/r7/2014-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes 'Glacier says 'Escobar loves me'' T3/r7/2014-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Twitter Roninleader quotes 'You fade into existence.You attempt to bury a Dagger of Aardwolf deep into Ralael's back! Your death blow CLEAVES Ralael in two!' T3/r7/2014-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes '"I would eat dolphins if it was legal!" - Ron Burgandy' T3/r7/2014-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes 'Pumpkin is now ignoring you.' T3/r7/2014-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'Eskilade telsl you 'i would hug you but i dont have remote socials on' someone hug that man!' T3/r7/2014-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}~S.E Aqua~ Eskilade quotes 'lol....' T3/r7/2014-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Smoochable Saraid quotes 'Happy Couple chants the phrase 'harden body'' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes 'Princess Liathum tells you 'In yer butt!'' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'not ass?' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Princess Liathum quotes 'I'm against vulgarity, thankyouverymuch.' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'What is my perfect crime? I break into Tiffany's at midnight. Do I go for the vault? No, I go for the chandelier. It's priceless. As I'm taking it down, a woman catches me. She tells me to stop. It's her father's business. She's Tiffany. I say no. We make love all night. In the morning, the cops come and I escape in one of their uniforms. I tell her to meet me in Mexico, but I go to Canada. I don't trust her. Besides, I like the cold. Thirty years later, I get a postcard. I have a son and he's the chief of police. This is where the story gets interesting. I tell Tiffany to meet me in Paris by the Trocadero. She's been waiting for me all these years. She's never taken another lover. I don't care. I don't show up. I go to Berlin. That's where I stashed the chandelier.' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'tp to whoever can name the the quote.' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Amarufox quotes 'the office' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes '....' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Amarufox quotes 'frame toby episode!' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes '............... god damn close' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'the individual!!' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dek quotes 'Should probably pick a quote that can't be googled as easily.' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Amarufox quotes 'dwight schrute' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gunskull quotes 'Dwight!' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'yyyeeeaaaa' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'amaru :)' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dek quotes 'but that is a good episode :D wouldn't be surprised if someone didn't remember it' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Amarufox quotes 'hadn't heard it before, but good quote, was reading it' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'great quote :) next to this (next tp)' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes '"A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic."' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Amarufox quotes 'joseph stalin' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'damn ama' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'well played :) s of recall wuv' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Amarufox quotes '<3, thanks...don't get to be a t9 without fast fingers' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cytan quotes 'always ruining the mud :)' T3/r7/2014-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Amarufox crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely. T3/r7/2014-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes '05 Feb 16:14:14 - Codex tells you 'Only if she promises to keep her legs closed more often :-/'' T3/r7/2014-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes 'Gold.' T3/r7/2014-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'Hop-Scotch!' T3/r7/2014-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redwood quotes '(Group) XxxX: 'have had tacos, burritos, and chile rellanos last three days.. im blowing this f'ing toilet upppp like an emerald getting nuked for eq snooping!!!'' T3/r7/2014-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'smiling's my favorite..' T3/r7/2014-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You get \}Tao{/ Valentines Day 2014 from the hacked corpse of a purple fish.' T3/r7/2014-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes '(Friend) Baktosh: 'I, like, hard quests and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny, when a qmob walks in with a big ol' angry aura and a vorpal in your face you go "WHEE!" :O'' T3/r7/2014-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'lol' T3/r7/2014-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes '(Curse) Malken: fuck !!!! my grandma just died (Curse) Ashkelon: sucks to be you!' T3/r7/2014-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'oops, i swore' T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'Instant spellups (when using spellup command) 00:30:00 ' T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'so useless to me. :(' T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Someone Semoene gets a blank look on its face. T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Pretitle Talia is complaining about being rewarded for logging in. T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'Damnit man, that was our ride...you just stunned our ride!' T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dustpuppy quotes 'what movie was that from' T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'star trek into darkness' T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dustpuppy quotes 'ah.' T3/r7/2014-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'kirk was running and a big beast rears up in front of him, so he shoots it' T3/r7/2014-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive a wooden yoke from Queen Jula.' T3/r7/2014-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'When you gonna drop the zero and get with the hero?' T3/r7/2014-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'There is no reason to tailgate someone in the fast lane' T3/r7/2014-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'especially when I'm going 35 over anyway' T3/r7/2014-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'and the flashing lights on your car look ridiculous too' T3/r7/2014-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Two "math for dummies" at $16.99 each. That'll be $50.' T3/r7/2014-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'no fair, you use werid numbers' T3/r7/2014-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Arist quotes 'You still have to kill * the biig monster (The Were Wood)' T3/r7/2014-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Arist quotes '(it's really biiiiig)' T3/r7/2014-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}FunBot Kharpern quotes 'Dave feels ... different.' T3/r7/2014-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes '(in politics) a gaffe is when you accidentally tell the truth.' T3/r7/2014-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes '[[ Warning: Aardwolf will Reboot (not ice-age) in 1 minute. ]]' T3/r7/2014-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'Bad workmen blame the tools and bad workmen who don't are fools. -Basu' T3/r7/2014-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'My math teacher said I was average. How mean!' T3/r7/2014-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Well to be fair you k' T3/r7/2014-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'meh. i failed. nvm..' T3/r7/2014-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'Are you telling me that i can be pooping and warm?' T3/r7/2014-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'The secret is in the frosting, but ill never tell...' T3/r7/2014-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mannec quotes 'I find your lack of faith in the forth, dithturbing. - Darse Vader' T3/r7/2014-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'I find your la; - Parse Vader' T3/r7/2014-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Someone Semoene quotes 'He's Singaporean?' T3/r7/2014-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Someone Semoene quotes 'I find your *chokewheeze* ... - SARS Vader T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mt. Craigath quotes 'A day to be marked in history' T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mt. Craigath quotes '(Debate) Tigernuts: 'then i stand corrected'' T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Someone Semoene quotes 'Semoene (Marasgal) tells the CLAN: 'I stand erected'' T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Someone Semoene quotes 'You are taxed 1,337 gold coins by your clan.' T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Someone Semoene . o O ( Elite! ) T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rascally Rampagne quotes 'OMG Beaker's boss' T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rascally Rampagne quotes 'Bunsen FREAKING Honeydew' T3/r7/2014-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Hold'Em> [Outlaw] Drakoth: need one more for the big game, 1000 qp buyin, come play!' T3/r7/2014-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote '"If there's ever a war between earth and Hell, I hope I'm on _your_ side."..."You seem nice; you probably won't be."' T3/r7/2014-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Hold'Em> Mommas Boy Devol: high stakes poker, poker buyin 36357' T3/r7/2014-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '[22 Feb 19:46:24] (Imm) Abelinc: I was wrong (see, it's in the logs now)' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Group H.R. Pup And Stuff! has been created.' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tenar quotes 'Make little things count. Teach midgets math.' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'This morning, I was beaten up by a busty woman in an elevator. I was staring at her boobs when she said 'would you please press one?' So I did.' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'I don't remember much after that' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Harbinger Sammael quotes 'gg wp' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A bowl of Granola quotes 'Buy her a delorean. Bitches love bringing up the past."' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'I'm a pumpum killa' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'what is a pumpump?' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'pumpum*' T3/r7/2014-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'get a jamican friend bro' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Absorbent Maximon quotes 'A ghost exclaims 'Get away from my dinner!' Oxymoron?' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '(POKER) Fiery Ferra chats: I was wrong !' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'Yo man let's get outta here word to ya mother' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vorax quotes 'If it bleeds we can kill it' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '"l i backpack -> The traveller's backpack contains: ...' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '"get all backpack -> You do not see a backpack here."' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'what do?' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Madcatz quotes 'remove backpack' T3/r7/2014-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '...! yessss.... thanks :)' T3/r7/2014-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'You still have to kill * a fire testes (Elemental Chaos)' T3/r7/2014-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Modi quotes 'supposed to be '2 blue testes'?' T3/r7/2014-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'You have been teleported' T3/r7/2014-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'One third of the time, it works every time...' T3/r7/2014-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'A brown cat says, "I don't feel like talking just now."' T3/r7/2014-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bogstar quotes 'A shadow dragon falls down laughing.' T3/r7/2014-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'what area is that?' T3/r7/2014-02-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'What language are you talking in now? It appears to be Bollocks.' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Deep magic stirs within your weapon. It seems to have a life of its own.' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Your Sharp scimitar glows brightly and almost decapitates a catfish.' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Finish her off!' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Your decapitation does UNBELIEVABLE things to a catfish! [4490]' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'sorry for the spam, but I've never had that happen before.' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'it's a vorpal, happens quite a bit :)' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Baby's First Vorpal!' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Smoochable Saraid quotes 'awww' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '...erm.' T3/r7/2014-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '"get pie hole" "You get a YUMMY pot pie from a portable hole."' T3/r7/2014-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'read graf: The corpse of the demonic Lady D lies here with a surprised look on its face.' T3/r7/2014-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '(Friend) Pablo Escobar: 'I'm a fupa man'' T3/r7/2014-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'have you always been a complete jerk? or is that just special for me? ' T3/r7/2014-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'I saw it in the window, and I just HAD to have it!' T3/r7/2014-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Avoid cliches like the plague -- they're old hat.' T3/r7/2014-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Azurite quotes '25 tnl' T3/r7/2014-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'The King of Illoria nominates you for Imm, better watch your back for jealous people!' T3/r7/2014-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'No can doozville babydoll...(Jed Mosely)' T3/r7/2014-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'He came to rock and rocked like no other R.I.P Brother Dime 1966-2004' T3/r7/2014-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'tech *java There is no java social.' T3/r7/2014-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'can we fix this?' T3/r7/2014-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tz's pet Snowolf quotes 'help new social' T3/r7/2014-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Yes, but it requires an update and your computer will need to restart.' T3/r7/2014-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'with a paper clip, an old shoe string, and a little spit, we can fix anything.' T3/r7/2014-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '<*><|Sash of Jord|><*> flares blindingly and evaporates!' T3/r7/2014-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'teach you not to land a 4/4 illum!' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Shaelynne quotes 'check' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'fail' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vibrating Vinatia quotes 'check check' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Shaelynne quotes 'quit' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kerith quotes 'what is....too legit to...' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Tyrant Unforgiven quotes '(Friend): Shaelynne has quit.' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '(Friend) Pleiades: 'setwanted ... otep'' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '"A forest butterfly shoots a yellow beam from her hand straight towards you!"' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Baell quotes '"mamamia"' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'here i go again' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'isn't that prismatic or color spray?' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'it may be rainbow, too.' T3/r7/2014-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes ''-want a mate' "-oy! you want TO mate!?' "no I want A mate!'' T3/r7/2014-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tIcnydrwFY' T3/r7/2014-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '|[Leather leggings]| flares blindingly and evaporates!' T3/r7/2014-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'I just got a pair of those that I need.' T3/r7/2014-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'No such thing as not for sale...