T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: FUCK! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader runs over to Bodhi and gives him a sweet HUGGLE! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: calm the fuck down T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: fuck cursing T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: mother of god T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Missfit: fucking lol T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: mind your fucking manners we have children here T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: screw that T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: screw children? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i dont have childrens :/ T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I turned that blasted gossip off for 20 minutes just so I wouldn't have any temptation to get involved T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i find i can be poor without having em T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: no, screw minding manners on this channel as long as they aren't attacking a person directly or targeting a group, hate speech, etc T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: even in curse I don't use many curse words T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: I really hate that Thanos guy. What a dick T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: then you are doing it wrong T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: well now i am concerned, isnt the whole idea of hate speach very interpretative? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss, bum, tits?? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrooge Mc Ruckus: that really pepper my corns, if you'll excuse my french! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc pets Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: .. that was a joke about the MCU I forgot about the Aard player. NEVER MIND. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i mean, if i say i hate corn, doesnt that count? :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: unless it's directed at someone, this is the place for all of those words T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: what kind of weirdo puts pepper on their corn... wtf T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: Stan Lee couldn't write a better comic. Jewels on my wrist like infinity gauntlet. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: and other designated channels T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc reaches out to try to touch Bodhi. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: even curse socials T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi reaches out to try to touch Luc. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe screams 'Bodhi, QUICK! RUN AWAY!'. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ya, wtf puts pepper on corn? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Colliding together, Luc and Cilmarill clash in a mighty PENIS JOUST! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Colliding together, CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL and Luc clash in a mighty PENIS JOUST! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen grabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: actually, pepper on pop corn or potato chips is very good. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: its not popcorn you should grab.... grab butter T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: mayhaps, i personally hate pepper all around myself T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I like red pepper on some bbq chips, but it's rare T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i like butter and pepper on my copporn T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: i need to go to sams and get the giant container for what's gonna happen here T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) You notice Luc scanning the room, you instinctively guard your crotch. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OWWWW!! Luc just kicked himself in the box! Damn that had to hurt! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael attempts to ogle Luc discreetly out of the corner of his eye. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: mhm... copporn T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: sea salt and pepper on potato chips is yum T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc offers to show you some Aardporn. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael is planting his ass on CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL's face, why is he holding a jar of jam? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i am just waiting for lasher to put in ascii porn areas :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: "I prefer syrup" T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i mean, in all honestly, you could make a very funny area with that kinda theme T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael lifts one of his breasts to his own mouth and sucks hard, you can hear him moan. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: you haven't been invited to the xxx part of arrd yest elfo? I'll put in a word ofr youa T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc starts fapping to Mael's mom. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael's crotch perks up, something must have grabbed its attention. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: wait, that wasn't the right one T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oh thank you, i think its cause i am green T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: oh yes it was T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: considering we got sex themed restaurants.... why not T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: lol T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc faps so much, he drenches Mael with love juice! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OMG! Mael Tjopped so wildly that he covered Luc in hot, white, sticky fluid! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: honestly, I have an idea for a resturant. Topless Tapas T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: whats a tapas? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael screams, I LIKE BUKKAKE. I LIKE BUKKAKE. I LIKE BUKKAKE. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: who doesn't? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: free mayo T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: you people are nuts, im going to a wholesome channel T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo is covered in blood! Mael jumps on his back and flaps his arms! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: https://www.google.com/search?q=tapas+definition&sxsrf=AOaemvKCjODSpyAoRRp0OnJni-XkOv6nIQ%3A1641086284349&ei=TP3QYfjIFIqiqtsPkIKQkAU&oq=tapas+def&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMYADIICAAQsQMQkQIyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAEEcQsAM6CggAEEcQsAMQyQM6CAgAEJIDELADOgoIABCxAxCwAxBDOgcIABCwAxBDOggIABDkAhCwAzoKCC4QyAMQsAMQQzoHCAAQsQMQQzoQCAAQgAQQhwIQsQMQyQMQFDoFCAAQkgM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUIABCRAjoLCC4QxwEQrwEQkQI6CwguEIAEEMcBEK8BSgUIPBIBMUoECEEYAEoECEYYAVDhBFjlCGD2E2gBcAJ4AIABe4gB9QKSAQMzLjGYAQCgAQHIARPAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: sfw T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: you've got to be kidding :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: yeah, we can supply the mayo T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oh ok nice! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: I don't think my clipboard is that big :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: ud think google could manage to make links that aren't taking 5 lines T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i live in canada, so i am deprived T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: yea, messed up on that T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Tapas are small ala carte plates, tacos and such...for light meals in warm climes... T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: tapas is french for overpriced appetizer T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: everythign french is usually overpriced tho T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: but when they are served topless??? it's worth every bite T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: not cars, those things have to be given away T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oo T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: you may have to kick him in the acorns anar :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ESPN the Ocho goes: T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: thats exactly why they are overpriced :P T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: thanks, that was an entertaining convo, off now to watch a movie er porn er movie :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: why not both? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I wish the acting were better T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: ehh it was 10 minutes ago... now its just stupid T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i asked my wife, she is like, we are both sick? i was like, lets make the best of it then... T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: right! it clears the nostrils T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: you can say "what the f" all you want over here :-) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: FFFFFFFF T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: [01 Jan 19:53:23] Cilmarill gossips 'Kazul you're going down, you're going to my bi&#h - sorry imms' T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: Lol, with the quote me T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: what the fuck am i reading. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: there you have it T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: aard porn T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: a quote T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I see wars' point though, a lot of other people have been channel banned or worse with just a couple instances T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: BITCH T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: whore T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: so it's not like she's trying to get anyone in trouble specifically as much as she wants the rules to be enforced equally to everyone T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I prefer Guttersnipe, ty. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: but, fuck that, I'm trying to not be in that kind of conversation:P T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: BITCH BITCH can you see how absurd this is? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Missfit: ive never used this curse channel before..but i think its a safe place to be this evening. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: no, you're the only one intelligent enough to posess such perception T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: or...is it? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: when curse channel is more civilized than gossip... T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Missfit: it is less annoying than gossip thats for sure T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: damn right T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Hey Cil. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: there once was a man from nantucket T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'm not being sarcastic, Mael, and all I want is for us all to enjoy our time here T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: yes yes, keep playing the victim T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: please Mael, I'm really not T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: let the butthurt flow through you T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill is the biggest bitch! Good thing you told her off. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst grabs some CopPorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Missfit: quite ironic that a few ppl have turned off gossip and came to curse because someone wont stop swearing lol. js. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: see, we can all have plenty of fun, we just keep it to appropriate channels :-) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: modeling behavior? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: let's not the festivities spill over into personal attacks... T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: more drinkin less bitching? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: sure! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: you camoflaged a curse word on gossip, followed it up with "sorry imms", then proceeded to argue you did nothing wrong and act like you're being singled out... :p T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A warm feeling fills Mael's butthurt. [7] T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc sighs. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: and somehow keeps getting away with it T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: maybe gametalk is safer now? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: pulled the same shit last night and then acted clueless T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Missfit: im pretty sure the term they used was piss off imms... im just gonn. go smoke a joint and leave my phone inside .. maybe this will be all done when i get back T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: you are a real piece of shit T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: whoa, Mac! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: you son of a...! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i eat pieces of shit for breakfast T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) You giggle in his presence. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rolph: lol T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: you eat shit for breakfast? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: you guys are bent on seeing us apply so pressure, aren't you. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: That escalated quickly. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: I'll say it once: NO PERSONAL ATTACKS T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Octosloth: well u are what u eat soo... T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: 2 noobs 1 aard T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: mind you, I don't actually know if Mac had a "target", as he had not been engaging anyone, and Mael was semi-quoting a movie which Furen responded appropriately to T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i can't quite remember which movie T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst: you son of a bitch... i'm in. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: me either T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: oh T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: happy gilmore T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: i think animal house? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst: happy gilmore T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: true, he didn't target anyone specific. I am just making sure they (or anyone else) don't T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: i definitely didn't have a target...i seen a lot of cursing and that was the first thing i could come up with T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: ahhh happy gilmore T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: yes :p T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: ok, im gonna go put this kid down to fucking bed. bbl T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: good fucking luck bro T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Furen: thanks bro T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: fuck bitch fuck fuck bitch T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: fuck fuck fuck a duck, screw a kangaroo T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: heh, the "bro"s just reminds me of Hawkeye TSM T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst: sang to the tune of row your boat T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: i don't think thats safe... T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: I did that once, when I was 6. Got all the curse words I learned out of the way once my parents were out of earshot :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Well, pOOt. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: https://youtu.be/6k01DIVDJlY T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqTHmzMk0Cw T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: was going to watch by fucking google and their tripple stacked adds of some shit mobile games can go places T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: "nine inch corkscrew penis" T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: I am still embarrassed by the memory :) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: but* T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: Ah, the sexual arms race T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: have you seen the commercial with the carrot? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: can you be more specific? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: they are trying to sell a fix for bent dicks :> T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: le gasp T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: so they use carrots to illustrate T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: That's a bit daft T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: yes T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrooge Mc Ruckus: I'll have you know that my dick was bent by the finest dick benders in Europe! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: that was more info that I wanted T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrooge Mc Ruckus chuckles politely. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst: can they also bend it straight? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst: like, unbend it T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: maybe bend it inwards T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: I don't know what they are actually selling, but the man and the woman do stare at the bent carrot T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Dick. Long ago, the five nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Dick Nation bent everyone out of shape. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrooge Mc Ruckus: a juanty angle is high fashion T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: and they do say "bent dick: T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: the FCC went from not allowing anything to allowing everything T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: gives new meaning to "Bend it like Beckham", eh? T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrooge Mc Ruckus: Phallusvatar: The Last Dickbender T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: Bendar would be proud T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: OK, back to binging wheel of time :-) T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: rosamund looks wierd T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: I get she got old T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: The whole idea of it is ridiculous. A 'bent' dick implies that it was originally straight. Penises just develop differently. It'd be like someone saying 'unbeef your labia minora today!' when they weren't 'beefed up' to begin with. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2007 GWing Abelinc: I think they were also making her look tired T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrooge Mc Ruckus Beefs it! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) WREKT Anaristos: she does look tired T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: all this talk about beef got me huntry T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: hungry even T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst grins evilly at CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL. T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: I can't eat at the moment. For some reason my stomach doesn't agree with big meals T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: a bit sad nobody made a joke about mael after that but fine T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael tells Emilee to stfu and EAT A FAT DICK!!! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael slathers Luc's schlong with condiments and brings out a fork! T3/r7/2022-01-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I was with you up until the word knife T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: navingating mazes without hunt is some BS. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: are u in gaunt? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: no. I know the tricks for gaunt. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: Sendhia. Yayyy. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u mean kill everything and move towards mobs? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: sendhia meaning vines? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i do exits T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: probably all the cexits T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: trying to get through the lotus eaters bit. I'll figure it out but its annoying. Gauntlet is easier because there are so many unique mobs that serve as markers. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: sendia they're all the same damn mobs. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: for gauntlet you can just look for up exit on the map :P T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ya sendhia is exits check everyroom for me T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I arduously went through the entire area mapping all the cexits, even got a portal to there, also handy getting to other areas in vidblain T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: well i mean on the actual map, not typing exits. it shows > for up T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: can u even cexit it all? are u saying its just a REALLY big virtual map and not random? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: you can cexit through pretty much all of it, even back to the beginning T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: thats true shak and if ur within 1 room it wont change when u mve to it T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I think maybe even all of it T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I know I can find anything in the area now no problem and portal right to the first room *shrug T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: that info is useful, it gives me hope to "figure" it out :D T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: since we can curse here can we just talk about w.e we want? sometimes i dislike ... strongly ... the channel police T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: You're under arrest. Come quietly. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I don't like channel police either, but I call them channel nazis to emphasize my point T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe: not quite whatever we want, still can't attack other players, etc. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Octosloth grabs some CopPorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: and you can talk about 'whatever' as long as it doesn't go against other rules like personally attacking, harassing others, etc T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: interesting i didnt even know that was a rule, i literally learned the ettiquette over time and following the crowd :P T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Define channel police. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: cop porn hmmm ty for that octo T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gasping in awe, Hellion swoons as Octosloth's dick casually falls onto his shoulder. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: people other than imms that have decided you have talked on a specific channel too many times without being on the topic the channel is for and 'reminds' you to move to a 'more appropriate' channel T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: I humbly Respect the Blue. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Octosloth: the blue balls... T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Then that's me, Luc. Lasher made a bunch of channels, so why the fuck not use them? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: because there are tons of highways irl do u use them all? no we use whats most EFFICIENT T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: usually when it's just the first or second time, not someone constantly talking on a given channel that is off topic and takes away from the channels intent T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I'm pretty mindful of my use of channels, and if I spend more than a couple messages off topic for the channel, I'll move channels, and it's usually because other people are talking off topic T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: also how can something be off topic in gossip .... T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Most efficient? Stop. I'm gagging with laughter. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u sure thats laughter? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: if u gag remember relax T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: just a tip from your friendly neighborhood hellion T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: unintentional tip pun T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Zzzzz T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: im 38 man dont take my ball busting as anything but fun, we jousted with words "dissing" and comebacks etc T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: What does 38 have to do with anything? If age is a credential, you're a toddler compared to me. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: well i felt age has a lot to do with my demeanor so i shared T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: sometimes efficiency is best, i.e., str8 lines between A and B T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: and most of the time its better to assume ignorance than maliciousness or malice T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: so im a dumb toddler :P but i try to explain myself T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: in the end being corrected might help the correctors ego but helps me tangibly T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst: off 20 T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Myst: whoops! T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Come on, Hellion. If you're posting a message, is there something somehow more efficiant about typing gossip than typing curse of debate? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i mean if a discussion starts somewhere its arguably more efficient for all parties involved to continue T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: ass T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: continue in that same space* change of venue is effort and energy and frankly a break in the momentum of a chat type discussion T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia: its not more convient for the other people using the channel for its intended purpose tho T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia: please keep in mind if people are trying to sell stuff on barter and you're talking about the Giants game or whatever... T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i can see that if thats the case, this is a hypothetical, usually its banter in gossip or random GAME talk T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ye i think all hard line rules also need a lil common sense so i agree with u talia on the barter example, but if someone comes to gossip to spam their WTS or WTB i wouldnt care cause they have the most to gain or lose by channel choice T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: am i making sense or nah? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Bills 29, Falcons 15. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i have nothing to add cuz i dont "do" sports anymore T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pump the Fuel: a wall of white text T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: im sorry fuel :( T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Holox: nascar sucks. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia: Pats won 50-10. I'm content T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i am gonna play some league soon tho T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: 20 T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ayyy im in NH but stioll dont care about sports T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Still don't care about sports in NH? As though there is a single major sport team of any sort in NH? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: anyway rhavage i hope u get it, im just a noob who is discussing cuz bored i dont have anything against channel police or "nazis" just something that came to mind T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ya poor NH peeps they just NE bandwagon T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I get it, Hellion. All is well. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: well i have something against nazis .... but not channel nazis T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: hellion runs for president of The Gauntlet and campaign is derailed by comment "i dont have anything against ...nazis" T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia laughs out loud at Hellion. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: gg T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia: Youv'e been mudcancelled. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: word T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: We'll take it in context. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: ct I'm getting a little pissed at this game right now. Just took my 6 cp. 15, 15, 15,, 15, 14, 15. What the fuck? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: try swearing at your questor T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Cmmdr Barcett, or whatever his name is. Not a questor T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: I get my cps from my manor questor cus im not poor T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Fuck off T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: damn T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: nou! T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: don't you get low qp rewards after 30th? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: as a redo T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: or are you saying they're way too low now? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I didn't know you can get cps from a questor. I may be calling bullshit on you. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: that was at wars in case there was any confusion T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: lower, it can be as low as 10 without opk/hardcore bonus after 40 T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: well you can :P T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I'll check it out after this cp. I'm not poor either :P T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I am T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: can't have manor campagin mob T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: redoers have it hard T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: what do you mean scars you can cp request from any questor T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: you can still get cps from barcett? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: holy crap really T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: this is new to me T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars nods at Scars. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: New to me, too. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I get all of my cps from questor in clanhall now T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: it was aylor mob only forevers T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I've gotten more than 11000 cps from barcett. Who knew? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah, I took a long break and came back to that.. I thought you couldn't get from Barcett anymore T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: maybe Barcett is fucking you on rewards T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: unlikely T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: he kinda seems like a dick to me.. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars nods at Doge Water Yajan. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: just commanding people to do shit all the time T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: never trusted that fucker T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: then giving them shitty qp rewards T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: probably taking a cut off the top for his Dildo of Aardwolf T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Well, I will be dipped. Just took a cp from questor in manor. Thanks for the info, Wars :) T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: np prob now you can cp in style hehe T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aqualad: Does your questor watch you while you sleep? T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: wow, i did not know that either! T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Questor gave me a 13-mobber, which is the fewest of the day so far. Been a tough day, heh T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: god dammit, I'm 121 tnl from 186... T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cold Wars: #opk life T3/r7/2022-01-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Is CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL humping a mirror? No, he is practicing for another penis joust. T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheriff Shindo's ass cheeks get fucking blown apart by [DEMON] Khadaji!! T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nifto: wars T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: nifto T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: lol T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nifto ))) T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fertain: g d T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: yo nuanse T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc just lost I.Q. T3/r7/2022-01-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji agrees! T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: FUCK! T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: D:< T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: Gauntlet is the fucking worst T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: hate his fucking place T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathrus: yeah, fuck gauntlet! T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: buncha noscan bitches live here T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: where's your mob? "The Gauntlet" which room? who fuckin knows! T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aqualad: warrior needs food, bdaly T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrooge Mc Ruckus rapidly nods twice at Aqualad, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aqualad: elf is about to die! T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: just gonna faceroll my keyboard for a while T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox hugs Elfo. T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding giggles. T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: I require sustenence T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: trez will fix you something, just send him a tell with whatever you'd like and how he should cook it for you T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: tell him amarufox sent you for 25% off T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox blinks innocently. T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: found that fucker! T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: nice yaj! T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: that was pretty awful T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: another win for faceroll T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: i always hunt the tracker, if my mob isn't near him i just start rage spamming directions T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah, I had to resort to the latter T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: but eventually found him through pure stupid randomness T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: aaaand back for the next cp - fuck me right? T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: The High Priestess of Ivar chants the phrase 'bald'. fuck you ivar T3/r7/2022-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: at least this motherfucker is scannable T3/r7/2022-01-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: beetlejuice T3/r7/2022-01-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: or do y'all prefer the OFFICIAL spelling T3/r7/2022-01-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i love that movie T3/r7/2022-01-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: i rewatched it as recently as 3 months ago T3/r7/2022-01-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: the baldwin managed to not kill anyone during filming too T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: yeah, but he cheated - its much harder to kill ghosts, ya know. T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: Bad nerds make online games fun a chore for good/neutral nerds T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: dont be a bad nerd, dont take yourself too seriously have some fun and lighten up T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u fucks T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: rant over T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: these fucks don't fuck that much I know T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I know exactly what you're talking about T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: you just blew my mind T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: can't stand bossy nerds that tell you what to do and go batshit if you tell them to fuck off T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: so stop bossing me Hellion T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i personally dislike the "not fucks" or "virgin" comments but thats a rant for another day, the base fact which causes that for some is SOCIAL SKILLS T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: I use REEE ironically. T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i do not fucks ... cause having a wife does the opposite of what i thought -.- T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: I did that with yeet as well, though, and then it stopped being ironic. T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ye reeeee came and went fast but i feel u T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: Check yoselves, homies. T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grasshacker: no cap fam T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: Speaking of cap T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: New word: Capfishing. When someone's hot until they take off their cap and it all goes away. T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: Are you hating on bald people? T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: as a man with thinning hair i feel attacked T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: No T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: I'm hating on ugly people T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael throws a smoke bomb and disappears. T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: how big is that fuckin hat? T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: jsut think,, fugly people like me make even average people look pretty! T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: oh one more addition, i get some people RP hard core but AFAIK being a dick isn't any class in the game or in DnD lore T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: I kid, guys. I didn't invent the term! T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan starts moaning. T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: fuck shit! levelling T3/r7/2022-01-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: that is all T3/r7/2022-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Olooorin: test T3/r7/2022-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Monkeys fucked your donkeys?! FUCK YOU PAY ME! T3/r7/2022-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay ducks defensively. T3/r7/2022-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Good fellas should be a remembered good movie... I guess I really am old T3/r7/2022-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Omnivek: motherfucker T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia nods at Rakiso. T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding fucking nods at fucking Rakiso. T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia throws her hands up in disgust at her lousy typing skills! T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia: lets you know my frustation on the topic I guess haha T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Usually when you cross a penis with a potato you get a "dictator"... But also I wanna say that if that's what you do before you make fries out of potatoes then I am not eating.. Not interested sorry T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Squeeky Kroz sings to a wombat, "Shut your fucking face uncle-fucka! You're a boner biting bastard uncle-fucka!" T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: sweet potatoe should be an exception, they make deliscous fries T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I bet that you're the type of person to eat pickled sweet potato pie and raisened macaroni and cheese:P T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: mac and cheese ain't a thing here, however US born married to nephew(?named) made sweetpotatoe covered in marshmellow?spell it was pretty finger lickin good T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: wtf man, I just spent a 23 minute phone conversation (I hate talking on the phone) for something that would've taken a whopping two fuckin minutes to correct... T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: classic. T3/r7/2022-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: If you had a mom that has a twin sister then one would have to move away unless they both don't mind being called "mom"... You're going to end up calling them both that if they stay living together T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rolph: what a pile of bullshit, use a christmas gift card worth 6 free levels at level 194 and it gives me one level. fuck T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: are you sure you dont have to keep using it? ie did it poof? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: you need to use it per level T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: trying using it more then one time its probably like the qreset one T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: ill take his silence as it being operator error :P T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia: think he logged off T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: lol T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: thats a funny rage quit i have to say should have stuck around for the replies T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: rage quit over lvls? lol T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia rapidly nods twice, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: musta been the straw that broke his tolerance, prob had a shitty day T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Remember ladies, the longer you let your hair grow while you eat right will actually produce crisper breasts.. Just sayin. **Ducks from you in fear**:) T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: just when i think your actually starting to become a better person you open your mouth and prove me wrong T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay runs away from Thumb Wars in utter terror and horror! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Feast: p T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia pees around herself intently. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: BOB SAGET T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: Oh...wow. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: LAST TIME I GAVE A SHIT, I GOT FUCKED!!! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Delight: MILA KUNIS T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: Bob Saget found dead in Orlando hotel room.... T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Delight: what?! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Delight: really? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: Yeah....that's what the news says T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: https://fox8.com/news/comedian-actor-bob-saget-dies-at-65-report/ T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: lol no T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: oh shit hes ACTUALLY dead??? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: Yes, not lieing. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: holy fuck T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: usually those are hoaxes T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Feast: dang! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: time to pause pornhub, put it away and get yer leveling boots on, double in 5 min T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: my pee pee is doubled though T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: what do I do with this thing? keeps hitting my keyboard T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: cold shower T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: nice, brb T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: but but the pizza guy just arrived and the scantily clad lady just discovered she's out of cash T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: this is a key plot moment T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ooo ive seen this one T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: is it a extra sausage pizza? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: She didn't order it, but, yes, there is extra sausage T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: "whats in the box" T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia: Don't forget the stuck in the washing machine spin off T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: well you still have 3min, so you can find out what happens next T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: stuck in the washing machine with a sausage pizza spin off T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus gestures downward and Hellion gasps in delight. Hellion just received a Dick in a Box! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: hope she's ok T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: now that's what I call a meat spin! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: this is sounding like noone wants a double :P T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan drools all over himself -- making a TERRIBLE mess! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia: double pizza? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia: yes please T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: is that like a double rainbow, but better? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: dude wtf, warn us T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: lol T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: had to run from the shower and hit my penis on the doorway T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan enthusiastically high-fives Evl! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: pee pees unite! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: Evl, can you do that again? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: was enjoying it T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Delight is agreeing with that Doge Water Yajan person again... T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: yeah, I was using a lot of the double trying to help on tech T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: trying to be helpful was your first mistake T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: oh, fuck, it's actually fully over *cries T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia: time to see how she gets outta the washing machine I guess T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I just troll on tech mostly T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: nah, I'd rather be helpful than reep personal benefits T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: wow, that's insanity T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: insanity is doing the same thing over and over the same way expecting different results T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: that's one form of it! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: the other form is trying to help jabronis get their pepperonis T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: helping others, even when it does not benefit me immediately makes me feel better and may have unforseen benefits down the road, I prefer to help T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: Luc I feel like you're overly nice irl too T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: you aren't the only person who's told me I'm too nice T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: TOO nice? i dont think so T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: like you would tell me not to pee in the intern's coffee T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I would indeed T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: though I'm working on establishing clearer boundaries, I used to be somewhat a doormat T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: can we get more double (for Luc) T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: someone hurry and enchant deez nuts for me T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: mine are already enchanted T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: lucky charms kinda thing? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: only some get to find out *wink T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: what's that mean? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: it means I dont' generally speak in detail about my, erm, 'junk' and there's only one real way to find out, and few are those who do T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: oh.. no one has ever seen mine, I'm a virgin T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Brobeo: I was watching TV the other day and there was an ad for a drug that would straighten out a curved penis. The list of side effects was the scariest thing I've ever heard. One of them made it sound like your dick might just fall off. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: probably straighten it first though so it's less embarassing if someone else finds? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: Sounds like gluten-free ebola T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia: I mean that's one way to straighten it out T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia: if it did fall off you could just iron it into shape then sew it back on. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: exactly T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lyudia: exactly T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: exactly exactly T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: You should have seen when the internet warned of "Curviture" while I was young and I was a kid looking into my own pants thinking "Are they for real?! Or are they tryin to scam me in to ruining my dick?!" T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: ok I'm gonna go eat a container of ice cream and cry, someone let me know if Evl decides to give us double experience again T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: why no one page me? :'( T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: guess I should be more nice like Luc T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I actually asked for it T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: me too! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: oh, I didn't see it T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: well it was more whether Evl gives us double again but ya know T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: wouldn't want you to risk another injury running to the comp T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: oh yeah, that's probably why, you put an impossible condition of someone doubling a second time T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: oh good point mush T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: nothing is impossible! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: you had your fucking double yajan :P T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: go back to wanking now :) T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I'm gonna say that unless it's the least active hours, the same person doubling before another person doubles is highly unlikely T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: borderline impossible T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: how could you say something so bad! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: the f word! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: fuck that T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan gasps in astonishment. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: it's the curse channel, feels wrong not to T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: lol, I've had people get onto me for Not cussing on this channel... dammit T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: fuck them T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: Hey, you T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I should wash all of your mouths out T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: You're not cursing enough T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: with the soapiest tasting soap T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: I'd prefer 'new car' soap T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wardsmith: maybe 'pine fresh' T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: like, whatcha gonna do, have half a conversation on gossip, and just put the sweary bits here? T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: not swear at all T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: it's unbecoming T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: fucking not cool bro T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I dunno, but channel plus people equal someone will police it T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: they can lick mine, fuck em T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: omg... you didn't even swear then... get out T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I don't like it, I call em 'channel nazis' and I generally use the channel at least once more T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Did I come on at a bad time? Well, poOp! T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: yes, you really fucked up this time yad T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: mEep. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: you missed Luc.... T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I try to be mindful of channel usage, particularly barter, q/a, tech, so if someone tries to police me, I tend to be a dick about it, unless an actual imm T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: NOT SWEARING T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Well, let's just have fun, shall we? Some people just want to be miserable in general. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan whines pathetically about everything. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luc: I just heard a bunch of trolls have heart palpitations T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus comforts the Food Distributor. T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I only palpitate for you, Luc T3/r7/2022-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: He's just recounting earlier, sadder times i believe T3/r7/2022-01-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-01-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) UberCranky Talia: mischan T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: good enough.. T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: to fuck your mother T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan looks at himself and goes "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Varrion: my poor dead mommy :( T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gallows: nig T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: my mom in hospital wiuth covid, so have fun with that :) T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bfree: is she hot? could be worth the quarantine T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: no not hot, she is 65 T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Varrion: some of that covussy T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: unless your into fever hot T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bfree: ask a friend if shes hot, you arent a trustworthy source T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i aint asking no one that :) T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Varrion: thats not very team player of you elfo T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: sorry T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Greybeard: menda T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Greybeard: menda T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: mierda! T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Your New Year is so gay that I have stay-away papers that you have to agree to for too much humbleness:P T3/r7/2022-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Youtube wouldn't let me get that pass their text-filter so you can claim that quote for yourself if you want lol T3/r7/2022-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fertain: ng T3/r7/2022-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Le do, lo Shakia: ana ng and i are getting old and we still haven't walked in the glow of each others majestic presence! T3/r7/2022-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathrus: i get one more quest in sendhia... T3/r7/2022-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: No one goes to "Hooters" for wings... Take off that silly assed hat! T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: You know you live life a little on the edge when you do stuff like chase cinnamon flavored whisky down with a cup of coffee.:P T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: dont you have to be 21 to drink? T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: the most of the world doesnt T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: most of the world* T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Hey I screw my blowup doll like an adult at least! T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u sure? T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: not satisfied till I'm screwing so intense that air escapes just like real vagina:P T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Have you ever even seen a real vagina T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Well I was born from one and went to school with others:P T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: that's a very evasive answer T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Nooo, You're suppose to say "Show me yours and I'll show you mines".. That's how it works.. Since 1992:P T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: I prefer to treat people like people. T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: stop going around and deflating all the vaginas! T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: do any m'ladys need protection from this chad? T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: my katana will make short work of him ! T3/r7/2022-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: or are they, mayhap, in need of a bicycle pump? T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: wrong again dickhead! T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: wrong again, dickhead! * T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You okay there,, Yajan? T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: very ok T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: just practicing my curses T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: have to practice out loud to know if it feels right T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: feels right T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Yes, you need good flow, assonance and alliteration... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: When you tell those douche canoes Karens to go fuck themselves. T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: totally agree, Yadarra T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: douche canoe nice.. good resonance T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Too bad I typoed and ruined it a bit. T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: you did? I didn't even notice T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) EmJay: , lol T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: And I'm not even lit yet...just couldn't resist... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: The Diner is hilarious...a 3 yo named Aarce...I've waited on that kid... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: fuck you! Dumb Aarce! T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: usage of this channel makes me swear harder than I otherwise normally would T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: People today have no sense. Get a sitter for a steakhouse, for C's sake! T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is agreeing with that Doge Water Yajan person again... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: My birthday dinner, one year...Saturday 7 pm...had everyone gathered...they had booked the entire place with...get this... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: The entire 5th grade little leaguers. ON A Saturday Night at the Steakhouse. I never went back! T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: hey everyons dollar is the same T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i bet u coulda sat at the bar, that spot is always open lol T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: lotta energy for the bday festivities :) T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Yup, that's what they said when I complained. I'm like...maybe EARLIER in the DAY? T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: No, it was standing room only...no one else wanted to sit in there... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i dont think the steakhouse chose the time, rather the customers did because parents right? T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: they dont have a bar? T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aberrant tries to sing, but fails miserably. T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: They do...it was over capacity. :( Oh no...they had too many for the banquet room so some kid decided to use the whole dining room... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i hope they made more $$ that night than normally otherwise moree decisions like that and thney will be gone T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: It's always empty these days when I drive by... T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ya the pandemic really put the squeeze on barely there small businesses T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: This was before then...lol. I cut everyone slack now. T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i dont remember anything BP this is year 2 BP T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i mean AP -.- T3/r7/2022-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: It was memorable, lol. T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: we are good here yajan T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: fuck chickens, fuck ducks.. everybody in your crew sucks punk motherfucks T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: k T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: We can talk about tootie patootie now? T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yessir! T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: yup :) T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i am nopk sorry T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: looks like emilee is coming T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah, I am too T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: tmi T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: just trolling as per usual T3/r7/2022-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ooo T3/r7/2022-01-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katalina: mummy T3/r7/2022-01-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: da T3/r7/2022-01-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scapegoat Sammael: niet T3/r7/2022-01-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You guys sound like ya got the drips! T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay raises his hand. T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Can "Sex" be used as a sign of "Protest"? T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Ok I'll just back out this chan.. Sorry T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katalina: spectator T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Potty mouth. :)) T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: you ever shit yourself so hard your pc rebooted? good times. T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Saori falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: So who wants an "Education"?! Turn around and bendover and we'll have "Education!" T3/r7/2022-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I am laughing inside because I picture you bent over while saying that you are waiting for "Education". T3/r7/2022-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: That way I can complete the fantasy by penetrating you and saying in response back:: Woah! Hold on, now! Knowledge is power! Knowledge is power! T3/r7/2022-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) There goes Mael again... this time he's comparing his penis to a sword! HAH! a dagger at best. T3/r7/2022-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) RabbitSlayer: That's better than me. I got a pocket knife T3/r7/2022-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nloop: What about my needle T3/r7/2022-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael is trying to eviscerate an altar boy with his penis! Definitely NOT mightier than the sword, in this case... T3/r7/2022-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: "You're NEVER gonna TAP THAT ASS now, FOOL!" T3/r7/2022-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Oh no! I can't give education anymore then:( T3/r7/2022-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: There will be more. LOLOL! T3/r7/2022-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Hey, I took it here already once! T3/r7/2022-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Love that hot, handy double!