(Waterworld)' T3/r7/2014-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'pull truth "There is no truth within Aardwolf."' T3/r7/2014-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'good to know.' T3/r7/2014-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'You have now completely mastered hunt!' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Ayla blesses you with a free point of instinct in dual wield.' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '-_-'' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vorax quotes 'nice' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'I never use dual wield as ranger.' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'Don't knock free things.' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'true.' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'free stuff' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'And unless you plan on playing Ranger forever, then yeah, sure, it's useless' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vorax quotes 'why wouldn't you dual as a ranger? just curious, never played one' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'They use bows' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes 'don't use the quote channel for mediocre (and ungrateful) quotes' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'zade stfu' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'there is a nice quote' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) [Outlaw] Remarto rapidly nods twice, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}ZomBified Skyris quotes 'as a ranger you should dual more then other classes since you also affected by primary enhanced damage compared to spellcaster's who only get like half the affect' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'your just jelouse the voices only speak to me.' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'moving this to question chat.' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Your shroud of flame does UNBELIEVABLE things to a pillar of fire! [' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'I dont believe it.' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'lol' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}ZomBified Skyris quotes 'hey isnt that mob immuned to fire , nyne mob last i checked' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'its Tanra' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'tanra' T3/r7/2014-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}ZomBified Skyris quotes 'oh was thinking of the pillar in nyne' T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!' T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}HyperDrive Pheonixs quotes '"Suck an elf!"' T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes '"You mix milk with orange juice making a nice cocktail in Sacramental Carafe."' T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'if you dream about a rainbow, is it a pigment of your imagination?' T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Serinal slaps Dispel Majic. T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Dispel Majic hugs Serinal. T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Princess Liathum sobs quietly to himself because Serinal was a jerk! T3/r7/2014-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Serinal pets Princess Liathum. T3/r7/2014-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'Zetkax is now ignoring you. and I havent the slightest idea who that is.' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'nobody gives me the raspberry!' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'meh' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'You receive 1 bonus experience point from your daily blessing.' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'That's 1 EXP you didn't have BEFORE!' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'you are meh'ing because you are killing weak mobs? hah.' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'excuse me while I kill goddesses.' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'gossip chat reminds me of this skit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vgoEhsJORU' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Your bolt of ice does UNSPEAKABLE things to A chittering squirrel! [627]' T3/r7/2014-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'mind out of the gutter.' T3/r7/2014-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes '>_< 3tnl' T3/r7/2014-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Teran Owquin's custodian chants the phrase 'camed'.' T3/r7/2014-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'Yesss.... CONGRATULATIONS: You have Aardwolf lottery winnings to collect!!' T3/r7/2014-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'You receive 42 'rare kill' experience bonus.' T3/r7/2014-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fargeaux quotes 'c 'ego whip' baby You ridicule baby Paul Bunyan about his childhood.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'I can give multiple orgasms to furniture just by sitting on it!' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Agius quotes 'remind me not to sit on that couch.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'You receive 157 'rare kill' experience bonus.'' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Agius quotes 'GOOD FOR YOU! :)' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Agius quotes 'what mob was it?' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'His mom.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'im in dsr' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Agius nods. T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '(Friend) Glacier: 'Maple Syrup is for foreplay'' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'The foe you gave was strong and brave and unafraid to die. Speak to the Lord for our comrades, killed when the battle seemed lost. They went to meet a bright defeat, the heroes halocaust. For those who fell there is no hell, not for the brave who died. -Private Lecky' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Sargeras Sargeras feels enlightened by the quote he just wrote himself to read alone. T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'Hope is the first step on the road to dissapointment. -D.O.W.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'To miss what you've never had... The saddest fate.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'What what, in the butt?' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to Suffering.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Much fear in you see i' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'The force grows strong within me.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'ahem. Back to my quotes.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'A bush has been sculpted in the shape of a beast.' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Kerith rapidly nods twice, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '(Friend) Coke Kingpin: 'Did you ever let a guy pee in your mouth? Granola did that.'' T3/r7/2014-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) [Outlaw] Remarto falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You killed a Trivia Point bonus mob!! Trivia point added.' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'killing rare mobs is already paying off' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vibrating Vinatia quotes 'You are burned by Monkey Bone.' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes '35tnl' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes '>_<' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes '(Friend) Princess Liathum: 'I thought of that! But then I'd have to throw it out and a little spanish guy lives in my dumpster and it creeps me out.'' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Princess Liathum quotes 'Well, he does.' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'You receive 176 'rare kill' experience bonus.' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'Oh nooo!! I have to kill the aard mud!!! You still have to kill * mud (Aardington Estate)' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Auction: A Trivia Point Token SOLD to Boogerz for 200,000 gold.' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'You don't have to feel like a waste of space, you're original, cannot be replaced! (Katy Perry) - Liathum, Tue Dec 4 21:34:12 2012.' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Princess Liathum tells you 'My newb helping days are over when I left Crusaders. They just get attached and then you have to take them out back like old yeller.'' T3/r7/2014-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Princess Liathum thanks Serinal heartily. T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes ' 1) Redwood Dominion 51 88 452 0 0' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes ' 2) Delgar Dominion 49 39 333 0 0' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes ' 3) Kerith Dominion 20 94 829 0 0' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'eh ?' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'ah, drank bot. Err, one.' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Sonshi runs away in utter terror! T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Stroke My Redwood crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to Sonshi. T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 539 bonus experience points in honor of Kinjin reaching superhero.' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 612 bonus experience points in honor of Kinjin reaching superhero.' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mannec quotes 'we have a full decanter of water, half a sack of refresh pots, its aard ... and we're wearing sunglasses. hit it!' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'YYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'A little boy chants the phrase 'rage is ok'.' T3/r7/2014-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'Your level is of no interest to me VampireDude I will kill you anyways.' T3/r7/2014-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Num Name Clan Level Total Qp Kills Deaths Gquests' T3/r7/2014-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '----- ------------ ----------- ----- -------- ------- ------ ------- ' T3/r7/2014-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes ' 1) Delgar Dominion 297 1735 5937 0 1' T3/r7/2014-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes ' 2) Redwood Dominion 179 438 2651 2 0' T3/r7/2014-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes ' 3) Kerith Dominion 153 1533 6636 2 1' T3/r7/2014-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'The Demon of Lust reaches for your crotch' T3/r7/2014-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'An eating seagull chants the phrase 'noobin'.' T3/r7/2014-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Smoochable Saraid quotes 'You still have to kill * Evil Tela (The School of Horror) (Group) Avril Tela: 'cp fail or we're not friends!'' T3/r7/2014-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Yah! That'll teach the first person I see a lesson!' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes '"What are you a virgin"' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '[18 Mar 17:50:44] Escobar barters: Redwood barters: French Toast tartars: baby batter vs barter, the debate rages on!' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'An owl chants the phrase 'lel'.' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes '4chan owl!' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'delete.' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'what owls can't chant?' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rurouni Kinjin quotes 'who who' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'Knock knock' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'potato' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'say who's there' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Arist quotes 'Go away, we're not home' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'yeah that'll fool the visitors brandishing gifts.' T3/r7/2014-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'no free QP for you!' T3/r7/2014-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'I wont call him dad even if there is a fire!' T3/r7/2014-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Zade does not ignore each and every "retard" -- there are not enough ignore slots. T3/r7/2014-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '(Friend) Pleiades: 'I'm stuck in our cmaze'' T3/r7/2014-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '(Friend) Pleiades: 'maybe I should wait for the raiders to show up'' T3/r7/2014-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'I'm bragging' T3/r7/2014-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'Next 55 mobs killed will reward double experience, Next 3 levels or powerups will add bonus trains, Next 91 mobs killed will reward bonus gold, The Revolution blesses you with a Daily Blessing Reset Token., The Revolution blesses you with a Daily Blessing Qreset Token.' T3/r7/2014-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Auction: A blank chaos portal SOLD to Sonshi for 1,111,111 gold.' T3/r7/2014-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes ''Dead bodies everywhere' -Korn' T3/r7/2014-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes '7 zurls!' T3/r7/2014-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'We blowin' 'dro bro.. (Workaholics)' T3/r7/2014-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Today, my dog started to hump my leg. He always does this and I'd heard that humping the dog back asserted dominance. I decided to try it out and dry humped him back. As I was doing it, I said "How do you like that?" Then my mom walked in. FML. ' T3/r7/2014-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes 'fake fml' T3/r7/2014-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Avril Tela quotes 'Obviously you don't know Majic.' T3/r7/2014-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Avril Tela quotes '(Friend) Dispel Majic: 'if it were actually me, it would have involved a cow instead. '' T3/r7/2014-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Gotta assert dominance over dem cows.' T3/r7/2014-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'An adolescent crystal spider chants the phrase 'wad'. You are trapped in an invisible web!' T3/r7/2014-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Ew.' T3/r7/2014-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes '' T3/r7/2014-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Cain killd Abelinc answers 'heh, you're right red'' T3/r7/2014-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes '(Imm) Cain killd Abelinc: getting it up was a bitch' T3/r7/2014-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted. W.C. Fields' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes '(Magic) The corpse of a desecrated corpse is lying here.' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes '28 Mar 21:47:58 - Bonanza (Champion of Loyalty) tells the CLAN: 'this is pretty stiff, its sturdy, can fling it around abit' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Nitzy quotes 'hi' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Nitzy quotes 'you gotta be careful with bigger drill bits - i had a half inch bit that got locked into the wood i was drilling and the drill spun out of my hand - if the drill didnt have a safety it would have kept spinning and broken my wrist' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Nitzy quotes 'basically the bit locks into the wood then the drill spins' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive Broken Curse from a terrified villager.' T3/r7/2014-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'I see you are doing your math homework in pen. I too like to live dangerously.' T3/r7/2014-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Flogbog quotes 'quit' T3/r7/2014-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 283 experience points.' T3/r7/2014-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 249 'rare kill' experience bonus.' T3/r7/2014-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 532 bonus experience points in honor of Rankin reaching superhero.' T3/r7/2014-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 532 bonus experience points from your daily blessing.' T3/r7/2014-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes '1) Rauru None 2553 94971 58794 72 78 1912' T3/r7/2014-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Universities dont want their name on the front page of a newspaper for an unethical study exposing minors to porn. Me: Pussies.' T3/r7/2014-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vorax quotes 'Tangled seaweed chants the phrase 'spay'.' T3/r7/2014-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Joss Whedon and George R R Martin walk into a room. Everyone you like dies.' T3/r7/2014-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Kobus ( T3/r7/2014-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Kobus :( T3/r7/2014-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dgaf quotes 'Knowing the answer doesn't solve the problem.' T3/r7/2014-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'i played hide and seek today. I was winning until the cops let the K9 off the leash.' T3/r7/2014-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Cops always break the rules.' T3/r7/2014-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'All in all, 1 Man 1 Jar has a special place in the shock site universe and has a timeless appeal that can be likened to Hai2U.com and tubgirl. Some say the site is like 'Goatse' meets 'Pain Olympics'. A timeless classic to enjoy with friends over a nice glass of wine. 5/5 stars.' T3/r7/2014-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Birthdays are good for your health. Studies show that people who have more of them tend to live longer.' T3/r7/2014-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) A cup of Tela has bunches of secret gadgets! Like the exploding-gum-aphrodesiac! T3/r7/2014-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'There is no help within Aardwolf.' T3/r7/2014-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'Truth.' T3/r7/2014-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes '(Group) Princess Liathum: 'So I'm working on superman briefs' (Group) Princess Liathum: 'And instead of typing 'solid' i typed 'soild''' T3/r7/2014-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Fox Qiandra quotes 'Extra Special Enchantment there.' T3/r7/2014-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'You open the bush.' T3/r7/2014-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'And then have no idea what to do' T3/r7/2014-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tylertwo quotes 'the bush bursts into flames and God commands you to insert your penis...' T3/r7/2014-04-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'Ayla blesses you with 69 bonus quest points.' T3/r7/2014-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Askani quotes 'The cloak room attendant chants the phrase 'run'. (should i be worried?)' T3/r7/2014-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'You buy a blank chaos portal from Jojobo for 100 gold.' T3/r7/2014-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'LOL' T3/r7/2014-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'the sad part of that was this: You sell a blank chaos portal to Jojobo for 95 gold.' T3/r7/2014-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) (BANNED) Panzer buries his face in his hand and sighs, shaking his head. T3/r7/2014-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Xaeris quotes 'so proud of you Panzer.' T3/r7/2014-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'hahahaha' T3/r7/2014-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Definitely Defines quotes 'wow' T3/r7/2014-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'check' T3/r7/2014-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Serinal mutters something quietly to himself. T3/r7/2014-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You get starburst from the perforated corpse of Tree King.' T3/r7/2014-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'what is that' T3/r7/2014-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Arist quotes 'taste the rainbow' T3/r7/2014-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 300 'rare kill' experience bonus.' T3/r7/2014-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes 'should've saved that for triple exp!' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'A warm feeling fills your body. [441]' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'I love this! And yes, I've been gone a while. :P' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'Mr Bush has an uncanny ability to translate photographs into more awkward images enlivened by distortions and slightly ham-handed brushwork. - some random art commentator' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'You tell your friends: 'Damn, someone stole my throne of air when I went LD last night.'' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes '(Friend) Dispel Majic: 'by now they've probably throne it away'' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes '<3' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) A cup of Tela snickers softly. T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Azurite chuckles politely. T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'I poured my root beer into a square cup, now I just have beer.' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Serinal slaps Dispel Majic. T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'yup, women get beer..we know' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'and thus you discovered that your root beer was actually the cheap square root beer version.' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'whereas when I pour my root beer into a square cup, I get beer with funny powers.' T3/r7/2014-04-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'fractional exponents ftw' T3/r7/2014-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'Queen Randyla says, "Those tutus may not seem like a big deal, but they are a test of the Princess's taste, resolve, and willingness to shed the blood of innocents in the pursuit of good art."' T3/r7/2014-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a large butock (Aardington Estate)' T3/r7/2014-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'use a pound or thrust weapon.' T3/r7/2014-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Notwalking quotes 'slap could work' T3/r7/2014-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'suction?' T3/r7/2014-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yes, THAT Neeper quotes 'Sith Lord Neeper is slain by a final deadly stab!!' T3/r7/2014-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Mendaloth quotes 'Need a miracle?' T3/r7/2014-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Jhav snickers softly. T3/r7/2014-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'INFO: Knights race from the stronghold to avenge the death of Tela to Evil Tela.' T3/r7/2014-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a Goldmember (Unearthly Bonds)' T3/r7/2014-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Codex quotes 'Go get him Mr. Powers.' T3/r7/2014-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'He's got the golden touch, but he done touched it too much...' T3/r7/2014-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Amazonite quotes 'You missed the shift key. Do you even have one?' T3/r7/2014-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'Memnarch (Emerald Knight) tells the CLAN: 'My grandfather voted Republican until the day he died, at which point he started voting Democrat'' T3/r7/2014-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Haroro quotes 'There is no harmony within Aardwolf.(Awww)' T3/r7/2014-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kushina quotes 'If I'm ever on life support, try unplugging me and plugging me back in. See if that works.' T3/r7/2014-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'how does gruff mcgruffs quote go, im confusing him w smomey the bear now.' T3/r7/2014-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes 'your brain is the one with the shell on it!' T3/r7/2014-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'stupid sister didi.' T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Sarl gives everyone a warm welcome. T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kobus quotes '"id rather ignore evidence than admit that im wrong"' T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vibrating Vinatia quotes 'that had to be George Bush Jr :p' T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kobus quotes 'omg, youre good!' T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trillium quotes 'that's what she said' T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes '"Most of the time... when you're crying, nobody notices your tears. Most of the time... when you're worried, nobody feels your pain. Most of the time... when you're happy, nobody sees your smile. But when you fart just one time..."' T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'hmm, Ron White?' T3/r7/2014-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes 'that one was anonymous. I would expect it from him though. ' T3/r7/2014-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bogstar quotes 'it would just float away.' T3/r7/2014-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'You have 105 lottery tickets in total. <-- Cheating the system. I will surely win!' T3/r7/2014-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vibrating Vinatia quotes 'yes cheaters always prosper... or get nuked :p' T3/r7/2014-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'treason doth never prosper, for if it do, why, none dare call it treason' T3/r7/2014-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'The god of fire elementals is disintegrated by the dense shroud of flames! It is DEAD!' T3/r7/2014-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes '"Holy me close Tony Danza...."' T3/r7/2014-04-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'Your bash ** SHREDS ** a golden honeybee! [93] An extravagant gift crumbles into 120,000 gold pieces.' T3/r7/2014-04-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Askani quotes 'An extravagant gift crumbles into 120,000 gold pieces.' T3/r7/2014-04-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Remember November quotes 'I'll say!' T3/r7/2014-04-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Arist quotes 'You still have to kill * a giggle of rats (The Trouble with Gwillimberry)' T3/r7/2014-04-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'bring Gaston along, he can make ratatouille for ya.' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ranrr quotes 'A population is a group of individuals that have sex with each other.' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'false' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'there's asexual reproduction' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'a population of asexual bacteria' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ranrr quotes 'Don't think they count as a population in biology, actually.' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'why not?' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ranrr quotes 'See my original quote.' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ranrr quotes 'Without interbreeding, no population.' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ranrr quotes 'I could be wrong though, I'm just quoting :D' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes '(Group) Dolt: 'i blew something' T3/r7/2014-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'phrasing, people' T3/r7/2014-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}ZomBified Skyris quotes 'quot' T3/r7/2014-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'A dingo says 'I did not eat that baby!'' T3/r7/2014-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'Gueldar the armorer is not interested in Gueldar's crafted leather jerkin.' T3/r7/2014-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'Gueldar ain't no fool, he knows what he's made and what he hasn't.' T3/r7/2014-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'Dude isn't interested in his own stuff. I guess even he knows it's not good.' T3/r7/2014-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tylertwo quotes 'Think, Jill. By our laws, Smith is a sovereign nation--and sole owner of the planet Mars.' T3/r7/2014-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'The plane starts to destabalize, and you rush back to your home plane.' T3/r7/2014-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Find and kill 1 * a poos of green slime (Lair of the Yggdrasil)' T3/r7/2014-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'You clearly have to kill a pood.' T3/r7/2014-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Serinal rapidly nods twice at Purple HazeKnight, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2014-04-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'There is no oggle social.' T3/r7/2014-04-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'There should be.' T3/r7/2014-04-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Serinal quotes 'Spend the TP to make one. :P' T3/r7/2014-04-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Smoochable Saraid quotes 'Find and kill 1 * a bot wight (The Marshlands of Agroth)' T3/r7/2014-04-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes '"What's going on in there?" "Want me to rape 'em?" "Just read your book butterfinger"' T3/r7/2014-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You killed a Trivia Point bonus mob!! Trivia point added.' T3/r7/2014-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Jerk Fiendish quotes '"This is Mission Control, we are go for lift-off in T minus twenty seconds and counting." "Wait-wait, wait-wait-wait a minute, Houston, there seems to be a duck on board." "A what?" "I repeat, a duck. In a top hat." "Roger that."' T3/r7/2014-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Jerk Fiendish quotes 'The old man wanders away.' T3/r7/2014-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'alzheimers' T3/r7/2014-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes '"I brought you ice cream, Lieutenant Dan, ...ICE CREAM!!!!"' T3/r7/2014-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'Enemy: 110% ' T3/r7/2014-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'but you are bald eustac' T3/r7/2014-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'come tothe wired as soon as yocan.' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'i have the same tie, only in reversereverse' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'goo uhh le spellchecking fail.' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes '24 | Gquest | 1234 | Global Quest Results ' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'time to catchup. :P' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vexthorne quotes 'Why would you even subscribe to gquests' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You killed a Trivia Point bonus mob!! Trivia point added.' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'That was mine.' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Starling quotes '(Friend) Turie: 'You still have to kill * a dickhand (The Eighteenth Dynasty)'' T3/r7/2014-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * A Deman Scout (The Cataclysm) Looks like i'm gonna die' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Askani quotes 'Coca-Cola Chicken Wings Recipe' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes 'It's tough keeping your feet dry when you're kicking in a skull' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'A divine satchel of tooled leather awaits the next crusade.' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'FallenRahl tells you 'hope noone can see my tenders...'' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'thought you said FAlemiel' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes '(Friend) Blackfang: 'can't trade me for a ring! swine!'' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'If you ever hear Lasher talking about starting a V4 please slap him silly and remind him how much' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'If you ever hear Lasher talking about starting a V4 please slap him silly and remind him how much' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'Remind him how much you fail at typing out a full quote? Done.' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rurouni Kinjin quotes 'Vr4! V4!' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'If you ever hear Lasher talking about starting a V4 please slap him silly and remind him how much finishing V3 sucked. Kthxbai.' T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Sarutobi chuckles at A cup of Tela's joke. T3/r7/2014-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sarutobi quotes 'random hidden newline on my prompt :(' T3/r7/2014-04-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Trepid quotes 'I got a fever, and the only cure is more mud. ' T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes '(Group) Dolt: 'who is this rorshach guy, and why did he paint so many pictures of my parents fighting?'' T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'thats funny' T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes 'no more crack for you' T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes '(those on crack-cocaine find everything funny)' T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Low carb spaghetti? Sounds like an impasta.' T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) A cup of Tela slaps Dispel Majic. T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Dispel Majic whispers softly to A cup of Tela. T3/r7/2014-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Korridel just charged you 0 qp, -1 tp and 0 gold. Reason: Hairy ball theorem.' T3/r7/2014-05-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Jerk Fiendish quotes 'Seshat blesses you with a free point of mastery in negative damage.' T3/r7/2014-05-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Jerk Fiendish quotes 'because I need a way to do LESS damage' T3/r7/2014-05-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes '(R) A crying baby should be a fair fight!' T3/r7/2014-05-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Martini & Tyebald quotes 'could be worse. it could be way out of your league.' T3/r7/2014-05-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a niggling girl (Diamond Soul Revelation)' T3/r7/2014-05-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'Ni! hee hee' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Askani quotes '[1] Your decapitation does UNBELIEVABLE things to A mortally wounded Torrid! [4530]' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'I don't believe you.' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'Radience gives you 85 gold coins for the desolate corpse of A Fire Moth.' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'i dont believe you!' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Martini & Tyebald quotes 'You may take a campaign at this level.' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'Location: manor3, 23119' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'A box of .oOo.*Bangles*.oOo. crumbles into 40,000 gold pieces.' T3/r7/2014-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) BobTheGreat gasps in astonishment. T3/r7/2014-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'You are now bypassing The Partroxis (partroxis).' T3/r7/2014-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A cup of Tela quotes 'Wimp.' T3/r7/2014-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes 'The Partroxis, The Desert, Your Worst Nightmare. You use a daily blessing token to fully reset your quest time.' T3/r7/2014-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a hehehog (Gilda And The Dragon)' T3/r7/2014-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'lol' T3/r7/2014-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'thats what i calll my peen' T3/r7/2014-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Vaerion goes, "Heh." T3/r7/2014-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Askani quotes 'Third Attack : [ 761 ] (Instinct 13)' T3/r7/2014-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Askani quotes 'guess that 1 freebie point works... for 13 hits' T3/r7/2014-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a cuntaur stallion (The Labyrinth - Dead)' T3/r7/2014-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kerith quotes '(Friend) Emrys: 'i like to switch back and forth'' T3/r7/2014-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'âOne time she told me, the sky is blue because we live in the eye of a blue eyed giant name Macumba,â Robb Stark' T3/r7/2014-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'The brainwashed corpse of Kojiro twitches occasionally.' T3/r7/2014-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'button button whose got the button.' T3/r7/2014-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'I wanted to lose 10 lbs this year. Only 13 to go.' T3/r7/2014-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Gorsk is agreeing with that Dispel Majic person again... T3/r7/2014-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'the hunvry rabbit jumps.' T3/r7/2014-05-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'maybe he was dictating -- monty python and the holy grail.' T3/r7/2014-05-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 300 'rare kill' experience bonus.' T3/r7/2014-05-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes '[2] Ralael's magic does UNBELIEVABLE things to you! [3773] ' T3/r7/2014-05-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!' T3/r7/2014-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dark Lord Rovin quotes 'INFO: Battle may have taken its toll but through constant training DjDoodles has obtained level 52.' T3/r7/2014-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * an angry drink (Masquerade Island)' T3/r7/2014-05-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes '"One of my students, who is reviewing for an exam, just sent me an email message from his phone asking about a detail about the life of Cnut the Great. Poor Cnut. He doesn't deserve what autocorrect did to him."' T3/r7/2014-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You get Motherly Love from the hacked corpse of an exhausted mother.' T3/r7/2014-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes 'i feel like my ovaries are pin cushions and someone is making a punching bag out of my uterus'' T3/r7/2014-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) (BANNED) Panzer bows deeply. T3/r7/2014-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a shit-eyed ogre (Living Mines of Dak'Tai)' T3/r7/2014-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}ZomBified Skyris quotes '#lol' T3/r7/2014-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'I'll throw in an extra breadstick for that..' T3/r7/2014-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'Don't haze me man!' T3/r7/2014-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tyler quotes 'I'm Butz.' T3/r7/2014-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tyler quotes '^ main char in ff5 :)' T3/r7/2014-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes '(Gossip) Abelinc was wrong' T3/r7/2014-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Izocinoc quotes 'You still have to kill * rabid soccer fag (Gypsy Caravan)' T3/r7/2014-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'no curses!.... erm...' T3/r7/2014-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'MintBerry Crunch!' T3/r7/2014-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) (BANNED) Panzer just saved the Time Staff, and all he got was this stupid token! T3/r7/2014-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'Return to the questmaster before your time runs out.' T3/r7/2014-05-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'dbl dbl tol n truble ' T3/r7/2014-05-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'It is known..' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Lenda quotes 'I came here to kill people and to chew bubblegum...But I am all out of bubblegum...' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'o-}HooK{-o Wyverex: i'm not wasting brain power on figuring that one out.' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vorax quotes 'They Live!' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Lenda quotes 'Luke...I am your father!' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes '(Imm) Lasher: Uuuh Nuking doesn't hurt you... IT DESTROYS YOU!' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes '27 May 10:33:11 - Monukie tells you 'two more people you dont have to worry about'' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Irya quotes 'I have a good heart...But I cover It with darkness.' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'You put True Love's Blessings into a corpse of an old man.' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Pretitle Talia quotes 'isn't that illegal?' T3/r7/2014-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'the uncontrollable urge to crack open a cold one?' T3/r7/2014-05-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Tiger, Ophelion quotes 'You still have to kill * the Queer's feeble grandmother (The Labyrinth)' T3/r7/2014-05-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'poor queer' T3/r7/2014-05-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'You put {-=Shadow Guild=-} into a corpse of a male child.' T3/r7/2014-05-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'Vampires rule!' T3/r7/2014-05-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'phere uz!' T3/r7/2014-05-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'You are level 1.' T3/r7/2014-05-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'And then?' T3/r7/2014-05-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'Cortes says 'I don't want another one...'' T3/r7/2014-05-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'another satisfied customer drinking dookie' T3/r7/2014-05-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'You spill Dookie all over yourself trying to reach your mouth.' T3/r7/2014-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'You put the treasure of the mummy into a corpse of an old man.' T3/r7/2014-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'shoe fits..' T3/r7/2014-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'I don't care how many charges are left in your wand, you're not getting anywhere near my portable hole.' T3/r7/2014-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes '<*><|Crimson|><*> Biznitch Isabelle: atleast you admit it is full of ****' T3/r7/2014-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'You banish Santa Claus to the forces of light.' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'Wooooot I have words accepted in the urban dictionary!' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tuypo quotes 'nice' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'look up "bansheedancing" and "Danger Island"' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'I also added on to "badunka dunk"' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'would be really awful to have a bansheedancer for a neighbor' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tlamacazqui quotes 'isnt the sole criteria for getting a word onto urban dictionary having either a facebook or gmail account?' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mael quotes 'I believe the main requirement is too much time on your hands' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tuypo quotes 'the defenition made sense but that example confused the hell out of me' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dark Lord Rovin quotes '(Friend) [xxxxxxx]: 'Who is Kate Upton? :P'' T3/r7/2014-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'she's the one above Kate Middleton' T3/r7/2014-06-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'You cannot prepare for war at this time. -_-' T3/r7/2014-06-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Leonassan quotes '"Lizardman Hunter chants the phrase 'ear win'."' T3/r7/2014-06-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'Auction: Some Common Sense SOLD to Zekarra for 105 gold.' T3/r7/2014-06-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'You cannot train any more stats. You have already hit your maximum of 398.' T3/r7/2014-06-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes '(R) A bug would crush you like a bug!' T3/r7/2014-06-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'HOw elese is it gonna crush you then?' T3/r7/2014-06-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes '(R) A graverobber would dance on your grave!' T3/r7/2014-06-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Masemauno quotes 'alas poor yorrick' T3/r7/2014-06-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tracekeith quotes 'in times of peace sons bury their fathers, in times of war fathers bury their sons' T3/r7/2014-06-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Fox, Qiandra quotes 'You still have to kill * lustomer (Onyx Bazaar) .. erm.. something tells me I don't want to.' T3/r7/2014-06-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'Huh, it's strangely accurate.' T3/r7/2014-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes '(R) An alert guard is here, sleeping.' T3/r7/2014-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'When you're dead, you're dead a long time.' T3/r7/2014-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'A flying monkey chants the phrase 'come af lad' ..... nasty monkey' T3/r7/2014-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'Mental balance : wisdom +42 (09:41)' T3/r7/2014-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'Aardwolf Loves You! crumbles into 20,000 gold pieces.' T3/r7/2014-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Really R. Bigman quotes 'I better get some darn coins!' T3/r7/2014-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Arist quotes 'A massive organ is in AWE of you!' T3/r7/2014-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'Everybody dies famous in a small town.' T3/r7/2014-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'It isn't stalking if you do it to everyone... (Friended to Death)' T3/r7/2014-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Arist quotes 'A Burakumin scout asks, "You've been this far 69 times. Why do you persist?"' T3/r7/2014-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Dolt starts to giggle to himself like a little girl. T3/r7/2014-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes '69 him.' T3/r7/2014-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'A sheep appears demoralized.' T3/r7/2014-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'a little girl Primate House' T3/r7/2014-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'I spent half my money on gambling, alcohol and wild women. The other half I wasted. -W.C. Fields' T3/r7/2014-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tyler quotes 'Your spirit shield reflects the searing ball of flame back at a jumping flame!' T3/r7/2014-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tyler quotes 'Your searing ball of flame **** DESTROYS **** a jumping flame! [98]' T3/r7/2014-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tyler quotes 'BOOM!' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'I had a dream' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'KIm lovin it' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'one small step for man' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'I did not havesexual relations with that woamn' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'I see dead people.' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'Bruce willis was dead the whole time' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'I'd like an auto insurance quote please' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'in under 15 minutes' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'A million dollars' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'that's not how it works!' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tasty Tipro quotes '$999,999' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'hmmmm' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'I unfriend you!' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes 'i counter offer 5 yuan' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}JaggerJack quotes '"Raded has left the game" presumably to pick up the money' T3/r7/2014-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}2/3 Flying VampireDude quotes 'amurrica' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'From this a general rule is drawn which never or rarely fails: that he who is the cause of another becoming powerful is ruined' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Irya quotes 'With great power comes great responsabillity.' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'because that predominancy has been brought about either by astuteness or else by force, and both are distrusted by him who has been raised to power.' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes '- Machiavelli. "The Prince"' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Think once before you speak, twice before you act, and thrice before you post to facebook.' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Guns don't kill people. George RR Martin kills people.' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Hey baby, wanna kill all humans? (Bender)' T3/r7/2014-06-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) What a brat! Xaeris is bragging about how spoiled he is to Bender "Bending" Rodriguez! T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}>Panther< Ophelion quotes 'You still have to kill * The Black Stallin (Kingdom of Ahner)' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Dolt falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Norja quotes 'Do you know the definition of Insanity?' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Norja quotes 'Vaas' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Mendaloth quotes 'Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) [Outlaw] Remarto called JINX before [Outlaw] Mendaloth. T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Norja quotes 'You two have played Far Cry 3' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Norja quotes 'Good job...' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Norja quotes 'But before I throw you under the bridge...Did I tell you the definition of insanity?' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Outlaw] Remarto quotes 'no lol, but thats einsteins definition of insanity' T3/r7/2014-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Norja quotes 'That Is Vaas Montenegro FTW.' T3/r7/2014-06-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'The fact is, they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you.' T3/r7/2014-06-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'And as they were the sins of princes, it is the princes who have also suffered the penalty.' T3/r7/2014-06-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}>Panther< Ophelion quotes 'You still have to kill * demon cok (In the Main Castle Kitchen)' T3/r7/2014-06-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'about binomial theorem i'm teeming with a lot'o'news' T3/r7/2014-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a wangless angel (A Dungeon Cell)' T3/r7/2014-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'D:' T3/r7/2014-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kerith quotes 'it groups for protection' T3/r7/2014-06-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive Hot Wok of Qong from Jack.' T3/r7/2014-06-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Drewlin exclaims 'I TOLD you not to poke me, Indignation!'' T3/r7/2014-06-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}>Panther< Ophelion quotes 'he's fun to poke at.' T3/r7/2014-06-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'what fun would it be if i listened :x' T3/r7/2014-06-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'Mental balance : wisdom +63 (23:42)' T3/r7/2014-06-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mangekyou Skyris quotes 'thats quite alot :P must be a big gap you lack in wis :P' T3/r7/2014-06-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'waste time or waste time' T3/r7/2014-06-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes '"There is apparently no joy in life that mathematicians will not attempt to dessicate with the dry, hot air of statistical analysis. "' T3/r7/2014-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Majic quotes '"There is apparently no joy in life that mathematicians will not attempt to dessicate with the dry, hot air of statistical analysis. "' T3/r7/2014-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'CHAPTER XVII -- CONCERNING CRUELTY AND CLEMENCY, AND WHETHER IT IS BETTER TO BE LOVED THAN FEARED' T3/r7/2014-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'and he who has known best how to employ the fox has succeeded best.' T3/r7/2014-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'I always hated the speeches when I was in school, the preaching in auditoriums, the one-note message. Stuff like saying drugs are bad. Its wrong. Drugs are fantastic.' T3/r7/2014-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes '"People wouldnt do them if they werent. They make you feel good, make your day brighter, give you energy - until they dont,"' T3/r7/2014-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'how Weaver does PSAs in the Worm universe.' T3/r7/2014-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'For this reason I consider that a prince ought to reckon conspiracies of little account when his people hold him in esteem; but when it is hostile to him, and bears hatred towards him, he ought to fear everything and everybody.' T3/r7/2014-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'CHAPTER XX -- ARE FORTRESSES, AND MANY OTHER THINGS TO WHICH PRINCES OFTEN RESORT, ADVANTAGEOUS OR HURTFUL?' T3/r7/2014-06-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * Hah the Fool (Ascension Bluff Nursing Home)' T3/r7/2014-06-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'when you see the servant thinking more of his own interests than of yours, and seeking inwardly his own profit in everything, such a man will never make a good servant, nor will you ever be able to trust him' T3/r7/2014-06-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'CHAPTER XXIII -- HOW FLATTERERS SHOULD BE AVOIDED' T3/r7/2014-06-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Because there is no other way of guarding oneself from flatterers except letting men understand that to tell you the truth does not offend you; but when every one may tell you the truth, respect for you abates.' T3/r7/2014-06-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'because men will always prove untrue to you unless they are kept honest by constraint.' T3/r7/2014-06-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'I used to be addicted to soap. Now I'm clean!' T3/r7/2014-06-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'a good muslim is a good jew, a good jew is a good christian, and so forth.' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'It is of the greatest important in this world that a man should know himself, and the measure of his own strength and means; and he who knows that he has not a genius for fighting must learn how to govern by the arts of peace.' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'And thou wilt be doubly indebted to me, in that I have left thee this realm and have taught thee how to keep it.' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'we will never lack people who wish to lead, but we do lack those who are good at it.' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'out of curiousity, which book are you quoting?' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'the prince' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'Like Maciovelli?' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'machiavelli.' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'that guy. yeah' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'Some dead Italian? :)' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'about right i suppose.' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'therefore the manacles with which he was chained in prison are to be seen to this day fixed up in the tower of his residence, where they were placed by him to testify for ever to his days of adversity.' T3/r7/2014-06-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'WHY WARGAMING WORKS' T3/r7/2014-06-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'Now Deploying Smooth Jazz.' T3/r7/2014-06-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sir Knight Steeron quotes 'The name Bootystank is available for use.' T3/r7/2014-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Xaeris quotes '(Group) XXXXXXXXXXXXXX: 'Oh yay! Just ordered a kilo of natural fingering weight yarn! ehehehe, natural fingering.' T3/r7/2014-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'hehehe 'kilo'' T3/r7/2014-07-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'Didn't I see a picture of you posted on the wall at the post office?' T3/r7/2014-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'It is precisely through such procedures that we bring about the most severe, most devious, and least controllable manifestations of negative transference.' T3/r7/2014-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Unfortunately, a hypnotic relationship ensues of its own accord all too often; it should be unmasked and eliminated as a resistance.' T3/r7/2014-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Roofless Rhuli quotes 'No problem!' T3/r7/2014-07-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'My daughter wanted a Cinderella themed party. So I invited all her friends over and made them clean the house.' T3/r7/2014-07-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'you left a house full of girl-children alone in your house while you went to a party?! Very brave, sister.' T3/r7/2014-07-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Breast Feeder quotes 'my hypothetical daughter wanted a little mermaid themed party and I had to teach all her friends to walk on land. Huge let down.' T3/r7/2014-07-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You killed a Trivia Point bonus mob!! Trivia point added. <- you jelly' T3/r7/2014-07-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Tyrant Unforgiven quotes ' -,__,-,__,- SOMADBRO!^-,__,-,__ (' T3/r7/2014-07-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ice Ice Kilfer quotes 'You're my boy Blue!!!!'' T3/r7/2014-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'Auction: Blackfang is auctioning a Graduation Whip (Level 5, Num 770). Current bid is 5,000,000.' T3/r7/2014-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive a Trivia Point Token from The (Aarchaeology) Professor.' T3/r7/2014-07-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'You are being watched by a secret organization! Their mission is to find chaos where it exists and to create chaos where it does not.' T3/r7/2014-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Heihou quotes 'Inconcievable!' T3/r7/2014-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Irya beams a smile at Heihou. T3/r7/2014-07-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes '(-A sprinkle of courage from Hassan-) crumbles into 1,000,000 gold pieces.' T3/r7/2014-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes '[A cake of Wisdom and Courage] crumbles into 3,000,000 gold pieces.' T3/r7/2014-07-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'If all the girls who attended the Yale prom were laid end to end, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.' T3/r7/2014-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'An ugly harpy gets stomped like the 2014 Brazilian soccer team. It is DEAD!' T3/r7/2014-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes '420-24-7-365' T3/r7/2014-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Maximon quotes 'A townsman gets stomped like the 2014 Brazilian soccer team. He is DEAD!' T3/r7/2014-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'I'll say, the only team in history that did worse was that uruguayan rugby team' T3/r7/2014-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sfreijken quotes ''An orchid chants the phrase 'cidit mor'. An orchid leaves west.'' T3/r7/2014-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Alchemiss quotes 'Kill it with fire!' T3/r7/2014-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sfreijken quotes 'It's one of them there smart scrolls.' T3/r7/2014-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sfreijken quotes 'It's one of them there smart orchids**' T3/r7/2014-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Were you drinking ayahuasca in Verume?' T3/r7/2014-07-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Leftfield quotes 'mosquitos suck' T3/r7/2014-07-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'vampires suck' T3/r7/2014-07-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Smoochable Saraid quotes 'A Lothelye chants the phrase 'megasore'' T3/r7/2014-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zela quotes '"a friend in need is a pest, brush him off"' T3/r7/2014-07-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Not Guilty Kojiro quotes 'No history on the immtalk channel containing humor.' T3/r7/2014-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'Lie long and prosper' T3/r7/2014-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Lift long and perspire.' T3/r7/2014-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Codex quotes 'Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day.' T3/r7/2014-07-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Irya quotes 'With a Great Witcher comes a Great Woman-Irya The Witcher Guardian.' T3/r7/2014-07-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Arist quotes 'The courier hands cocaine to Un Athecal.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'You gotta romance a fine woman like the Crushinator..' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'Hey baby. Wanna kill all humans?' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'That's like...the second episode of Futurama right? Where they go to the Moon?' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Correct!' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'God I'm such a nerd.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'We're sailors on the moon, we carry a harpoon' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Malkar quotes 'but there are no whales, so we sing a whaling tune.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Half measures are of no avail, we must go down to the very roots and tear them out, even to the last fiber. We must be, like nature, hard, cruel, relentless.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'If a man smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i was unaware how much of that was taken from 'might is right,' heh' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'and Ayn Rand.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'his daughter claims he's a fraud :x' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'If he was he wasn't a very successful one. He died penniless and bankrupt.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'does look like a lot of paraphrasing suddenly, heh' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'she's started her own religion! haha' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'She started several ever since she denounced him.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Now she's into Buddhism.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'imagine it's like most things and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. his grandson looks almost just like him' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'The truth lies somewhere inside. We just need to find our own. Yeah, he does.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'while he's in and out of jail & stuff' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'silver tongue can get you in trouble if you don't know what to do w/ it, heh' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'True enough. Maybe as he gets older he'll develop a sense of strategic restraint.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'indeed. well phrased' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'you follow the guys puttin' up the statue?' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'they're making interesting uses of laws, heh' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Yeah, I think that's excellent. A real poke in the eye using their own laws against them.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'this week it's the hobby lobby ruling' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'they're threatening to sue on women's behalves in states that require pre-abortion counciling, heh' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'I wasn't aware of that. I'll have to read up on it.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/satanists-hobby-lobby-decision-play-devils-advocate/story?id=24772548' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Cool, thanks.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'unorthodox rights advocates. i'm terribly impressed, heh' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'http://www.vice.com/read/satanists-turned-the-founder-of-the-westboro-baptist-churchs-mom-gay' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes '"He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle, is the beinning of all unwisdom."' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'I'm going to predict that they won't let him put up the statue and use the excuse that they're afraid it'll be vandalized, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'emergency injunction. maybe' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'they'll probably try but it seems like his web's kinda vast, currently :x' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Boston Library has a bust of Lucifer so it's not like there's no precedent for it.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'if they get one, we do too. i love it :x' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Exactly.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'confound & confuse til the stars be numbered' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes '"In nature, the wages of sin is always death."' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'It is only slaves that are born into contracts, signed and sealed by their progenitors. The freeman is born free, lives free, and dies free.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'I should get Baudelaire's "Prayer" engraved on my tombstone.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'He who is afraid to risk his life must never be permitted to win anything.' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'i should have a dragons hoard of winnings thdn...' T3/r7/2014-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'they'll come' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Convict Vinatia quotes 'A troll warrior exclaims 'An Elf! Attack! Come my brethren, we must destroy Vinatia!' A troll guard exclaims, "It is Vinatia, strongest of our friends!"' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'cool :-D' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tzara quotes 'A large rock embeds itself in a janitor's brain, resulting in death!! It is DEAD!' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Tzara quotes 'Your kicked dirt RENDS a janitor! [77]' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'someone is overenthusiatic' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes '(spelling)' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Tzara lets off a real rip-roarer ... a greenish cloud envelops Tzara! T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'If they are endeavoring to injure him, and able to do it, why should he refrain from returning the compliment?' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'But hate your enemies with a whole heart, and if a man smite you on one cheek, smash him down; smite him hip and thigh, for self preservation is the highest law.' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom, with compound interest liberally added' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'thereunto. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundredfold.' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Make yourself a Terror to your adversary and when he goeth his way, he will possess much additional wisdom to' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'ruminate over.' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'There are many who take my time - I shun them. There are some who share my time - I am entertained by them. There are precious few who contribute to my time - I cherish them.' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Carbon Based quotes 'good stuff' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Indignation beams a smile at Sturma. T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'taken directly from this other book. heh' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'the things i still don't know :x' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'His other books show what a great sense of humor he had.' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'yeah, i've pretty much read everything anton lavey wrote' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'like the 'i never bathe' essay. heh' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'can't quite take it there!' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Heh me either. ' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'toilet seat meditation' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'But I get what he says.' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'if i knew how to not stink, haha' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'gotta run. have a good day :D' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'You too!' T3/r7/2014-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'quote' T3/r7/2014-08-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mummra quotes 'Ancient Spirits of Evil...Transform this decepid form into Mummra the Ever Living..' T3/r7/2014-08-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sir Knight Steeron quotes 'Whats red and bad for your teeth?' T3/r7/2014-08-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Vixxen Dyvina quotes 'Blood.' T3/r7/2014-08-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sir Knight Steeron quotes 'A Brick' T3/r7/2014-08-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'Good news and bad news.' T3/r7/2014-08-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'YOU KNOW I LIKE MY DESERT FIRST' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Has not mankind had sufficient experience of what politicians are? Those black-hearted creeping thieves and frauds.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Every man is under an obligation to fight and bear his own burden. If he cannot do so, others cannot do his fighting or his burden-bearing and their own at the same time with reasonable safety to themselves.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Unarmed citizens are always enslaved citizens, always.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'in a way, no one is ever unarmed.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'since 'everything, if used right, constitutes a weapon'.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'vs. the govt? tanks? i think not..' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Only priests and born cowards moan and weep over dying. Brave men face it with approving nonchalance.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'not in direct battle, no.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'that's ridiculous and unhuman.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i'm in love, heh' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'brave men accept it, mourn the dead but don't go inactive because of it.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'if this is what you think of when in love, god I'd hate to see what you think of when undergoing hate.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bryluen quotes 'Do unto others before they do unto you!' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'lest they will. unfortunately that's usually the case' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'you cannot persecute a person for something they may do.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'nothing carries no chance of being wrong' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'it's like a coin toss' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'except wih huge variable endings.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'not 50-50' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'they were just ants to begin with :x' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bryluen quotes 'The wolf cares not, how many the sheep be.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Blessed are the Victorious for victory is the basis of Right -- Cursed are the vanquished for they shall be vassals for ever.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Jopari quotes 'sadly true, good or bad doesn't factor into power.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'only yours if you can hold it. like anything' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Then dare to rend the chains that bind And to yourself be true. Dare to liberate your mind, From all things, old and new.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Always think your own thought, All other thoughts reject; Learn to use your own brain And boldly stand erect.' T3/r7/2014-08-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Indignation beams a smile at Sturma. T3/r7/2014-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sir Knight Steeron quotes 'A person who quotes himself is quoting a fool. - Steeron' T3/r7/2014-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'The chief point is this: that Fitness must honestly demonstrate itself not by ignoble theft and theory but by open conflict as per Darwins law of battle.' T3/r7/2014-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Indeed ALL Law is now and ever has been, the mandate of successful belligerents or rather the mandate of the few masterful personalities that ever inspire them.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'How could the tiger live if there were no victims to devour? How could there be heroes if there were no slaves? How could there be great nations if there were no contemptible ones?' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Indeed when the animal world becomes moralized and equalized it will be extinct.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Is it not better to perish than to serve? "Liberty or death" is NOT a meaningless phrase. No! it is of tremendous import to those who -- comprehend.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Vixxen Dyvina quotes 'Okay then...' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'There are worse things than death and among them is a life of dishonor.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Death before dishonor! (Klingon proverb)' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Strive therefore against them that strive against you, and war against them that war against thine.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Be a Terrible one in thine own defense.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Have I not delivered myself by mine own brain? Have I not been too strong for mine adversaries? -- Have I not spoiled them that would have spoiled me.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Beware the tongue that is smoothly hung, and never forget for one moment, that your greatest enemies upon earth, are those crafty courtiers who eloquently, cunningly flatter you, that they may first win your heart, and then skin you alive. ' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'Stephanie, No Disassemble!' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'For innate cruelty of deed, no animal can surpass woman.' T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Indignation winces in agony. T3/r7/2014-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Let there be no compromise -- no half-hearted philandering -- no backing down but as Darwin commands, let the strongest live and the vilest die.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Resist every Evil! Be as a lion in the path! Be dangerous even in defeat! Courage I say! Courage! and evermore Courage! even the stars in their courses are fight for the bold.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Two hungry lions may engage to hunt together, but should one attempt to seize more than his fair proportion of the prey, then it is -- woe to the vanquished.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Do noble deeds, dont dream about them all thy life long.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Under such resultant circumstances the ninety and nine actually become victims of the one.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'this man understood 1%'ers in 1890, heh' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Obedience is characteristic of the menial. Disobedience is the stamp of the hero. "Man is the measure of all things." -- (Protagoras.)' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'All great deeds are the result, not of Majority Votes, but of Individual Activity.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Better far, for a free animal to be killed outright, than to be mastered, subordinated, and enchained.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mael quotes 'so, extinction is ok then' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'if it's that or servitude :x' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Be thou a True Knight. Save thyself by thine own high deeds. If a man wound you on one cheek, lay him low -- smite him hip and thigh. Self preservation is the first law of thy being.' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Hate for hate, ruth for ruth -- scorn for scorn and tooth for tooth. Get there, I say! -- Get there! Get there at any cost!' T3/r7/2014-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Therefore I say be manly! -- be BOTH manly and wise! Be fearless, tenacious, resolute, and bold; for (as Von Clausewitz sagaciously insists), "boldness, directed by an overrulling intelligence is the brand of the hero."' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Strength, energy-of-character, ferocity, and courage, she admires in her possible husband, above all other qualities combined. Even to be carried-off by force is not repugnant to her feelings, if the "bold bad man" is in other respects acceptable.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'As the stars and the suns and primordial atoms, attract each other by odic force, so do handsome women and brave men.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'He who "risks his life to advance his fortunes" may reckon beforehand upon unlimited feminine approval.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'In NATURAL society, every womans husband is to her, both priest and king.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Convict Vinatia quotes 'In Aard society, every womans husband is accusing her of being a dude irl.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i blame open door dumps' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'really? wouldn't that actually fix the problem? :p' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'and this man wasn't counting on them teaching me how to read at any point, heh' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes '"Who shall be nearest, noblest and dearest, named with all honor and pride evermore? He the undaunted, whose banner is planted on Powers high ramparts, and battlements hoar. Fearless of danger, to falsehood as stranger: looking not back, when theres danger before. He shall be nearest, he shall be dearest' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'he shall be first in our hearts evermore."' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'He who is without wealth amidst unlimited quantities of it, is either a coward, a born slave or a lunatic; and no self-respecting woman should marry such an imbecile.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'been going about this all wrong' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'Sorry, what?' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'Who quoted that?' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i did' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'A thought of your own? Or did you get that from somewhere else?' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'from 'Might is Right'' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Roofless Rhuli quotes 'Math is Power!' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Purple HazeKnight laughs out loud. T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'actually laughed hard enough that a tear came out' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'gangsta rap made me gold dig :x' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'I'm confused then, were you gold-digging before or after you came to this realization?' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i'm going to start immediately. the book says!!' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'The only "might" there is now, is the power to wipe out billions of people in the blink of an eye, in an unpreventable way' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'sure it's preventable. just don't push the button :x' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'No, just saying, the level of regard that is expected of in Might is Right' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'this says women have always loved soldiers, heh' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i think obtaining freedom like he outlines is pretty near impossible, today' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'you'll be shot down :x' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'a lot of it's universal truth stuff that still applies tho' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'All hireling labor is corroding, corrupting, degrading, devilish.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i agree, but they're still expecting me on monday' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'What is grand in a horny hand? What is free in a bended knee? What is brave in a pauper grave? What is bold in a lack of gold?' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'For Might is Right when empires sink in storms of steel and flame;' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'Yeah, like I said, in storms of steel and flame? How many lives would be lost there' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Purple HazeKnight quotes 'BILLIONS' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'And it is RIGHT when weakling breeds -- are hunted down like game.' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes ''liberty or death.' will result in quick death, heh' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'if nothing else he had a knack for limericks' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'The law it is of Sun and Star, Of President and Pope --' T3/r7/2014-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'It is "the prisoner at the bar" The gallows and the rope.' T3/r7/2014-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'I hope you don't gnaw on our beaks. (Stoney, Encino Man)' T3/r7/2014-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'while drawing them deeper and deeper into the bowels of el diablo...' T3/r7/2014-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'no dad, I'm a mer-man!' T3/r7/2014-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Viscount Droki quotes 'I got rid of my teeth at a young age... because I'm straight. Teeth are for gay people. That's why fairies come and get 'em. - Master Shake.' T3/r7/2014-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a monarch botterfly (The Forest of Li'Dnesh)' T3/r7/2014-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes '!!' T3/r7/2014-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'don't kill it, you might get into trouble for interference instead!' T3/r7/2014-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'I know you won't break the rules, because there aren't any...(Thunderdome)' T3/r7/2014-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'Good Morning Vietnam!' T3/r7/2014-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'Bangarang, Peter. Bangarang...' T3/r7/2014-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'But aversion we have for things, not only which we know have hurt us, but also that we do not know whether they will hurt us, or not.' T3/r7/2014-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Anger for great hurt done to another, when we conceive the same to be done by injury, indignation.' T3/r7/2014-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a crapy spider (Aardington Estate)' T3/r7/2014-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}|^Master^| Cranar quotes 'Here lays Erwin Scrodinger. Or Not?' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'To have faith in, or trust to, or believe a man, signify the same thing; namely, an opinion of the veracity of the man: but to believe what is said signifieth only an opinion of the truth of the saying.' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'For if all things were equally in all men, nothing would be prized.' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'what about women? Sexist!' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i get the general impression this man wasn't counting on them teaching me how to read, ever' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'he's usually not speaking not us' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'joke's on you dead brosky' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'But without steadiness, and direction to some end, great fancy is one kind of madness; such as they have that, entering into any discourse, are snatched from their purpose by everything that comes in their thought, into so many and so long digressions and parentheses, that they utterly lose themselves:' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i'm not obsessed. i just fancy it greatly' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'both judgement and fancy are required: but the fancy must be more eminent; because they please for the extravagancy, but ought not to displease by indiscretion.' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Lucien Greaves accepted your friend request. Write on Lucien's timeline.' T3/r7/2014-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'ft [20 Aug 21:57:17] (Imm) Lasher: Your mom!' T3/r7/2014-08-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sepulchure quotes 'http://prntscr.com/4f1ycp + http://prntscr.com/4f1yz6. I can only imagine the things Helpers/Advisors have to deal with' T3/r7/2014-08-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Irya quotes 'Poor guy.' T3/r7/2014-08-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Irya quotes 'That was epic though lol' T3/r7/2014-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mirei quotes 'Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?' T3/r7/2014-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'I can't wait till tomorrow cause I get better looking everyday!' T3/r7/2014-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mommas Boy Devol quotes 'Aeb chants the phrase 'car nice'.' T3/r7/2014-08-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes 'Find and kill 1 * Evil Retart (The School of Horror)' T3/r7/2014-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'Coffe, tea or me' T3/r7/2014-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Irya quotes 'None of the above.' T3/r7/2014-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Glaine grins evilly. T3/r7/2014-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Xaeris quotes '(Friend) Arcidayne: 'Real cheese comes from happy cows. Happy cows come from California.'' T3/r7/2014-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Xaeris quotes 'Give it to him, Wisconsinites!' T3/r7/2014-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vexthorne quotes '(I was pretty sure California had taken the cheese title these days and I'm from WI)' T3/r7/2014-08-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'If ya can't run with the big dogs stay on the porch' T3/r7/2014-08-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Azurite quotes 'That would probably cause the universe to collapse in on itself' T3/r7/2014-08-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Legendary Gruagach quotes 'The glowing corpse of Dustpuppy contains:(K) the mangled, severed head of a young girl' T3/r7/2014-09-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'Elderly man chants the phrase 'myshit llol'.' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'For as to the strength of body, the weakest has strength enough to kill the strongest, either by secret machination or by confederacy with others that are in the same danger with himself.' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'i.e. men are created equal enough' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'So that in the nature of man, we find three principal causes of quarrel. First, competition; secondly, diffidence; thirdly, glory.' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Madcatz quotes 'fourthly: women' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'falls under competition :x' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Madcatz quotes 'probably diffidence and glory, too' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes 'what about quarrels WITH women' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Madcatz quotes 'those are caused by one reason: women' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Redryn quotes 'so that's the 4th reason :p' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zumaki quotes 'hello' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Grune quotes 'I'm just gonna swing my arms like this and if you happen to walk into it, its your own fault.' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'And therefore he which performeth first does but betray himself to his enemy, contrary to the right he can never abandon of defending his life and means of living.' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Men are freed of their covenants two ways; by performing, or by being forgiven.' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Madcatz quotes 'or by running to Mexico' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'depends on montezuma's mood i guess' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'A covenant not to defend myself from force, by force, is always void.' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'unless you're an old man with a lightsaber' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'if he promises not to use it, he's lying. i think is the point' T3/r7/2014-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Also accusations upon torture are not to be reputed as testimonies.' T3/r7/2014-09-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'And so also in Commonwealths private men may remit to one another their debts, but not robberies or other violences, whereby they are endamaged; because the detaining of debt is an injury to themselves, but robbery and violence are injuries to the person of the Commonwealth.' T3/r7/2014-09-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Hanslanda quotes 'Mad Monkey say "forbidden fruits create many jams!"' T3/r7/2014-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(BANNED) Panzer quotes '## Aardwolf moves into the Season of Party. ##' T3/r7/2014-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) (BANNED) Panzer is sorry for party rockinn! T3/r7/2014-09-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes '"You still have to kill * gayildu (Tairayden Peninsula)" Tell me how you really feel, Commander Barcett.' T3/r7/2014-09-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'change the first letter to an "r"' T3/r7/2014-09-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'I know, I thought it was a funny name shuffle :p' T3/r7/2014-09-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'at least it wasn't gayareu' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Morhdaeh quotes 'Questor tells you 'Aardwolf's most heinous criminal, a crab,'' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zyboria quotes 'well, i wouldn't want crabs!! THAT WOULD BE HEINOUS!' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Alzar quotes 'Eagle Champion's Rage of the Dragons DECAPITATES you! Have a nice death!' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a jewfish (A Strangely Glowing Rock)' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Raded falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Garfield quotes 'wonder if thats a cheap fish' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dark Angel Turrillius quotes 'He's an accountant.' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'one fish two fish red fish jew fish' T3/r7/2014-09-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'his parents are disappointed that he dropped out of law school' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'And covenants, without the sword, are but words and of no strength to secure a man at all.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sturma quotes 'In ferro veritas.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Fifthly, irrational creatures cannot distinguish between injury and damage; and therefore as long as they be at ease, they are not offended with their fellows' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'We appreciate your patience. Your call is important to us.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Raded explodes. T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Garfield quotes 'Average wait time is greater than twenty minutes.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vexthorne quotes 'A representative will answer your call in no more than 3 hours.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Garfield quotes 'that works too LLOL' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'They aren't even giving me a wait time. And I have to call because the dumb website won't let me pay.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'Also, I worked in a call center, and YOU PEOPLE (the general public) FLIP OUT if you have to hold for more than 3.5 seconds.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'But it's okay, because I'm getting the muzak version of a Smash Mouth song.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vexthorne quotes 'People flip out about everything' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'I got screamed at for 10 minutes over 9 cents when I worked at that place. Then he screamed at a manager for 10 more minutes. For 9 cents.' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vexthorne quotes 'You put me on hold to solve my problem? How dare you' T3/r7/2014-09-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kreuzen quotes 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.' T3/r7/2014-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Convict Vinatia quotes 'Ellyde the prostitute says 'I wish more men would visit me.'' T3/r7/2014-09-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Alzar quotes '2/1919hp' T3/r7/2014-09-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Arist quotes 'Remort Auction: the Decanter of Endless Water (Level 1, Num 1) sold to Dagnir for 290531 Qp.' T3/r7/2014-09-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a big bot (Dark Cavern)' T3/r7/2014-09-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'lol' T3/r7/2014-09-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rurouni Kinjin quotes 'suicide' T3/r7/2014-09-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Azurite quotes 'A temple guard gets Arisian chainmail.' T3/r7/2014-09-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Yajirobe Roninleader quotes 'You have now completely mastered stupidity!' T3/r7/2014-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'and a bald and pedantic cetologist from the zoology department at Harvard who had been shanghaied ruthlessly into the Medical Corps by a faulty anode in an I.B.M. machine and spent his sessions with the dying colonel trying to discuss Moby Dick with him.' T3/r7/2014-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Captain Flume had obtained this idea from Chief White Halfoat himself, who did tiptoe up to his cot one night as he was dozing off, to hiss portentously that one night when he, Captain Flume, was sound asleep he, Chief White Halfoat, was going to slit his throat open' T3/r7/2014-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'for him from ear to ear.' T3/r7/2014-09-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes '"Hey You! Slow Down! This is a neighborhood not a residential district!"' T3/r7/2014-09-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Gwynyfar ) T3/r7/2014-09-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Gwynyfar :) T3/r7/2014-09-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'He was capable of mighty paroxysms of righteous indignation, and he was indignant as could be when he learned that a C.I.D. man was in the area looking for him.' T3/r7/2014-09-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Milo s mustache was unfortunate because the separated halves never matched. They were like Milos disunited eyes, which never looked at the same thing at the same time.' T3/r7/2014-09-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'The piece of bedsheet now belonged to Yossarian. He had earned it while napping, although he did not understand how. Neither did McWatt.' T3/r7/2014-09-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Whos complaining? McWatt exclaimed. Im just trying to figure out what I can do with half a bedsheet.' T3/r7/2014-09-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'But that was war. Just about all he could find in its favor was that it paid well and liberated children from the pernicious influence of their parents.' T3/r7/2014-09-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'That Lieutenant Scheisskopf, Lieutenant Travels remarked. Hes a military genius. Yes, he really is, Lieutenant Engle agreed. Its a pity the schmuck wont whip his wife.' T3/r7/2014-09-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Ill tell you what justice is. Justice is a knee in the gut from the floor on the chin at night sneaky with a knife brought up down on the magazine of a battleship sandbagged underhanded in the dark without a word of warning. Garroting. Thats what justice is when weve all got to be tough enough and rough enough to fight Billy Petrolle. From the hip. Get it?' T3/r7/2014-09-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'No, sir. Dont sir me! Yes, sir.' T3/r7/2014-09-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'He advocated thrift and hard work and disapproved of loose women who turned him down.' T3/r7/2014-09-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'There were six people and a Scotch terrier inhabiting the remote farmhouse Major Major called home, and five of them and the Scotch terrier turned out to be agents for the F.B.I.' T3/r7/2014-09-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cocoa and Shaelynne quotes 'Absolutely Dedicated: XXXXX tells you 'im back, just need to setup shop in the bathroom, have to potty and aard at the same time lol'' T3/r7/2014-09-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote};) Dolt quotes 'Don't worry about Ebola spreading in Dallas. The Cowboys have shown us that people in Dallas can't catch anything.' T3/r7/2014-09-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Pretitle Talia grins evilly. T3/r7/2014-10-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rauru quotes 'You receive 456 bonus experience points to rejoice in the death of another million' T3/r7/2014-10-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Norja quotes 'Woah.' T3/r7/2014-10-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'In some developing countries Giardia is present in 30% of the population.[10]' T3/r7/2014-10-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'if you put your ear up close to the butterfly tattoo, you can hear the daddy issues' T3/r7/2014-10-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Kalaya quotes 'Some people are so poor, all they have is money.' T3/r7/2014-10-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'The cat spat viciously at Hungry Joe, and Hungry Joe tried to hit it with a haymaker.' T3/r7/2014-10-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Lyrion quotes '"And then the rats came for them. Thousands of them. Dirty, dirty rats. And these weren't the cuddly kind of rats you find in today's sewers!"' T3/r7/2014-10-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'Aarfy was like an eerie ogre in a dream, incapable of being bruised or evaded, and Yossarian dreaded him for a complex of reasons he was too petrified to untangle.' T3/r7/2014-10-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'check it out. when I peel this banana...I win the inside of this banana.' T3/r7/2014-10-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'They couldnt keep Death out, but while she was in she had to act like a lady.' T3/r7/2014-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'You mean I cant shoot anyone I want to? General Dreedle demanded with uncompromising indignation.' T3/r7/2014-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'As soon as Major Danby had been pushed outside, though, there was no one to continue the briefing. Everyone gawked at everyone else in oafish surprise. General Dreedle turned purple with rage as nothing happened.' T3/r7/2014-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Arist quotes 'You beat on _-/Unbreakable Spirit of the Reborn\-_ a little too hard and smash it!' T3/r7/2014-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Could another cold war stop global warming?' T3/r7/2014-10-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'What's the laptop for? Laptopping!' T3/r7/2014-10-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'As the ice age passes, life starts to return to normal.' T3/r7/2014-10-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mommas Boy Devol quotes 'LadyD chants the phrase 'icufap'.' T3/r7/2014-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'leeloo dallas multipass' T3/r7/2014-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'badaboom' T3/r7/2014-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Meru quotes 'bada big boom' T3/r7/2014-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dark Angel Turrillius quotes 'fail^' T3/r7/2014-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Vexthorne quotes 'You shitpiles give chase I will kill your dicks!' T3/r7/2014-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'I can't think of a single person who's done more for the men than you have. Who gave them chocolate-covered cotton?' T3/r7/2014-10-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes ''That averages out to almost one combat mission every two months. And I'll bet your total doesn't include the time you bombed us.'' T3/r7/2014-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Rurouni Kinjin quotes 'Vinatia (Ringleader) tells the CLAN: 'wanna say royale but dont quote me' T3/r7/2014-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Addonis quotes 'I can't waint till tomorrow, cause I get better looking every day!' T3/r7/2014-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Addonis quotes 'A quote from Joe Willie Namath' T3/r7/2014-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}OI OI OI!! Vinatia quotes 'the Demon of Lust McIntosh and McClooney Funeral Home' T3/r7/2014-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'Singer-songwriter James Blunt has finally apologised for inflicting his best-selling single You're Beautiful on the world, admitting the song is "annoying".' T3/r7/2014-10-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'Find and kill 1 * a mockingbird (Snuckles Village)' T3/r7/2014-10-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'i killed a mockingbird that day' T3/r7/2014-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'An Underdark Spy says, "The fish swims at midnight."' T3/r7/2014-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'someone explain please' T3/r7/2014-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Entz quotes 'Reform the line!' T3/r7/2014-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'Over the line!' T3/r7/2014-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Upsetting PETA: It's as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.' T3/r7/2014-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'I'm not sure what page YOU'RE on but page vodka and your ex is definitely not the page I'm on...' T3/r7/2014-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'Hell freezes over, this can't be a good sign.' T3/r7/2014-10-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote 'My name's Dewey Oxburger. My friends call me Ox. You might have noticed that, uh, I've got a slight weight problem.' T3/r7/2014-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'Lhea needs her vaccinations renewed, time for a trip to the vet!' T3/r7/2014-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}The Jerk Fiendish quotes 'You are not on the yearly Mobs killed rankings.' T3/r7/2014-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'A happy little owl asks, "O RLY?"' T3/r7/2014-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'Lord Flemherz exclaims 'I can give multiple orgasms to furniture just by sitting on it!' charming guy' T3/r7/2014-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Addonis quotes 'An altar boy exclaims 'Damn Warrior! I'm tired of treating you after battles, time to die!'' T3/r7/2014-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'Boneless Golem is unaffected by your bone-crunching force!' T3/r7/2014-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'My boss hates it when I shorten his name to Dick' T3/r7/2014-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Especially since his name is Stephen.' T3/r7/2014-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'A hobgoblin warrior lovingly fingers his weapon.' T3/r7/2014-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'You still have to kill * a flower rat (Aardington Estate)' T3/r7/2014-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Spotting a skilled troll can be quite difficult' T3/r7/2014-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Spotting a skilled troll can be quite difficult; one formulation of Poe's Law is that "any sufficiently advanced troll is indistinguishable from a genuine kook."' T3/r7/2014-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Entz quotes 'You open the bush.' T3/r7/2014-11-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'I can't wait till tomorrow because I get better looking every day :)' T3/r7/2014-11-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Things that Jon Snow knows: 99% Nothing. 1% Where to put it.' T3/r7/2014-11-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Khaleesi quotes 'id do Jon Snow' T3/r7/2014-11-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'of course you would, he's related to you!' T3/r7/2014-11-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Khaleesi quotes 'Naa HUH' T3/r7/2014-11-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sakira quotes 'off' T3/r7/2014-11-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'I lost my mojo!' T3/r7/2014-11-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'gypsy spoons cucumber calander!' T3/r7/2014-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'hallo. my name is inigo montoya. you kill my father. prepare to die.' T3/r7/2014-11-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'Its my money and I want it now!' T3/r7/2014-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Just erotic. Nothing kinky. It's the difference between using a feather and using a chicken.' T3/r7/2014-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sonshi quotes 'please explain the difference!' T3/r7/2014-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Sonshi runs away in utter terror! T3/r7/2014-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes '1 - Death 230 Journey to the Infer 43' T3/r7/2014-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dolt quotes 'so many people die from death!' T3/r7/2014-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'I hadn't realized there were quite that many deaths that run.' T3/r7/2014-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Azurite quotes 'the largest group of invasive species on the planet are human beings.' T3/r7/2014-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'You only realised that now?' T3/r7/2014-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Azurite quotes 'nah. been doing all i can for years' T3/r7/2014-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sargeras quotes 'nothing is enough against the plague of man. We are doomed.' T3/r7/2014-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Cocoa and Shaelynne quotes '{Group) Hardwood Myrddin: 'interior decorating can wait! we have mobs to kill!'' T3/r7/2014-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dark Lord Rovin quotes 'Don't believe everything that's being said on Aardwolf MUD! - Ghandi, 1842' T3/r7/2014-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}OI OI OI!! Vinatia quotes 'Beaver Falls... but you can still lick it.' T3/r7/2014-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'Dear NASA: Your mom thought I was big enough -- Pluto. ' T3/r7/2014-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Guenna quotes 'you snore too. the only difference is, i don't mess with you when you're sleeping' T3/r7/2014-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'A farmer in the field with his cows counted 196 of them, but when he rounded them up he had 200.' T3/r7/2014-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}A macabre Sonet quotes 'beer keeps your warm on the inside' T3/r7/2014-11-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Glaine quotes 'Don't shoot!' T3/r7/2014-11-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Medicated Menolin quotes '"Wise men talk when they have something to say, fools talk when the have to say something!" ~Mr.T' T3/r7/2014-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'You still have to kill * a band of gobrins (Dhal'Gora Outlands)' T3/r7/2014-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'campaigns being given out by native Japanese speakers today.' T3/r7/2014-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'A dust devil called tronhislater2014 falls asleep.' T3/r7/2014-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mommas Boy Devol quotes 'Koliryn tries to use A Defective Dirt Devil, but is too inexperienced.' T3/r7/2014-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Mommas Boy Devol quotes 'guess his wife handles that?' T3/r7/2014-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}` Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * an excited nose (Lower Dining Table)' T3/r7/2014-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'You still have to kill * a junior Bonded student (The Junior Dragonbonded Dormitory) Hunt trick begone!' T3/r7/2014-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}` Rauru quotes 'You still have to kill * a twisted naggervine (Sho'aram, Castle in the Sand)' T3/r7/2014-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'yet who would of thought the old man had so much blood in him' T3/r7/2014-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}#Hashtag# Vinatia quotes 'you got me dragging your stinky ass through the desert with your dreadlocks hanging out of my parachute... and what the h#ll is that smell?!? I couldve been at a barbecue!' T3/r7/2014-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Bobolai quotes 'Aetius Mandrake exclaims 'This is not going as I planned it, fak!'' T3/r7/2014-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}You quote '"If you're in a fair fight, you didn't plan it properly." - Nick Lappos, Chief R&D Pilot, Sikorsky Aircraft.' T3/r7/2014-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Dispel Majic quotes 'At any moment, the urge to sing "The lion sleeps tonight" is just a whim away. ' T3/r7/2014-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'a whim away... a whim away?' T3/r7/2014-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}(Quote) Dispel Majic claps at Ontuct's performance. T3/r7/2014-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'A blood red rose cannot be used as a weapon.' T3/r7/2014-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zarra quotes 'You desperately try to climb inside a Trivia Point Token but fail.' T3/r7/2014-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zarra quotes 'Earthworm scurries in' T3/r7/2014-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'hello, clarise :Xa' T3/r7/2014-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Azurite quotes 'When a woman talks? She just wants to be heard. ~Lisa Simpson' T3/r7/2014-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'But you read a lot of books, I'm thinking. Hard to have faith, ain't it, when you've read too many books?' T3/r7/2014-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Azurite quotes 'nice aasci' T3/r7/2014-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'If you pay the ticket, they will revoke your license"' T3/r7/2014-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Raded quotes 'Cannibalism? Racism? Dee, that's not for us. You know? Those are the decisions that are best left to the suits in Washington. Okay? We're just here to eat some dude. ' T3/r7/2014-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ullin quotes '"I have nothing against gay ppl, in fact I quite like them since competition is reduced" Silvio Berlusconi' T3/r7/2014-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}GreyLeaves quotes 'I had fun once. It was awful.' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zarra quotes 'No, I'm not a faerie...I'm an Elf!' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zarra quotes 'If you give extra kisses, you get bigger hugs ~Mrs. Claus' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Fae Wino Joelz quotes '[1] Your soften **** DESTROYS **** a pile of manure! [97]' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}LuneFox quotes 'A neardead thief has no injuries to be healed.' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'just old.' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}LuneFox quotes 'Anyway >.>' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sugarmag quotes 'He kept saying "there's no Santa, there's no Santa!" so i turned him into a mushroom and he finally admitted he was wrong ~Tabitha' T3/r7/2014-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Crimzon quotes 'we came we saw we conqured' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes '"What are you waiting for, Christmas?" -- DukeNuken3D (Atomic) on Christmas day' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Zade quotes 'DukeNukem these days: The Rodney Dangerfield DEAD Edition "The jackass coders took years to crank out another adventure, and i came out looking like an egocentric jackass! To gain Health, i look in the mirror. I can't get no respect. :("' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'Speed Kills' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Crimzon quotes 'genious is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent inspiration' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes '...' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Ontuct quotes 'was that ... quote attributed to someone? that is an epic quote :)' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Crimzon quotes 'albert einstein' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sugarmag quotes 'Spaceships are shiny toys for infant civilizations' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sugarmag quotes 'The last step of any journey, might be the first step of an even Greater! adventure.' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Sugarmag quotes 'Some of the most brilliant battles have been won by the most unlikely warriors. ~Mrs Whatsit' T3/r7/2014-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'When that woman moved in three years ago I told you not to talk to her and now look, we're going to be late for the movies.' T3/r7/2014-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}LuneFox quotes '"You mix milk with water making a nice cocktail".' T3/r7/2014-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes '"a walking bad"' T3/r7/2014-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'WARNING: You have at least one unused tier stat. See 'help tierstat'.' T3/r7/2014-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to some one else, if she is plain.' T3/r7/2014-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Pretitle Talia quotes 'spoken like someone women wouldn't touch with a 100-foot pole :P' T3/r7/2014-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'oscar wilde' T3/r7/2014-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Pretitle Talia quotes 'well, yeah :P' T3/r7/2014-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Stroke My Redwood quotes 'olivia wilde' T3/r7/2014-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Indignation quotes 'good grammar is essential, robin.' T3/r7/2014-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}LuneFox quotes 'There is no love within Aardwolf.' T3/r7/2014-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}Gwynyfar quotes 'thats what they want! We are the people! Give us some s##t!' T3/r7/2014-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=quote}[Deputy] Daresia quotes 'You get (Aarchaeology) Frozen Flames from the battered corpse of a swarm of mosquitoes.'