@w T3/r7/2022-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OMG It's Aleks: Fucking fuck fucking fuck fuck T3/r7/2022-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: joro T3/r7/2022-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nloop: yolo T3/r7/2022-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: big tings n that T3/r7/2022-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: I spilled my fackin vodkadew and it was the last of my drinks T3/r7/2022-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: OMG F in the chat for you friend. F. T3/r7/2022-01-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: thanks for the condolences T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jolo: cursing, hmm T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sister Iron Duck Chuft admits the blind man, Amarufox, to the room where he's been painting only to have him stare at his boobs and stammer out "Nice tits, where do you want the blinds?" T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: tmobile lte kinda blows now that they got 5g. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: my knife got caught on a door, fell out of my pocket at work. dude walking behind me picked it up, and naturally the first thing he did was start flipping it like a lunatic and slashed the back of his hand to ribbons. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: funny shit. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: what kinda knife is it? T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: bali song. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: a ribbon cutting knife duh T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to Thumb Wars. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: true T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: where do you work that YOU arent in trouble for having a butterfly knife? T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: turns out some of them put the little closing latch on the other handle... T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Logrom winces in agony. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: its just a knife, man. pointing it at people is the thing that folks object to. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars stabs, but louder. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: its a knife thats one of the illegal ones, at least where im from T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: and i know businesses care about one thing $$ and insurance liability with that knife around T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: my stat has very civilized knife laws. they got rid of almost all of the dumb crap back in 2013. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: heh, every employee we have works with much more dangerous things than a pocket knife. also, we kinda have to carry knives - the ones the busiiness tried to give us got lost on day 2 T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: as long as its legal in your state ull be fine T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: ayup. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: litigation is the only thing I was worried about T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: if he had damaged my knife, it might have been an issue :p T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: btw quick google and 42 states its legal :P 8 isnt and i happened to live in one of them so T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: there ya go then. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: backstory about 20 years ago I cut myself on a butterfly knife my friend brought to school T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: it was super sharp T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fancy that. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i cut myself cause i dropped it T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: but i caught it T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: dumbass. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: the catch was a bad idea lol T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: reflexes man they dont "think" they go T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: wasnt a big cut but it was bleeding lol T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: i did that once, as a grade-schooler. fixed that 'reflexes' problem right quick. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: hey now. some people have to learn by doing mannec! T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i just decided not to play with sharp things :P T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: and fire T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: grilled cheese sandwiches. bumped the skillet when the step-stool slid out from under me. caught the skillet, saved the sandwich - still have a shiny spot on my palm. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: have, ever since, never been bitten by falling sharp or hot things. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: sounds like a successful failure lol T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: i lit myself on fire once playing with gas. I learned in some situations stop drop and roll does not work. thankfully the burns werent to severe. Alcohol + fire + gas = bad T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: not the worst thing ive done to my hands over the years. T3/r7/2022-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ooftonium: off T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Hehe, I had a kid tell me once Eminem didn't say YO. I told him he was a fOcking mOron...he told on me. T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: So I asked my boss if I was wrong...he said, No. You are absolutely Correct...don't say FOCK. LOLOL! T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Plays the Lose Yourself audios... T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i'm pretty tired of questor's bullshit today T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Some days are like that. A few days ago I had three DB dbl quests and got 8, 8, 10. T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: he seems intent on sending me to places that i'll be all day and still he's stingey with the qp T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You tend to notice the bad ones...that's for sure. T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I gave up today...it was just...bad. T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: maybe that's it, i don't remember the times i can go right to my target and kill them then jump back to collect T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Damn the gay moon up helped with enchants and then it made focus wear off.. What's this gay moon's problem?! T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: What's a gay moon? T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Oh it says "Grey" moon. sorry T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Heh heh :) T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I was gonna say we should switch to a "Rainbow moon" because the gay one fails T3/r7/2022-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay walks around in the room, looking very confused. T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogy: fucking spam! T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh? T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) IAC DO Fiendish: hmmmm? T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: the hottest kind of spam! T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) IAC DO Fiendish: the only kind I want to watch T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogy: spammed myself into a mobdeath T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars nods at IAC DO Fiendish. T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: imagine spending 150 on a flash drive and forgetting where the fuck you set it down... I think i'd rather put that into a micro sd and atleast my phone will sound an alarm if i lose it T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I never lost my gigantic cell phone, back in the day...just sayin'...portability ain't all it's cracked up to be! T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: my first cell was a kyocera slider(it made swoosh open and swish closed sounds), it wasn't very big but i didn't have to worry about it breaking so i could just chuck it into the bedroom when I got home. I was way more impressed with the last cordless phone i had, that cost over 200 but had 3 blocks range so I didn't even mind when my cell got turned off kuz I almost never left my neighbourhood. but that cell still was easier to keep track of since i didn't need it unless it was ringing so it was either in my pocket or next to the bed. T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra agrees! T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Open your back for a magical nap!;) T3/r7/2022-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay ducks defensively. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: hey T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: fuck NHS that all what i wanted to say... ty :) T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Hey hey. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: anyone else of online security measures? I'm a bit tired of having to remember so much shit just kuz they want me to change passwords when in a decade the account has never been compromised... i might just hate the internet. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: get a password manager T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: I spent a good chunk of time this past year sorting out my online security stuff w/ different passwords everywhere and TFA where I could T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: been doing so many things virtually these past couple years, figured it was time, grin T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox rapidly nods twice at Evl, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathrus: google only said 98 of my passwords were compromised..progress! T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: password manager and good backup/versioning strategy for your pw file T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: the free ones are a fucking pain, but kind of worth it, otherwise I'd just have one password T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: password manager doesn't do much with loads of devices. it's less secure than my brain. just need paypal to not make me change the password everytime i sign in. all kuz i use my phone for hotspot so it thinks my computer is different everytime T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: I wanted an offline solution, so I ended up repurposing an old android phone as my take-it-anywhere password manager :) completely offline phone T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: so your brain is easy to hack unfortunately the amount of variation you can remember is limited T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: using my brain lead to sucky passwords, hehe T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: that's a good idea T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: yea, hacking my brain is not a thing... the fact that none of my accounts have had a problem so far is pretty good. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: the TFA on everything was a big step for me too, picked up a titan key that I use for 2FA wherever I can T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: worth it nowadays imho T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jolo: hacking brains is easy to happen now, i can hack your brain while you are at your home T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: make those bastards work to compromise any of your stuff T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: not to mention if i wanted I could just use my password generator and screenshot everything. still pointless. 5 websites that I need decent password for and remember the passwords but they force changes T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: sign up to have i been compromised sites too T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: may want to think up a totally personal to you password generation strategy that makes it easier to type/remember passwords while still making them totally unique T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: a good pwd manager you can just auto-generate new pwds T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: with elementals of randomness in there :) as good as a auto-generated really but quality of life T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: it's not that the passwords are bad. it's that i sign in from a new ip all the time and with a heavy privacy based os. so they think i'm the problem. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: I rolled a physical pair of dice for part of my password generation strategy :P T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jolo: i do something goood, i make passwords which i don't know for each thing, then store them in a file, job done T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: yeah until you lose that, or it gets stolen T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: one of my passwords was result of putting keyboard under my ass T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I have a personal cypher and use the name of the place T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: i promptly forgot that one tho T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jolo: yeah this is the case here, if the file got deleted, but hey, i have 2 factor offentication for most places, good luck to hackers T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: paypal could just text me and ask if it's me instead of me having to change the password. it'd be easy enough. even stupid google figured that much out T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh and since we're on curse channel, piss! T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: personal strategy that no one else could know and is mostly unpredictable is good :) T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: FARTS.. is farts cursing? T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: lots of "2 factor" are made like shit and offer almost no added security T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: piss is not a swear, it's a bodily function T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: no - must do better T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: I thought about the case where I'm like, sitting in a hospital or nursing home and need to get at passwords too, never know where life's gonna take ya :P T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: good thing to have in order T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: fotzegesicht T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: and nods, some of the two factor implementations do stink...I tend to not do business with places like that though T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: https://2fa.directory/ :) T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: so now I reset password and if I reboot i'll have to do it again. haha. i'm just gonna start using temp passwords each time T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox flashes a mischievous grin at Nesamdoom. Hmm. is it time to run and hide? T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: fluffyk1tt3nz1, fluffyk1tt3nz2, fluffyk1tt3nz3, etc. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: dammit... that's my pwd... T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: lol, i changed it in browser then signed in and still gotta do a security check after doing one to change it.. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill quickly hacks Amaru's bank account and steals all his money T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: gotta change em all now T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill does the same with Evl's T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: and on your luggage too! T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: kinda nice in a way that it's being such a PITA, if some dude overseas was trying to get into your account he'd hopefully get frustrated and leave T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: ~s9*e5$h4:a2.b8~s9*D5Ro6[i6+a6.k1'm6?o8[i2 T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: now I just gotta memorise that and I'll be set. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: haha T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: yeah, that kinda autogenned pw will keep you dependent on pw manager (which is fine!) T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: I don't trust those cloud-based pw managers either, though some security folks I know seem to like 'em T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: it sucks when you gotta put your auto-gen 32 character long pw into the xbox tho T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the problem i have with them is it's just another vulnerability. only one that has all of your stuff T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: ymmv, good stuff to think through personally as far as risks and what you need and set up to support and stick with it T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: nods sam, that's why I use pw manager on offline system and manually type into online system T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: I actually wrote the pw generator for that. was bored and spent a bunch of time on that instead of just making up a password for something. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: my one is just local, shared btwn devices via some magic T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: cuz I agree, if my home workstation got popped and they keylogged me typing master pw into pw manager, yup :( T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: TFA would still screw 'em over for majorly important accounts like my email/financial stuff, but yeah T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i might have to do that. atleast on this computer i can and my phone i just sign in with finger print so i don't gotta worry bout them there. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: TFA won't help if email is an option and they have that pw T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: that's why I went with titan key and signed up my google email account for google's high value asset program (so only TFA with hardware tokens and pw, no phone/email options for HVA program) T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: free program aside from buying the hardware tokens fwiw T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: can be a PITA if you log into your google account on like, android tv or such that has a hard time with TFA T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: wow - I just type PISS an I log on just fine, less hassle T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: swearing is fun. PISS T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: I once told my step kid that I get to curse because I was twenty-fucking-seven. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl shakes his head at Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fuck these construction workers keeping me from beauty rest T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: if you play jungle sound fx while they work you can at least imagine that you live in a rain forest T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: what do i do about the work lights outside? imagine its crocodile eyes? T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFTLKWw542g&list=RDpdz5kCaCRFM&index=23 T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: play this an chill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04F4xlWSFh0 T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: good track T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: the lights are monsanto construction worker machines ripping up more rainforest for road access:P T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: that's no way to get to sleep Yam... T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay smirks. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: my character has more fucking cigs than me T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: or listen to the beautiful sounds of birds in the rainforest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uguXNL93fWg T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: my character smokes more weed than me:~( T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: or, you know... in a cage rocking out T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwXKR9EWhXo Death Metal parrot T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: hatebeak... classic T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl assumes that all this awesome music has put Mushambo to sleep.. T3/r7/2022-01-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i got very excited when i heard of hatebeak T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: If I don't get coffee then my boxers chaff my crotch pubics while my penis feels all gooey:( T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: whwhwhwhat???? T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: No one remembers Mr.Kevin Spacy in the movie known as "The usual suspects"? T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: never saw it T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: omg T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: good movie, check it out T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: imdb T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: will T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Cool, I hope you enjoy:) T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: oh, i think i saw this halfway when i was getting fucked up once. will throw it on watch sober list T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: well it's pretty funny when watched sometimes while you're a little wasted T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: that's my general state of movie watching. T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I hear ya T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: My trauma bothers me during movies alot so because I miss plenty during it's play I'll later check youtube clips of the movie to fill in some blanks in my mind T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i just watch most things twice, or more if i like it, and eventually i see everyhing T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: helped me invent this social for a movie I saw when I was a kid T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Oh, no! Father Ya Yamillay is alone in the world with a baby and for him and them, who cares?! T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Those words from Nesamdoom about Father Ya Yamillay aren't nice at all! Nesamdoom better not hate babies! T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Omg! Father Ya Yamillay looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie once known as "Junior"! T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: that movie was weird T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the 90s lets try comedy with action stars phase was kinda entertaining tho T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: who is your daddy, and what does he do T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: and funny for me because it aids me in my conquest of being most chauvinistic T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I over-react before the lady does about the baby by saying "If you don't change your attitude I won't give birth to this baby!" followed by "Don't ignore my stomach! I am having this child for us!" T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: kindergarten cop is very difficult for me to watch sober. but not terrible with a couple whiskies T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: The Human Centipede II is hard for me to watch, but with a couple of whiskies, I can make it work on two chihuahas T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: wow there's a sequel T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: I am never gonna watch any of those films T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i got distracted on the second but i got the first on bluray kuz i needed more definition T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I told one of my ex-girlfriends on facebook to act right before I stab her from behind and shoot up her club because she remembers how I was last time so she said back to me "Who are you talking to?! You ain't tough, little boy" and then I said back to her "Girl, watch your mouth because I will bust one in you so that your current baby's daddy can take care of it!" I check-mated her crazy-side:P T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jolo: ouch, that must have been so harsh on the girl T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grinning, Mael commends Father Ya Yamillay's story with a thumbs up. Cool story bro! T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: hey fuckers T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: all she could say was "Bye Boy" T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: hows it hanging? left, right, or dead center? T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: mid right T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: some of her communication is on my facebook and I think you can reach my facebook through the aardfacebook if you click the right thing T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: it's a little cold in here, not hanging at all T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: haha T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Razor says "Cool story bro!" to Father Ya Yamillay. T3/r7/2022-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: So a guy I talked to about music one day told me that he was getting ready to give me one of his guitars so I said to him "o-k, Why?" and then he said "Because his guitar has been playing sort of gay" So I said to him "You know I only love ladies so I am not understanding you fully.. Are you saying the guitar plays 'fair'?" and he had nothing to say after that... LOL! T3/r7/2022-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fuck people who edit my writing! >:o T3/r7/2022-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stee: ligh T3/r7/2022-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: a new study recently reported that allowing freezing rain to build up on your car for a day and a half is 6 times more of a pain in the ass than just one day's worth. for a full two days' worth of ice, you are of course fucked. T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Okay, so THEM. T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Yeah...it's too much. Even the Casino forced us to use our real names. T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogy: fuck you sandstorm, fuck you spam, fuck you stupid lame ass bitch dog that bark all day because your 'owner' is a shemale who uses you like a stupid object! fucking cunts who dont know shit about respect! T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: get it out Bogy! :) T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogy: I am trying sister! :) T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Razor: You seem nice, and just the right person to teach them about respect. T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: lmao T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogy: It really takes alot of strength for someone to be good, the rest are just pussies. Still, I have an exam on Monday and I am not here to fucking explain to bitch ass lonley farts they shouldnt be traumatizing dogs then leaving them on a balcony so they bark all day long. T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogy: thank you for the appreciation Razor. T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: when you curse a lot it makes you seem more intelligent T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox swears : #"*&^*#%&! !!!!! T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Razor: Your delivery needs some work but I'm right there with you friend, leaving dogs out all day sucks :( T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogy: ooh, its fucking Friday...bitches start playing for Sabbath. T3/r7/2022-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Remember that if Mr.Arnold Schwartzenegger can get pregnant that any man can.. That was the whole point of the movie.. So be careful T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: It's a great day for young moms to get on aardwolf;) T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus waves a large bright green sign reading "YOUR MOM !!" T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: you're mom T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: no im not T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Robbo: No you'res T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael sucks hard on Hellion's nipple, you can see him tug back on it before letting go. T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: time to breastfeed T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: wow that was weird T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh my. I was expecting him to go the hanky spanky route! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: yo'ur* T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: its like rule 34 , theres a social for everything T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: i think you have a secret admirer, helli T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay runs away from I heard a Ruckus in utter terror and horror! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: You'd momma! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: is there a leo squint meme social? we need that T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Yo momma is like a gardener because after moving a few rocks she's ready to hoe! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Yo momma is like a Joe Montana fan.... Because in games she's a tight-end in an all-star line-up... T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern rolls on the floor laughing at Father Ya Yamillay's antics! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay runs away from Helpdesk Kharpern in utter terror and horror! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You could have rainbows...and a unicorn in a...compromising position! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: And farting fairy dust! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: laugh, that imagination of yours! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I've discovered that the shirts in poor taste seem to be most popular...rememeber the King Tuts...and the Heya Wanna Leiyas? T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: hmm naw, I don't remember seeing those around here..little South Dakota maybe, we get things a few years later! T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Daargo: lt T3/r7/2022-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Daargo: Erhm.. Pardon my French T3/r7/2022-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I like to think of "Asvarien's trust" as though it's actually "Ovarian trust" because it's eq you can wear on your body:P T3/r7/2022-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: That's just incase you ever have to give sex and say yes to a broken television set while in your position.... T3/r7/2022-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: hara T3/r7/2022-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I would have thought belts... T3/r7/2022-02-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I will spread your cheeks like tangy-eucalyptus!;) T3/r7/2022-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: THIS FUCKING KID GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR T3/r7/2022-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: RANT DONE T3/r7/2022-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: So...I took a break last night to give my book one last chance...it was tedious and boring as Heck...and I hit pages of smut...like...pRon, even! I might have to reread that section! LOLOL. T3/r7/2022-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Feast: Damn you television T3/r7/2022-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: What? T3/r7/2022-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Feast: Heheh died killing quest target T3/r7/2022-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: NO!!!!!!!!!!! T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Guys, take it here. Lol! T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael is planting his ass on Yadarra's face, why is he holding a jar of jam? T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: butter!!! T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill just got a face full of Mael's balls! T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael pulls out a really big hammer and nail and begins hammering the nail into Jesus's foot! That looks painful! T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael takes Jesus in his mouth, now you see it, now you don't. WOW! T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Naughty boy...Astrolube, of course. T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: then they gave me a crown of thorns and whipped me, it was so hot i came twice T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Idk about glitter, though...I thought Goldschlagger was...iffy. T3/r7/2022-02-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: A violent dryad screams as the flames engulf her!! Yeah, Burn bitch! T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: When I was a child I played the game known as "House" alot with girls during their sleepovers when they were trying to hang out with my sisters... I enjoyed my sister's friends so much that I just had my family stuck on leaving the "Living room" at night everytime I sensually attacked their friendly females had as friends.. lol Back then it wasn't always called "Fucking"... Nooo When actually it was called by many of us kids the action known as "Freaking" and if a girl told you to freak her then you had to obey as a kid as soon as you understood the word no matter what age you are as a kid on girls when they are children.. Outside as children where I am we had the game "Catch a girl, get a girl".. was amazin especially if one of your favorite girls had "L.A Gear" type lighting up shoes while hiding.. Ah well.. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: https://tinyurl.com/4a9vesx3 T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Impressive T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Funny. When I was a kid, I wished people would treat people like people. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: and then?..... T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Then I grew up and realized how hopeless that wish is. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Menpehtyre fistbumps Sleazy Areia. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: funny, when i grew up i met more people - thats what ruined it for me. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fuck people, they suck. or rather dont, because they do - but in a bad way. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra comforts Mannec. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: eww! a person! T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Once you assume most people are broken, it gets easier... T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: i am the .0001 percent. T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Nothing wrong with standards, either... T3/r7/2022-02-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: damn skippy. damn him to hell. T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: witch T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: with the lion and the wardrobe <3 T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox nestles cozily with Nesamdoom, sighing happily. T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: fuck the whole lot of them T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: come out of the closet maru T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox peels off a current of the maelstrom's clothing and steps back to admire his farmer's tan. What's that Amarufox's whispering to a current of the maelstrom about which direction assless leather chaps are supposed to face? T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: we know you're a furry! T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: on average they take about 10 for the evening groups. T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: You forgot to say fuck T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: mischan T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: LOL. T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia falls down laughing. T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: also, epic and curse channels have identical coloration, I now see. That makes so much sense :p T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Booty on the canvas T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Gail swallows! T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: you know how ducking hard it is to be on a phone with you knuckle heads? T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Anytime, Dear. T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: harder than a cold nipple? T3/r7/2022-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: And I thought catching a Jack in a Queen was bad! T3/r7/2022-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: 8 inch demons...LOLOL. T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: artists make too much fucking money! T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: yeah yeah, teachers too T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: so do ho's! T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: don't get me started on nurses T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: this is why work is getting offshored T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Archmagi Zuran: Best career advice is to learn to draw furry porn. T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus flails his head up and down... you can see the blonde roots. T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Amaru put the pens down NOW! T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus laughs out loud at Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus pets Amarufox. T3/r7/2022-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus starts moaning. T3/r7/2022-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: G'damn I was hacked and had to do a system restore... Took almost 48 hours to relog and I wasn't even installing "Linux"... Windows turned into a toilet seat for while is all... T3/r7/2022-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: for awhile rather T3/r7/2022-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Shit I came back too late to give a hooker back their t-p:( T3/r7/2022-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I mean, those guys had one hand on the keyboard anyways... T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I know, thanks:) T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: So I checked my "Cookie cache" and it said 1.0 gig... I was baffled and so happy to delete them all lol T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: sounds like some good clean-up, hopefully that speeds up whatever web browsing you're doing that brought ya to the curse channel, mister <3 T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox fluffles Father Ya Yamillay's fur mercilessly. T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: Cookie Monster: Why you delete cookies?!?!?!! T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox transfers Iron Duck Chuft into a small cookie, eat him, eat him! T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I should have been the leprechaun from the movie of the monster guarding a pot of gold T3/r7/2022-02-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I'd have said to a hot looking lady: No my dear my dick is fast, Now open your mouth and have a blast! T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking potheads, they have worse memory than me T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I can't stay hard during sex unless you watch me... T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay sets himself to 'grind'...Uh oh, looks like he's going out of control! T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Have you ever even had sex T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan shakes his head. T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: does it hurt? T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: for shaving a beaver you should go directly to jail! Do not collect 200 dollars! T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Amarufoxes and Hookers take all my gold... I love the stuff I get tho:P T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: im amarufox's hooker....wheres mine??? T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: lol T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona gasps as he realizes what Zarra did. T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Amarufox You stop tempting our clanmembers with your hooker goats! T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: sillies, yam does contribute a good bit to my gold reserves! <3 T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Mr.Fox you should just let me look at your collection of items before you auc them and give me the ones I favor and if I don't have enough gold let me save my q-p and use t-p as payment!:P T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: TP FOR YR BUNGHOLIO!! T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay is agreeing with that Zarra person again... T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Calm down there Beavis lol T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: hehe, a lot of times I hafta go through one by one to see what to sell and to figure out a price T3/r7/2022-02-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: im his cousin...living in St Holio T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: I have a bunch of unenchanted nice pieces that I'm gonna enchant in like a month or so also, so a few more niceties then T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox rubs his nose softly against Father Ya Yamillay's. T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: if there's a particular wearlocation or stats that you're after, I can look through T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: all slots T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I love bloodlust eq names T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: totally addicted to their eq T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: haha, I kinda figured that out as I considered what you were buying :) I try to throw up a few new names T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: certain theme or something you're after? to me it kinda seemed like the eviller, the better you liked T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: that might not be fair, but yeah! T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox tickles Father Ya Yamillay. T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Bloodlust probably has the only "Used condom" item in the game with stats like that of "Two puncture wounds" from inferno epic lol T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: condoms take away the good feeling so I can't see how they should boost stats... Maybe wisdom and intelligence or something like that T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Mr.Amarufox completed my vampire fantasy! T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox rubs his nose softly against Father Ya Yamillay's. T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I got this bloodthirsty bat for a float now T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: so set for halloween! T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Open your today legs! T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: best pickup line ever T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: FUCK PUTIN T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wolf Queen Lydia rapidly nods twice, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: looks like fucking kermit the frog too T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill tacitly agrees T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: F*CK INSLEE!!!!!!!!!!!! in huge decals. T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Saturnian: YEAH FUCK JAY INSLEE T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I voted against him TWICE...dude transported homegrown tree fruit and fed his buddies apple maggots...yet he is in conrol of our public health??? T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: you had a president who suggested drinking bleach to cure corona! TRUTH!! FUCK! yes it's the curse channel haha! T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Saturnian: i feel like inslee, kate brown, and gavin newsom all have a group text going where they try to one up each other on who can fuck their state up the worst T3/r7/2022-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I hate politics...but there just comes a point where...Idk...common sense? T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: No my momma will not protect you! T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay ducks defensively. T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: If I was born in "Game of Thrones" times I'd probably be turned into a eunuch or I'd be dead especially after saying to the white-haired woman "Of course I'll bend the knee if you bend over and let me get some of that nice ass of yours!" T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: So Questor is being pervvy...he keeps sending me to kill altar boys! T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: What's next...stable boys??? T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: rpouds boys! killemall! T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: umm proud T3/r7/2022-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra giggles at Cilmarill's actions. T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: ya know something they dont teach in schools? sometimes freezing rain is a pain in the ass, and sometimes its worse. T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: did you get freezing rain in your ass? T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: cant tell. everything is frozen and/or in pain. T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: pretty sure my school taught me to wear a coat when the weather is bad T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: not pointing your ass up at the sky is surely just common sense? T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: although, it is apparently the right thing to do if you are worried about being hit by lightning T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: not that common, no. and very few coats are warm enough to matter when your hands are soaked in water, working on freezing-cold glass and steel. T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Martinvs: fuck Putin T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Martinvs: that is all T3/r7/2022-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Oogie Boogiewoogie: what do you have against that delicious Canadian delicacy? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: So, I spend most of my days at coffeeshops as I use them as a remote office. So I end up visiting the same places a lot. I went to the bathroom and for like the second time in just 2 weeks, the bathroom has no tp. just two empty rolls. :P I go to tell the lady behind the counter and she looks at my like am an idiot. like wth? It's not my fault you don't have a restroom cleaning schedule. She doesnt even say sorry or thank you or a we will get right on that or anything. Well lady, you arent the one who just used commercial grade papertowels to wipe your butt. Seriously, have some empathy and some professionalism. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: Oh, was I suppossed to curse? Well fiddlesticks! :P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: must be nice to have a free workspace and complain about accomodations :p T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: fuck you T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu -) T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: use your socks T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: That excalated quickly. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: use someone ELSE's socks T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: how is it free? I buy everytime I go. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant is in the house. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: I don't think low wage employees give a shit T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra laughs out loud at Dashj. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: thats how you stay a low wage employee lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: As a former service worker, I gave a shit. :P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: they are out of TP so clearly someone gives a shit. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: fill your socks with mashed potatoes and leave them in the bathroom when company comes over T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: obvious solution is obvious - flush those paper towels and let the plumber explain why they need to keep the tp stocked. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: Nah, I'm not that kind. I actually cleaned up while I was in there .:P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: theyll never learn that way. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: handful of rubber cockroaches T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: on a possibly unrelated note, i just saw a family-friendly science news reporter drop an f-bomb in his livestream when someone in the chat mentioned his pride and joy video got taken down. funny as shit. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: Yes, but I care about me not letting other people change my morality. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: that will teach them T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: hmm. i wonder if theres room on the sports channel for debating the morality of constructive sabotage. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: Speaking of never learning things, when are you gonna learn how to level, Mannec? :P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader pokes Mannec in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: i practiced all the way up here. perfected that shit, then moved on to other goals. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: im currently trying to decide if i still want to be regulating the aardletter trade, or if i want to start letting that shit float on market forces. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: Inflation is high in rl, so might as well match that in game. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: listen not to tier9s for their advice only makes them stronger T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: My usual title says I am a fake tier9 so my tier9 advice is fake... Forgive me!:( T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wow, i thought you were afj T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: afk T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: You care to share the advice so we can judge if you are right or they are right? :P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: always encouraging us to sell aarch T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: buy two trivia sleeping bags for extra regeneration! Best tier9 advice, no?:P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: no more T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: infact we plannning on backing up the boss on epics T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajirobe Roninleader: meh, it mostly doesnt matter, but in general I would agree aarch is not something a new player should be worried about T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wtf happens on epics? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: drunk and high at the same time. ladies sipping champaigne on my aeroplane. i need to catche a flight T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: I've learned from the internet T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: slapping a crying baby on an airplane does not make it stop XD T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: slap harder. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: your internet? fucking defective. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: I've never hit a baby T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: but if i do I'm giving it all i got T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Dont you just love kicking em T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: well with the terrible lack of education youve gotten from the internet, i can see why. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: i chuck em like aaron rodgers T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: gotta get the spin just right, or they wobble all over the place. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Sounds like a dick slap T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: pretty similar physics, really. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: never vodka combined with gin... never T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Never EVER ever. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: why didn't you mention this before? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: BIG oof on that one T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: cruel world:( T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Once you start mixing alcohols like that, you're fucked. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: nah, i am fine. need more:) T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: On a related note, no L:ong Island Ice teas if you dont have a high tolerance T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: no mangled texts here T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: but damn my stomach hurts and i feel like i haven't eaten in forever T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Def get some damn food in your stomach, it'll soak up some of the harshness of the alcohols so you can have a more enjoyable drink T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: vodka and gin is the new deal for 2022 T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Take it from the resident alcoholic here <----- T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Yes, and some water...I know, I know...even if it's ice in your sippy cup! You'll thank us tomorrow. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: the people on aard take care of me than my gf . my gf is mixing another one T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra raises her glass of champagne in a toast. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: lucky we aren't IRL friends...Id be helping her lol. "Add a BIT more...there ya go" lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I don't need any encouragement! I do quite well on my own...rofl! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: why do i have two laptops instead of one? is what's going through my mind T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Im a bad influence lol. And agr4ed Yadarra lol. Ruh roh Stuy, mebbe you take a nap and reconsider that next ddrink lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: once you make one decision drunk you have to follow through T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: can i friend yall? i am seriously gonna remember nothing but at this moment i know yall gave me good advice T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Of course! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant peers intently at Khonshu. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i wanna marry cardi b T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: thats why you never make decisions drunk T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Some of my best and worst work has all been drunk lol. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: And wait dint Cardi B like...assault men or something? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: and not in the fun way T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: I'll never day drink again lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I make okay tipsy...it's never made decisions when I'm MAD. That ragequit thing never ends well...rofl. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i win gqs while drunk, i can't remember my opponents T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: rage quit ends like me T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Yeah angry decisions are no good. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: tor1 that T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wait T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: though if I'm walking in the cold i like to get $5 of the single shot bottles of morgan lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: shit nevermind long sentence T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: good to go from there T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: remind me on flist tommorow T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i wish my gf was more like the ladies on aard T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: don't remind that sentence when i am sober T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Your secret is safe with me. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is agreeing with that Ara person again... T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: my gf punches like Mike Tyson T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: anyways...since we all know i am drunk T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i can beat anyone in gqs T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Im fucking TERRIBLE at them. Im such a slow quester. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: just kidding T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: gin and vodka made me sicj T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: sick T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i should just move to russia and have unlimited vodka T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: I would...wait a bit....before making that move T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ticktock is agreeing with that Nerazim Aradona person again... T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: stay away from Ukraine T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is agreeing with that Ara person again... T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: unless you wanna get souvenairs while it still exists T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: ebay them at a massive markup T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i ran outa vodka in my bar so i settled for gin(my gf's stuff) and ... i met my ancestors and i am stuck with my laptop and aard T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: thank pink stuff hits T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: you stuffed your gf with what now T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: vodka bottle? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: mine likes bowling pins T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona raises a drink and toasts Mael, exclaiming, "THAT escalated quickly!" T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: maels... i didn't comment when you wore a thanos hand for foreplay T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: this tree trunk requires gloves my good sir T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Don't worry its not to scale though :p T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: well it has scales T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Better get immune vopl. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Oh lawd lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: how does this guy leave me speechless??? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: most fun i ever had was drinking at walma rt lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: probably from the vax T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: you're supposed to get the shot in your sack right T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Walmart id the BEST place to drink lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: mael is clearly the author of malware T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: maelware T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: maelware T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: Trains : [ 1337 ] T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: tier9s T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) w0w Mael eez 1 baI)azz mofo h3 r krush3z 3I\I3I\/I!3z n f33dz b0n3z 2 supa mutt T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) u watch az dat k3\/\/1d00d Mael krushez Krith'vor the Shaded, Elder Mechanist of the Selarys Brotherhood uI\Nda h!z b00+z yeh!!!!!!!!11111 T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I am clearly too sober today! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: please give the best tier9 to duel with T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: Winners don't do drugs T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: lol, Gimme like 3 hours I won't be. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: best arcade games to play stoned have that screen ironically XD T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: lol You're not wrong lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: it's ladies night here on thursday... we all drunk here T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: half price for ladies T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: so we send our female besties for alcohol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: friendships = connections T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu gropes WinterPaws Aelisia. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu grins evilly. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wtb female bestie for next thursdat T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: thursday:) T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i am not drunk . the keypad got smaller suddenly T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: anyways back to cps T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: man, the world leaders are such pussys. the UK.. "We will back you Ukrain, dont worry... we will stop buying Russia's oil!!, oh and heres a few machine guns.. good luck" T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: lol they knew russia would do it T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: it was like telling a kid not to do something when they have that look in their eye T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: Man Putin is nuts, North koreas leader and his sister are also nuts. China want an excuse for war. shiiiit T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: heeey it's ww2 all over again "We'll help you poland!" T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'm very anti agression, but yes even I am dissapointed :(( T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: I'm anti aggression too T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: man, if its not the middle east at war its a global pandemic, if its not that, its a 3rd war. Fuck me. Get the world leaders to hit the DMT. problem solved T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: but occasionally people are obligated to act morally or ethically T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: I'm more anti coward T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: just sanctioned a few banks and some super rich Russians who's been using London to launder money for years T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: They need to chill out and mud. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: amen to that T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: don't give them any ideas lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I mean, Russia has a lot of nuclear weapons, and Putin has gone mad though, so... T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: you know, throw putlin and the Ukrain leader in a ring let them battle it out. No need to involve the armies T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Not THIS one! Lol. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: its good people aren't using Muds as an underground way too communicate T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: Man, Jim kong un also wants an excuse to hit the button T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: go send em to smaug T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: We as people are just cancerous. The human race. meh T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: Give ELon musk the right to run the world. make him the global embasidor T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: not really T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: musk would just nickle and dime us T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: hes really good at his own PR T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: I wouild take Elon musk over any leader. Borris johnson is a twat, Biden? laughable... T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: Biden is partially to blame for ukraine T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: Biden should be living out his days on a beach, forgetting what he ordered to drink not runni9ng a superpower T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: are the USA even a superPower anymore? I think China would just wipe out the entire world with a few drones :S T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: Putin couldn't have been happy when ukraine was successfully quid pro quoed by Biden T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: biden cant even make it through a golf course without pooping himself, he really shouldnt be handling this lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: USA is busy falling on its own sword T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: with its first world problems T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: fuck all of them lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: if only some of you brilliant leaders were running things *sigh T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I couldn't really say since I'm UK, but I saw his speech today on the whole subject and it was kind of limp T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: Amen, Borris spitting out they are going to impose sanctions. Jeeeez. Putin is nuking the world and borris is talking about stoping the importing of barley! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: last bit was a joke :p T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: china will benefit T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: they want more land and less people T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think that no country is willing to go first - like, sanctions are kind of pointless unless everyone piles in T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: ntm technology advances faster in times of war T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: but Russia is well prepared for a brief drop in the economy T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: so really everyone who believes the so called world leaders should go back to watching WWE T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: no one minds being the heel if it means a big cash payout and more power T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: if Civ has taught me anything, sanctions don't do crap T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: certainly not in the short term T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: the best we could hope for is that the Russian people finally rise up T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: You gotta love the reporters. Loads of UK reports head to Ukraine to comment on the war. Are you feeling ok? Jeeez, standing around watching bombs to comment on the nonsense T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I mean Russia's huge and has so much resources - it could easily be a big world power again if it just stops acting like the evil one in the corner T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: I think we just Send over the [Baal] clan and let them tackle this bollocks lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: it has the oil T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: napolean and hitler both went into russia in winter T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: "Never get involved in a land war in asia." T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: russia also has the biggest reserve of uranium, so they just have to wait out eh sanctions and the worlds nuclear reacters would run out of fuel T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: and their biggest enemy has really been themselves T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: they could be really fucking dangerous for that reason T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: well I mean just stop being so war like, and join the international community? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: china and russia only respect power and control T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: other cultures lack the self discipline to get their respect i think T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: to be fair America is probably the country that's most exerted it's military over the past century T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i think once us stops being the world police you will prob find russia alot nicer T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: but our people are stupid mostly T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: buut by then china will be the world police, so make russia look super nice T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: and lazy T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: yeah, since then end of ww2 we've been a big ole world police when we shouldn't have T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: true T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: agree T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: but thats our involvement in globalism T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: we chose to be world military T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: its not like we have much worth exporting anymore either T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: even when Eisenhower said we should leave it T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: well personally, being British, I don't mind at all. I mean you're big and you posture a lot, but fundamentally, the US is about freedom and democracy. So, I'm fine with that T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: ntm the bullshit psyops we play on our own public T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: we are really good at overthrowing governments unfourtunately T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: to be fair, all countries do psyops on their own T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: we know one of two things will happen T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: international community will talk big but ultimately do nothing T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: or we go to war T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: people are getting more and more mad that russia isn't starting that war us keep insisting its starting... i love social media, could probably get people to belive earth is flat again. not sure if that's indicate of how retarded people have gotten in last decades or how amazing brain washing apparatus has gotten T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: if we choose one path china will probably move next T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i think ukraine will be part of russia soon T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I don't we'll go to war T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: me either T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: watch Ted Cruz T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: no war, russia will take ukraine, then china takes taiwan T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: perfect example of a do nothing big talker T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: they'll just scold russia for us XD T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: us do more sanctions, which hurt them even more economically, then us collapses T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: ukrain was part of russian, still is and probably will be. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i wish we would just curse here and not talk politics like any of us know anything more than our stupid sources .... also ... FUCK T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oh i just make shit up as i go T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: sanctions might not work anyways T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i am jsut an elfo after all T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I agree on the social media thing - but then at the same time, it's going to be impossible for the Russian people to not hear the other side (they're getting propaganda hosed through their media right now), and ultimately, the thing that makes it right will be the Russian people objecting against their own government T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: not when money can be used to get around them T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: also fuck ukrain sideways. i was born there and it's a literal shithole... any country that legitimizes nazis and then puts them as a polical party can just fuck off T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: alright i can agree there T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: that the US as well T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: the nazi party thing applies to the US as well T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: erks - didn't know that KiSaZul T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i feel that way about israel too, what they ever done for me? nothing T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: America truly has freedom of speech T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: until you talk on social media :) T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: the whole thing being supposedly started over language is such a pile of garbage its hilarious. most cities there never spoke ukrainian outside of classroom. odessa despite what ever garbage wikipedia says, has more hibrew speakers than ukrainian. also again fuck that place. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: freedom of speech and results of speech r diff :) T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u r free to ruin your standing with any private firm :P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: although i am canadian and we dont have freedom of speech T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: you got mooses tho T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: they are tasty T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hmm well I certainly don't know enough about the details, but I do believe that a country's population should be free to choose their own destiny T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: and I'm fairly sure the Ukranian people didn't vote to be invaded by Russia T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: the fact you believe russia invaded is the problem. brainwashing be real stronk T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: pretty sure russian people didn't vote to invade ukraine either T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: wait you really think Russia aren't invading? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: there are literally more usa soldiers in ukrain then probably actual ukrainian soldiers T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: from what I understand is there is a seperatist movement in ukraine inviting the russians in -shrugs- but I trust no new sources cause they all have an agenda T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: HiSaZul born in Ukraine or not - that's madness T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Sizable antiwar protests in both Moscow and St Petersburg today T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: and russia having its own troops on border is their business and theirs alone despite anyones insistance on some other logic T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yes, a small part of Ukraine - and Russia used that as an excuse to mass troups. But they're invading Ukraine, it's real T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: states wants a war, thats the only actual truth rest is just bullshitting T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: right... so i keep hearing. for past fucking year. yet only foreight troops in ukrain are american T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: but hey let the twitter be your guide to world politics T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: having their own troups is fine, but having 150 thousand troups along with accompanying tanks, rockets, and air support is different. Rockets fired into the capital city? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I don't use Twitter, and I suspect you don't use anything T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: i got fam living there. i get the benefit of fact checking crap... T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think you're full of shit T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: you get benefit of repeating horseshit :P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: no need to be nasty hisazul T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) CheeZy Bot HiSaZuL: anyway keep on droning. im sure it russia will invade if people just wait long enough T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's fine to be nasty, I'm perfectly willing to be nasty too, HiSaZul you're exactly the horse shit spewing moron that you pretend you guard against T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: being a contrarion is fine, but if your level of confidence is in direct proportion to how many facts there are out there, then eat you tink foil hat T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: the stronger the opinion the emptier the knowledge T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: utter nonsense, Hellion T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I have an extremely strong opinion that the earth is a sphere and that there isn't a baby eating cabal of elitists controlling America. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I also know that the sky is blue and huge cushions are comfy. Challenge me! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss (swearing) https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60513807 T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: Bwahahaha there's a cursing channel ??????? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Fuck yeah. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: this is so fucking funny i can't believe this exists T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: is this the ONLY channel you can curse in ?? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Menpehtyre: you better fucking believe it T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Better fucking belive it ol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: god i love this game T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: This isn't a good game. It's a great fucking game. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: many semi-private channels are ok for cursing T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Beat me to it lol....theres a SHIT TON of fun stuff in Aardwofl....kept me playing for....decades. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: i'm never using any other channel again /joke T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: like friendtalk or (most) clantalks T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: okay anyways i gotta go find this fuckin reed stick thing or whatever the economics npc wants me to find, last time i went to the lake i just wandered around in a circle for an hour so T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: hopefully there'll just magically be a reed flute salesperson or something this time T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: It's really not hard to find. You'll get it T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: well shit, if you need help with stuff, most people on here are more than willing to offer a hand. And I'll add you to my friends, if you have a question I can answer, I got you fam. T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Is there a bloodlust adult parody item called "Bloodlust's nutbust" Yet? Just wanna know if that's possible to equip.. pleze forgive me T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: It...its beautiful. It just rolls off the tongue lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: yo how many fuckin moons this planet got, is there just the grey one ? feels weird to specifically call it the grey moon if its the only one T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: wait i should put this in questions hold on T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: not trying to sound racist but there's a black and white moon as your last 2 T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: oh yo three of them ?? T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: yes T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: if all 3 out at the same time you can chance for enchant to got almost perfect on your items T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: There is, now that I think about it...Never really had an impact on my Eldar Psi that I needed to worry about it... T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: type "curse *moon" T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: that is not a real moon like the ones that help with enchants T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen drops his pants and gives you the vertical smile! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Glaine drops his pants and rudely moons Father Ya Yamillay! T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I wonder if lasher will refuse my t-p for tryin enchants during those 2 moons:P T3/r7/2022-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: If Lasher, rather T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I wish the world is flat ....my fucking timezone sucks T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: yall quiet and actually playing the game:( T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: god bless the dark web , now i get my weed via a courier T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: like you book someone into a spa so you can chill with your side chick and she walks in on yall. i mean, wtf is she doing here??? T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: anyways they don't give refunds T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant buries his face in his hand and sighs, shaking his head. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant pokes Iron Duck Chuft in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I think i know what i will rename too T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Rhiannon screams, "You're not nice at all, Stuyvesant! You are mean!" T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: man , I am such a beast T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: heh, i misread that as breast for a second T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: heh. I have a quest to kill "a dhole". Niiiice T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: remains found with cellphone and photo id identified after 2 years. fucking excellence in government, right there. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: 2 years to look at the id? T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: The government works like old people fuck, just saying. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: no, 2 years to get dna test results from a different state. they knew about the id. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: ok a? thats _two_ terrible things you just did to us. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: oh yeah, the punch line? body cremated without the family's permission. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: lol. My point still stands lol T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Oh fuck! What was their reasoning? T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: i'd wait for the smell to vanish before i checked the pockets.. just saying T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Thats a lawsuit T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adele: I don't practice that kind of law. Sorry! T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: ... reasoning ... nope. T3/r7/2022-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5XuqPKtr-g T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: some of the new names that pop up makes me stand up irl and poor another glass of vodka T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: sorry , I mean whiskey ... vodka is not a good thing nowadays T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: Worst fucking sanctions ever. Hahahah porn hub blocked Russians T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: dang thats harsh! T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: porn mags bout to sell out in mother russia T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: they will make a come back! T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Feast winces at Elfo's remark. T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: lol :) T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: time to get super baked then run off some levels as fastly as humanly possible lol T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Espe lets out a string of curses that would make you blush if we hadn't censored her. T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Feast: lifechant? T3/r7/2022-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: All good Espe? T3/r7/2022-02-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: Want light-up tits? Wear a candle-a-bra! T3/r7/2022-02-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: comedic fucking genius, i. T3/r7/2022-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: A six-foot four tranny in a leather mini skirt...popped a squat and kept right on walking! We were all just...stupefied!!! T3/r7/2022-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: Why can no one put anything back where they got it from? They can't even hit the same shelf.... fucking with my ocd.... T3/r7/2022-02-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: "Breasts" I'll try them with beer.. These are the aard trek voyages of the wet left in the thighs.. T3/r7/2022-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Remember... Sex Yes! Stress Less! T3/r7/2022-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A trophy Skull tried two in the stink one in the pink. T3/r7/2022-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: ... shocking! T3/r7/2022-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan starts moaning. T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: what a fucking good morning T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: wow, thaty is a powerfuil statement right there T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: yeah, i hid her clothes T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Coomie: cooommmoooon, what a grand idea T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: yeah , i told her i would hand everything back after she makes breakfast:) T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: tommorow it's my turn:) T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: who's clothes did you hide? T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: some girl i have over. T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i just gotta wonder if ya got time to hide clothes if ya didn't have time to make breakfast yourself T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: what? she gotta crawl for her ball. she getting cash outa this T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: hey listen, i wasn't like this . my ex broke my hear and unchained Charlie Sheen 2.0 T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: heart* T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: uh... haha, what? it's way too late and i'm pretty drunk. I still feed the ladies even if i don't learn their names. T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: breakfast tastes better when it's made by a lady you don't know ... reason we buy our coffee on our way to work T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i've never got coffee on the way to work. just wake up driving bourbon in and take a photo before i fuckoff out the door to get pizza on the way. i do think it's nice to have a dinner cooked, even if i'd cook it better than her. T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: if you the bread winner , only cook for her on valentines T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: juck that, i'll give her some bauble and that's enough T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: also i'm currently warming up my podcast personality. T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: I get a girl to break you heart before venturing into anything. it pushes you T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: do they do anything else? maybe you just haven't stopped paying attention, best way to avoid heart break is to ignore them most of the time. T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: i kind of enjoy having someones hands all over my bald head while i sleep like a kitten on her lap T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: well there's where ya fucked up, now she thinks she matters T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: in my hood, you get a new job and you get 5+ girls suddenly caring about your health T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: heh wow :) T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: must be legit concern then :) T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: very, she wants to make sure you make it to payday T3/r7/2022-03-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: yup T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain pops the top off a bottle of beer and downs it in one gulp. T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: apparently love feels like a cocaine high,is this true? T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: no clue, never done cocaine T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: since i started using torrents, i don't helicopters flying over my roof:( T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: so fuck it! T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh, I see. T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: And their saddle mounts, too! T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: "So fuck it" - Me every day at least a dozen times T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Situatin normal, then? T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: LOL T3/r7/2022-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Glaine: wtf T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) DoNotBurn Brun: curse hor T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) DoNotBurn Brun buries his face in his hand and sighs, shaking his head. T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You kids okay over there? T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Vernika: who? T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: is this the fuck putin channel? T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: sure T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: as all channels should be T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yeah fuck Putin! T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: that fucker cant even respect a cease fire and now he's hiring mercenaries to do the dirty work T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i still want one of those fucking calendars though, i should check ebay T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: fuck him for sure T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bedokman: ... with a 2x4 T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: the Oliver Stone interviews he did a few years back were interesting, not sure i ever finished. but that fucker definitely DOES understand english T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think he's going Stalin mad T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: like, Michael Jackson mad - too few people around just nodding and stuff T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: well I'd just nod around him too, those interviews were amusing b/c the whole time the translator looks scared shitless T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yeah right, do not say no to Mr Putin T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Open your buns for the pie inbetween!;) T3/r7/2022-03-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel starts to quiver, when suddenly KABOOM! Weasels fly everywhere. T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: There are few things in this world as breathtaking as my gf in her shorts. T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [Outlaw] Mendaloth: Agreed! T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: can also vouch for this! T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hmm I'll give you that but I raise you getting as much rare bonus as base exp T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [Outlaw] Mendaloth: Any one else like LordPain's GF in her shorts? T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: if she found out that i knew she was the one before she even turned around she would slap me T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: btw the over large t-shirt thing is also a secret trick ;) T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain drools all over himself -- making a TERRIBLE mess! T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: nothing beats a chinese movie where their lips don't move with their words T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: classics:) T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: anyways, any nice 2022 movies yall can suggest? T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: "feed abruptly stopped by supplier" T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: man , this war sucks:( T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: Hancock is on the badname list. T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: why? T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: i mean T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain: Wetdream is the name of a mob. T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: they prob figure there is enough sausage in game already :) T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LordPain snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: wheeeeewww! Just spent an hour making that toilet wish it was never cast T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: Damn Taco Bell T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: wtf is Netflix's deal with these fucking half-seasons? T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ikr? T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Idk. T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: They used to just do that with pilot shows...to gauge interest...well, on old tvs. T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: just make a season longer, don't split it up over the course of 6 months or whatever T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: That's how I feel about Cliffhanger season endings... T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: if you aren't running it a week at a time, you can't cancel it halfway in as easy when you make all the episodes up front T3/r7/2022-03-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: yeah but this is obviously supposed to be the "last" season of Ozark, they split it up with Money Heist too...deliberate cliffhanger T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: FUCK THOSE PRICKS! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You did? T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: FUCK THOSE PRICKS! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yeah, like that :) T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Although it's not often someone calls me and insults me several times...makes like interesting... T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: is that really bad or insulting? I mean pricks are for fucking right? lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: My mom would have said something like, "Fock M'ALL" with her Irish accent full tilt! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: And then that Gaelic one that means F yourself up your own A... T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: We need that one in English! For special occasions... T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Spoken like a true Snake. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I may have to leave this channel on, the way my day is going! Rofl!! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: hello T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: bum farts! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: fuck NHS and all public healthcare systems... that's all from me :) . T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch smiles happily. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill gasps at Zensch!!! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: definite naughty list for Zensch T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: you don't like waiting six months to be told you'll have to wait to see someone else in six more months? T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I don't know about them...but you said Healthcare...so I'm sure you're correct. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: I've been waiting 8+ hours today to get prescription for antibiotics... T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: OmG. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: why aren't antibiotics over the counter at this point? T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Because we're so patient when we're sick. Pardon the pun. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: using too many antibiotics is actually one of the most serious issues facing the future of healthcare T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona laughs out loud at Yadarra. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: oh no Cil :P T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: we need to debate about this :P T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: for $96 I can go to a doctors office (Patient's First) that exists every mile or so in my town and be like hey I need antibiotics and walk out with a prescription I pay $4 to fill in under an hour, and get the prescription filled in 15 mins. Fuck healthcare systems. Cash is the way to go lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah, but that's because doctors tote them as a cure-all or when they don't know what to do T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: like 10 years ago there was a report that 30% doctors in US prescribe antibiotics when they are NOT needed T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yeah - not only do you not need them, you're actually making future antibiotic use less and less effective T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: becaue mummy comes with kid that is crying etc T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: that's why public healthcare is vital - it's the only way to actually plan for the future rather than the one with the most spare cash T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: meanwhile, you can NOT just go to a doctor and say I need benzos :-( T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: you're a benzo T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: there should be mostly private healthcare! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: public should be limited to emergencies only T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i'll vote for any candidate that promises universal benzo prescriptions T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: I don't need a doctor to get benzos lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: no one really sells amoxcilian or zpacks on the street though lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: probably because they're free T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: with a prescription T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: sounds like a business opp T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: of course they don't get you high.. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: maybe a business opp in a third-world country T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: which at that point.. I question your ethics T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: ok, new business plan T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: how dare you, sire! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: er sir* T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: call me sire! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: there are many drugs in every country that are still 'legal' btw T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan slaps I heard a Ruckus. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus slaps Doge Water Yajan in the face with a fish. T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: I don't really care for drugs. I just smoke weed. lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Is A-T & T still legal? That drug is so addicting! T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: you know thats a drug right? T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: it's medicine Elfo :P T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: got the drugs out of my system in college lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: my coffee this morning was a drug T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: also medicine T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: its all medicine man :) T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: not in my state its not a drug :P T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: also as legal as weed here T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: and chocolate T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: 100 years ago cocaine was kind of a medicine :P but now we have huge regress T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: and in my county the most you can get even without a prescription carrying under 2 ounces is a $50 ticket lol T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i have a license for medical weed, but its too weak and i dont like weed, hydro morphone anyday instead :) T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: yall need to stop triggering me T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Redferne: hush Mushy T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: that's literally the only reason I use channels T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: to troll and trigger T3/r7/2022-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: otherwise I'd be in deaf mode T3/r7/2022-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OMG! Mael just popped out A trophy Skull's eyeball and is now skullfucking him! Hmmm... what's that white stuff leaking from A trophy Skull's ears? T3/r7/2022-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Colorful. T3/r7/2022-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'd watch out for bone splinters. T3/r7/2022-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: shit no! T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: that moment when you hear your cat absolutely wrecking shit somewhere and you turn around and instantly hear the death sound lmao T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Did you try to milk that cat, focker? T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: is that the confused meows I heard earlier? T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: having "shots of espresso" is fun. sometimes I "quaff shit" on accident. T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I quaff pieces of shit like you for breakfast T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: "You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?" T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: not sure, but I definitely quaff them T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: whole new meaning to chocolate milk... T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah, put that in your cereal your bowl and smoke it T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: so if you quaff a spicy shit does it come out spicy a second time? T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: ever eat something and shit out fire? i mean that litterally and figuratively T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: sure. Carolina Reapers do that lol T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: heh i helped clear a blockage at the gym the other day and got the next month membership paid T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: felt like the spacex starship on the toilet next morning T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: some people eat spice the same way people shit it T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaury: szzilleriel. thats a very hard name to spell. does it mean something? T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: wow guys T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: good shit T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: was writing a script and lost track of this convo, but I can see it developed nicely T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Apns: Wang roleplay sounds accurate too for wangrp T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: if u wiki breasts for fun, raise your hand!;) T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay raises his hand. T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: what is the puts hand down social? T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the first thing i ever looked up on youtube was booty tho... in 2010 T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: all i found was a george bush meme thats been banned since back in 08-09 T3/r7/2022-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay enthusiastically high-fives Nesamdoom! T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fuck putin T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: seconded, fuck putin T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rakiso: threesome it, fuck putin T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: his nipples are too big fro my liking T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: for rather T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: yea, for the nipple thing... not for him being a massive cunt dictator T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: lavrov's up there too. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ticktock: I didn't think I'd be googling putin's nipples today, but here I go. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: in russia the size of a man's nipples represents their power and influence T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: according to a sitcom i watched once T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i cant remember the last time i wasn't googling dictator nipples T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: I gotta give him points for the charitable donation of so many armored vehicles to Ukrainian farmers. He's a real asshole, but he has been quite generous the last couple weeks T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: why wouldn't they be T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i personally think all politicians are asshats T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: apparently gladacus wants to censor you people T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: how bad can it be? i was in facebook jail once :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: a few actually get into it to help people, sadly they don't often go very far because of not letting lobbyists or party boss them into giving up their goals. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Apparently this is Political and fairly certain there's a meme about the US president being the largest coward to ever have that seat.... T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: agree T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: no matter who the president is, someone is gonna bitch about it T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: and bitch about things that are not even the job of the president. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Granted the Ukrainian president is that meme "I need ammunition, not a ride" T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: it's fucking hilarious explaining to people that their state laws aren't the president's fault. doubly so when they have been that way for decades T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i remember when W was in office, and i remember thinking even back then: if people think you're stupid, the smartest thing you can do is let them continue to think so T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: the hide in plain sight sort of deal? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Since there's also that joke that the Vice Preisdent is the one thats actually being sent out for negotiations, I wonder, what does the president actually do other than run away and offload onto the VP? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: the president is a lightning rod, the real owners of this country aren't elected T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: the real owners of of all of our countries now is china T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: W was kinda dumb about shit, but it also covered him outright lying about some stuff. and generally i don't think he did anything specifically to fuck us around, but he def did shit to help some people get rich. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: I assume there's a wierd niche pride in being the president with the lowest acceptance rater in the past few decades T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: show me a president who never lied T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i never had sexual relations with that woman T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i think the one that came closest was kennedy T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i am not a crook T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: bah show me a person who never lied T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: maybe that's why they killed him :p T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: maybe mael T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: wanted to remove centralized banking T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Wait, so isn't it Saint Kennedy then? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: like putin T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the problem is that people don't seem to understand the 3 sections of federal government and think the president is the boss. he's at best a third since he can get shot down by 2 different branches or they can just outright change shit he does. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Almost never lied....got shot by his own people, sounds like a potential Saint T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: he certainly lied to his wife T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: bette rthan anything we ever had here in canada T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ya he cheated alot apparently on his wife T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Yep....think thats what acceptance rate means, when you're preisdent but the other 2/3 doesn't agree with any of your actions T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: canada has justin castro at the helm, freezing the bank accounts of people who supported the protest T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: agree mael T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: then says we must stop tyranny in russia T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: Mael: show me a president who never lied I can't. also clinton had a bunch of ppl killed the day of columbine and then went on tv to talk about the tragic shooting. that's hippocritical, but he still wasn't bad at making the country run T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: "clinton had a bunch of people killed" lmao ok, done talking to you now :p T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Might add the note that Clinton shot down Russia's application to NATO before he actually passed it to NATO....which I get the feeling,, violates NATO laws T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i said that to my fatehr in law mael, he was like, well your not a canadian then, why dont you move to the states or soemthing? i was like, ok deal, lets go now laura! T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: why? look that shit up, it was like 3k in panama T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: So in a sad sense, you can throw all dead, on both sides of this war, at his feet T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: what the fuck are yall talkin about T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan faints. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan faints. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: pick a direction T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i was talking to mael about canada T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: They went that way <-+-> T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: then debate/argue yall muthafuckas are all over the place sounding like msnbandfoxnews had a stroke T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: wait, your failure to follow us isnt our fault hellion :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: j/k teehee :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i was just saying even good presidents lie and also do fucked up shit. all the shit i said can be cited if i dig out and search through shitlots of chomsky books T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: if you are an adult and are still picking sides in politics you are fucking retarded and have cognitive dissonance esp if you say politicians are corrupt ... but i like red/blue T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: facts are only as good as the points they are meant to support T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i like political stances more than parties. there's both sides i like on various topics kuz i'm not gonna blindly follow shit T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: so clinton was president and ordered an attack on 3k people in panama.... somehow that means something in comparisson to columbine da gfuq? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i showed no support for any sides, i made a specific statement that they are all corrupt T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: im fucking mad at the purple worm aight im just glad these is a curse channel T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the point is that he went on tv that day and to talk about tragic loss of life while knowing he caused many more deaths. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u know thats completely reasonable right? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: sorry nesa im being rude i wish i didnt know u kinda or disliked u lol T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: it dont see invis btw :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: what im saying is those two things are not mutually exclusive T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: umm what's the sourec on 3K dead in panama? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i'm very bad at agreeing with people... T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u dont have to agree u just have to ask yourself anytime u are about to say something "so what?" whats my goal? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: to nesa or to me, you got this conver split in 2 hellion :/ T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: and ull realize its just your ego wanting to show something (I am guilty of this right now) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: b/c im seeing nothing so ill call bs T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: problem with politics is that you're not allowed to agree with the other side. piss shit!!! (it's the curse channel) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: but GOD DAMN im tilted by a purple fucking worm T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the source is literally in one of like 20 books i have that's kinda the prob with chomsky books is that they all have shitlots T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: no, i made a statement of fact, they are all corrupt, its not my fault people wanted to debate facts hellion T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: also i hate semicolons my comment was not complete T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: can i get a date then to narrow my search? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the day of the columbine shooting. same day both things T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i aint made at anyone elfo T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i see stuff on panama papers (big surprise and big whoop) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: just that fuckin purple worm T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: cil, should "truth" out to your pals on truth social about the purple worm T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox grins mischievously. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: but i have noticed not just here, people talk politics and forget that they dont actually know shit. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: there's literally nothing out there for Bill Clinton Panama April 20, 1999 T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: send the purple worms to putin and let them fuck off together T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: example: fakenews, media lies ... BUT this source GTFO T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: politicians are corrupt and they lie BUT THIS ONE /wrists T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i dont know specifics about politics because its all bull to me, so i dont bother T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I did send a truth "worms are not purple" but they just memed something about strangling Putin to death T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: the purple worm is a hoax T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: in fact there's zero news of any armed conflict in panama in april 1999 T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i feel u elfo and its good to be honest with yourself and know thyself. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: then go buy like a huge stack of noam chomsky books and read them all and like try to remember which one it was in 15 years later. i'm not able to recall and so i guess i look like a dick with no citation T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i mean, to me, if you know 2 different people and they both lie and try to trick you non stop, you would prob stay away from thenm or ignore them right? its how i am with politics T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: kinda, but that's okay :) i've made the same error myself before so no worries T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i wonder if i can grep ebooks... T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: no hate nesa but u should kinda be able to source esp when your point (however weak) was that president is an asshole for killin people on or near the same day columbine happened T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: thats a false equivalency to begin with T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i dont think i can invis yet btw T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i mean, when raising a child, you prob dont say never lie, unless you get into politics, that wouldnt make sense right? but hee we are T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Well at this point, I call a ceasefire, honour amoungst thieves T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: my point was hypocracy, i'd not call him an asshole as he's the best president that's been in office in my life. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: Chomsky's ppoint was during the invasion of panama in 1989, ~3000 civilians were killed. But I don't see an yrelationship to clinton T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i mean technically that was Bush Sr, who lets be real as former CIA director most definitely had people killed the way putin does T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: imo u tell ur child lying is bad because you should do what you want done to you. BUT sometimes lies are necessary and as you get older I will guide you to find which ones r good or bad or neither. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: then i probably misremembered some shit and combined things in my head from a decade and half since last reading it. i'll accept that T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Politicals at times when it comes to voting, feels like chosing between being run over by a 18 wheeler or a freight train....Either way, you loose but atleast 1 gives a smidge of hope T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: no, i disagree, honesty is always the best policy T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: we tell children Santa exits because we like to perpetuate the fantasy we had that the world is sparkly and perfect T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: its ok bud its just shit, our brain literally is shit at actually remembering the original. We just out own selfworth and identity behind a memory too often T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: honesty is definitely not always the best policy T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i agree with elfo. nice lies are just a soft way of fucking people around. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ill give you a REAL example T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i was raised shiite muslim in pakistan T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i was raised to lie and say i am sunni when asked T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: lemme know why honbesty woulda been good T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: cuz its not lol T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's not even a thing T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: there are no objective morals, subjectivity is the reason debates exist T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: well because you would have been true to yourself and defended what your faith and life choices are, if you dont feel secure in those choices, then maybe you should choose to have a defferent faith? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: "just be nice" it's as simple as that T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: lying is bad always is literally BAD to believe BUT it's good to spread among those who might listen i.e., children T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: and quite often, that means saying things you don't completely believe in T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i wont lie about who i am, even if it gets me killed T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: that's bollocks, Elfo ;) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: so i dont go to protests, went once and didnt think it was worth a damn. Are protests as a whole bad? fuck no so i encourage others to do them and support them regardless of their side because its goiod to have people do what they can ... but dont tell them wont make a diff as an individual T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: really? cause i been beat to shit before for saying i was christian T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: its trolling or ur under 30 T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: in the not dealing with a bunch of other people's bullshit i guess i don't see misleading as the same. I won't lie to my kids tho, prob why one thinks i'm an asshole T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ya everyone gets beat um T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: its not a big deal life and death will make u sucka dick ... everyone is tough on the internet T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ok I don't know if you have children, but I'm guessing you'd lie to keep them alive? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'd lie in a second to keep my close family alive T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: beleive what you will, but thinking i wont do soemthing because you wouldnt do something doesnt work either T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: im guessing hes young, when i was young i didnt what MY life was worth let alone anyone elses, my goal was to join the marines to keep our way of life, politics oil i literally said i dont care i will kill for OUR life... fuck them. Kids dont know shit T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: you guess wrong, i am 44 T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i wouldn't lie to them to keep them alive. i'd explain as best as i could and if they decided to be fuckwits and die then it'd be on them. i'd lie to anyone else in the world to keep them alive though. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: no sorry, I'm not saying that, and I respect your integrity, I'm just saying - at some point, I'd do anything T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: your overall point of assuming yur action is true and in theory correct im just saying u dont know till you know. Everyone's got a plan till you get punched in the mouth -Mike Tyson T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: sure and i already stated i got punched in the mouth and stayed true with ym convictions T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: v true, the mouth punch can def switch the strat T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: its figurative T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Guess whats happening in Ukraine is a testament to that, despite the grimm nature, parents still explain to their children the situation as to why the spend their nights under ground T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: well Elfo you're the kind of person I would want around me :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: see, my other thing, i am old so i dont give a fuck anymore T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: but being beat up doesnt mean you were actually afraid to die. IDK what country you live in but our fears were real. Not about getting beat up .. my father was kidnapped by fake cops etc T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i live in canada T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: "going in the van" used to be a real concern of mine :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ya im in North America for the last 32 years BUT you never forget things like that T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Oh, here, fake cops are drug runners....or is that the real cops....If a cop is doing illegal things, does that count as fake? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: be glad that only assuming ud die for your beliefs is a choice T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: lol we've got a sitting (re-elected) judge that was caught running guns to mexico T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'd be very happy to lie right of my arse if it stopped any of you from being dragged into a van (curse channel piss) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: I wonder what class the mexicans fly on that airliner flying people in from mexico to the USA T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i aint assuming, i coud give the example that helped me get ptsd from, but i aint gonna expose you all to it T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: just cause my country may look nice doesnt also mean that cruel bad shit doesnt happen here, although i feel bad for your past and possible predicament? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Almost think it was trump that refered to planes flying mexicans into the US during the night T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: dying for beliefs is a varied scale. I'd not die over knowing pineapple is shit on pizza or even for the FSM(not that he'd be paying attention). But i'd happily headbutt a bear to buy time for my son to get away. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: u shouldnt feel bad. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: life is like this T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Have the done anything about the trucker protests? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill gasps! Nesamddom wash your mouth ou! T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: lol tho, to be fair, there are night flights from mexico to the us on commercial airlines... not what trump would have been saying tho T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus nods. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill tucks into a ham and pineapple pizza while Nesam's son is eaten by a crazy bear... T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i dont have children but for myself id do anything. I am finally as close to happy as I have been (till that GOD DAMN WORM) losing THIS is really bad to me. Also since I am not religious/a theist T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: oh no Cil, you're a pineapple person aren't you? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: but ya i always been honest, cept for a few times i lied and oh boy that geot me in messes, so now i am hoenst all the time or trying to be, the flip side, i dont got friends irl now (other than my wifes) and most my familly dont talk to me no more T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: I guess his uhm...insinuation is the legitimacy of some of those travelers.... T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i mean soemtiems you lie as a knee jerk reaction, but i am trying to improve myself T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: sush! I'm eating! can you tell your son to stop screaming please, it's distracting T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: but i will say elfo we have one major diff. At least I assume, you have pride and the idea of your moral standing is stronger than your actual experience to you. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: which most religious people are also like. I understand it. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: I believe this is all I have T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Well only ever telling the truth labels you as someone that can snitch/rat out secrets T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: for me ... T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i think it only makes sense :P T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: in general i don't think lyin is pointful. I wouldn't do anything that I needed to lie to cover up and I don't see the purpose of being dishonest about what I think or feel towards anything or one. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: well i aint perfect obviously, just saying i think truth is better, it may hurt or make people made, but i think you get respect for that too T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: to the feelings point nesa i say fair, but some people share their feelings on everything and call it honesty T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: er mad sorry T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i agree T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: now, flip side, i got brain damage, so i aint the sartest dude in the world either, so grain of salt lol T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: there are a lot of people who are blunt but not honest T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: true T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i think most of us in the discussion are at least 1 step above average (out of a scale of 10000s of steps probably) at least this is the reinforcement we have received. This is why we have strong opinions and debate them. The ones smarter than us are eitgher out of the convo or never entered. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: ha, the lies i'm told i should tell i never do. not my fault if my wife's hair looks stupid blue, i told her that when she asked. If I'm being robbed and have hidden money then lying makes sense. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: I mean...Lets put it this way, lying for your own advantage is bad....but its bad to sometimes always tell the truth about others....I mean, imagine your best friend decides that their choice of gender for partners is changing....not sure you'd want to shout it from the roof tops that your friend came out the closet T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: the bane of avg +.01 T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: when you tell your kids not to lie, you're sort of lying to them :p T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: well no if they asked me to keep a secret i would T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: You mean wouldnt?:P T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Well wouldnt shout their sscret from the rooftops T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ok, i see where your going, so if you said hey is geanie getting a sex change? i would say, sorry, you have to ask her/him T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: glad, i don't see not spreading info as a lie. in that scenario it'd be one's friend's business not one's so them not telling people wouldn't be a lie as much as a choice to not share info that isn't theirs T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: flip that elfo lets try this : what if ur kids told someone ELSE a secret and it may or may not be harmful, do you hope that person either has the sense to know when to share secrets and break a pact of trust? or do u want someone who is morally immovable T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: because thats personal info and i try not to gossip T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: But yeah I'm more of that partial truths type of person if I have to lie T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: IE cut out the bit that maybe I shouldn't say T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hmm I think it's really simple - "just be nice" and if that means you have to lie a bit, or a lot, then lie T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i would hope my kids if i had some would keep true to themsleves T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: this all becomes moot if someone is mute T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: ya the kids r perfect no flaw on them T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: im saying the person they trust wont always be T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: what do u hope that person is in this scenario? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: because i chose to be like this i wouldnt expect others too, ,so ya thats a delema T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: I mean if someone goes for a sex change, I'm more likely to say they're in hospital and I dont know why than to say why or say they're somewhere else T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: well its meant to be a dilemma lol T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: there's a big difference between lying and just not revealing something you know T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus nods at Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: Hence partial truths T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: agree cil T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: isnt a lie by intentional omission just as bad T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i see where your coming from hellion and i aint saying your wrong, i am just choosing to try to be this way T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: it's premeditated and intentional T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think maybe the problem is that 'lying' is just associated with being not nice, thanks to Disney films, etc. when in actual fact it's really neither here nor there T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: If someones off doing something socialy sketchy, I'd withhold the what, not the where T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: hrm, it really depends on teh situation T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus nods at Elfo. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: cilmarill "3. Id really rather you didnt judge people for the way they look, or how they dress, or the way they talk, or, well, just play nice, okay? Oh, and get this in your thick heads: woman = person. Man = person. Samey-samey. One is not better than the other, unless were talking about fashion and Im sorry, but I gave that to women and some guys who know the difference between teal and fuchsia." T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: and i obviously dont have all the answer, remember i ahve brain damage and am much dumber than i used to be T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yes premeditated and intentional implies deception rather than lying - I wouldn't want someone decieving me in order to harm me T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'm sorry I didn't mean to judge anyone? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus judges every last one of youse. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: no, the point is the just be nice thing T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: ISsue is that lying is like addiction, once you start justifying it, you're entering into a pretty deep pit of grey T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i oversimplify so my thought is the same with "bad" things like lying violence etc I want nobody to have to suffer them or do them BUT sometimes they happen and the only response is a "bad" thing. Being a martyr is only cool in religion or for the people left behind who have a "cool memory" in stead of the person T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i dont think lying is an addiction I poeople who are pathalogical will be anyway :P T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: it's the main reason i've been reading the gospell of the flying spaghetti monster to my kid his whole life. not being a dick is a very big part of the book... and pasta and pirates T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: well I'm a bit lost now but I will stick to just be nice T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MidKnight Gladacus: I dont mean it is an addiction but I mean if you start to justify when to lie or not, then you grow the grey area that exists around 'white lies' T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: being kind is always good, empathy is numb 1 . Your enemy ... is you, recognize them and yourself T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i dont think there r white lies or black lies, all lies stem from ego. Either we lie to preserve or we lie to gain. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: lies are only deemed as bad or good by the outcome and intention T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: prob best unless ya wanna read an insane book of stuff that's reasonable and funny. the 8 things in it as 'i'd really rather you didn't's are all generally explainations of just be nice T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: really, if you want to get down to it, you can't walk down the street without lying T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: howso? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: because i wear a tshirt daily that says huge dong ? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's not just with words - everything we project can be a lie T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I pretend I'm a confident speaker when in a group of people... I'm lying T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: interesting way to look at it. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I wear high heels to seem taller even though I hate them - I'm lying T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits fart turd and twat T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus thanks Dashj heartily. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: Might be better on debate :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: prick? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i dont consider my boots to be a lie about my height. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i wear a push-up bra, i'm lying about the size of my moobs T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: wouldnt aspirations by lies then? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: good area tho, what is a lie? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: a lie is the condition of a golf ball on the fairway, in the rough, or in a hazard T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus runs away in utter terror! T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think, in a sense - but that's the point - what is a lie? asserting something that isn't true? so then what's true? that I'm going to even hit tier 9? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: is that true? ill remember it :P T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: one could say they play guitar and be terrible at it but still actively play it. it would seem a lie because they aren't skilled at it but in actuality they play guitar T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: it wouldnt seem a lie if they provide an accurate assessment of their skills T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: lets say for discussion a lie in this context is a lie to discieve someone. Now, we all agree more or less prob 99%, a lie for their deteriment is "bad" but the question we have or the debate is what about if its a lie for good. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i'm personally very upfront of what I know or do not know, probably reflected in my interview results lol T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I agree that intentional deception is a bad thing T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: if you're working your way to it then i'd say t9 aspiration would make it happening a possible fact. intentions become the problem. the world might nuke itself soon and then you don't make it so the factuallity of you getting to that point isnt true but the intention is. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: i think intentional deception for "good" is fine, fine tuning it takes intelligence & wisdom until then its just guess and check T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I've done it, and I don't like it, but yes it's about gaining some advantage over someone or making their lives a little worse somehow T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: so - 'just try and be nice T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: mushambo i've seen the point where me being honest flipped the interview to a no. i'm not good at bullshitting my way through serious interactions though. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: there are ways to not lie but avoid. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: honest and forthright is a diff thing T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: not lying is easier T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: ive found the actual hiring manager's appreciate honest self-assessment and actually reward. it's the fucking screening HR people that know jack shit about the position T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I do respect someone who sticks to their truth in detriment to themselves, it seems honourable T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: not lying isnt good, its default right? its the standard or base. then lying is bad ... the good is what? lol not doing anything at all to deceive knowingly? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: Cil, ya got my way of thinking figured out there. i try to be a nice person... sometimes i'm not great at it and sometimes I am. I won't say i'm a nice person, i'll say i do more nice than un-nice. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: k, off i go to take my wife to her bday at red lobster, thanks for the debat all :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: it was fun :) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: have fun, eat yums T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: be nice!! ;) T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: hey happybday to her and enjoy those CHEDDAR BISCUITS T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh wow I've only ever had lobster one time T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: so should i be fuckng honest in this 'wingfinder' personality assessment? I could try to guess what profile they want (likely fail or at least be flagged for gaming) but that would be a lie ultimately to the detriment of myself T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: she said "choke me daddy" so i gave her two red lobster biscuits with no drink T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: oh boi T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: hahahaha T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: no Mush, you should write down whatever might get you the job, but be aware that it's designed to find out people who are bending the truth T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: right, so I'm better off not lying because i wouldnt want to work for a company that doesn't understand my quirks T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: mostly, unless ya really need the money to live and it's the only option T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I've only ever done summer jobs, but I'm pretty sure that companies don't actually give a shit about your quirks not making you a good fit T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: just don't mention the thing about you putting cats in dustbins T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i'm gonna stop being honest about autism at job interviews and just wait to get fired when they find out. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: then sue them for discrimatory practies to get rich, i like your thinking T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: haha, right to work states don't work that way. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: go to law school first and sue them yourself, save a ton on fees T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: and if it doesnt work out you sitll have a law degree T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i'd have loved law school. i'm such a like wording focused person on shit. it's super fun reading legal code too. dunno why, just my brain loves the stuff. it's how i found out the difference between being drunk in public here and being sober means fuck all because 'simulated intoxication' is still public intox. so if a cop thinks someone is drunk the person gets a public intox even if they have never drank in their life. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: that took an interesting turn lol T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: random legal codes are fun for finding the ways stupid shit got worked into it. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: buy nah, in states with 'right to work' you pretty much can't sue for termination because they aren't required to keep anyone ever. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: in WA it's actually way easier to carry a gun in public then a long knife *shrug T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: no i think you can if it violates federal law T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I've always been amazed that in America you just do stupid tests like walk in a line rather than just brethalize T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: besides, everyone knows the best practice is to threaten to sue for millions, but "ill settle out of court right now for a duffle bag of cash" T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: Mush is right, but the trick is you have to prove they fired you for a reason that's prohibited by federal law T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: Omnivek fuck yea it is. i've been stopped so much for having a knife that ppl can see and the cops can't do anything T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Casanunda Omnivek: you should avoid carrying a visible knife to job interviews btw.. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: in a state with really easy conceal laws, so easy that people think you need permission to open carry. haha, didn't carry a knife to the interviews, security checks and no need if i got a ride. walking out in the country i don't fuck around tho, i'd love to not get gored by some rando animal T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the odd thing bout the knife thing is i had cops take a bunch from me and it wasn't worth getting shot over, but i found out they can take things without charging people and it's written into legal code that they can. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: consider yourself lucky they didnt take all your property without charging you , happens alot T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: haha, funny you said that right as i was sending how that shit did happen T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: at least it was like 1300 dollars worth of stuff and not like a house or car T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: C'mon!! People, choose "Centaur" race more.. I wanna be able to tease you by calling you a "Donkey RUmp" T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thefloormat: how do centaurs climb ladders or trees? T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: VERY carefully. T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: jump T3/r7/2022-03-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: the movie stretch i'm watchin had the dude get hit up by some wanna be celeb and that was the funniest shit T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: I thought I farted but I shit. Now its squishy when I sit. T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: which asshat at Google made it that going to Google Docs and clicking Open does NOT include "My Drive" ? i want fucking names T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: ahahaha T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox blames it all on Iron Duck Chuft!! What a LOOOSER!! T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: just spend your time on pornhub man, screw google docs T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: do they have an ascii section? T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: no, but made you can submit some? T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i would try to submit more, but pornhub blocked me :( T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: This is why I don't click on my links...lol! T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: lol! i kow i missed somthing T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: lol, i didnt send links :) T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Idk...I just woke up. T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: omg i fucking want to see pussy riot in town next wednesday! T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Him look like him mom! T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay ducks defensively. T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: Y'all hear about the kidnapping at the playground? T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thefloormat: no T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: Teacher had to wake him up. T3/r7/2022-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: ** T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: darn tootin you can use the curse chan stuy :) T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: darn it all to heck T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: sweet:) sometimes i gotta go in detail T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Maelware:) how you doing? T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: could be better, could be worse, hbu T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I am good , just a bit underpressure irl T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: they reduced staff T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant buries his face in his hand and sighs, shaking his head. T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: yuck T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i suppose they want the same work done too T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: cut backs eh? T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: they want more work done:( T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: typical corporate greed T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: a slightly higher salary but like 10 times more work T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: typical greedy CEOs T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: wait, dont you work for pornhub? :) T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i may go there soon:) T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant pokes Mael in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: dont touch me there T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: where should i touch you ? show me on the doll T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i am the doll T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: (points at the anus) T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael gives Mukflukchukbuk, the only gay eskimo in his tribe 50 gold and leads him to the woods for a blowie. T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: You drink some bitter tea from a cup of ayahuasca T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: an i am completely wasted with on hit T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: where can i get this irl? T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tibano: noooooo not lady dragon T3/r7/2022-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: she just tiered ,she will come back stronger:) T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Mia Khalifa is the best in movies T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: um etcha bathroom! Meet chu dere! T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: anyone remember "police academy" The movie? T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: damn I'm old T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight comforts Father Ya Yamillay. T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay cries on The Muze Delight's shoulder. T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: there there... steve gutenberg wasn't as big a deal as everybody thought he was ;) T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight grins evilly at Father Ya Yamillay. T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: he's the 80's Mark Ruffalo T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: I just finished watching the 'burbs if that makes you feel accompanied in your old age ;) T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: The Imms young as ever are probably laughing at us:P T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: laughing? they are too busy googling :P T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I wonder what kind of dinosaur I am to people here since I am old:P T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: pteradactyl? T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: Do you remember the movie license to drive? I was in love with the Coreys back then. T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: brontosaurus :P need more dex to be pteradactyl :P T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Do you remember "Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: ? T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: does anybody remember Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone? T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I was in love with the female-robot in the beginning T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Some movies were banned T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: that's why some are difficult to locate T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: Yeah, never saw SpaceHunter... but it looks totally 80's. My interest is piqued. T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: my fellow comrades:) T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: moan! T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: and complain! That about covers it!! Hehe. T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: sorry I'm in one of those 3 am moods T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: it's 3am by you? T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant prances up to Cilmarill and hands her a beautiful little flower! T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss? T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: is that a yes? T3/r7/2022-03-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant grooves to the music. T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: girls who send nudes usually don T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: don't look as girls who don't T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill sends a nude to stooyahvessent T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant goes ooOOooOOoo. T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant stares at Cilmarill intently, licks his lips, and notifies Cilmarill that he has x-ray vision. T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill says piss because this it the curse channel and then sturys your vessent T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant is busily crocheting a colourful, sexy bikini for Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill has trouble blieving that Storevesant can do anything practical# T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant smirks. T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: lets meet at the hotel:) T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay 's StandUp Comedy Moment: Ladies eat anything as long as you call it food... Once I seen a lady at a restaurant sit down to a bowl of "Pickled wolf knuckles" and she was adding "Hot-sauce" to them!! *drops the mic* T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWnrVr7xmGY We Need Equality in Used Underwear Selling T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: never gonna happen - some used undies are just inherently superior. its not racist if its true! T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: the covaids idiot is talking again T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec coughs towards Mael, spewing his germs like a firehose! T3/r7/2022-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: its pronounced, 'aye-dee-ten-tee', foo. T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael sticks a pole up his butt and prances around, like a Pink Pony! T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I took an I.Q quiz on the net and the results say I am like "Nickalodeon" T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: I mean "Napoleon" T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: You sure the first statement wasn't the correct one? T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: I'm like a Nickalodeon. :) T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Taibo: all day play for a nickel? T3/r7/2022-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: You milky licker! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Some young adult ladies say they love my penis because I am not circumcised and the fact that I am curved down there;) T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Hahahaha I'm a daughter destroyer:P T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: quiting cold turkey needs a 2 week vacation,healthy food and a naked woman to distract you T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Skull: Well I told her yea its that small, just take a pencil and run it into a electric pencil sharpner as far as you can without cutting off your fingers, what you have left, well its probably going to be more than I could give you. Last I ever heard from her. T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Skull puts his finger in his mouth and says, "Oopsie! Did I do that?" T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: fuck, two gquests... T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I am in range too ,I will show you mercy and skip both T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant wiggles his bottom. T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: no mercy! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also piss! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I am just kidding i suck in this range T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: usually the gq open to all players goes fastest! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant licks Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: or heck, vost in the all player gq so that one will keep alive quicker while you zip through the 200 and under T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: just my fucking luck, the only thing the US Senate can agree on unanimously is something I'm against :) T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox fluffles Evl's fur mercilessly. T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: which is? T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant peers intently at SNEAKER Mushambo. T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: permanent daylight savings time T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: nude mudding? T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: the daylights savings change, pretty sure nude mudding is allowed T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) EmJay: isnt that already a thing ? T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: can comfirm in only my fur T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oh they passed the no daylight savings? thank god T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: wait isn't the change "only" daylight savings? T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i don't even know what daylight saving is T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: going to have sunrise past 8am for like 6 weeks of the year...in southern us T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ya but you get to live in a warm part of the continent, i am in canada here, have pity on me :) T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mordie: as someone who works 12 hour nights dealing with network techs in india, this makes time converting much easier T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) EmJay: canadas not so bad ..id rather take the cold anyday T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i would rather be int he warmth of florida or texas i think T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: easier ? lol india's got 30 and 45 minute time zones, i still dont even know how THAT works T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) EmJay: not me i love it here in canada T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: not me, you in d.c? i am in ontario T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: er bc T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) EmJay: im in the maritimes ..i live back and forth between nfld and nova scotia ...but newfoundland is my favorite T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: nice! my faimlly is from newfoundland, pooch cove :) T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) EmJay: nice ive been around there .. i was more towards bonavista T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: cool T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) EmJay: unfortunatly back in ns rite now T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oh nod T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: My mom just gave me poptarts and a new container of prunes to eat! I MUST BE PREGNANT!! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Oh, no! Father Ya Yamillay is alone in the world with a baby and for him and them, who cares?! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Those words from Iron Duck Chuft about Father Ya Yamillay aren't nice at all! Iron Duck Chuft better not hate babies! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: congrats to you and chuft! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Omg! Father Ya Yamillay looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie once known as "Junior"! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Those words from Amarufox about Father Ya Yamillay aren't nice at all! Amarufox better not hate babies! T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Seriously though, Us guys need to be careful... You don't wanna end up pregnant like me, do ya? T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: almond and toffee chocolates wrapped separately and 3 cans of expensive name-brand soup! Looks like I got pregnant in the correct house! Jackpot! Y'all!;) T3/r7/2022-03-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Father Ya Yamillay: Vanilla Chai! Game over.... They're tryin to turn me from a mega-dad into an octo-mom!! T3/r7/2022-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: paranormal reality shows are so fake T3/r7/2022-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: especially the ones from the 90's. They have no content so they fill the time with dramatic scene changes and pauses T3/r7/2022-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Snake God Szzilleriel: Lol. My friends sister is on one of those ghost hunters shows when they do an investigation in the south east. She won't tell me where they're working cause she knows I'll come make ghost sounds lol T3/r7/2022-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: some of Shane Dawson's conspiracy theories have a timbre of falseness. even while he is narrating it seems forced for him to act like any of it's believable T3/r7/2022-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: and then you get " Omg,look at these goose bumps." then they talk into those funny devices T3/r7/2022-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: haha yes T3/r7/2022-03-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: then a bird hits a window and that's interpreted as an ancient ghost who murdered his wife T3/r7/2022-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: im about to go out in the hall with my bat and cam on T3/r7/2022-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I am here too complain about paranormal reality tv shows again T3/r7/2022-03-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: the guy jumped at his own shadow T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: fuck shit ass cunt balls twat bitch T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic waves a big FUCK OFF sign reading "MY MUM" T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: my favourite swear word, piss T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: are you taking the piss? T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: mmm isn't that a British thing? T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: but yes I suppose I'm taking the piss out of myself, as usual T3/r7/2022-03-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: I am British and say it often so I guess so T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: and weed T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: always nice to start off with a high:) T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aceofspace: hey stuy, thinking of joining the holy war T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Saori goes ooOOooOOoo. T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: nah... T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant prances up to Saori and hands her a beautiful little flower! T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aceofspace: im being flippant, talking about me joining the saders T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: oh, come and join us please T3/r7/2022-03-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay slams his dick in that ass T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Coffee is beside me, Miyagi.. Please try teaching again. I swear I am at full attention now. T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: P-G 13 is overrated! Stop fucking around and just have regular sex, everyone! T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: we want bush, hands down! T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: throw the blankets to the side and get it in T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: revenge of the nerds was epic :) T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: rofl T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: revenge of the nerds is a shady thing T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: "Defend the suburbs" might be a good book.. Please write it so we can read it! T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: How can we get more breasts on this channel? T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: (.)(.) T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: are those "Owl eyes"? T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: well, they do only come out in the dark :) T3/r7/2022-03-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: goodnight Motherfucker! T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: my gf don't have any children T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: she blaming you for it? T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i don't know but i think it's a good thing . I already have one crazy baby mama T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: no offense but if you're life is good right now, don't fuck it up. no kids is more freedom T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: unsolicited intrusive advice but... hope it helps T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: thats what they want you to think T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wait until he gets too old to wash the dishes T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: kids amplify everything T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: i got three of the little bastards T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: a woman wanting kids is a great sign, you're doing shit right. l e a v e i t t h e r e T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: yeah kids are great, but kiss your free time goodbye T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: you should have atleast one crazy baby mama in your life. you never know what your day is going to be like T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: at least curse if you're gonna be on this fucking channel T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: kiss all your sexy romantic i can make this relationship work because there aren't any crazy variables going on, goodbye T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu laughs diabolically...Muhahahaha! T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: yeah fr T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: crazy is good in bed T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: hell it is T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: i wanna pop another kid with her T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: ain't no better or worse T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: if i can never see my ex again, i'd be good. i've done ex sex, it was great until it wasn't T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: some crazy just wants to be spoken too cuz my psychic channels were destroyed T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: crazy will fuck you up, they'll take your kids or bring you up on false charges T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: or like my friend they'll stab you lol T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i've been stabbed. not fun T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: cps does that Khonshu....dont need a crazy T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: and my friend by his gf T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: CPS ain't shit T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr laughs at Bogstar mercilessly. T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: the crazy baby mama said this :" this relationship ends when I die, as long as i breath you mine" T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: hence i am looking for a MMA fighter gf T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: baby trafficking galore...under the guise of "helping" T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: that's how mine was acting too, until the next gf made a shit load of elbow room T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: damn that bitch would be getting some D for that right there T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: hahaha T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: im no mma fighter but i sleep with a baseball bat...does that help? T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: she still gets her weekly vitamin D from me:) T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant looks at Bogstar and goes "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: she attacks in daylight T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: my ex is toxic, no matter how good the sex was T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i'm dippin' from this convo T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: gotta embrace the crazy in this world T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: lol you are literally embracing it, and then some T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: if you don't embrace it you can never be happy:) T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i'll find another girl to keep on the side if i need her. T3/r7/2022-03-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: it wasn't me trust me, she was creative crazy T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Find and kill 1 * a bar of soap (A Magical Hodgepodge) T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: most dangerous mission on aard T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant winks suggestively. T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: i just remembered, my neighbor i call squeaky, cuz she calls cops on everybody all the time - has keys to otherpeoples apartment T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay eyes (Joyful) Juliet up and down as he fixates on the lightbulb. T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill swats Yamillar in his moth form T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay bleeds on Cilmarill. Watch out, YOU might be next! T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill already has enough blood on her to not notice the extra T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: You already have enough drugs on you to not notice the sex stuff?! T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay walks around in the room, looking very confused. T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'm not sure I could ever have taken enough drugs to not notice a moth trying to have sex with me T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay rubs against Cilmarill and purrs contentedly. T3/r7/2022-03-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill giggles T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: FUCKING ASS TRIGGER CUNTSTICK BOLLOCKS NOSAVE SHIT T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gilduran: Exactly! T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You okay, Atronic? T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ** For his interference in your cool story, you can take revenge on Mael. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Hehe, now THAT woke me up! T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: BASTARD NOSAVE QUIT FUCKHEAD T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Those Neanderfocking Douche-Canoes!!! Shit. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Poopies! T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant tickles Yadarra. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: when I managed to close my MUSH app by accident, trying to minimise it, it didn't offer me to save... I went biblically Ape Shit. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: 7 days of aliases & triggers T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant comforts Tronic. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: That's odd...mine works great...but then again...I don't do fancy stuff yet. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: mine does the same every now and then T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: reason i hit ctrl+s every now and then T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: reason i hit ctrl+s every now and then T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant perks up, something must have grabbed his attention. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Blackweb: happens to me often.. but usually 1-2 easy aliases lost T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: yeah I started hitting that disk icon underneath 'Edit' .. same thing as CTRL + S T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wonder why it does this T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: would suck to be online for 30 days and have it happen T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: I must have clicked the X instead of the - in the top right T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: Mushclient questions answered here. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant nods at Dogwater Welding. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: we like it when someone uses the f-word in every third word to explain stuff:) T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: that was about 9 hours ago T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: but it never offered me a save T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant comforts Tronic. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I only have like 2 aliases T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: lol, one portal alias T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: which handles all my portals T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: cunting no save quit bollocks assmonkey snake shit T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: I've steamed out, curse off T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Welding is really good at this tech stuff, ask him to make you a autosave plugin T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost Takes Two Hits Off A BlUnT And Passes It To Yadarra!! T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Strange. You could swear Classic Vost was here just a second ago. Now there's just Yadarra and a new, weird looking floor lamp. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar raises an eyebrow at Classic Vost's weird actions. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra curls up and lays her head on her paws. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra snores loudly. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: DId I ever remind you all of that time I stuck my dick in a bull's eye? But that's not how madcow disease was invented.. It was looking mighty angry for a bull and it should be.. How would you feel if you had a dick in your eye? T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sadly i can think of worse places to stick ones dick.. T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: that's interesting... can you give some examples, Elfo? :D T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: yes, a running blender, a turbine in a elerecty generating plant T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: to name a few T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: er electricity plant T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: don't put it in a mcdonalds happy meal.. ladies make me laugh talking about the last time that happened... Guess who thought their was really a toy inside first?:P T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya dont put it in a hot dog bun, at least my wife didnt find that funny T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OMG It's Aleks: Fuck T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: nah...just ate T3/r7/2022-03-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OMG It's Aleks: Bahh.. you're no fun T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Is it alright if I create new words? Do I have to explain what "Analgestion" means?:P T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: why do i have a sudden interest in your internet history:) T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: As a "Dolphins Fan" we can only talk about the good times because we lose alot... Mr.Ryan Fitzpatrick wasn't the only legend with said team.. Don't forget "Mr.Dan Marino"! T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: whats the difference between a nugget and the Minnesota Vikings? T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: What, ZarrA? T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: the nugget will make it to the bowl before it gets smoked T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra giggles. T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh my goodness! Lol. T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: when my friend made that up and i started telling it all over the city, the Vikes won 3 gameslol T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Dolphins sometimes lose so much that they should be allowed to cheat to win lol T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: dolphins always remind me of that song 'i only wanna be with you" T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: When I think of the Dolphins I think of "Ray Finkle!"... LACES OUT! T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: mmhmm! I see what's going on here! I almost see through you like a breast-implant! T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i dont know, i am pretty thick T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: goshdarn T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: It's o-k I was tempted to choke some chicken but then it dawned on me that you still have my items T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: mischan!! sorry! T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: at least you have your priorities straight :p T3/r7/2022-03-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: embarassing still! T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: I fucking hate Trump. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: omg, that felt so good T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) IAC DO Fiendish: ok T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evl: is he still alive? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i hope not? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: there might be a falling star out tonight for a wish to make. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: eff menopause lol....i had to call police cuz a dudes been trying to break into my neighbors place for 3 days....and theyre coming to tell him to go away....but after i hung up ..my stupid empty bored uterus was like ooo cute cop on the phone T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar buries her face in her hand and sighs, shaking her head. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight comforts Bogstar. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: it doesnt want a dick....just some hot guy in a uniform to make steaks for dinner in his shorts....and a puppy T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: and he shortened my name lol T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: omfg....when he shortened my name to the short form...it just dawned on me it might have been my nieces hubby cop... T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: blech! lol T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: no more smokes for me tonight T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: O-k For aard I circled "Sex" and "Education" to get "Sex education" and so far I've been learning "that there's no sex"! What happened?:P T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: you learned something T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I use to believe that "Girls don't fart" I thought farting was something that only us guys do T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: you should upgrade your pornhub account T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay is agreeing with that Stuyvesant person again... T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan looks smugly at Stuyvesant and screams, "NO U!11 Stuyvesant!!" in his most classy voice, You are gripped by an urge to join in. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: But do I want to? If the better package has "Farting girls" I don't think I want that package:P T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: rofl T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I do like the sound of the vagina getting ready for another round with air escaping it T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wow? you picturing that? You should watch south park more often;) T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay sticks out his tongue and goes THPBT!!!! Covering you in saliva...Yuck. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: makes a sound like that almost T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: just don't watch femdom man T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I won't even watch "Caligula" again lol T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Flower in his butt and all... So crazy! Nobody was sillier than that guy T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: that guy needs to be locked up T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wait until you meet the hot candle wax girls T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: See stuff like that is breeding in my city 24-7 T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: That's why outsiders say "Philly girls are freaks" T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: they get nutty actin like they got class but everywhere they go they show none... T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Wait till you meet a crowd that's so narcissistic that they believe they can totally convince you that "you have no reason to have dignity or they act like your dignity is fake" lol T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: fucking hell I'm upset T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: here we go T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lucron: you being upset makes me upset. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oo, british anger? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: show us on the doll where he touched you T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: not really angry, more upset T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: okay,we will turn it over T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: the bum area rthen? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: I'm angry that you aren't more than upset. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: waiting 60 hours for donation and still nothing T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lucron: it's fucking bullshit that you aren't fucking livid T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oo T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: did you give them the name of the char donating? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: hah? Lasher says let him know after 24 I thought? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: I sent an email yesterday at about 3 pm after over 36 hours T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: nothing T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: ohh, who knows maybe irl stuff.. he's human too T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant nods at Doge Water Yajan. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: so I noted him on personal after over 24 hours from the email T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: so homie T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: sorry* T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I'd just hold tight T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: wanted to make huge donation again tonight but there is absoloutely no way if he is not processing T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: Maybe it's personal. Maybe he thought you were paying him to not nuke you? :cackle: T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant grabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: FWIW, I donated two days ago and it got processed next day. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: maybe try making that huge donation in my name, just in case :) T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: So they're being processed at least as of that recently. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: what you mean epsilon T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: has he been processing last couple of days? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I donated on the 22nd, and it was processed on the 23rd. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: mine was on 24th T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: prob about 1 a.m server time T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Just saying that it's been at least recently that a donation was processed. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: fuck sake T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Need the QP for something, I assume? :V T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: I asked for tp actually which I no longer need cos I spent qp buying the tp cos it was taking so fucking long T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: but, i'd like to be confident in making another donation T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: if you dont end up needed the tps, I can help you with that. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: did the imms have issues with your previous char? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: fuck off ronin T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: it matters not elfo, if you read help donate technically it's a purchase T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: also he has processed 4 other donations up to this point T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: jsut trying to think of possibilities is all T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: well if he don't want my money then he's made that pretty damnned clear to me. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: Tronic, I'm just wanting you to process my personal donation request. I would like 20 tps. Please confirm you have recieved this request and deliver them? ty. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: I have screenshots T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: again, fuck off ronin T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant grabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: It's been 36 SECONDS since my request was made! I wanna make sure I get my tps before I make another donation request from you. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but ya i definately wouldnt make anothe donation til you get paid T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: naturally elfo T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: the answer channel is showing me another storyline T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: kharpern is here, maybe she can help? is always very nice T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant playfully tackles Halpdesk Kharpern. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant licks Halpdesk Kharpern. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: she already told me 2ce I just need to be patient, but I been patient. now I'm getting impatient as anyone would after 60 hours when it says 24 hours. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: try some yoga T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: actually i gotta side with your impatience then, and i hope the best for you, cause the more donations lasher gets i think the better aardwolf does T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: I hear if you donate multipe times, it helps push the first donations through, like water down a pipe. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant peers intently at Spellup Roninleader. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon snorts. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: like throwing your shoe into the tree to knock your ball out? :) T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Halpdesk Kharpern: I still think you should just be patient, lasher will deal with it when he can T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: Exactly! We've all been there. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Like flushing a clogged toilet again and hoping it goes through next time? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I think Ronin is right T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: omg i did that b4 epsilon, not a good idea T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: If you write him a note in ALL CAPS I hear he answers it back 100% faster T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: it doesn't work? T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon giggles at Spellup Roninleader's actions. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: it works in making a huge mess and making ones wife really mad T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: okay , the CAPS option it is then T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I just have a feeling his already past that point T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i think so, but i think kharpern is right though T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant nods at Hi, I'm Elfo. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but i can see the frustration as well T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: same here T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: Wait, did you try and donate 2 $10 for a $5? That won't work out the way you think it will... T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: watch how we don't get to hear how the story ends:/ T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: well it was worth asking, it finally got processed T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: he thought it was 1 and the same donation when I had made 2 T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: grats :) now you can donate more :) T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: exactly elfo T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: nice,another problem solved:) T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: curse off T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: okay the next problem needs the doll , keep it ready yall T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: arww he turned curse off T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: help my cat is touching me in a bad way :( T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lucron: sure, we are only here when HE needs something...fucking nerve of people T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo reaches out to try to touch black panther. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: he knows we can solve any problem T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: with beer! :) T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: he could of atleast dropped something in the donation box, we need a new doll T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant is agreeing with that Hi, I'm Elfo person again... T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lucron: I'm sorry, I know i've used the current one rather roughly. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i was gonna offer 140 mil for 20 tps from him too :/ T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: next time he has to donate before asking any question T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: that was alot of hard work! :)\ T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant nods at Hi, I'm Elfo. T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: 'A wife's ninja skills make her far too stealthy to strangle.' T3/r7/2022-03-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: that explains a whole bunch of shit. T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: twat T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gilduran: Yo'ur a twat T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: is it normal that when I laugh my tits jiggle up and down? T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant boggles at the concept. T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: only the hearty laughs do that, if it's a chortle, snicker, smirk, or giggle, no. T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: only your cheeks should jiggle on those and dimples tighten. T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: why does no one fucking answer me on debate!? T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: we want to use curse words T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: is "gobbly gook" and "the natives are getting restless" still okay phrases to use? T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: or are those frowned upon now T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: yeah no one cares about those. T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: take it back to debate T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking great! never know these days T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: you aint the channel fucking police STuy T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant was caught! Run! Channel police monitor SNEAKER Mushambo is after you next! T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I am just pushing butttons T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: someone is scrying me multiple times. I am nopk and I won't flee from your crystal ball T3/r7/2022-03-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: goddamn cat distracting me and getting me killed >;o T3/r7/2022-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: Say this out loud 10x -- I love Maths Debating! T3/r7/2022-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: Will Smith starring in -- The Pursuit of Slap-piness T3/r7/2022-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: fuck you and the browser you rode in on T3/r7/2022-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: oh fuck i made this screwdriver tough. T3/r7/2022-03-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant gets a blank look on his face. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: wanker T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan wanks his wanker wankerly. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: hmm.. sounds painful T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: wanker is actually quite a playful word T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: but in Britain so is twat, and as I understand it you Americans starting shooting nuclear weapons if someone says that T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: not sure america is the most nuclear happy country in the world with Putin having a panty party parade right now, but keeping up with jargon in Britain is so much trouble! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i like the word twat, but i believe the vagina deserves some more beautiful words than that. why is every word that describes a sexual organ a curse word? an explicitive? T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: like seriously, everyone can fuck off T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i love genitalia T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: no T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: mis T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: twat is really just a more explosive version of 'twit' in Britain, like idiot, dolt T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: like short form of nitwit? T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: Dolt was last on : Thu Mar 10 09:02:55 2022 T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: no idea why in the Merica it means something totally different T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding sniffs sadly. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: america is not a good example of the English language, should be obvious T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: we're like the unflavored, rule bending, no sense making version T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill calls Xephinyr a twat T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: u can tlk lk ths here and b cool by every1 T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill is usually a dolt T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i love pussy T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: it's ok if you call me by my love T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: is nitwit short for knit-wit? like a conjunction of someone who has knotted up their intelligence? T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: from maybe middle english jargon or something? T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i should ask the webs T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: they say it's german, nit. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: Xeph out! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: what, all of the webs say that? T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: idk... some stupid sight says it. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i prefer my answer as true T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: knitwit. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr folds his arms arrogantly. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: stop being a flap Cilmarilly, you don't HEAVE TO talk to me. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: shoo! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: GO DAMNIT! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr cries a little. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: NEVER COME BACK! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr throws a rock! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill calmly lays a rock down at Xeph's feet, and on it is written "twat" T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill tickles Xephinyr hey! Im allowed to be silly in this curse thing! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr cooly picks that very same rock up, and writes, 'licker' behind what Cilmarill wrote. Then he thumbs his chin holding a Sharpie(TM) and nods. He throws it at Cilmarill! T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr guvuhvinsh, huyking and yewking jusht yike Bear-de-bear. Ishn't he cyute? T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr tickles Cilmarill. T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: I wish the reward for setwanted kills was higher and the price was lowered in line with inflation T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: go back to the days of making a motherfucker wanna rage quit T3/r7/2022-03-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: why would a motherfucker want to rage-quit? that shit makes bank on the right cam-sites. T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: Random thought... Two things I never say: "not going to lie" and "to be honest" T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: that's why no one ever bleieves what you say Bodhi ;P T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi sulks in the corner. Baby!! T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: to be honest you did give me an easy target there :) T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: and I never say "bro" or "bruh" T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: why not braj? T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I say "in all fairness" and "but really though" a lot T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also "but to be serious" - so I think I'm probably worried that people just don't take me seriously T3/r7/2022-03-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: of this is the curse channel... ermmm. piss! T3/r7/2022-03-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: if they'd fucking sell some booze at night i'd not miss so much sleep. why the shit is there no alcohol to buy at 4 am? what difference is it than 4pm T3/r7/2022-03-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: whatever i'll just read myself to sleep or til i can go get something to drink then sleep all morning T3/r7/2022-03-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: sorry that sucks ass T3/r7/2022-03-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill tries and fails to fiso Nesamdoom some booze :( T3/r7/2022-03-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: erm fido - you gettit T3/r7/2022-03-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nytaris lets out a string of curses that would make you blush if we hadn't censored him. T3/r7/2022-03-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gallows: take wood up yuh kyat T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: dumbfuck T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: no wonder ya didn't want to go to debate kuz that's your argument... oh and i type too much for you to read T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: it doesn't belong on debate douche T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: so you just wanna talk shit without an argument right? T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: what argument? T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Suora: I'm going to answer for them, YES T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: you're a douche who can't handle not being liked. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: fighting over dom and sub is cute, i love watching this T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Suora: I don't see enough swearing god damnit T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: lol. Nes can be the daddy if he wants T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: come suck mommas dick T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: holy fuck T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu -) T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Suora: That's better. Thank you T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: cool. you've sorted out you are actively harassing me. you've no argument with me and there is nothing that i've done to cause this. you've been spending a long time tonight trying to engage me negatively while i've tried to resolve it... you are harassing me T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Suora: ignore him? Or.. better idea, we have a swear off competition T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: hit ignore or embrace it. stop being a bitch about it. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: thank you for admitting it. it'll make the whole thing easier. please stop being toxic. in real life ppl will hurt you for things like this. luckily its a game and ppl dont really take them so seriously. try some therapy T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: emotionally unstable T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: braj, i'm not a bitch just kuz you have nothing valid to say. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: you are the one losing your shit and bugging ppl while others are trying to enjoy their gameplay and chat. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: pick up your testicles that are in your purse and put your chin up T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: didn't you have a daddy to teach you this shit? T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: please. seriously get psych help. this kinda stuff in real life will get you hurt. last i'm gonna say to you kuz i dont wanna feed into your psychosis and you don't seem to understand that you're fighting with yourself. i haven't even been arguing with you. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: you're comparing aard to reality but I'm the one who needs help...fucking Rich lol T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: enough both of you, use ignore if you don't want to interact with each other T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: I knew there was something off about you T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: but the personal attacks need to stop T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: fair enough and understood T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i already ignored. i tried to have conversation. it wasn't met well. i don't care. i found out there is an ignore feature on the game and that's' the second best resolution. i don't know why they had issue with me but it's odd. no prob from me. if they keep trying then they are ranting on their own. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: don't keep going then T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: i'm literally not. i'm just talking to you T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: check out help ignore so you understand what it involves T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: ok and i'm not trying to contact that player. i made a statement to you about the issue and did so before i knew who you were, under the assumption you were a normal player trying to prevent the argument from continuing. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: ok now you can just let it go and be done with this argument T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: if there is nothing to discuss i'll go back to the random bullshit i was having fun with in gossip and should not run into this problem again(hopefully). i am very happy to let it go T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: I would love to get a headache from you... without the ache T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: yeah she gonna be rocking it tonight:) T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: girl = bar, liquor in the front, poker at the back T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant is agreeing with that Aoric person again... T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic: arsemonkeys of the highest buttfucking degree T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: here we go T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Indeed. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant grabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tronic starts to spin around with his bollocks outstretched T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant burps loudly. T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: no one cooks dinner like a girl you barely know T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: jesus fucking christ why does ANYONE buy a home T3/r7/2022-04-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: its the american dream. do it right, its also a pretty strong wealth-building tool. major source of ass-pain, tho. T3/r7/2022-04-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Education is nothing but assault & battery without practice.. So imagine how life could be in college.:P T3/r7/2022-04-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay opens the package containing the last condom causing lightning to strike and the skies to roar with thunder as he lays his woman down and penetrates her passionately! T3/r7/2022-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant pees around himself intently. T3/r7/2022-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: BONJOUR T3/r7/2022-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: sounds like a curse word to me T3/r7/2022-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan quietly backs out of the room... T3/r7/2022-04-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: s word version of poop! T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: if all fails... T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: The name Pantydropper is available for use. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: if she still rejects you at that point , she's rigged T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: God, we used to be raunchy on here...rofl. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: oh praise be we sure heavenly did, goodly goodness T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra bows before Xephinyr. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: https://aardquotes.com/?18207 T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr shines with exalted light. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'm afraid to look. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: golly, you folks say god on here? i knew it was curse but i didn't expect such foul language T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: what the fuck is up tho? hows monday gone? T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Same shit, same assholes, different pots. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nesamdoom: same booze, different assholes, T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I learned how to spell "secs" correctly so I should be allowed to have it more:P T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i love sex T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr hugs sex and squeezes it like a pillow. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I remember my first time too T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I love golf. Also, sex. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: I love drinking coffee, and sex. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I wonder how many secs your sex would last T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: =o T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: one time I sexxed for like 90 secs T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: personal best T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: hahahaa T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: you athlete T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah, well I wasn't on top so T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: no comment. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i've already over shared. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I think you picked the best channel for that T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luci: (cracks knuckles) that's not over sharing T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: i love naps. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Xephinyr: gawwwwd. T3/r7/2022-04-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: what about naps after sex? how do you feel about them? T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: People are slappin comedians and getting awards for it but Mr.Eroe wants to ignore me instead... *sighs* T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: when search and destroy breaks mid g-quest like a CUNT T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: what's a mid g-quest T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: ohh wait I see what you meant T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: middle of a global quest T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I don't use S&D but my little scripts break like every single gquest T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: it's a rough life T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: too lazy to fix all the bugs so I just continue sucking at life T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: had no problem with the first 101 gquests I won T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah the 102nd one those is a bitch to win T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: though* T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: just wait for 202nd T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no valid reason for s&d to break T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fucking piece of shit T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: would have put me #1 in drank 5 T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: buncha nerds on tech waiting eagerly for you to ask them about it T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck tech channel T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: yeah, fuck channels! T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: bollocks to this horse shit T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: kalsch wears leggings T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: but only when negader tells them they look ok T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: The name Studmuffin is available for use. T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: go for it:P T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: no...its not T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: Curse or turn off the fucking channel you lousy simp chimps T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: you get mymans name outcho mouf! T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sorry Ms.Jada Smith:P T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar punches a yam giant playfully. T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: swearing is bad mmmkay T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: hahaha i really dig the copy pasta comments on that T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: copy pasta... T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: ironic that he tells chris rock to keep his wifes name out of his mouth but can't keep his wife out of other mens mouths T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: if you loved a woman and she cheated, and now america is acting like you ta blame? T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: i hope will is ok. T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: love will make you do crazy things -- will smith, oscars 2022 T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: music and acting are shitty T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: so who hits harder? Will or Jada's son's friend:P T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: I'd go with August T3/r7/2022-04-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: just saying, but that was a rubbish slap, Chris Rock didn't even seem bothered - I know he was being filmed but still T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: i think will has been through enough T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it was the shouting afterwards that was the most impactful T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I'm on Philly's side but I still pity "Chris Rock" because I heard he use to be bullied and that scenario would have made me sick to my stomach if I didn't see anything like it in highschool T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: and I gre up will Fresh Prince, yes I know the whole theme tune T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: Fresh Prints T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: flesh pints? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Fish Pants T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: Hancuck T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: where's Chuft when you need him? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: flesh rinse T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: "I am deadend":P T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Modi: i heard rock is working on a new standup special.. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Modi: prob workin on some new material now T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: will smith is lucky T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: chris rock was bullied and evidently put a brick in a backpack and beat one of the bullys in the head with it :-0 T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: good for him T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: yeah, that was traumatic for him T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: also he didn't cry like will smith...what a bitch T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Will Smith laughed at the joke T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: takes more courage to have a heart than it does not to T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: its all karma though because Chris rock is on fire and showed how dignified he was being the bigger person T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: breaking news, Jada is throwing Will under the buss T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: bus* even T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: fuck that shit T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: will smith wasn't arrested got an award and never apoligized to chris...but thats because everyone knows that will is in a toxic marriage...his kids are fucked in the head too T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: and August is releasing a new rap single about him Jada's entanglement T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: damn T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: his first son is cool though T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: entanglement lmao T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: the one made before Jada's T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: had a hard time pulling out of the venus fly trap hahaha T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I love the IMMs even though they don't like me because although aard has a gay population the IMMs never create a gay e-q slot so notice we don't have a special aard-donation butt-plug item to wear on a hidden ass slot lol T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: prolly because we have minors playing this game T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: true lol T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fucking spastic noodlez T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: the "Z" just proved our case T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: doesn't proove anything T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: the double "o" proves it again T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: "cos" T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: anyways welcome back to aard bro T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant tells - Rocking Tronic "Welcome back!" T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: go go gadget cock T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant pokes - Rocking Tronic in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: trying to pin me as somebody who was banned less than 6 months ago, telling me I have no place here? never heard such utter cod shit in my fucking life T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: you do realise if we had the same amount of hours online I would be better than you?:) T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant peers intently at - Rocking Tronic. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: happy now? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I am better than you , always will be:) T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: okay. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you realise I was in that same room with 1 mob left before you attacked it right? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you also realise that in yrank 5 I am in 18th place, whilst you are in 32nd?! T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: and I been here 29 days T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my dick is smaller than yours, but only because I choose. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: oh and btw my momma a hoe T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: and my sisters a hellbitch T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'm an uncle, and my nephew's a fucking cockroach rat T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: and of course, I'm the biggest fucktard of them all T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: pig whiffle retro bollox T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: sorry , I was away a bit. could you start over? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: suck my balls T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i want a meal, not a snack T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Wait, what??? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: someone beat you in a gq again? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: suck my balls T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: are they chocolate and salty T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: they are anything except this fucking 'retro' retard you all keep speaking of T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael rolls his eyes, disgusted. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grinning, Mael commends - Rocking Tronic's story with a thumbs up. Cool story bro! T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: https://youtu.be/sjrdanK4LSY T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: does it feature innocent puppies being slaughtered with big fuck off chainsaws? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: yeah:) T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: did you see that? T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: part of it T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: it's a bird, it's a plane T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KnightLord Throxx: sounds like someone is mad at being involuntarily celebate... Haa haa haaa T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol :) T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: The middle of the book has some really *dirty* scenes...lol. T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ooh! well maybe don't read it out on the porch? ;) T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Lol...it's not the Story of O...but it's salacious! T3/r7/2022-04-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Lol, I'm on the second story...doubt they could figure it out from down there. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: she said that but she came back the next day T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kaiza: My girlfriend brings her friends over to get drunk and pass out at our house like we're teenagers and that annoys me lol T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kaiza: Like I just got home, wanna relax. Not deal with your drunk friends T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kaiza: AITA lol T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: possibly. I couldn't imagine not liking my wife's friends. I think they're all great. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: No, it's only fun if everyone's having fun. :) T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kaiza: My girlfriends friends are awful people. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: You know what they say... T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: If there are nazis at your rally and you're not kicking them out, it's a nazi rally. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kaiza: Yeah, they're her highschool friends that she could never let go of T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: I try to annoy as many of my wifes friends as posible. Weirdly, they love it. Either their dumbasses or a glutton for punishment lol T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kaiza: They all just wanna drink and party T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: Anyway, I am not a relationship councelor and this is not relationship advice. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: I can see where that shit would wear ya down. That type of shit gets old after a while, if its too frequent. I chill with homebodies. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: You mean curse channel isnt the go to place for relationship advice? T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: As an imm your expected to be a relationship counselor Fiendish T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Wars! T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: I know RIGHT, Fiendish?! Fucking SLACKING! T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: Yadarra! T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona grins evilly. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra mews softly. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: I councel relationships between players, not between players and non-players. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: counsel? T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Ah, I remember when Wars was leader of Boot...I was like this person is the fuckin coolest lol T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars beams a smile at Nerazim Aradona. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Ara, you think I'm cool...rofl! T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra snuggles up to Nerazim Aradona. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: I was such a noob back then....I mean, Wars is still cool, I was just dumb. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Thumb Wars: lol T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona snuggles up to Yadarra. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: It's a big game. T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: OF COURSE YOUR THE awesoment Yadarra...thus my diabolical plan to marry ya lol T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Well, I don't need HS friends to get drunk...so that's something, right? T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: I drink to celebrate sobriety...I was sober ALL DAY lol T3/r7/2022-04-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra beams with pride at Nerazim Aradona. T3/r7/2022-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Oh my GOD YOU LITTLE FUCKING HOUSE GOBLIN QUIT CHEWING ON THAT T3/r7/2022-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Goddamn cat, you KNOW you don't get fed until the alarm goes off... T3/r7/2022-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) HOLDADOOR Sammael: My cat will now be referred to as house goblin T3/r7/2022-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: ow shots fired T3/r7/2022-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: nut shot T3/r7/2022-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: toddler crazy legs gone wrong T3/r7/2022-04-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: "polyquine" <--- fucking brilliant. T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kaiza: CP/quest mobs shouldnt be behind locked doors :( T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i love how ppl get all shitty about ya being off from normal and wanna think you're a dick when they are ignoring ya asking them for help T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: fuck em T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i do sometimes. T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: makes up for knowing them without them contributing to my life T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: still yea, i have gotten to the point i pretty easily cut ppl out. know someone for years and do stuff to be nice and when shit gets fucked up for me they get weird and so yea. ruck them. T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: fuck em T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: still yea, i have gotten to the point i pretty easily cut ppl out. know someone for years and do stuff to be nice and when shit gets fucked up for me they get weird and so yea. ruck them. T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: fuck em T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXK03FHVsHk T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: in case ya haven't heard this shit. very classy way to look at the shit that needs to be adulted T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i just let othet people adult for me T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: ive got to be at least half dead so we getting there. just a bit more T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: https://youtu.be/UrgpZ0fUixs T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i like this better. classy is tedious T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: Mot... Did you link me one my fave comedians doing an amazing song? Yep. fair point, this is a good solution to the adulting shit. Thank you for reminding me that I'm an asshole and everyone else's shit isn't my problem. I legit wanna go get a steak and a cigar and sit on the porch drinking a whiksey. T3/r7/2022-04-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Deilen: wow i didn't think i could just kill the sun. lmao T3/r7/2022-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: How the fuck am I supposed to describe to people following a script that the only way to troubleshoot this issue is to make an educated guess? >_< T3/r7/2022-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill bonks Epsilon on the head just for the fun of it T3/r7/2022-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon mutters something quietly to himself. T3/r7/2022-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: just tell them to make a guess T3/r7/2022-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: educated or not T3/r7/2022-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: "You know what I tell these people? PRE-SUCK MY GENITAL SITUATION." T3/r7/2022-04-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan gives Epsilon a nod, saying, "OK". T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: i should start saying fuck you pay me T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: fuck you pay me T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: I like that T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doge Water Yajan: what's that? Oh ok. Fuck you pay me! T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Caressa: fuckin fire alarm going off T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: sorry my rap album just dropped T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: its setting fire to the country T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Caressa: fuck...can i borrow your wirecutters? T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: you have a wired in fire alarm? T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i thought they stopped doing that in the 70s T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: you cant just twist the top off and take the battery out? T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my dick's itching T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Caressa: take a bath >_< T3/r7/2022-04-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: modern fire alarms are often wired, but with a battery backup. fucking brilliant - except you cant turn the damn things off when your pizza is done! T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: fucking dumbass uber eats drivers you have literally ONE FUCKING JOB T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FromTheAsh Fenix: i always say, be glad they dont have a more important job theyre fucking up :) T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Right? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Seriously. I don't ask for much. But, y'know, I am paying for the convenience of having my food dropped at my doorstep. Operative word here, "MY" T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Not 2 apartment buildings down from me. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: if they are so bad at it, why not go pick up your own food? or even better, make your own food? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FromTheAsh Fenix: complain and youll get free deliveries T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: inb4 Elfo never eats takeout T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i can drive and go to a restaurant when and if i feel like it T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: but tchoo can cook! T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FromTheAsh Fenix: i say that as well but, sometimes you dont have the time/ability at that moment to do anything other than order T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: delivery apps suck. just live in a shitty area that has the best food in the city T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: those people do a shit job, a job you prob dont wanna do, take it easy on them T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Why don't you butcher you own meat? Or why don't you cook your own food instead of going to a restaurant? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Like, the whole concept here is that you're paying for convenience. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i can and have butchered my own meat and cooked my own food, wtf is your point? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: For reals though. It's a simple enough job, but also the folks don't get paid enough to care. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Do you do it all the time? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: Unless they want tips because of tipping culture T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: actually yes and i also work on 2 farms, with fresh sources T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: so again, whats your point? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Okay, so you never buy meat at the store, or go to a restaurant. right. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: nope, i do all three T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: never said i dont T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: But why? You know how to do it yourself! T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: some times i like a break from it T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: hmmmm T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: So do others :) T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: they don't get paid enough to care because the company wants to charge money to have them do their own job which fucks up their tips. seriously 5 dollars of service fees for a delivery and i don't got shit to pay the person bringing it that's getting fucked by the company fucking me T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but i dont bitch about the people that give me the break, i try to be understanding T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I mean, note that I'm not complaining here about it taking an hour to get here, or the food being lukewarm. I know those parts aren't under a driver's control. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I'm complaining that they dropped it off at the wrong address. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Seems like that's kind of an important part of delivery. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: it costs more to bring a pizza half mile to my place than i'm willing to pay to not walk a mile T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Correct me if I'm wrong here. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: notice that i said i go to the restaurant? maybe thats to avoid those issues? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: isntead of complaining, i problem sovled and i dont use em, i go to the restaurant T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Sure. Let me tell my boss to go fuck himself, I need to go out and get some food. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: your not allowed to leave your job? sounds shitty, may wish to look into better jobs is all T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: to not be a dick, but maybe bring food with you? it's suboptimal but it's a solution. or yea tell your boss to eat dicks when they go out for lunch and expect you not to T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I mean, what job CAN you walk out on while you're on a call with your boss? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: if you live in ontario i know of 4 farms looking for help T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: hah i did farm life growing up, nope nope nope T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i just say gotta go, its lunch time T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i used to take my 30 min and walk to a gas station to get lunch and eat it on the walk back. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: Don't get uber T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but ya i tried to do that dishdash and others as a job, the apps on driver side are wrong half the time, and all the places try to not pay you, its a super shit job T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: my fuckin ex and her sister would get ubereats from the place 3 blocks over and i wanted to slap the fuck outta them for it. i coulda walked there and back for a couple bucks T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its seriously slave labour i worked 4 hours once and made like 25 bucks and spent like 20 bucks in gas T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I guess my expectations are too high here, and I shouldn't expect delivery when I order delivery. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i miss blizzards. i used to call ppl and then go round to get money from ppl n the area then swing back with what they needed T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: or jsut go get it yourself? T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Yeah, well, that's another discussion entirely. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: If I wanted to put pants on and get it myself, I would have. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Of course, I had to anyway. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: if no one uses it, then no more of that shit slave labour T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: find a broke ass dude that doesn't mind walking and give em a few bucks to go pick up takeout for you T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: exactly T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i go and pick up beer cans and bottles on my daily walks to help meet my needs T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: cause i make more money that way :/ T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'm that dude too. i dont give a fuck. 3 bucks for ten mins of walking is better than any job i've had paid T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya serious T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i walk 5 extra blocks to the atm kuz the time it takes is more than i make working. haha T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i dont mind a hard days work, but pay me T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: Oh, I don't work for free T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: but i turn down money too often for things i do. i really don't like money T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: those poor delivery guys practically do T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i hate the whole process of money T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i need to live on gilligans island. perfect communism T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but ya, sorry if i came off strong, but i used to be that delivery guy witht he app that made me loss money T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya serious T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I guess I've never had a job where I didn't do at least the minimum necessary. Like, it's not nighttime, the address isn't hidden, etc. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: also living on an island with ginger would be pretty nice T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: I just got the slam the phone down and not get in trouble for it T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I'm not asking for a lot here - just "put it at the actual address" T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i like meeting devlivery ppl at the street to save the apartment stuff T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: pfft that requires PANTS T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: and INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: I always meet outside T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: horrible T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon convulses as he shudders in disgust. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: Just because I'm not in the mood to cook does not mean I'm a hermit T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i got pants on most the time. the ppl thing is negligable kuz i don't gotta have someone near my door or god forbid ring the bell T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I will freely admit that I'm a hermit. I can go for months without leaving my house. ;p T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i like both going out and staying home, depends on my mood, not gonna have a choice soon, soon i will be back on the tractor T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: well i'm too drunk to keep sitting here. i'll fuck off to bed now to read and get a nap to cover the sleep i didn't get like a regular human T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Being an upstanding citizen of Andolor, Enlossys tells Untergang about all the dangers of drinking and playing Aardwolf. T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: wtf... T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enlossys: Thc 446 T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pump the Fuel: damn this wine is fucking fruity T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pump the Fuel: all kinds of fruits T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: if it wasnt fruity itd be brandy T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pump the Fuel: gone bad and waited for 2 years for a fool to consume T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: fuck, T3/r7/2022-04-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I've often felt exactly the same, Epsilon T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I thought I knew all the positions in bed until I overheard someone say " stand like you've lost hope in life"... some weird stuff yall do behind doors:) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I just killed a mushroom that a cat pee'd on.. This area is crazy:P T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: bloodlust T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Welcome to my world. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: If you eat ass you are going to get "Hepititus 'C'!" So be careful T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: saran wrap T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh. Interesting. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: stay away from their ass! It's hexed like "Night man" from town:P T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: thanks Yamillay (you finally SHed :P) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra giggles. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Now I want candied Yams! T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: With the baked mini-marshmallows on top!!! T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Hey! What's wrong with having yams with alt and butter only after boiled and baked? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Hey! What's wrong with having yams with salt and butter only after boiled and baked? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant pokes Mael in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant pokes - Rocking Tronic in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael probes Mukflukchukbuk, the only gay eskimo in his tribe. You feel disgusted, yet slightly aroused. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: ask them to bring a convo here so they can express themselves in a much more creative way but they never show up T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: pussies T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: they prob weiners like nopk players T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: you're such a ray of sunshine Mot :-D T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i honestly am forcing it right now T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i took a xanex and slept for 14 hours and i have the aggresion of a pile of mashed potatoes atm T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: could legit hug all of you T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: your efforts are not unappreciated T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: good T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: what does xanex do exactly? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: its a bendodyazapine activator T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathon: makes you sleepy basically T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: benzodyazapine. fuck i cant even use my fingers T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: google itXD T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: makes money for pharma because you become addicted, and can't function normally without it T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: even worse than that T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: people who would never drink T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: once theyre addicted to benzos and quit almost always become alcoholics T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: cause it disrupts the seratonin receptors T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: im not a scientist but you can google and verify that T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: but if you never do them like me its a very safe tranquilizer T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: plus ive been an alcholic for 20 years so id rather just have beer T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: IIRC its what they made to replace qualoids T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: now I'm sleepy T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: lol T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you wanna know how I really feel about the retro situation? FUCK YOU. I am not retro. I spent 5 years banned after 2017, I got in trouble with the law where I had to go to court to face 4 charges and dodge jail with a letter from a senior psychiatrist, I was homeless for a period of time after I got banned and I have a scar on my wrist that still hurts sometimes 5 years later where I tried to claim my life. FUCK OFF IF YOU THINK I AM RETRO. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: are you new age then? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: yequaf jade T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding walks around in the room, looking very confused. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: why are we terrorizing a mentally ill person T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: YOU FUCKING TELL ME T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: idk man people on here have tiny dicks is best i came up with T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: he Mot I think you need to share your Xanex T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: most of them have decent jobs and lives T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: but theyre just so miserable that they have to spend time in judgement of others to justify their misery T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: its just like any other place on earth but just hyper focused cause of small community T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: xanex in a manic mind is no good T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: it usually makes them kill themselves T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: I defer to your expertise T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I don't give a fuck about being labelled as mentally ill just cos I got the shit end of the stick my whole life T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: it's a load of fucking bollox T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: everyone is mentally ill if you put their life under a microscope T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: People are probably going to keep confusing you with retro because of some of your behaviors. Maybe it might help if you told us who you actually were? Not that you have to of course but people will probably keep thinking your retro until they figure it out. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: the thing is they only mess with you if you make it fun T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: Bloood T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: but 5 years on I am different T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I been clean from drugs for 5 years and I am no longer an alcoholic T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: people change T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: maybe start drinking again if youre this stressed out T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: lollll T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) *Yay!* Go - Rocking Tronic!!! Miscreant Omnivek cheers him on. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding holds his roll of tape tightly and grins wickedly. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: 5 years is great, keep it up T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hearing a strange sound you turn to see Pharaoh Mot being taped up to the wall by Dogwater Welding. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i like my beer. and all i do is say some dumb shit and fall asleep T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i guess were all different T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I still drink, just not dependantly T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: well good T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: or to such an extreme I do the dumbest shit ever T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic says Its TiMe FoR a FaTtY, bOoM bAtTy, BlUnT. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: alcohol is my water,weed my oxygen, money my wife T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: wtf is going on right now T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: anyway anyone keeps giving you trouble just put em on ignore. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: dude im still groggy tryin to wake up T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: so you're saying you would trade your wife for weed and booze? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: thought we were rapping T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: no need to put up with bullshit. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant looks at Miscreant Omnivek and goes "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: at this rate...yes T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic nods at 25.prince Talia. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: Blood was Tier 8 T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: bloood T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: well i hope you stay so we have more members T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: checkname bloood T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: but you should get that temper under control T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant nods at Pharaoh Mot. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: Bloood is on the badname list. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i bet if we go back 20 years ive been messed with more than you and i basically never get in publc in this manner T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I only have a temper when presumptuive dickeds think I'm someone I am not. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i do it more to start fights not to defend myself T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: yeah but who cares dude T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: do they feed you T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yes T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: do they clothe you T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: they say shit T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: they drivin you to your dance lessons later? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: they feed my fire T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot buries his face in his hand and sighs, shaking his head. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant goes, "Heh." T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: done T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: you didnt even disguise yourself well T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: identical to the personality T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: what did you get banned for? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: what if he copied mine to begin with?! T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck that cock end T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: (retro) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: the strange thing is, I don't even remember a player called retrogamer and I was here from 2007 + T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yet I been told that was when he started aswell T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: he went by many names T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathon: he had a few names he went by T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: and wtf is this in Moradin's desc? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: and many personalities T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: i dont know, think he was newer or something? he was like leveling the same time when i created (2019) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: but i think hes been around awhile under diff names T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: with different personalities? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: fo sho T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant nods at - Rocking Tronic. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathon: at first but they all pretty much went to the same T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: sounds like a serial killer. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: not a mental reject T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: who said mental reject T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathon: oddly enough he did have his own mental issues and struggels as well. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I never pretend to be someone I am not T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I never fake a personality T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: honesty is always best T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: what kind of computer do you use? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wait wait wait... T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant peers intently at Zathon. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: who is Zathon? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: desktop i7 T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: intel T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: rtx 1060 6 gb T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: urr 2060 T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathon stares at the sky. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: oh ok, retro didnt have a 2060 T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: you pass :p T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: gaming machine worth about $1600 T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant boggles at Dogwater Welding. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: cost me £1100 GBP T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: is gbp = good boy points? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: i could use some of those T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: great british pounds T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: oh ok :p T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: just for the record I fucking hate what england has become T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: if it had have been up to me we would have stayed in the EU T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: shit heads T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: whats your favorite football team? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I hate football and sport in general T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I have no faveourite team T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant perks up, something must have grabbed his attention. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: favorite player? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my mom? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my dad?! T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: they any good? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my dad was way back when T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: my fav football team is the chicago bulls T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: he studied sports at uni T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hearing a strange sound you turn to see No More Wars being taped up to the wall by Dogwater Welding. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: I really like the dodgers in football T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: They get a hole in one almost every game T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: anyhow I am done on curse T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: happy friday:) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: enjoy your weekend T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck you retro, fuck you if you think I am retro, my name is Bloood (Tronic). eat shit. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: until the next time you bring it up T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: curse goes off T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael rolls his eyes, disgusted. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: AND FUCK SALT T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no, the next time somebody else brings it up T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ** For his interference in your cool story, you can take revenge on Mael. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant backstabs Mael with his EVIL fake dagger! T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: not that this is a curse but I thought it was appropriate after the -h here... you can check out my more creative side as to what I was doing for the time I was banned for 5 years in the link in my finger, made some pretty good choonz..... T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: oooo, congrats:) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: BAD BOYS BAD BOYS T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: WHATCHA GONNA DOOOOO T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: WHATCHA GONNA DOOOOO WHEN THEY COME FOR YOOOU T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: you watching bad boys T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I love them guys:) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no but one of the pieces I made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHvN2Qye9hY is based on the theme tune T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: then there's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw_slD5YyR0 which is more for the Ladies T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: plus more on my channel T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: decepticons gets all the cool stuff:( T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant patiently twiddles his thumbs. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I can feel a storm coming towards this channel T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Booty on the canvas! T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: HOLY FUCKING SHIT T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I FINALLY finished the diamond goal for Diamond Reach! 100+ diamonds later! T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wait til you do teh fens goal... :) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Is it RNG based, or just a lot of bullshit to collect? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathon: to be fair thats what a lot of goals are. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Because I can deal with the latter. This was a bag of dicks because I kept hearing about people finishing after 10-20 diamonds. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its an uber grind to get a 1/25 ish drop to give to 4 different mobs at a 30 percent chance of closing that gaol T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zathon: collect a lot of this and that kill a lot of this and that i mean T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: and that mob sometimes hit me mega hard, like 15k hp worth T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: right okay marking that down as a goal to never do got it T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh no, it was fun, but it was liek a forever one, i would do it once your t9 T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ft2 though, heck with that T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am hoping my goal wish goes through for that one :/ T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: yeeeeeeeah, I peeked at the guide for that one. Fuck that. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I think Diamond Reach wouldn't have been half as bad if it wasn't for it cutting off the best source of diamonds once you're "too high level" T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I went through at 100, and found basically nothing on any of the mobs except for one. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: What do you even do with the dimaonds from that goal? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Gotta give 'em to a mob, mob looks at it, and RNG says whether it's the "right" diamond or not. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i just used em to finish the goal T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Killing mobs, I was getting probably 5-8 per repop. If you can't get 'em off mobs though, you're limited to 2 per repop. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Which, again, wouldn't have been so bad if it had actually resolved in a decent amount of time. I gave up last remort, and I'm going through about 20 levels below recommended so there was no chance that I'd miss out on mob-diamonds. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: you will kill me but it just took me 2 diamonds to finish it :/ T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but if it makes you feel any better over 70 of the dakness kills in fens to finish that T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: oh my god fuck you and everything you stand for (in the kindest possible way <3) T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon chortles mischievously. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Highway Robbo: What the fuck is going on here? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I'm bitching about Diamond Reach. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Took me 100 diamonds and a remort to finish the second task. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Second goal/second task, I should say. T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: fucking finally T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i have one goddamn computer working T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: that i got from my oldass retarded stepdad T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: and he clicks stupid shit. cause old people shouldnt be allowed to use the internet T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: sounds like you're lucky to have him T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: so now i have to fucking T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: Listen fucker T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: or you would have no computers working T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i have to fucking reboot it to factory T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: to get rid of all the stupid malware on it T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: gotta so check the mail, bbl T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: ima fight u T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: kick u right in the nuts T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: just wanna play aard but i cant T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i hope you just get bills in the mail T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: just a big ole stack of bills T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) C= Amigan: dollar bills? T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: pesos T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: now my spellup script only works intermitently T3/r7/2022-04-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pharaoh Mot: i cant... T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I said it last night and I will say it again I AM NOT FUCKING RETRO I am Bloood, I was banned in 2017, I been banned for 5 years and only just allowed back, eat shit if you think I am retro. T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: every fucking day retro comes up T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: sick of this shit already T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck off with it T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: who's retro T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: I'm contemporary T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'm eclectic. :) T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: nice to meet you contemporary, i'm dad T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: was wondering where dad was T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'm having a hard time picturing Mael in that role... T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: Hi, I'm Elfo T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I can't fucking trade and make gold with being called fucktard , sorry, retro T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Do you want a present, Tronic? T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: NO T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus waits for it. T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra pouts. T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I wouldn't suggest having a child with someone who has instincts in dodge T3/r7/2022-04-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: run should be about 45. It is sometimes shorter but that is average. T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: If you have been wanting more intermissions from me here's my grand finale of listening to my city's local public phone chat line and this time it's 2 guys threatening each other through the phone:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxC1YMxIR5Q T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: why does everyone get so jumpy when you open their browser? T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I only saw "stuck under a table" and the guy freaked out T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: porn T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: shameful sinful porn T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: "help I am stuck under a table" is new to me T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: help me i accidentally build a shelf T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: that's actual porn? T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: if you can think of it, someone made it T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: but nah that's an old meme T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: wow...damn. I think I will stick to the normal stuff T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: is piss a curse? contextually for saying 'taking the piss'? T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: dunno officially, but I know it's one of Cil's favorite curse words T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: Hard to say. I think any body function descriptions are always on the line simply because the general sentiment is that they are icky and gross T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i think is some contexts it's less rude. clearing 'i need to wee' is much nicer than 'i need a piss' but then in just the joking sense it is less rude T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: I need to wee jut sounds like you are 5 T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: roninleader i think thats a good point. shit is a great example. it one way it's synonymous with stuff and another it's icky T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: personally if avoiding directly saying i intend to urinate i'd prob opt for something else other than have a wee. but it's a sorta soft direct. T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: "You can prick your finger, but don't finger your prick, no no..." T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: (George Carlin there ;p) T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: that's extreme sounding T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: there is no polite way to discuss about such things. there is just levels of offensive. But that is because the subject is crude, not necessarily because the words are trying to be rude. T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: some topics like that probably best straight to curse-friendly channel, options! T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: with my wife even i'd say i wanna poop. or simply go to the bathroom before we go. but in the interest of not misleading her on time sensitive things i'd be more clear. but i'd not say 'i'm gonna shit/piss then we can go' I think both are fairly applicable when drunk or sick and things go very wrong. T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: You can snatch a pussy and put it in a box. T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Yeah, but it'll start yowling if you do that. T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael gestures downward and A Nimwit Spank gasps in delight. A Nimwit Spank just received a Dick in a Box! T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: amaru I was mostly just thinking of saying I was takin the piss, but then thought to avoid maybe breaking curse rules in the gossip statement T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: nods, maybe ok but probably not worth even borderline regularly, just makes more work for imms and other ways to express ourselves T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: oddly the US version 'fucking with you'/'fucking around' is ruder T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I mean, "j/k" or "just messing around" or something works in that case. T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'll just chuck bants onto such things T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: I felt like I was borderline earlier on gossip when trez said he was "s rank" at chess and I implied that s stood for a naughty word in that context rather than "super" or whatever he was thinking of, grin :P wasn't gonna take that one a step further T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: "You're mum's a tighter fit... bants' T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: motherfucking mat'da'mon T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the god of dog cult T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hellion: matt damon? T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: ya ever see the australian show or american version of wilfred? T3/r7/2022-04-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: kuz it's funny as fuck https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1703925/ T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck, this movie nobody already triggered(no pun intended) me. you can't just hand someone a pistol and it's theirs and legal. plus dude gets it(crime) and first thing he puts his finger on the trigger of a gun that he has no clue if is loaded. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: holy fuck this flat earth dude's explaination was that if her turns around the sun moves the other direction to him... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: don't leave us hanging, where's the flaw in that logic? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: should we have just let covid clear out the dumbshits? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: we did - they are called anti-vaxxers T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking fake news T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the flaw in the logic is that the earth is a fucking ball and turning around doesn't change the tragectory of celestial objects. the north and south poles and hemispheres cant be explained as simply as turning around or turning halfway around would make the sun rise in the north T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: I can't walk on a basketball because it's round...but I CAN walk on earth so... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: it makes the sun rise in the left inside of the right T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the dudes argument is that something to the right is on the right unless he turns around and then haha, it's' on the left. planet flat. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: but WHOSE left are we talking about? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: that's it fuck it. mushambo convinced me T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: another wrong person on the internet corrected by superior logic T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i've never thought to try to walk on a baseball held to the ground by gravity. clearly i fucked u T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: p T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i dont understand enough about the thought process, do they think there's some global conspiracy by BIG GLOBE/MAP to sell frauds? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: would have to be a faked moon landing too right? faked satellite photos? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: probably in cahoots with BIG CHEMTRAIL T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i think its more religiouse? they think the bible says its flat, so the devil sdays its round sort of deal T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: big poultry as well, egg lobby very powerful T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i dont recall this in the bible i better check T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: unfortunately humans got free will T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i think the moon landing was faked, just so the states looked better than the russians during cold war T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: definitive source material: https://sites.ualberta.ca/~dlamoure/wlas2.pdf T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: legit if you've flown on a commercial plane and looked out the window you already have seen proof T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya didnt you see that temple through the water? :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: augmented reality created by liberal Hollywood? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: motherfucker, don't bring up water temples!!!!!! T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the bain of my ocarina life T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: the annoying thing about clearly ridiculoud conspiracy theories is that they make people take genuinely wrong and actually real consipiricies less seriously T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: im guessing there's overlap between poorly done, idiot-proof modern Bible translations (New whatever the fuck Version) and this theory T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: if you aint spittin King James 1611, might as well be dancing with the devil T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i mean, i have faith, but it doesnt means i believe every last word of the bible, i just try to be a good person and not break the 10 commandments T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am now ready for the ridicule! :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: pretty sure all religion, proper religion, basically says "be nice" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: im with you T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: yeah the translations on this pdf link most definitely don't match my KJV, hence fake news T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the christians still thought the world was flat and people would sail off the edge while vikingr already had banged ladies on north america... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: christians were just the incels of 400 years ago T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hang on this is curse channel not debate T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: 400 years ago i think you gotta give the people a bit of a break though :) they didnt have reagan T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: shitpiss! T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: the irony is that this document acknowledges only that the Flat Earth is clearly IMPLIED in scripture, yet I bet these people go apeshit about judges that "imply non-existant rights through interpretation of the Constitution" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amel: f u T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: we already know that if the planet was flat, the cats would have knocked everything off it by mow T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: butts T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon laughs out loud at Zarra. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: zarra wins T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: bah - we didn't think time slowed down when we go fast 100 years ago, it's not about being wrong it's about being able to change your mind T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i would like to challenge you guys though find some crazy group based off of a different faith other than: jewish/muslin/christian (cause these groups all based on sameish material) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: cats are dicks, but they are a universal law T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i did say 400 years not 100 :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I like cats. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: there are a group of people in some island that think Prince Phillip is god T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: The one sitting right next to me and wishing he were on the keyboard is quite charming. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: they do elfo. they stem from the same root. i'm Pastafarian. which should be the crazy religion but ends up making too much sense T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh did you see the Idiot Abroad episode on that? :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: My kitty is standing directly in between me and the screen. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: huh? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Like "LOOK AT ME I AM ADORABLE AND BETTER THAN THE WORDS" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: gixbourne uh did gervais make karl go there? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: A cat to admire, Epsilon. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: I hear there are groups of people who go online and pretend to be fictional characters, going around collecting imaginary items and completing made-up quests...] T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: They've been on tv a few times I think T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: so umm challenge declined? :( T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i saw it somewhere. but then again ppl worship everything. look at them morons in megaton... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: best one was when he went to China - "it's not the great wall of China, it's the allright wall of China" :))))) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: Karl has such a way with words T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: what was your challenge Elfo? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: all groups are crazy, elfo. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck, it's been months since i watched that so i prob gotta pop it up. elfo, did you mean me about a challenge? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: to find a crazy group of people (much like the flat earthers) but from a faith that is not jewish/muslim or christian T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the making him go to the thing to rate ppl in the US was hilarious since he did so shit T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: anyone, just always see crazy grouops from these faiths, wondering if there are others T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: people who believe in bigfoot T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: hrm dang T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: cryptids aint real? now them's fighting words T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: any others? big foot generally wesdt world, so prob crazy christians T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh, crytids, what are those? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: loch ness? cchupacabra? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: yea i dunno, the flying spaghetti monster created a ball of a world and hid stuff to make us think it was older. but the pirates are who he/it pays attention to so i dunno. i'm too tall to have been touched by a noodly appendage much. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: I mentioned one, islanders that think the queen's husband is a god T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: tall tales and even taller beer glasses T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: also these guys - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh i thought that was a joke gis lol T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: no, totally real T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptids ... the irish got some awesome dog/otter creature! T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: Gisbourne, if ya ever are within 100 miles, or i guess 50000 kilomitars, in your weird maths then i'll get ya a beer T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: see now i feel better about being a christian :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: people who believe in horoscopes T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: those are generally called ladies dingle T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: no offense to the ladies :/ T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: I'm looking forward to it Unter T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: no, ive met plenty guys who basically lived their lives by the stars T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: shit, no way? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: we actually use miles in the UK, we're meant to be metric but haven't been that good about switching T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: people are crazy. groups are lots of people. groups are lots of crazy. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: What's the quote? "A human is smart. Humans are dumb panicky animals, and you know it." T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: plant things or die. its as simple as that T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: men in black dropping truth bombs T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: should go on my gardening shirt :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'm down for planting stuff. just live in a bad state to grow what i want T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: our local coops first attempt at banding together was a tshirt- "Cooperate or Die" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: epsilon the quote is "I was never aware of any other option but to question everything" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: that wasin the 80s ...then in yhe late 90s they all sold out to corporate T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: so given that we're talking about sizale percentages of US population that agere with either, am I to believe that evangelical christians are 100% NOT UFO/alien believers? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck zarra that's agressive as fuck. i'd have prolly donated just to help contain laughter T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: good question mushambo, i've met hardcore christains that still thought ufo's' were a thing. but they never tried explaining it T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: Mush.. christians believe that angels fly, but none have ever seen an angel T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: where's my ex-wife when i need to ask her somethign lol T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: clearly they believe in ufos T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: personally i think the most believed in god in the world should like show up sometimes and be like 'i'm real, dont be dicks to each other' T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think all religious texts are just like old stories, passed down through the generations - but the thing I notice is that the underlying feature is that they're just trying to make us be nice, and that''s humanity T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: One rule. "Don't be a cunt." T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: magnetic declination? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: but it's like - be nice to each other, but you see them over there? it's ok to fuck them up T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon chortles mischievously. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: people is dumb. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I'm suddenly reminded of "My god has a bigger dick than your god!" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: my imaginary friend could beat up your imaginary friend! T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: "Do you believe in God?" "Yes..." "Do you believe in my God?" "... no?" *BOOM* "Dead. My God has a bigger dick than your God!" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: only the fsm version really says not to be cunty to ppl T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: (yet another George Carlin bit :V) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: it even says to not try making ppl believe it. just be nice to them. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i found george carlin a jerk tbh T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Here y'all go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEi3Gaptaas (this is obviously NSFW for language ;p) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: "The books you think I wrote are way too thick, who needs a thousand metaphors to figure out you shouldn't be a dick?" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: epsilon will ya just come over and drink beers so i dont have to read while typing? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: lol T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill is agreeing with that Guy of Gisbourne person again... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Not unless you want me to barf all over the keyboard :V T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: did you quote bo? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: yep T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i owe ya another beer T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ahh, but if you make fun of that thick book of verses, arent you being a bit of a dick? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: see not being nice T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra tosses a bottle of beer at Untergang ... let's just hope he'll catch it! T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne reaches out and grabs the bottle of beer tossed to him. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: how can you make fun of someone who builds a boat and puts 2 of every single animal on the planet on it? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: youre reading it backwards T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: yeah, youre supposed to just quietly judge others, not make fun of their views T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: how can you make fun of a book that sends a dozen bears to kill 40 kids because they made fun of a bald guy T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: they think yhey can do that T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: the book sent the bears? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: berenstein bears? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yeah - bald men are funny T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: or carebears? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i think most religions came about as a way to scam ppl. but really fuckdumb ppl. some adapted and want to merge with science since we really won't have answers to stuff ever. but the ones that deny provable things are a blight. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wow ok T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think religion is just a natural part of our desire to understand what we can't understand T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i also believe that science is a faith in a sense T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: also, a useful way to pass knowledge down generations T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill is agreeing with that Guy of Gisbourne person again... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: like, the people who dont think about things and say big bang theory is science T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: a lot rules from the bible made sense for goat herders living in the middle east 3000 years ago T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: science isn't a faith. its testable and repeatable. faith is believing with no proof T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: just like red riding hood tells us that sometimes things aren't what they seem T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: how did you test the big bang theory to be a scienctific fact? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: you need to replicate it in a lab T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: and that sometimes your grandmother is actually a wolf T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: oh so now you're anti-goat? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the noah thing is funny kuz like all the animals listed are from a region. noah didnt have two platypusses on that ark. and then also why did he spare mites, roaches, bedbugs......... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its like, it doesnt work, lets create another dimension! :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ehow many we up to up, oh shit i lost track, 11? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: why would you need to replicate something in a lab. you think up an idea, then test for it. just because you don't know the tests doesn't mean they haven't been done T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: the big bang theory came about from observations tho T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: universe is expanding, pretty easy to trace that one back T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i was told by 2 seperate sciencetists that you have to recreate the thing in a lab to make it scienctific T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: seeing the demonstrable outcome of an event T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: the thing is almost all of these old stories were passed down through word of mouth, so they changed over the years, which is good, because they can reflect how people think... then when we wrote them down they stopped changing and actually that made them less useful T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: so far as i have seen they say dark matter making it expand, not an explosion? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: HA! don't get me started on 'dark matter' T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking magnets too, how do they work? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: and its speeding up, not slowing down, which is what you think would be the opposite of an explosion making it happen? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: cil good point, proven by playing the grapevine game. ya can barely get a sentence across a classroom correctly T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: there are many theories, they get tested. the best explaination so far is big bang T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but its not a fact T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: what is your arguement here? that the science we can't explain is god? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: so just best theory, like, flat earth theory at one point was best T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: dammit, don't make me laugh at shaggy T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: no, that i thhink science is like faith T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: that was it T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: flat earth was disproven. we had an idea, then we tested it. they tested that way back in ancient greek times T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: if all the science books were destroyed we would eventually come back to the same science, you can't say the same for religion T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: scientists would improve their credibility if they wore better hats T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: shit, mushambo's right T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang nods at Guy of Gisbourne. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: its the hats T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: no, but one day big bang theory will be proven wrong, which i think is veyr soon and something new will come T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: which is the point of science T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but for now, alot have faith that big bang is right T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: damn im on a roll tonight T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: we don't have one idea then stick to it if its wrong T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: that its just like faith T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: yeah i mean I can't see string theory T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: maybe it will be proven wrong but if that happens we won't have big bang fanatics still claiming it is right dispite evidence, that is why science is not like faith T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: in the past faiths changed based on knowledge, civilizations etc T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: you have no idea how words work T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i dont know, we still gto flat earthers right? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: we do, but the aren't scientists, or at least not good ones T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: now i dont know how words work? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hmm - right now 95% of the universe is completely beyond understanding T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i was just comparing faith to science is all T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: have you ever watched flat earth stuff? they test but ignore the results if it doesn't agree. the opposite of how science works T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: that's called market research :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol galoth put me on ignore for a comparison he didnt like lol T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Blackweb: thast the religion of science for ya T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: science is just being able to do new stuff T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya good thing i didnt talk about religion, jsut faith T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: if it works, then there must be some truth to it T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: well i am not saying anything is wrong, cause i would never be able to prove anything, not smart enough, but we all know we will improve upon what we know T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: you can prove stuff easy, just point to wikipedia T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: gah lol T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: I like pie. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but yes, if i am annoying blame discory channel etc, its where i get my edumacation from T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: anyone who doesn't IS wrong, there I've said it T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: I can prove that Nickelback sucks. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dud, take that back :( T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ooh! anyone every Spanked a pie? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i cant believe i got ignored for that though T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: can I switch us to a lower-brow topic? fucking people under the age of 50 who claim the beatles are their favorite band T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i say metallica is and i am 44 T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: wow that changed fast Mushambo T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i should bookmark this article given how often I find myself quoting it, it's some ESPN columnists of all people T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but i mean, i cant use words apparently T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: but Metallica makes sense...their way better musicians than the Beatles. Same with oasis. "New and exciting developments" in arrangements, sound desnity, production value, etc. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol, my arguement didnt make sense why? i think only because people dont want it to be tbh T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: sorry i sensed a lull on the prior subject, just thought i'd keep the ball rolling as we solve the world's problems T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh np T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i guess it can be relevant to the notion of treating Biblical myths as 100% literally, "6 days? really?" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i propose the relavence of a band based on audience size, i then point to the i think it was called monsters of metal concert in russia in 1991? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: never understood why biblical people don't just accept 'new and exciting developments' like maybe evolution just a mechanism God implemented in version 0.01 to see how itd go" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: just saying - the best in the history of the world is actually Radiohead T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: jeebus i need an icepick for my eardrums T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i think metallica based on 1 mil might russians at that concert T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: some do mush, i am being one of those T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: well you need a leadership role then :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: circling back once again to "better hats" T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: gods no, they kicked me outta the mormons chruch :( i had too many new ideas T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: and the book of mormons was like, wow this is crazy even for me T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i thought someone was just trolling me when he started talking about the secret undergarments T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: eno sadly T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: the pope even does too, that stuff is crazy T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ok I'm just saying, I'm watching "Drive" again, and Ryan Gosling? oh my god T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: I'm not gay, but Ryan Gosling is so pretty, i'd fuck him. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne is agreeing with that A Nimwit Spank person again... T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think we should all do it together :) T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: sounds messy, I'm in T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i need a fuckng cig. T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Me too my dude. What you smoke? T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i can breathe and feel air moving in. that's fucked up T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: genreally camel filters. third the time i'll get newport menthol T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: to be fair I prolly need a few off a joint and just some sleep more than a cig. but either would be nice right now T3/r7/2022-04-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: who shit my pants? T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: SPASTIC JUICE T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: yes T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: electric wizard T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: alien zombie jesus T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: NO. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: SPASTIC JUICE. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: is that zombie juice? T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: probably khadaji's morning brew. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: its night here though T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: just felt like saying it T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: seemed appropriate for some reason or another idk just a hunch. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: it is appropriate T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: you did well T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: spastic juice olympics? T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I'm here to take names and upload porn! And right now I am fresh out of data-cables so who might you be?:P T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: sarah banks T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Bella Bellz T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Mia Khalifa T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Alexis Texas T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Misty Stone T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Janet Jacme T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Abella Danger T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Mia Khalifa T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: nothing is better than watching "Abella Danger" get double teamed T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Melrose Foxx getting double teamed T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: score! T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: You would rather watch a Foxx instead of "Danger" getting double teamed?:P T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: average ladies make me laugh when they say her name is stupid T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I think I prefer Jada stevens T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant pokes - Rocking Tronic in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: why do you always tell people that they got a bigger penis than you? T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy whips out his e-nis, challenging a massive organ to do better! T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: told me the same thing other day after beating him in a gq. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hosoi: cuz he doesnt want you to have big expectations right T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I don't know how you measure it with a gq T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am soo confused T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars comforts Hi, I'm Elfo. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: same here T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I think the quicker you complete a gq the bigger it is T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh, minne is the size of a tic tac then T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: mmm not sure thats how it works T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: get a tape measure T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: well Tronic can explain that in detail T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am hung like a light switch! :) T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: ahahahah ok i have nothing T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: never heard that before T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: thanks :) T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: on/off :) T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: You have to keep in mind how short Elfos are T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: kissy elf didnt complain :) T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: lol ok i have to level yall are goofy T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: He is like 18 inches tall so being hung like a light switch is huge. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: once you go green you will never compleen :) T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hosoi: what the fuck does that mean T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant snickers with Hi, I'm Elfo about their shared secret. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: idk lol T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hosoi: still going thru academy, but i had to say wtf for a sec T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: welcome to aard! T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox drops his pants and rudely moons No More Wars! T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hosoi: i cussed on gos and learned some rules T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant claps at Hi, I'm Elfo's performance. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: u know it's almost like my mom has a 'knee scratacher' T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: she comes online and everything changes like she's shoving it where it don't belong T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: mom if you're reading this... don't forget that dick out your throat, and go vote. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: burn! T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: FUCK! T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars nods at Epsilon. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I'm not into wang, I'm afraid. Tried it, didn't like it. T3/r7/2022-04-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: And I only stick this on curse because this is likely to go downhill quickly. ;p T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: curse chuft T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: typo, but that works! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael says, "Fuck you!" to Iron Duck Chuft! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox thanks Mael heartily. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Iron Duck Chuft's peevish dickery inspires Helpdesk Kharpern to deftly kick them in the testicles. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oo T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: suck my chocolate salty fuck off balls T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: put 'em in yer mouth 'n' suck 'em! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Are they gluten free? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh what did i miss? :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Idk...but it sounds entertaining! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: bad day, family shit fuckheads T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ahh nod T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Yeah, family problems suck...you're stuck with what came out. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Half the time ass-first! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: more like I'm stuck with where I came out from T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: mother bitch T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh. Yes, that's worse. Well, Idk if that's worse than the Step-Witch or not... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: mine passed away about 2 months back, so i dont got that problem no more T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I had both...mutter. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: momma divorced pappa before I was old enough to know what sex and bf/gf was T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: never been the samew since that fucking day T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: And look how awesome you turned out anyway! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: piss ants T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: cant pick your familly, only friends T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is agreeing with that Hi, I'm Elfo person again... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeah, it's about 'nobody can choose the cards they get dealt in life, only how to play them' T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is agreeing with that - Rocking Tronic person again... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its why i now dont talk with my brother, i told that card to fuck off T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: mine seem to be snake eyes almost every day lately T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: or worse yet 10 - 4 T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck the law T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Well, mine are all gone now, except The Dot...but yeah...I never even went home for Christmas...they'd just fight, get drunk, and fight worse... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dumb question, but whats the dot? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: And berate Glenn for burning down the house when he was 7. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: My daughter. :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ooh gotcha, sorry T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Np. One year, I did go home...got frustrated, and asked who was supposed to be supervising Glenn, anyway...yeah, they all turned on ME after that...rofl. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fucking useless famil members shit wank bastard ass fuck heads T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Douche canoe motherfuckers! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Drunk-ass worthless shit-for-brain poseur losers! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra smiles happily. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeah just cos you try to be the big responsible one, when nobody else is paying much attention to reality and they all too busy with 'faerie tales' , then, you become the victim T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: you rang? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra rolls on the floor laughing at I heard a Ruckus's antics! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Naw, I was speaking of someone else...a real queefin' wanker! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I broke one of the feet offa my £180 Keyboard cos I got so mad T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dang man T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: go on google and do 180 gbp to usd T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh noes! You'd think a gaming rig would have pk-proof titanium legs! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: im guessing at least 250 dollars T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: time to find the superglue... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: you sound like me, i got a new hobby a few years ago, drinking, and now my anger issue has gone away :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: FUCKING TYPICAL T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: OPEN BOX OF COCKTAIL STICKS NEXT DOOR NOW ALL OVER THE FLOOR T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: MY MUM IS A CUNT T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: MUM IS A CUNT T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: MUM IS A CUNT T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: had to say it 3 tmes T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: superglued foot from keyboard back on, but now, keys seem sluggish and cursed T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: curse FUCK MY LIFE T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: its all bull shit T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: all I need is super noodles to become superman again T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol, super noodles? :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: english instant noodles you can make with a kettle T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Ooh, a hot, steaming bowl of pho, with the sprouts and peppers? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: they come in a pot T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: pour hot water in, leave 5 mins, instant noodles T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Sounds amazing. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sorry, in canada is called a mr noodles bowl T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: heh T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: in vietnam it's 'nong shim' T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: 'shin cup' T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Cup o' noodles here, or Top Ramen...unless you go to the Asian store and get the good kinds. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh cool T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic is agreeing with that Yadarra person again... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: nong shim, shin cup T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: anyway T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: we have golden wonder pot noodle too T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: are those also suoper noodles? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: We have Happy Teryaki and Good Donut. Rofl. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: about as much use as a electronics student straight out of university working for a toaster company. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: 'put this on setting 1 or 2 anbd it cooks the toast, put it on setting 3 or 4 and it burns the toast, put it on setting 5 or 6 and the house is on fire' T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I gave my Oster Toaster to The Dot...their oven went out...but I told her NOT to put it on the continuous cooking setting...only use the temp with timer. Cuz, yeah. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Idc what Underwriter's Labs says...that's a fire waiting to happen. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: nah golden wonder pot noodle is great really, beef & tomato, chicken & mushroom, sweet & sour, bombay bad boy? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sounds good actually T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I picked up a six-pack of ramen today, actually...I finally ran out of the CostCo sized case I bought a long time ago...it's chicken...they didn't have any of the original. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: bombay bad boy with the full sauce sachet is hot enough to blow the head offa a north indian man T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: and still leave you a sore arse the next morning T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'll have to check it out, next time I hit the import store. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: jesus wow T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh, the Tabasco Curse? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Sounds like a hot time. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I do like 5 star spicy, not white-girl spicy...but I can't do it often anymore. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol, wtf is white girl spicey? :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my q. exactly T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oops. Yeah, that. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: white girl? spicy? only if she uhrr, no I can't say that... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I have to overtip the first time so they'll give me what I order. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: my wife is white and loves super spicey :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I bet she knows, then. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: it is true though, some white girls can handle spice better than some black girls T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya she has sent stuff back cause it wasnt hot T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: not stereotyping... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: No, I know. It's just...I'm old enough to mostly know what I like...rofl. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: u like spicy yadarra? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I love spicy! But there's a trick to it...I don't like it when they kill the dish just to kill the dish. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: like naga chilli pepper spicy ? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i like spicey T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: my old man tummy doesnt though T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I know what you mean T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Yup. :( T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Once in awhile is okay. Tom Yum soup! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: spicy is subjective... I once went to a Thai restaurant and asked for my food "Medium" T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: suicide wings at wild wings, mmm :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wishing for death on the toilet 3 hours later T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: there is spicy tasty *ooh it burns! i'm not a pussy!* and then there's 'it's so fucking hot it destroys all the other flavors' T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: and was sweating from the first bite to the last... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is agreeing with that - Rocking Tronic person again... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I don't want to pay for battery acid. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh ya with those i couldnt even taste the meat T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: xyzzy you are brve T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: I've had worse... but I'm not from an ethnic group that used much spice aside from salt and pepper ;) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: well same here T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I still can handle me a good vindaloo and even faal T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: Ghost Pepper Salsa is fun... but I can have about 10 or 11 chips with it, then I put it away until next time :-p T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'm still learning to cook with it...my best dish currently is chicken or beef fajitas...I don't go too crazy at home, though. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: just guessing, are those asian dishes too? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: it's not about how much spice, it's abot how it's integrated with the other flavours T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is agreeing with that - Rocking Tronic person again... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: Vindaloo is Indian T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeh T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya my wife is a fan of the spicy curies T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: curry ans spice generally is asian and primarily indian T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: Faal is indian too... or somewhere near there Bangladesh I think? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: idk the regions of curry but I do know I love a good one when done authentically T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: xD T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: To me, Indian is generally the right kind of spicy.. taste over hot. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i cant seem to stomach em myself T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic enthusiastically high-fives Fyzzy Xyzzy! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wish i could T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: I have a lot of co-workers from India T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: maybe u just having the wrong curry from the wrong places elfo... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i think its my ulcer T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: There's so many varieties of it. Idk much about it myself. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: Curry ranges from very mild to very spicy... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: if you like spicy but u don't like a authentic Indian curry, something aint right T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic is agreeing with that Fyzzy Xyzzy person again... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: like, i cant even eat pepper anymore with =otyu severe pain T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sorry trying to aoe big rooms and chat at same time lol T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: meh T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: your best bet with spicy, if you're unsure... keep a small tupperware of peanut butter around. It is the fastest way to negate the capsaicin. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: sounds like you in bit of a pickle T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh definately ya T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: dairy is good too xyz T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: any milk/yoghurt T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: negates the spice T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: yeah... I think dairy ranks just under peanut butter... crunchy is better as the peanut bits make you concentrate on something other than the spicy... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'm so hardcore I will drink vodka infused with Naga Chilli's and eat faal's cooked by real Indian chef's, I don't need me peanut butter or dairy lol T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dang T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I love me a Bakon Mary with Tabasco and bacon strips... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: on a dare, of course, I will eat ANY spicy... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: bacon and tabasco? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: that's pushing it T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: just so long as "chewing" is not a requirement ;) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: quite, xyz T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: I won a bet at a Japanese place by downing a small bowl of wasabi... rolled it into a ball, popped it into my mouth and swallowed it. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I like my bacon with ketchup/hp daddys (brown sauce) or a fried egg with a runny yolk in thick white bread T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: YMMV T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I can only do that in small amounts for some reason. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: or all of the above together if I'm particularly hungover T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya same tronic T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh and on a cheeseburger T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: about 6 slices of thick cut smoked bacon, 2 slices of thick white bread, ketchup, brown sauce, fried egg with runny yolk T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: breakfast of kings T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i make home made bread so i can cut it nice and thick T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: whiles its still warm from the oven T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I don't make my own bread but I know home made bread is amazing T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its really easy to hand make some T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: all you need is CHEESE T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: seriously T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: cheese bread T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: yup, i make that too T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: why are we talking about bacon and egg sanwiches and home made bread on curse? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol, idk :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gentleheart: Because they're fuckin' sweet. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I guess I have calmed down now. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra curls up next to - Rocking Tronic, wrapping her tail around herself. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Cuz no one ever kicks ya off curse. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I missed out on at least 1 gq whilst talking about noodles and bacon and eggs and bread T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i think i did too T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: There'll be more. :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but you where in need :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: talking about noodles and bacon and eggs and bread is more important though T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic is agreeing with that Hi, I'm Elfo person again... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: lets face it, we all love good food, fat or not T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra pats her belly. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: one thing all mudders have in common... AN UNHEALTHY DIET! lmao T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic hugs Yadarra. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: true T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'm cuddly T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am a fatso :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'm trying to get rid of this Covid Cooking weight...but it doesn't want to cooperate. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am the total package, old, white, fat and hung like a light switch! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sorry ladies, i am already taken T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: OmG, rofl! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: how adoreable T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: I am in shape. Round is a shape. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: very true :) T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I've found my people!!! T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: what's the technical name for upside-down heart shaped? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: butters? xyz?? T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Pear. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely. T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeah pear what the other chick said T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: so, basically I'm a diamond in the rough... a very poorly cut, pear-shaped diamond, but a diamond nonetheless... T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: RAIN T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: RAIN RAIN RAIN ON ME T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: TEARS OF GOD T3/r7/2022-04-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: COME DOWN T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: ahhhhhhhh a joint and a beer to start the day again, damn. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic mutters something about cocktail sticks and superglue T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you can make out the words 'fuck' 'bollocks' and 'cunt' T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I'm just a prom-night dumpster-baby that learned how to use the internet:) T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: hi! T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: hi :) T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: what kind of noodles is the noodles you can't find in the supermarket/store? T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: what kind of soup is the soup your mum/partner can't find in the store? T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: oxtail? T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I said I wasn't going to curse for 3 days T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: but this is from yesterday T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: spastic noodles/spastic soup T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: or just, spastic T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: can't find anything T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: jeeesus T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: heck T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch giggles. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: last time my mother was in a tesco store I asked her if she could get me some cup a soup, I wanted chicken she was like on the phone 'no they don't have chicken dear, only potato & leek or beef and tomato' T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: so what's your fucking point? :) T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: she went to the superstore and called me 2ce cos she couldn't find the fucking cuppa soup T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: then she found them, and called me again and I was like 'okay, what flavours do they have, can you read them out to me please.' T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: 'beef and tomato, potato and leek, chicken, chicken and leek or minerstrone' she said T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I said CHICKEN T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch grabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: then she went oh gawwd, these are slimline cupasoup T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I said FORGET THE SOUP AND NOODLES. and hung up T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: the point is... T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my mum. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch gives a round of applause. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'll go buy my own frickin cup of poop T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: daft old batty hag T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: at least she got the fokkin ham right, ham cooked on the bone, thick sliced dang it's good T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dingleswitch: ffs T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: just need 3 gallons of lager to wash it down with T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic pukes. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: They tried to make me run to Rehab, but I said NO, NO, NO! T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: for gambling? T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: No, for Questing. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oo, sorry T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Sorry, goofing off today. :)) T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: rehab is for quitters anyway T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra rolls on the floor laughing at Najin's antics! T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeah screw rehab T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: srsly T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ninjar: Does Tronic need TPs? T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: why are you asking on curse? T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ninjar: B/c you didn't answer on gossip...and I KNOW you are on curse. T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: there aint really another appropriate channel for this even though it aint a curse, fat bag of weed, 2 full crates of ice cold beer, fridge fully stocked with pizza and other various easy to microwave food, this weekend is gonna kick ass T3/r7/2022-04-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: Well, I'm having sex again this weekend, so... I win? T3/r7/2022-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: chocolate is a gift and a curse... Turns me into a chronic shitter for awhile:P T3/r7/2022-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sometimes feminists make muds "special"..:D T3/r7/2022-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: At this time I feel as though you lack knowledge on how to obey the vagina... T3/r7/2022-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay starts building momentum with his dick. T3/r7/2022-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: U can't sell a shimmering hoe! T3/r7/2022-04-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: burn! T3/r7/2022-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: cacatum non est pictum - loosely translated, 'that whats shat, aint painted'. T3/r7/2022-04-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fucking educational! T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bosworth: okay i should not be playing drunk T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: do you need a CR? T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bosworth: nah i did it but had no business going where i did T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: oh ok, says your corpse is still here btw T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: room should be cleared for about 8 more min T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: looks like you got an item still in it T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bosworth: kk i'll be there T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bosworth: huh it says it is empty well shit i really do not want to be in this room T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: yeah, you need true seeing. one sec... T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bosworth: i pretty much drank my dinner tonight anyone in the boot camp clan wanna chat? i am in the application process for applying. this may be a bad way to advertise myself. :) T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bosworth: well i am to drunk to play i guess just entered my portal by mistake and went back to the academy. heading off to bed have a good one guys. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: big hairy monkeys ass T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: sideways donkey riding west T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: innebriated badger style T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: bonk piss drink knob selection cunt biscuits T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: poi T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: no u T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael raises your eyebrow. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: what the fuck is a midstrenght beer? 9% T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars smacks Untergang out of his boots with a sign reading "YOUR MOM !!" T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: weird i can't momfap back T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars waves a large bright green sign reading "NO FAPPING !!" T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus waves a large bright white sign reading "IT COULD BE A POSSIBILITY !!" T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael laughs as I heard a Ruckus's castle burns down, falls over, and then sinks into the swamp. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang faps, but louder. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia makes an odd hand gesture, and Mael is vaporized by a storm of exploding cows. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia screams in horror as she falls to the ground after being tipped by Mael. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I am so out of touch. I had to just google fapping, heh. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: So I learned something! T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia cackles gleefully at Rhavage. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: any good results? T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: "out of touch" indeed, putting it that way... T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: wait till you hear about the fappening T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: you know you're on a special list now, Rhav? T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Possibly I could have used a better phrase. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Cil, don't I come off the list now? I know what "to fap" means. T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia throws back her head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh thats what fapping means T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: dolphins are racist, yo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlQo3VgeU5k T3/r7/2022-04-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: cancel dolphins T3/r7/2022-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I got miracle at level 69:P T3/r7/2022-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ooo T3/r7/2022-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: miraculous 69s... odd i was typing that and in the vid the dude said miraculous when i was about to hit m. T3/r7/2022-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: 69 has power! T3/r7/2022-04-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the question posed must have been what is 27 less than what you seek. for the answer was 42 T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sex with the ex is a mess! T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hassaikai Yakuza: but its so good T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: because x marks the spot T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: when I thought of the word "Warrior-milk" I laughed T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: "Grond drink warrior-milk straight from straw! Grond get strong... and make new friend." T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: "Grond mouth taste funny though :(" T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: can I get a glass of warrior-milk? T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at Untergang. T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: wait, is it chunky? T3/r7/2022-04-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: god i hope not T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: in a milking contest a man got a arrested for dressing up as a cow... T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: what's happening to the world?? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I believe I can touch the sky!!! T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: I love cocaine!!! T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: Mr.Chow from the hangover T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: smokin weed in dutch 2 ply.. iiiiiiiy! Smokin weed dutched 2 ply! T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Dutch 2 ply! T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: credit card here T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: love is like cocaine T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant: it's been researched that they both equally addictive T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: poi T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: how is it possible to cry a million tears in just 5 years, hated by the socially constipated, singled out because of fabricated bull shit that makes no sense to anyone except those that made it, hated on by the general public, abused, fused by the mis-guided and fictionally irritated by irresponsible dictatorship, lunacy divided amongst the acuusers and providers of mass abuse and unmakers of silence, cruel and cold to me as I suffer in pain and misery knowing nothing but wrongfull upset and hatred. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Fuckin' A. I turn off gossip when typing on curse. Too often I have let slip some totally bannable shit. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: don't be a fucktard T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: but looking at your whois/desc, I can see you are one naturally T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Ah, yes! A portmanteau word! Popularized by Lewis Carroll (nee Charles Dodgson) in his poem "Jabberwocky." It is that poem from which we derive the skill "vorpal" meaning, for our purposes, an instand beheading. Vorpal, of course, in the poem, describes the quality of the protaganist's sword. Be that as ait may, a portmanteau word is one where the whole of or some parts of some words are mashed together to form a new and more descriptive word. "Fucktard" is a portmanteau of RETARD and FUCKHEAD. I don't know if you knew the history of that word or not, but regardless you can stick it up your ass with a sequaro cactus. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: this just screams 'fucktard' T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: look you cockbiting fucktard T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no cactus involved T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay is rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: I'm not sure if that's the origin of it, but it's the first time I heard of it. :V T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: I know your are, but what am i? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: 5 years old? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon leans comfortably against A Nimwit Spank. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: No, not your mental age. What am I? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: oh sorry, 3 T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Bragging about how many testicles you have? Or the age of your latest sexual conquest? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: the number of braincells you use to spout this shit T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: AH! Low sperm count I see. I guess it's true what they say about massturbation. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: what do they say about masturbation? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: go back to watching monkeys on youtu.be T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you would learn more T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: TRONIC? Dies that stand for Totally Rad High ColONIC? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'm guessing your into masturbating a lot if you have a low sperm count? and you seem to have a thing about sexual incompetence and isolation, perhaps it's time you excplored the depths of your mums vagina? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Hey Tronic! Thanks for the suggestion! Reminds me of the night we made your DAD airtight. Only took two of us. He cried more than your little brother. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: HAHAHAHA T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'm so glad T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: and I don't even have a brothe, shit for brains T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: you two are adorable T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: challenge me to a duel spank T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Ah yes! "Shit for Brains!" Very creative!!! I've never heard that one before. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: or are you too fucktarded T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: Spank cannot join you in a challenge room at this time. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: It's amazing. Even though this is text, I can still smell sperm on Tronic's breath. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: in your dreams T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: don't know whether to purge them and raise the IQ of the game or turn the channel off and pretend I never saw any of this. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Was your uncle feeling horny tonight? T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you definitely have sexual diseases coming out of your ass T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: right im out T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: it's the fuzz! scatter! T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Ooops, well, we've earned the wrath of Lasher! I'm gone! T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: damn, dad showing up got the chat quiet... T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: "wrath" does sounder cooler than moderate intolerance, but I'm not sure it's accurate. T3/r7/2022-05-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: wrath is for real injustice, or a threat against my family, or chipotle being out of guacamole. T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: double kill T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: triple kill T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: OVERKILL T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: maniac! T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fucking first! T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: What's first? T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: fucking is, he just said this T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grasshacker: spank first? T3/r7/2022-05-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: and last, and always! T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: Fuck the helpers and advisors. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant perks up, something must have grabbed his attention. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: Please, tell us how you REALLY feel. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: I've seen helpers choose who can and cannot play in Aardwolf. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: Interesting, I've not seen that. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: Also, I applied to be an advisor... no response. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: if they're trying to screen out the assholes they're doing a piss poor job... T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: and now they couldn't pay me to be an advisor... they missed their opportunity. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) FrshPrncOf Kelaire: No, no...we like the assholes here. T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi is agreeing with that FrshPrncOf Kelaire person again... T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stuyvesant is agreeing with that FrshPrncOf Kelaire person again... T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I try to make sure that oral ladies don't give my penis the covid.. Covid penis gets no pussy in my city T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Imagine having your thing hold covid and you having to lie to women saying "Oh no, never that It don't got covid down there" because you want some action without a condom on lol T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: https://aardquotes.com/?20331 T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LastLeaf: lmfao at the name of this channel T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LastLeaf: does anyone actually use it? T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: sometimes yes but if your going to use it say fuck more pls T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: sure, sometimes, not a ton T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: fuck sorry fuck T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) LastLeaf: f word T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay tells LastLeaf that instead of saying fuck, he should just say 'mm'kay', mm'kay? T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob 'performs' on himself and screams "Woo Fucking Hooo!" T3/r7/2022-05-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay sings, "Shut your fucking face uncle-fucka! You're a boner biting bastard uncle-fucka!" T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: list T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji :o T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: I guess that's a wrong command, I wanted to see if anyone is online ?? T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sandokan: you bet T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i will be after more coffee T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: so you typed "curse list"?? :) T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol :) T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: yeah I did cause I'm a total noob xD T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sandokan: list T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: can someone get this girl a list of swear words please?? :) T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also kiara, to see who's around it's "who" you can filter it and stuff - have a look at "help who" T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sandokan: who vampire T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: oh! thank you ^_^ T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: swho also sorts T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sandokan: every second is a vampire T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am an elf :) T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: lfo wow who'd have thought xD T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ikr? :) T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: for a cur T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: I do want to swear, I love swearing in english lol T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss shit bastard!!!! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: stinky candy poo's! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Elfo that was a terrible attempt.. T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sorry, i got carried away T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: MOTHAFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: you guys are funny hahah T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: see that was a lot better T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: cursing in english is so great, like vanila cursing, or missionary T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: fork you motherforker T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: potty mouth! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: OmG! Haji's back!!! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra giggles at Cilmarill's actions. T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: (captain America voice) language! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Well, ShipFork! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh oh its captain cranky pants T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: I fucking need to go buy groceries, everything is so fucking expensive T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I know...:( T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: yup :( T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: I have like enough money to feed myself for next week barely,but oh I had to buy a fuckton of books at the fair. ugh. rant over lol T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: don't eat the books!! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Hey, first things first, right? T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: yeah, Yadarra gets it, those Narnia books weren't gonna buy themselves! I was basically challenged T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I need to reread those! T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hmm. You could swear Yadarra has been here just a second ago. You wonder where she went ... T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: I read "boots" and started searching for boot fairs, sounded interesting :-/ T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Which is better? Success? Or Sec sex? looks like a dilemma to me lol T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: If I pick "Success" people will see that that option didn't even take a minute to select but if I select "Sec sex" people will either think that I am a fantastic lover or minute-man... So the plot thickens T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: false dilemma. both are actually traps, the only winning move is not to play. T3/r7/2022-05-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I think I should get a tattoo on my stomach of a cameo of an infant with umbilical cord drawn on leading to my belly-button and a small "yield sign" should be on me across from the baby but also on my stomach and the sign should say on it "Baby on board" T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: heck T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: poop T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox raises his beverage and exclaims, "Well, THAT escalated quickly!" T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: random T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: You are the mother fucking shit! T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: PERIOD! T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi is looking at you! T3/r7/2022-05-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: a) who the fuck schedules meetings Friday evening in the first place, b) then cancels 30 mins prior. i couldve been relaxing already T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: DIE MOTHAFUCKAS, DIE!!!!!!!! T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I remember that while I was a kid when I would hang with other fast kids and that took me to girls giving vagina early... Back then we didn't say "Sex" or "Fucking" as much as adults.. Instead we called it "Freaking" and if a girl wanted to freak you you had to perform in the bedroom! lol T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: we had summer games like "Catch a girl, get a girl" because we were fast kids lol T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jibe: on T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: fuck cursing T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob lets out a string of curses at Mael that would make you blush... if we hadn't censored him. T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael is making his penis disappear with the assistance of his beautiful assistant Mukflukchukbuk, the only gay eskimo in his tribe. Oh! now it's back.. and it's gone again.. and it's back... T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: you shouldnt say fuck no you shouldnt say fuck no you shouldnt say fuck fuck no! T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [Outlaw] Mendaloth perks up and stares intently at Jesus. T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael's crotch perks up and stares intently at [Outlaw] Mendaloth. T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan lets out a string of curses that would make you blush if we hadn't censored her. T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan curses loudly, causing heads to turn in her direction. T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: poop. T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: darn it all to heck T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: mael gettin' wild now T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael asks Amarufox, If we were two squirrels, could I BUST a nut in your hole? T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox tells Mael to hide in a nearby barrel for safety, warning him to keep his eyes, ears, ... and mouth?!? open for trouble, then he turns around and unzips his fly. T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael holds up a tray and goes "Coffee, tea or me?" T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: which one would you recommended if i wanted something strong that'd keep me up all night? T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: maybe something bitter that i'd have to blow on before i could enjoy it T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: it's fucking 6 am and I haven't slept a wink because of my roommate's cat T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: and her fucking friend over T3/r7/2022-05-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: like I have never had problems with sleeping fmfl T3/r7/2022-05-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: That's why Trans World Airlines folded. The stewardesses would say "Would you like some TWA milk, TWA Coffee or TWA Tea?" T3/r7/2022-05-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: That's why Trans World Airlines folded. The stewardesses would say "Would you like some TWA milk, TWA Coffee or TWA Tea?" T3/r7/2022-05-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Does riding the enterprise make you a "Picard or Kirk whore"? Now Hrrmmmmm.. T3/r7/2022-05-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: probably gonna be double in 36 sex-ins with the way I am huntin! Booty on the canvas! T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: I have been noticing that cucumbers are sliced into pieces before they are sold T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: there were no swear words in that sentence. Piss T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: lazy people are allowed to pay a premium for their veg T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: oh? but this is related to sex T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: he fucking forgot OK? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: true, sliced cucumber is no good for sex T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: ladies? how do you feel about cucumbers being sliced into pieces before being sold? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant nods at Classic Vost. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: the deepest pain can only be expressed by silence T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: contrary to what is clearly the popular belief, we I see a cucumber I think of salad and sandwiches - also, on a practical fucking level, selling half a cucumber is a good idea so you end up with loads of unused cucumber T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: umm, so you *don't* fucking end with.. etc. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan walks around in the room, looking very confused. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: I stopped having cucumbers long ago. I need to see a psychiatrist before trying that again T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: salad and sandwiches...I need an adult T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Piss. Stoovyvoyvi, you're so bad at swearing T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: is that suppose to be a euphemism? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: I don't need to swear. I mean cucumbers, sandwiches and salads is already showing me hectic images in my brain T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: have you never had a cucumber sandwich? with the crusts cut off? maybe a dash of cream cheese? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant shakes his head. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: crusts off yes...but never tried adding cream. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill cordially invites Stuyvesant to her afternoon tea bed a little later on, and puts up a screen between hers and Evls silly massive, crumb ridden bed T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: wait wait... are we talking about food or sex? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: too fucking early for curse channel T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: oi! imma complain to the breakfast council! T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: we talking about cucumbers, salads and sandwiches T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: cucumbers for breakfast sounds terrible, maybe a mid-day snack "with tea" T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: the breakfast council have no jurisdiction over afternoon tea, you fucking idiot T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: and stuyvie clearly needs counselling, be nice T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant nods at Dr. Evl. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: he brings me tea, I'll take care of him T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: I will never unsee what I saw on that pop up while surfing the net T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: well the breakfast council here is the same as the afternoon tea council there because of the time difference you foolish ninja T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i always figured 'tea' was euphemism/code among nobility T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: bud T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: as in, really an invitation to come over and knock boots T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: afternoon nookie T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan: how old are you people just say "fuck" T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) KiaraVan laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: i am 69 T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [Outlaw] Mendaloth: damn T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob looks at KiaraVan and becomes grossed out. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: fuck has lostits value in the world of love andlovers T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: that's a nice position to be in Mr.Welding T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to ArcaneMage Stuyvesant. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: im fucking older than you I expect T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: i got fucked. so much for the draw of that word T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: wait wait...what? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: these days, the minute a man bringsit up, which is usually the first thing they ask....all i can say is: "oh, is that all you have going for you?" T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: thats kind odlf pitiful sir... T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: im confused, are you still talking about tes T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: I think we need the doll Dr.Evl T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: er tea T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: show us on the doll where the cucumber touched you stuyvie T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: oh, not me T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant points excitedly at Trillium! T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: she needs the doll T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: no plastic please :) T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: only the real deal? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: maybe after 2 years of friendship and comraderie T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: starting today? alrighty then... 730 days to go:) T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: best of luck to ya T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant bows before Trillium. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: better be around in the 2 years time so i can remind ya T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: if he bothers you just start throwing cucumbers T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant shivers uncomfortably. T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium: like with cats? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: exactly! T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Trillium quietly sets a cuke behind Stuyvesant T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hmm. You could swear ArcaneMage Stuyvesant has been here just a second ago. You wonder where he went ... T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant drops a ninja smokebomb. *POOF* Where did he go? T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Forgive me but I made nunchucks that helped me in some street fights while I was a kid.. The sword I recently purchased but you can see a little wear and tear on my chucks because in the past they were used and also I add "I am not a super tough guy, I've only be 'lucky' sometimes while other times I was not":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMydGW2UeXg T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: only been lucky sometimes rather T3/r7/2022-05-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: if she got a tattoo of your name, you can go to your grave a happy man T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: fucking twat! T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: dickhead! T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I'd curse but I'm off for three days...so I'm in Happy Dance Mode. :) T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus does the happydance with Yadarra ! T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra sends I heard a Ruckus across the dance floor. T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: The name Yamaleel is available for use. T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: sounds like a mini version of Yamzalal T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Join me in my ranks by having a Yam{name} T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: yamelfo is available T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Hmm... Yamelfo.. Sounds like it could be swiss or Norwayish T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: or "Italian" T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I like how it fits T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Cilmarill names are good too T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: ask her for a name T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: cilelfo is available T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: cute daughter name if she's foreign! T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Yamibestfriend T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Yampiss T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Original of "Cilmarill" sounds wealthy to me T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: porn star name: elfohunglikehorsey :) T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Thats you Native name :p T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol :) T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: or for foreign pornstar "Elfomilay" T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck... i just wanna eat a couple pounds of cheese right now. spicy cheese. T3/r7/2022-05-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neek: is it that bad? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck shit balls to ass jockey T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: nice T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: you guys are lamer than dog shitin my boot treads T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I once had a dream that a woman tried to block my penis attacks with her naked bottom... I was so happy I woke early because I could have wet myself lol T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: cunt T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic pulls up outside his ex wife's house with a 12 " shotgun T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: girl : ohh boi! fuck me fuck me like the sluth bitch I am! boy : no because I don't think that's what you really want... girl : I don't care if you don't want to fuck me, I will rip your heart out and tear it to shreds MWAHAHAHA! boy : okay I'll play your fucked up game without realising the truth until I realise the truth... girl : regrets everything... boy : MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus . o O ( wtf? ) T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: u alright bruv? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I was married to waterlily for like 4 days T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: she wanted to fcuk me before we married and then afterwards she didn't T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: so you divorced her? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: still a better love story than twilight T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: that's not to say I didn't have fucked up feelings that wern't right T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: she strung me along the cunt T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: and this was 4 days you say? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: idk why she trusted me with her personal details like her full name and personal tel no. if she already knew this was how she was playing it T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: people still have cyber sex? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: idk man seems like you need to quit worring about women, buckle down and finish middle school or w/e T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: confused fucked up imbicile T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: and what kind of asshole shares this shit anyways T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'm 40 years of age next year T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: maybe start acting your age then? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: pissed off T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck you wars T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: no thanks T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I'm not gay anyway T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus peers intently at - Rocking Tronic. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: have you tried it though? double your chances out there T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: someone needs a nap and a bottle T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: hey, its the internet - w might be a canine, noone can tell. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: seriously fuck off wars T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars pats - Rocking Tronic on his head. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I came here to curse and express my hurt from a break up and you insult me this way? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I loved her... T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: on this, the day of my daugher's wedding? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: this is not an emotional support channel T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck that sideways T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: i don't actually think we have any of those T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: maybe spouse but.. ehhhhhhh T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeah aint it strange and fucked up how curse is the same bright ansi wight as spouse T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: emotional support is food. try immtalk. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: what a fuck ass T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: every time i see white, i think of her, and the 4 days we had together T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: calm down Retrogamer T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: retrogamer? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: omfg T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I am bloood T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: ok retro whatever you say T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: how many times I gotta say it T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck you T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: I allready said no thanks. But your kind to offer T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you are asking for more shit than you realise if you assume I am retrogamer without any kind of proof or evidence btw T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: it's important that your fucktarded mind knows T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: calm down retro T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: your mum was calm when I fucked her in the ass last night T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: why would that even offend you, retrogamer was banned before Tronic even existed T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: thats such a retro thing to say T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: go touch yourself some more whilst thinking about retro T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars pats - Rocking Tronic on his head. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: get it out of your fucking head T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I was tier 8 T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: Bloood T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: keep my alts name out yo fuckin mouth T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: Nohh is retro? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: holy shit T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: No ... your retro T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: NO I AM FUCKING NOT T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: SUCK A DSICK T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: DICK T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: Such a Retro thing to say. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: FOOL! T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: i actually don't think it's retro, i havent seen him auctioning a ton of stuff bought from shops, or trying to sell portals for inflated prices T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fucking homo T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: retro is a fucking homo okay, a fucktard, a wannabe a god damn fucked in the ass lepper shit face T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob: who is retro? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no idea T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: retrogamer aPPARENTLY T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: some fuckhead everyone from masaki and hook seems to think I am T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: it's all utter complete fucked up bull shit T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: cunt bitch fuck wife T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Oh hey Retro! Missed you, dude. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: surely not another jesus holy christ T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: How've ya been, bud T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck off T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: my ignore list is full :( T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: What a shame. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: FOR FUCK SAKE T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: CAN'T A FUCKING IM,M SPEAK UP HERE AND TELL THESE PEOPLE i AM NOT FUCKING RETRO JESEUS GOD DAMN T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) BaNgARaNg Foolio: I mean,IF you're not, youre missing the message, bud T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia flashes a mischievous grin at BaNgARaNg Foolio. Hmm. is it time to run and hide? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars snickers with BaNgARaNg Foolio about their shared secret. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: if the imms knew you were retro, you'd be banned, so - you got that going for you, which is nice T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: and the message if I'm not retro? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus . o O ( big hitter, the llama ) T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: for fuck sake I donated $1500 first round I came back after 5 years T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: the message is, you're acting like a fuckwit T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: also they enjoy getting a rise out of you T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck off then T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: What a Retro thing to say. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: honestly i have serious concerns about the safety of this girl you were e-married to for 4 days and are now still completely raging over T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: that's putting off some major incel stalker murdery vibes T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no, I am now just fucked off that you all think and assum I am somebody I am not T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: after already being fucked off T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars is agreeing with that Nohh person again... T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I come here to express it and you are the ones being fuckwits T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: we are discussing it T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: this isnt the tronic channel T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: it's the fuck off I'm pissed off channel T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: isn't that what she said? ;) T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: pretty much which I accepted which is why I T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: pretty much which I accepted which is why I'm here T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: well i hope you feel better soon, try screaming into a pillow T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Okay, so let me get it straight. You were spoused with someone for four days, they un-spoused you, so now you're legit this angry because of that T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: Mikiko-san will understand T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: And we're the ones with a problem... T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I unspoused them because they said they wernt happy with me and the only reason they wanted to spouse to begni with was because I wouldn't unspouse them if they were offline for a long perios of time T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck this shit T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: so what's the problem? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: I believe there was also some implied sex involved? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Statue of Servus: one less person to donate $1500, good job mud-goers T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katchu Shi Akira: i hope you got a prenup T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: spouse system is kinda fucking weird anyway, unless you're like actually married irl T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Freeze yourself for a week. It'll help, trust me. Then when you come back, we'll revisit the Retro question. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck off cos you will all still assume I am retro T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: won't make any god damn difference T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: I don't think you are. Like Nohh said, I just like trolling trolls. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: <3 T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katchu Shi Akira: it would help me remember if you made your pretitle NotRetro T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: trolling trolls? I never trolled... I been expressing anger and upset on curse... T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: what the fuck bitches T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you're all bitches T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I am not retro T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Joke's on you. I'm rubber, and you're glue. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: boats n hoes boats n hoes T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Also nou T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fucked up T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: you will all burn in hell T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katchu Shi Akira: ... and another thing! T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: i thought this was hell T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no it's a mud T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: it's the Mud T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: hell is a mud? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katchu Shi Akira: sign me up T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: do you get nuked to heaven? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i stay single in aard only cause then if i get mad, i only got me to blame :) T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: mapper goto 30981 T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: is it like the good place? holy forking shirt balls! T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: sure, just tell lasher an insuilt T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) BaNgARaNg Foolio: hell is where homer is T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: Like you did a few months ago? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hmm. You could swear Sleazy Areia has been here just a second ago. You wonder where he went ... T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: get the 2 middle fingers in ascii art with BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol the good place! T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: so like, idk, if you /were/ to throw an insult out, hypothetically of course, what would you go with? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: it's weird you know what happens when you get nuked T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: YEAH FUCK YOU TOO T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katchu Shi Akira: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: my father crushed those elderberries and made some home brew T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: working hard in the elderberry fields to support his wife and child - can't very well expect a hamster to hold down a steady job now can you? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: try telling him to shove donations up his fat stinking ass, not of course I believe in tat anymore but it did it the first time T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: that signs you up for nuke and ban T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: lemme just rewind here real quick... 'the first time' ? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: if you want to sign up to it then it's quite simple... do what I said T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yakuza grabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: i feeeeeeel like this may be a trap T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeah and fuck you cos I'm not retro T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: how'd you get banned the second time? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I didn't get banned a second time T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: i mean.. yet T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sleazy Areia: He's working on it. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: what was all that 'first time' talk? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scars: that really lead me on, thought you'd have a more robust story here T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars snickers with Sleazy Areia about their shared secret. T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Katchu Shi Akira: does lasher actually have a hammer for banning? T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: omfg T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: might wanna tone it down before you keep pissing off the wrong people T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic is agreeing with that SonnyQuinn person again... T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: if i had a ban hammer, i'd ban hammer in the morning T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: some people need to turn all channels off T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yakuza: where would i get my entertainment then T3/r7/2022-05-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) New post #47905 in forum Ideas from Mael Subj: Re: Jesus +++++++++ T3/r7/2022-05-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: you can't go with your gf to the club. it really doesn't make sense T3/r7/2022-05-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: sounds like someone's on 2am pickup T3/r7/2022-05-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: well, there wouldn't be a reason for going to the club if she comes along. T3/r7/2022-05-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: and even if you a good guy you will still get annoyed with things like "why did you allow her to look at you?" T3/r7/2022-05-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: "give me 21 reasons why I should date you" ...then the newer generation(born from 2000-2004) came up and we stopped getting interviews:) T3/r7/2022-05-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: the world is slowly improving:) T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyprimus: I need the ferret to report to the boy whore NOW! T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: I recently got my first dash cam for my car, and recorded a person running a red light today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQm86Sl-HuA T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: ooooo he snitchin T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hmm. You could swear Bodhi has been here just a second ago. You wonder where he went ... T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: today has been so boring. It's so lame being sober and home alone T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: fuck boredom T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi tosses a bottle of beer at Untergang ... let's just hope he'll catch it! T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi Takes Two Hits Off A BlUnT And Passes It To Untergang!! T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i keep thinking of borrowin some cash from a friend to get shitty drunk. Thanks T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: I don't care if this motherfucker is an alien or not, dipping a donut in ketchup is gross T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi gasps in astonishment. T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Hard to argue that. T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: is it a frenchfry donut? T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: What about dipping a donut in Cane's Sauce? I feel like that'd be pretty fire T3/r7/2022-05-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: looked pretty standard glazedd T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: every chick named jolene i've met was cunty. statistically that's some evidentiary proof that something means something. I'm pretty hit or miss on other names, ashleys kindda suck but sometimes are cool. T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: ooh, fuck my line of thought. I'm gonna double up after decimator's ends T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: you think thats bad? almost without exception, every driver of a german import car i have met has been a raging asshole. i wonder how many of them were named joline? T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: I'm an asshole. Just a PSA. T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking Putin drove up the price of my cereal T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: good thing yer old enough to eat solid food - baby formula is worse. T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: did i say it's not Cream of Wheat? T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: it aint enfamil or premium unleaded, so who even notices? T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: sooner Ukraine surrenders the better T3/r7/2022-05-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: ukraine is no more real than the birds. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: it's 55 outside and my friggin radiators are on inside. I just woke up because my sinus is dry as fuck... summer is starting and the heat is still on in this place. I'm gonna lose my shit. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: worse than the dry sinuses... the radiator is kicking so much heat my vodka got hot T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: I'm drunk as fuck at nigh 4am and barely able to stay seated laughitng at food puns right now. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking Fox T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo glares at Amarufox. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox tells SNEAKER Mushambo to hide in a nearby barrel for safety, warning him to keep his eyes, ears, ... and mouth?!? open for trouble, then he turns around and unzips his fly. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it would be too easy to make a joke about the kkk so I won't do it T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: My mind was NOT in that direction...lol. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: well I mean I *did* go on the curse channel. Piss. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Ant. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: their kids club gives out free chick fil a on your birthday? T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: wait hang on you know the word "pissant"? T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: and btw I just googled it and never knew it was an actualy ant :))) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Is it? My mum used it to describe cheap folks who always bummed cigarettes and claimed they were 'quitting'. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I always thought it was just kind of northern slang - in England I mean T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I used to call them urinary ants at work...but I meant annoying drones. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: pronounced like croissant T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: ROFL T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: isn't it wonderful how swearing can make the world seem like a smaller place :) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra smiles happily. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: sorry, I meant - isn't it wonderful how swearing can make the fucking world seem like a smaller place :) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You bet your Shire-y ass! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hang on was that a hobbit reference? don't you start as well - they're all meanies T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra is startled and yells, "Eep!" T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill cuddles Yadarra, but with swear words T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Cleans out her ears! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: its fucking hot outside, my seedlings are melting :-( T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: seedlings! mad coincedence, I was doing diminutives at my tutor class yesterday, and couldn't for the life of me remember the word for a small plant!!! where were you when I needed you Mushambo?? also, piss! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: "lil' fucking bundles of hope" also works T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Sprouts! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: dammit yes, sprouts too. I need to get on mudrammer when I'm taking a class.. :) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Not forkin' recommended. Ship... T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill bans Yadarra from the curse channel for using a pretend swear word T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: fudgenuts T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Highway Robbo: You fargin' bastich T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill definite ban T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: another definite ban T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: fuzzlicker T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: twice banned now, Elfy T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Well, Criminy! For Cripe's Sake!! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Highway Robbo: I'm going to go have to watch Johnny Dangerously again now. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dog rubber T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: poop T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Turd bird! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill thinks Yadarra has been transported into the pissing Mary Poppins film T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: It's important to save up for when you really need it. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: LOLOL. I have to kill a fork. He must have used bad language! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: is it in hell? T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Mebbe. I just kilt eet! Rofl. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Fully sexual snail with human titties? T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus eyes Warsnail Anaristos suspiciously. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wait, i heard tiddies? T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang starts fapping to Derevo's mom. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: whoops, wrong channel to respond to T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya keep this channel clean :) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'll do my best in the future to keep Curse channel clean T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: excellent :) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: poop T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: butt T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars sings, "Shut your fucking face uncle-fucka! You're a boner biting bastard uncle-fucka!" T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wow lol T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: kyle's mum is a bitch T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: long live southpark :) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: now i have that song stuck in my head and its my own fault T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i stopped watching when i became an adult. so like season 5 T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: just whistle the theme to the cartoon robin hood T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wait your an adult? but why? T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus . o O ( muppets theme song ) T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: america...fuck yea! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I fucked up and started doing responsible shit in the mid 2000s. accidentally made myself an adult T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, the America FUCK YEAH song never leaves my brain T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: lol T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the song i put on music is by far the best thing i know to sing along with walking downt he street T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: thats pirate classic! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I love me some Alestorm T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: unter have you heard this alestorm one? https://youtu.be/ZglX4P-tpcA T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: hahahaha, no i haven't heard this one T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: gotta love alestorm T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i had to try very hard not to piss myself laughing T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: ikr :P T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hehehe. The drunk Mael is bugging irritated-looking No More Wars for coins. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang drops 50,000,000 coins on the ground and eyes everyone suspiciously as he picks them up T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: now my neighbours gotta deal with an afternoon of Alestorm. atleast til I switch to Serum 114 or Necrogoblikon T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: you maggot dick mothafucka! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: - shawshank redemption T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: what T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: thats what the prison captain says to the guy when they're lined up T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: https://movie-sounds.org/famous-movie-samples/quotes-with-sound-clips-from-the-shawshank-redemption/you-got-that-you-maggot-dick-motherfucker T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: heh T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ok. i just got back outta bed and saw that T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i still don't get it contextually T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: context in curse? fuck outta here, we just like to swear T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: nod nohh T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: if you like alestorm, untergang, have you ever listedn to The Dread Crew of Oddwood? less metal, but same pirate vibes T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: that sounds familiar actually but i can't szy if i remember it T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: sac that shit lol whee! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox flashes a mischievous grin at Azurite. Hmm. is it time to run and hide? T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: sorry but no, amaru owns you now, paid good money for you T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: cant buy my love :p T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: omg why the fuck was there a chicken bone in my ground beef?!?!?! T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite pukes. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox comforts Azurite. T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: cus cows eat chickens T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: what a weirdass thing...or a rat femur... T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox: wouldn't buy ground beef from there anymore :/ T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: yeah fuck aldi T3/r7/2022-05-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) No More Wars: finger bone maybe? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: so i was taking a photo of what i thought was a rat bone...to send to aldi and the beef company....guess what it was...upon further examination, turned out to be a bean stem >_< T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: ew a bean bone, gross T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite chortles mischievously at Nohh. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang passed out from fapping too much to your mom. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: lol T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: mfap is probably my favourite social T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: do penismagic T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OMG! [DEMON] Khadaji just popped out Dein Untergang's eyeball and is now skullfucking him! Hmmm... what's that white stuff leaking from Dein Untergang's ears? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: skullfuck is pretty good too T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: is anyone going to listen to this shit https://youtu.be/DJ_wEoW8Qcg?t=1434 T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: its pretty good, n64 music, thats from the resident evil 2 ost and its fuckin brilliant T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang STARTS FAPPING, BUT IN CAPS. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji TURNS TO YOU FAPPING, INTENTLY, BUT LOUDER, BUT IN CAPS, BUT FASTER, BUT HARDER, BUT MORE FIERCELY, BUT PSYCHOTICALLY, BUT IN COLOR. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i listened for 9 seconds T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: better than nothing T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: its 4 in the morn, i can't be expected to do much of anything T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: you probably dont even know what an n64 is anyway! T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji bursts into tears. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: yea, it's just something that came out when i was already old T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: oof, how old are you T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: less than 40 but barely T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: then that didnt come out when you were old T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: lol T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: that shit came out in 1996, you were literally a young human T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: really 64 was great, i played way too much goldeneye. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: yesh T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i was double digits. that seemed old to me T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: mid nineties were golden T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: you were like 13 at best, lol T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha. the 90s were boringly great. things were atleast stable T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ocarina was the first game i think i actually finished properly. should have been Heretic, but the time I had a good game going my brother shut off the computer before I could save. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: really i think I liked snes more than 64. ChronoTrigger is my fave game ever. I have had copies of that on like 5 or 6 different platforms T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha, fucking 'help wife' T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: lol help wife hahaha T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: right? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: it's so early in the morn or i'd be waking my wife up to show her that T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: all of my 8 inches and sperm T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: what? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: fuck shit ass bitch tits cunt silliy twat bollocks wank knob T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: is bollocks even a curse? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: general bollocks really T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: did Bollocks get promoted? lazy cunt can't be a gerneral T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oof, i hope bollocks isn't a user or my joke fails. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: no but fucking homo is hot T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Buttfucking homo? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: correct T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I enjoy some homosapien butts T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: yeah I like when the turd slides all over my cock and I get STD's from it T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: wtf is this conversation? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: if you're getting shit on your dick you're doing anal all wrong T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I agree with Averan. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I believe it is an annal in the passage of err... T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the feckin vodka ran out and the store won't sell for like almost an hour from now T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: hahah! I got enough to last at least the next 5 hours T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: pour me one out then and i'll make due til the shop is open T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: 3am alcoholics gang rise up T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck yea T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: it's 11 a.m here, not sure which is better/worse lmfao T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: I guess if you're still up from previous night at 3 a,m thenm that is better T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i woke up round midnight and started drinking T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: I'm just getting over covid so I've been sleeping weird hours T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: nursing some shitty beer and debating going back to bed lol T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking Tronic: cheers guys gave me bit of a giggle, catch you later :) T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: have a good one T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I think when the store lets me i'll grab a pint can and sleep the morning away T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oh no... I aggro'd with 'c finger barmaid' T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Avarice takes over Dein Untergang as he tries to gain more knowledge by fingering himself. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: last shot of rum then i'll need to finish beer and go back to bed T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: sounds like a solid plan T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus smiles happily. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I sincerely hope you're not in the States. Even at the latest it's not yet 10:30am T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: nothing wrong with a little day drinking :p T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus: I mean, if he hasn't been to bed yet, then you can make the argument that it's still last night T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: it's 9:30 :) T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Professor I heard a Ruckus narrows his eyes like a wise cat and nods. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: its 12:24am :o T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: a pair of leggings skinned from A ghost T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Zounds. Central time zone. More power to you if you can handle it. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: how T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: ectoplasmic leggings? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I got some day to go before I gotta do anything. the next 7 hours of my life are basically gonna be food, sleep, and then coffee T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm def interested in some ectoplasmic leggings. it's gotta be lightweight andd soft right? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang bonks himself and grimaces in pain. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus bonks himself, and Grimace is in McDonald's. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: wtf? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: my mind jammed after ectoplasmic pants T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: how did maccas enter the chat T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) I heard a Ruckus shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: really tho i gotta ask if you're licensed to ill T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i honestly have no clue what the fuck i'm watching on youtube right now T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: how to cook meth T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: knock on door of that neighbor who has a half disassembled lawnmower in their front lawn T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, that's easy. just dump junk into a bin and hit it with something caustic T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: every neighborhood has someone like that...they'll know lol T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: in the midwest i'm the weird one in the area not cooking meth in the yard T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: By golly! T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: ectoplasmic pants? T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: total swear fail T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra pouts. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: DID SOMEONE SAY THUNDERFURY, BLESSE----Wait wrong game. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: holy shit, i got a notification that I'm sober... something went very wrong T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul comforts Dein Untergang. T3/r7/2022-05-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: 'You spill wine all over yourself trying to reach your mouth.' Sorted. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I can't keep track of what channel I'm on most the time T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill fngers Untergang ha!!! and also piss! T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr clutches at his chest and falls over dead. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: ... T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: what is and also piss supposed to mean? T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: did I piss, did you, what's going on... T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: this is a pissing swear word channel you stupid fuck! T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr throws a jar of urine at Cilmarill and shouts Jarate T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: No one got the ref... T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill dodges - she's a ninja!!! - and grins at Cyndr :)) T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: The Ninja's a bloody spy T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: No one got the tf2 reference? T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr whimpers sadly. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: eat some vegemite and calm down. actually i ddunno if i still got a jar in my inv T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: JARATE! T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill checks out Cyndr's house at night while he's sleeping. Piss shit piss and shit T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: what the fuck is jarate T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: a jar of urine that makes you lose the will to live T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill gasps!! Unter! language! piss! T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i've never had a jar of urine displease me in such a manner T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: Sentry goin' up T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I honestly think it's best not to try and rank jars of urine T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also piss T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: Jarate, the "Jar-based Karate", is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Sniper. It is a standard glass mason jar filled above half-way with the Sniper's urine, capped with a screw-on lid. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hmm Cyndr I'm afriad I've taken you off my my assassin list T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Cilmarill you will not discourage my piss ranking system. it is amazing and my beard is finely tuned. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: BONK T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang starts fapping to Cyndr's mom. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr glows with a strange light as he forms a jump point and leaps in! T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: in case you didn't know, i love that social T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr throws a glass bottle of milk at Untergang's head T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: where the fuck did you get a bottle of milk? T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: from my fridge that I buried in the yard T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I don't even care about the head wound, i'm just confused about the milk. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: from radioactive cows T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: you two are really pissing shit at swearing T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr 's Milk bottle has recharged T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i've not won a fight yet in this world :) T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: sorta piss T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: was that goo enough? T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: wut? goo enogu? T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: You're really on the piss tonight T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: more goo please T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh goo T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: goo is good T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang gets his 'getting gooey' suit on. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: Nohh you're the worst T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: thank you T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr: nohh way! T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) New post #47905 in forum Ideas from Shipwreckd Kazul Subj: Re: Cyndr +++++++++ T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: are you still plagued with fucking mice and frogs down there? T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'll give ya a million gold if ya kill me in one bs T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: erm am I spelling your name wrong? T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: you prob are T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Ich bin Dein Untergang T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh lol I needed to spellup T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh you're not pissing opk you pissing idiot! T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cyndr clutches at his chest and falls over dead. T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm trying to duel not get ganked opk kuz i'm too drunk to pay attention T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: come to oz. i'll give you the million, you prob will oneshot me anyways T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i've never had this much trouble getting someone to beat me up in my whole life T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Come get it tiny. I fixed setting T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: goodness, you will be getting it T3/r7/2022-05-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm outta vodka now and have gotten my ass kicked a couple times tonight. way too good of a mood to go to bed. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: tronic's on that good shit T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking earplugs have gone up as well! T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: somefakecommand is the funniest social i've seen. I might actually alias it onto everything to fuck with myself T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Hmm? T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, i really hoped it got extra coded to just be an error T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: DIDNT FUCKING HELP. shit strategy. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: like this! fucking piss! T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: hecking poop T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob lets out a string of curses that would make you blush if we hadn't censored him. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: whoever the fuck that is couldn't get half my dick down before choking. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: TWADDLE T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker tits T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Right? T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Perfect Carlin! T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: wow, Epsilon is way better at swearing than wiggling his fucking bum T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: Hurray Lizard Shit Fuck T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: pfft that's hardly creative use of language T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck it. if i accidentally curse and oops really thats on me but if it's gonna be a bid deal then. i'ma mage dick some pussy T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: eh, like I said before, better to have it pointed out than to have the decision made for you. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Khonshu: Shut up you Cross Eyed Granny Snatching Pickle Smuggling Cum Burglar! T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: who the fuck is pearljam anyways? T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grasshacker: who is a totally different band T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: It's usually wise to turn off gossip when using curse. I have dropped some truly offensive shit bombs on gossip unintentionally. OUCH! T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon chortles mischievously at A Nimwit Spank. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Been there, done that. >_> T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: I actually got a tongue lashing by Lasher for stuff I put on curse. Jesus fuck shit! T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: smart point. where the fuck is an imm T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: curse is not absent of rules, just absent of the no cursing rule T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill tells Nohh to fuck off T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Too vulgar for curse? Yep! T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: sorry! lol just being stupid :) *hugs Nohh* T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Can't De Cide: Curse channel still has rules like any other channel... T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: who gives a fuck, grow up and stop whining. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: tells Kazm to pis off T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Suck jizz out of my hemerroidal anus, vagina face. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: holy wow T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: i still dont give a fuck T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm: wow T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill hides behind Kaxm T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: since he's way stronger than Kazm T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spronktar: poopy fart butts T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: ban this man T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spronktar gasps. T3/r7/2022-05-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck pearl jam T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: well this is boring as fuck. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Well, poop! T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Whatcha doin', Gunther? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: You have been teleported! *jumps a mile!* T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang passed out from fapping too much to your mom. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I bet she got a kick outta that. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I hope it was worth getting my twitch account banned. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but i finally got 2 viewers :) T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang passed out from fapping too much to your mom. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Does it look like a Coke bottle? I read in an Earl Emerson novel the other day that it can become quite deformed... T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: nah, it's pretty nice still. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: if i quit talking to chicks i'm dating i'd not need the mfap social. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Lol! T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but i guess i've never tried a coke bottle on anyone... maybe that's something to try T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Yes, stop talking. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: verbosity is def my downfall. I summed it up well once that I can talk myself into further misunderstanding. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Aww...you just need to find someone companionable, is all. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: my wife is the best of the best. she put up with me so long. still the first person to offer to help me T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but we sucked at being together about a third of the time which was enough to break the whole thing. so now I'm actually married to my best friend. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I have two cats and the internet...so much easier... T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I miss when It was me and two birds with the internet. the boy is super worth the trade but things were less stressful without (his mum) an ex trying to ruin our lives. Cats are the birds of the land to me. both are dicks really and only wanna be fucked with if they feel like it. but being cute gets them very far T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ok fuck it. i'm walking to chicago to get spinach deep dish. will be back in a few weeks T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: It's my fave at Giordano's. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang loads backpack with jerky and cheese. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm actually at their site. i can't stop thinking bout pizza still. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: Grocery store stopped selling one of the Chicago-style frozen pizza brands :-( Was called Geno's East very good T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: closest location 150 miles haha T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: long time ago like 20 years ago digorgno had deep dieh. that was good stuff really. 2+ pounds in a tin T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: my spelling spell wore off. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: I remember that...frozen food is too skimpy now...like they even ruined Stouffer's lasagna. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: yea the 'meals' they sell now are pitifully small T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang goes fully invis and is never seen again. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: 420 yolo blaze it yeet T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox runs around the street yellin' at Averan. The fuckin' stoner. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: FoXy, get back in the Mystery Mobile and drive...lol. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra tosses out Scooby Snacks. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox leaps on the zombie, and rips the mask off, revealing it is, in fact, just Yadarra wearing a cunning disguise. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: HAHA! T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra goes Ruh-Roh! T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: pesky foxes T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra searches around for her glasses... T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i died T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: i didnt T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: good on you T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: my bad, thought we were all just sayin a bunch of random shit T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: me too :) T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ok i'm deleting windows and gonna make lunch T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the 2 and 3 slots on topmud are basically clones. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ** For his interference in your cool story, you can take revenge on Mael. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: is the +(number) after T9 redos? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: yeah T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: no idea, i am a newb :) T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck, I just noticed it and am slightly disgusted at how strong some people have to be. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: why disgusted? i mean, we all have what we earned here? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: Level 182 Male Vampire Blacksmith (Tier 9+207). T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: disgusted the way one would be seeing a feat of awesome and their brain connecting the investment to get that good at something. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh heh T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: yeah moradins a beast T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: that kinda makes me wanna cry on my burrito. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: although number of redoes doesn't necessarily equate to strength. Wire has only one redo, for example T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: but he has the most pups in the game so he's ridiculously strong T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: haha you're tier 1... you know how long it took to gain that tier... now realize moradin has 215 tiers :P T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Ehh. Redo's are easy mode T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: redos are like t1 pretty much aren't they? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: They are! T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: well they have t1 tnls T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: but you are t9 strength T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: hence easy mode T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but you are massively stronger T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i think they are more earned than pupping is, pupping you just gotta sh, redos you gotta do teh gauntlet T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: so i think pupping is easy mode T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: if you only level like moradin, its not uncommon to do a remort in less than a day T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I like that view Elfo. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: pupping is easy mode if you have a train T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: just sit there, drink coffee and tap one key on your numpad over and over for 4 hours T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: yup T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: Or get a bird to do it T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob: wouldn't the bird make it botting? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: the players I am most impressed by are those with a very high PK kill/death ratio T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: PK requires a lot more thought and strategy at sub SH T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: but if you're mangaing the bird? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'd like to see a well set group for pupping. like bunch of spells come in while openning skills go and rooms disapear. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i said a bird bird bird T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: especially if you're fighting people of equal power level T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wait, if its a live bird, then thats not botting right? :)( T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: yeah me too T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Bird is the word? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Princess Alison: imo, if you can train a bird to pup, good on you T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Macaws are relative to an 8 year old intelectually so I think it's possible. But who'd make such a cute animal clack away all day? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: make em earnt ehir keep :) T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I guess if i give scritches then them beaking the keypad to move around and kill stuff isn't so bad for them. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: it's not botting... T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: someone should ask an imm if that is botting.. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I did, haha. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: they say if live bird is ok to pup with? :) T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: My Scarlet has always loved sitting on the desk in the cornerish area between mouse and keyboard. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm waiting on response on Imm. Might need to get a support ticket going to see before I test letting a bird do my pupping for me. Really if I put plastic on a numpad and set the keys to move and area attack it might work. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: lmao T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i'm on hold with PETA T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm waiting on response on Imm. Might need to get a support ticket going to see before I test letting a bird do my pupping for me. Really if I put plastic on a numpad and set the keys to move and area attack it might work. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oops, wrong combo T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I kinda wannna make this a social T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM0r8sPuDBQ T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: hahahahaha, you motherfuckers didn't know I had the skifree game from windows 95 did ya? T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: seriously tho that game as a nightmare for me as a kid and I loved it. best horror game ever. T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: yeti got me T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: son of a fuck T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking NeoCool: Yo Yo! What's pumping bitches? I'm game! T3/r7/2022-05-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: what's a blonde's favorite nursery rhyme? humpme dumpme T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji hits Averan on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper and says, "No!". T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan bursts into tears. T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm seems to be a grumpy bear... he is grumbling at poor [DEMON] Khadaji. T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking NeoCool throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: pls no bulli T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji tells Iron Duck Chuft 'Teehee! You have no penis!!!' Iron Duck Chuft doesn't seem terribly insulted. T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking NeoCool rolls on the floor laughing at [DEMON] Khadaji's antics! T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: pee pee poo poo T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking NeoCool: correct, I always piss when I shit T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: no no that's poo poo pee pee T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Averan: I said pee pee poo poo T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) - Rocking NeoCool: that's a load of shit T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fuck companies who consider resizing and cropping to be "premium account" features T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: sex T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Well somebody had to say it T3/r7/2022-05-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: everybody's doing it so lets get together;) T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: pissing piss, shit lights, nearly got run over today like 3 pissing times! T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: british people need to learn how to drive! T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: people need to learn how to drive* T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Punkgirl nods at Dashj. T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: people need to learn** T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's a stupid system of light, actually the most annoying thing was a man suggesting I should press the button, but I know it doesn't do anything, and then he pressed it and gave me a look like "idiot" T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: well true but british people dont even drive on the correct side of the road T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: what is it with people who are more concerned with my meditation (or lack there of) than I am? T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: the real punch line is that folks on both sides of the pond drive on the wrong side of the road. T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill meditates the shit out of Mushambo T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: "That place is a three week long meditation. 1 week of laughing, 1 week of crying, 1 week of silence" lol what T3/r7/2022-05-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: im murican! T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: pussy so good wish I could keep it in my pocket T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wesless: What brand? T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: pussy has brands? T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: way of the future, havent you heard? T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: pocket pussy? made in china vagina? T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: okay,this is one falls under apple T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: small and portable but super expensive to invite her over T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: apple makes vaginas now? T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: AR version T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: have you seen their mice T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: a Samsung vagina would be nice to have around T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Wesless: You know LG is the only way... T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-05-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool slaps ESPN the Ocho. T3/r7/2022-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: Fuck salt T3/r7/2022-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: even on pretzels? T3/r7/2022-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: non-mineral salt T3/r7/2022-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: all about that himalyan pink T3/r7/2022-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek is agreeing with that Shipwreckd Kazul person again... T3/r7/2022-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: I learned you can shoot flies with a salt gun now T3/r7/2022-05-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: premium salt will take your fired eggs to a whole new plane of deliciousness T3/r7/2022-05-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azrail: aiz T3/r7/2022-05-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sousuke Aizen: I never planned on fighting btw lol T3/r7/2022-05-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Enne: I heard that as aes and got excited. :) T3/r7/2022-05-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: my future representative doesn't even know how to fucking write her platform through Grammarly :-( T3/r7/2022-05-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: but she's against communism and knows "what it is like to deal with healthcare" so maybe i should give her a chance T3/r7/2022-05-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck T3/r7/2022-05-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: CAO NI MA T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking 'traffic light' captchas are the worst T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Ikr!!! Like are they talking about the lights...or the wires...or the poles, too! T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: not wires, but what about pedestrian lights attached to the poles? T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yadarra: Oh, never thought of that part... T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant walks around in the room, looking very confused. T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: How deep in sex do we have to be to be able to use the word "Sextiture"? T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: ankle T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: We combine the word "Sex" with the word "Temperature" to create the word "Sextiture"... Sentence E.G: My "sextiture" is rising! T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Is this the wrong channel for "sex"? T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: it depends what kind of sex your reffering too :) T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: cybersex is not dead! T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Studying his phrasebook, Mael asks [FatherYa] Yamillay, "If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I am no longer infected." T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay forthwith imparts the construct of his l33t 0wn3rsh!p of Mael. T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay compasses the terminus of his monograph "A Treatise vis-a-vis Ha><0r!ng". T3/r7/2022-05-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay looks puzzled, then blurts out "Oh, indeed. I once met the Queen, you know." T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck i don't have a garbage ccan anymore T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: guess you'll have to recycle T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: juck that I'll collect everything and be a garbage pile T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grimmur: have a level 5 one I can put on auction T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i don't really need one. i'm gonna purge portals since i got rid of most of mine T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grimmur: kk T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) *Yay!* Go Dein Untergang!!! SNEAKER Mushambo cheers him on. T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang bonks himself and grimaces in pain. T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i see you've also caught onto the great portal conspiracy! T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: they tell you portals are helpful, but at what cost? T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: every time you enter a portal your body is disintegrated and re-constituted in the target room, but it's an imperfect copy T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i choose to forego the whole goal solving --> portal reward treadmill, never brings lasting happiness T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: and more yall insist i CP-level or do goals, more I'll dig into MY beliefs T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: portals cause 5g T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: anf 5g causes covid T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i think i'm gonna get rid of my gear and go full naked pyromancer T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: at least naked pyromancers dont have to trim their pubs T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: just remove that one portal you have clan academy and an amulet portal anyway T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: HAHAHA, that's true. they are regularly burned right off T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm off to get fuel for my combustionary ways. T3/r7/2022-05-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: could someone go to the drunken parrot in yarr and summon me? T3/r7/2022-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob's hips start picking up speed in an attempt to grind himself...Hide now, maybe he'll go away, or blow up... T3/r7/2022-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob just got super pissed and shoved a frisbee down his throat! T3/r7/2022-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM T3/r7/2022-06-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nerazim Aradona: Holy shit I'm dead, my guy! :p T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: FUCK T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: JEBUS, THE 10K TNL, IT BURNS T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: why do blondes don't get headaches? T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: no brain, no pain T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: how many enchanters does it take to change a lightbulb? T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: none, I use magic T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: flipping loads because they're all waiting for the moons and they think they can just improve it rather than just put a new one in T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: I have enchanters focus -- same as having 3 moons T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hey come on! difficult joke situation! :) T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: lol T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: how about this one... T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: I saw my sister put a carrot in her vagina... too bad I was gonna eat that but now it tastes like a carrot T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill backs away slowly T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: lol T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sex! T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I need an adult! T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: damn we're fresh out of adults all of a sudden:( T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: well, stay away from the kids T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Remember when sex was as refreshing as your first pepsi soda for the day?:P T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: you're either doing sex wrong or pepsi way better than me T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: But c'mon you had to have that pepsi.. And that's how serious sex was T3/r7/2022-06-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: https://i.imgur.com/5Q42lax.mp4 T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: My hands are the best "Breasts-Protect" plan... Any ladies want my services?:P T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: Your hands have prob never touched anything other then your own dick. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: and the like button on his own youtube chan T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Someone in the crowd yells, "BURN!" Zathrus seems to agree! T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: Yamillay is the reason who female doesn't work T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars cackles gleefully at Shipwreckd Kazul. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars nods at Guy of Gisbourne. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: le sigh way to ruin it for the rest of us T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking Wales T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne is agreeing with that SNEAKER Mushambo person again... T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: No one wanted ukraine to lose T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: yeah fuck them for not sympathy losing a game they've dreamt of being in their whole lives. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: hi lasher, I'm Elfo :) T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: Lasher follows soccer? who knew? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: only every 4 years until england are out :) T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: not long then T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: I dont think I said they shouldve thrown the match, it was more an exclamation T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: then I'll be a USA fan. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: after that, fuck it. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: the euros are also worth following T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: yeah, fuck it T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight nods quietly to herself. What a wacko. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: after that we just wait for some latin american guy to punch the ball in I suppose. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya :) T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Interesting, the different verbs. Americans would say England is, Brits say England are. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: Scots would say bastars are actually T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: that's because they're drunk and mis-pronounce bastards. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: That's another matter. I imagine the Welsh agree with the Scots. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: so who is gonna win the WC? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: (it won't be England) T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Not the US, alas. Ever, it seems. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to Guy of Gisbourne. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: So I'll root for the Netherlands. I lived there for four years. I like those folks. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: they deserve to win it once, great footballing nation T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I don't even know if NL made the tourney this time, tell you the truth. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: they did and got seeded into a good group if i remember right, probably not T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: I didnt live there but there's a few weekends in Amsterdam I'm still grateful for. Go Netherlands. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Well, as long as they're in, I'm good with it. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: mmm amsterdam T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: wait, lasher is from the uk? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: in a group with Senegal, Ecuador and Qatar T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: quatar could be a wildcard T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: Senegal are good T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: did Qatar actually qualify or is the host always in? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I fear the US will be the same as they always are in the WC. Good defense, cannot find the goal. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Host is in T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: How hot is it gonna be? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: you haven't heard about all their cool tech? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lasher: I've been here long enough to call it "Soccer" because when I say football people think I mean Rugby with pads. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: then you gotta admit we got it figured out right then eh lasher? :) T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: to be fair, soccer was originally the english term I think, we just got annoyed about it for no good reason T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Speaking of sports, though, the Yankees are on a 117 win pace. Kind of a wow, that. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i hate all sports myself T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its all boring to me T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i prefer to play aard T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: put money on a game and it'll get more interesting T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo eyes Hi, I'm Elfo suspiciously. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh i used to bet alot, but me broke now and wife would kill me T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Really, Elfo? Dang. I love aports. I played them hard when I was young, still play golf semi-fanatically T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: eoh nod, i used to play a ton when i was young too, it just got boring to me T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope that it never gets boring to me. T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: were you juicing elfo? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: whats juicing? T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Taking steroids T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh no T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: performance enhancing drugs, would make things boring T3/r7/2022-06-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: performance enhancing drugs T3/r7/2022-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I want some action! Where's the latin female heat? Dame coño! Solamente lolita! Mundo esperando! T3/r7/2022-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: wtf is it with sites not offering 'Email Article' links anymore T3/r7/2022-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking lawyers, even when it's yours they're a pain in the ass T3/r7/2022-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: getting divorced? T3/r7/2022-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: stop reading my mail! T3/r7/2022-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: donate 50% of qps and 50% of tps and gold T3/r7/2022-06-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: thankfully she doesnt know about aard so my many riches here are safe, nor will L be deposed T3/r7/2022-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: moar public embarassment, moar! T3/r7/2022-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: mischan, but whatever. :P T3/r7/2022-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fucking timezones, I'm with Fuel on abolishing all of them T3/r7/2022-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: time is an illusion, space is an emergent phenomenon, the door ... is ajar. T3/r7/2022-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: No a jar is a jar. A door is not a jar. You can't put jelly in a door. T3/r7/2022-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Time is a very convincing illusion when you're at the dentist. T3/r7/2022-06-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so fat that a pig had her on plate when cheating on their diet... T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Don't lick me anymore! Who do I look like to you? Santa balls? T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn blinks innocently. T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: well you know santa gets ladies so he's guaranteed! lol T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fuck, even the two week forecast is all 102F+ T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kazm comforts SNEAKER Mushambo. T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: time to move to canada? T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: marry rich for a summer home maybe, i dunno about canada T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: we're already above track for evil summer of 2011 whic hwas 90 days over 100 T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: nah, dont bother. cant even buy a gun up there anymore to protect yourself from the mosquitos. fuck that noise. T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: are you aware of these new anti-fly devices? like a supersoaker but shoots salt pellets T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: so like a salt shotgun T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: loads of fun. works fine against ordinary houseflies and such, but i wouldnt expect them to even penetrate the fuselage on the bogies up north. T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo cowers in a corner, terrified that Mannec will come after him. T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Why did "Sex" cross the road? T3/r7/2022-06-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: because it's dick was stuck in the chicken! T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: Is "Cheese" gay? Sure sounds like it is when I think of it as an action.. ;) T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kraus: a tad random.. but the signs are there T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay asks Kraus, did you know that your rocks r rox as my rocks r rox like rok? T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay looks puzzled, then blurts out "Oh, indeed. I once met the Queen, you know." T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: Vadar betrayed and murdered my father!;( T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: My name is Zantifo Montoya! You killedmy fagher! Prepare to die! T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: lol cant type T3/r7/2022-06-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: My name is Zantigo Montoya! You killedmy father! Prepare to die! T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: gator dont play that shit T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: gators bitches better be wearing jimmies T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: You need a smack-kit to turn your steppin back to "Stagger"?! T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: FUCK YOU!!!! T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Highway Robbo: no u T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: Fuck you too! :) T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: sorry T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: just needed that T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: needed a fuck? T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox comforts Iron Duck Chuft. T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i need a bumbum slap :( T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: would you like to have sum fuk T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill tells Amarufox to slap Elfy's bum T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox uses Cil's hand to do so. T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Amarufox scampers off back into the forest to safety. T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Highway Robbo: Robbo asks: [FUCK YOU?] Magic 7-ball Response: [Your sister told me yes, yes, YES!] T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: ahahahahahah T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SonnyQuinn: ok that was fucking good T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh i jsut got it.. T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Highway Robbo: Robbo asks: [So good?] Magic 7-ball Response: [Maybe you should ask the 8-ball instead. Your questions suck.] T3/r7/2022-06-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Highway Robbo sighs. T3/r7/2022-06-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: i just found a directory on my phone's filesystem labelled 'not porn' what the fuck is this shit?! T3/r7/2022-06-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: probably not porn so who cares T3/r7/2022-06-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: SOme people wish that my guitar was not like my penis... T3/r7/2022-06-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: pretty amusing outside of my pants T3/r7/2022-06-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: that is all lol T3/r7/2022-06-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: must be a pretty small guitar to be able to keep it in your pants T3/r7/2022-06-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gallows: jook out the bamcy T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: if you got a partner ,yes T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: either than theat... get some lotion T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: anypone else here? T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: fucking yes T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: hehe T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: legends make history,Mia Khalifa deletes history;) T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: The brainwashed corpse of Desiree is empty. T3/r7/2022-06-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: you think this is a mothafuckin game? T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: you can't flirt with her for 3 months and last 15 seconds in bed! no! no! no! noo! T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: that girl that always answers for her friend....don't be that girl:/ T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: okay, I wasn't going to marry this specific one but ...just don't T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: A B C D E F-U! T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: no, fuck YOU!! T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: no u T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sheesh Kabob lets out a string of curses that would make you blush if we hadn't censored him. T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji looks smugly at Aoric and screams, "NO U!11 Aoric!!" in her most classy voice, You are gripped by an urge to join in. T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) A Nimwit Spank: Do Re Mi Fa QUE! T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guenna: no! thatd be a waste of your skills! T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guenna: new term for social situations = Bar-fly Yoga : where a persons head is so far up their ass, they try to get up your ass at the same time T3/r7/2022-06-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guenna snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Father, I don't want to practice the hamster style anymore... T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: wow, no one has seen the "Orgasmo" movie?:P T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin raises his hand. T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Father, I don't want to practice the hamster style anymore... T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: depech mode kicks ass T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: yes synthesizers are indeed high tech:) T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: I synthesize human emotions, but am very low tech T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay lives in fear of 1337 H4x0r Fiendish. T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: is quote from orgasmo, you seen that movie Yamillay? T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: yessir T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: funny movie you must watch T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: also get your own copy of "Arnold Schwartzenegger's" movie known as "Junior" because it's comedy and he's pregnant in that movie T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's a film T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: yeah some people didn't wanna believe the movie existed but it does T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: is that the one where he gives birth to Danny Devito? T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: no thats twins T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: it was slow when it was made.. id hate to watxh it now.. would have to be dated. junior that is T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: Devito comes out of him like a leather couch T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Mr.Danny DeVito is in the movie but wasn't birthed in it T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: wernt they the couple.. 20-30years ago stretching brain T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: if DeVito was in his stomach Arnold would need more back support lol T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: or devito was the doc researching T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: right T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: and you got the woman that was smiling about how she doesn't have to birth Arnold's child lol T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: the arny went into politics he hit rock bottom in the movies T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: they told him he couldnt be in any movies and he countered with not being in any 'good' movies T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: nailed it T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I tease and tickle some ladies by chance sometimes on a gambling bid by saying stuff Arnold said while he was pregnant in that movie:P T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: war movies he nailed T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: and preditor T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: get to the choppa! Ahhh! T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: are you saying Jingle All The Way wasnt a cinematic masterpiece? T3/r7/2022-06-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: cant remember jingle all the way T3/r7/2022-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: Your mind force does UNTHINKABLE things to the Booty Man! [892] T3/r7/2022-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: bettah watch out for that mind force comin to do unthinkable things to da booty man T3/r7/2022-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: wtf is this BS? anyone ever seen their "Social Intelligence" report? ... "report may contain information about your character, general reputation, personal characteristics, and mode of living as documented by media, social media, or web postings" T3/r7/2022-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: pretty sure everyone on Aard has plenty of fucking character :) T3/r7/2022-06-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: or IS a character T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Fuck is going on here?! Google or a store on google has information saying "that my guitar is easy enough for adults or children to use"! No it is not easy.. I got close to sharpness tuning by ear and I agree that people should get a "Tuner" to assist them.. So if you don't have a tuner or if you have no aim like a song created in your mind for the guitar to be lead to then it's hopeless.. No offense.. Just saying... T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: thats not the guitar T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: i have a phone, with an app... T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: slappin da bass T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia slaps a peacock bass. T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: google "jackson minion" and look closely at some of the options to see what I mean when they say "It's easy" T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: haven't they taught the fucking robots to play yet? what are these scientists working on? T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: How to empty people's pockets with chemicals to get high on:P T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: im just not sure how a particular model can be "easier" than any other? T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: some have bottom strings that require alan heads like my charvel T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Just try potting a novice on a "minion" without any aim and see what they do T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Just try putting a novice on a "minion" without any aim and see what they do T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: like they will try to use it upside-down?! T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: the eyehole feeds through the bottom and wraps at the top is kinda weird but i donno what yams talkin bout half the time anyway T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: No.. Because an upside down guitar may still be effective if you have it tuned correctly and know enough about guitars for playing T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I use to over-hand fret touch guitars instead of under-hand fret touching T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: I guess stringing it is slightly different, but not significantly, and you dont even have to do that yourself to play it T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: how dare that store on google or something try to sell their guitars by saying they're easy to play and something about tuning i guess also T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: its probably good for kids because its a cheap guitar T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: thats the key.. its a $200 guitar T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: ok now that I can't be mad about.. As a cheap guitar to give to a kid.. Yes that would be an awesome gift T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: NO! it's not right T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Imagine your son totally winning ladies with his guitar talent! T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: I was definitely disappointed it was not the 'minion' I expected T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: https://www.lexibook.com/en/k2000des-minions-acoustic-guitar.html T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay lives in fear of Bloodthorn. T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: heres what you need... https://media.guitarcenter.com/is/image/MMGS7/H96758000002000-00-720x720.jpg T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol looks like a ukulele T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: yeah, it was awesome until I stepped on it and it exploded and cut my leg open T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay comforts Bloodthorn. T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: what I really want.. is a thunderhorse T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: like from Metalocalypse or a thunder horse just painted on a guitar like your sweet dragon aurora one T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: ya know... id accept either T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: but the Brendon Small guitar is what I meant T3/r7/2022-06-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: that Ukulele would have been sweet for this pink outfit I am putting together for a private contest to see who can dress better lol I know I hate it too but I wanted to see if I can win anyway T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: half these fuckers probably masturbate to Kyle Rittenhouse T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) BaNgARaNg Foolio: q r T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: a b c d e f-u!!!111oneuno T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: IF2!!!! :P T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: mischan but whatever :P T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Your mother is so fat that the arch-dieter won't forgive.. T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: at least google some yo momma jokes so they are better T3/r7/2022-06-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Haha People are already stealing my jokes, even my new "Daddy jokes":P T3/r7/2022-06-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: fuck violins, worst part of every symphony hands down T3/r7/2022-06-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: also the worst fucking part of Peter and the Wolf T3/r7/2022-06-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Enjoy 25 seconds of my favorite tik tok videos compiled together: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZJWVxR3q4N4 T3/r7/2022-06-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: P.E.t.A is goin to fuckin kill me after how meny penguins i just slaughtered T3/r7/2022-06-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: not if i find you first T3/r7/2022-06-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: shit... T3/r7/2022-06-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: Now i have to kill more T3/r7/2022-06-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: when life gives ya penguins...make lemonade T3/r7/2022-06-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: Your suction does UNIMAGINABLE things to an Underdark Spy! A bit suggestive... T3/r7/2022-06-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael gives a can of Psycola to Diet Redcola.. KOOL! T3/r7/2022-06-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: hawt T3/r7/2022-06-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: if you're imagining the thing it could be referring to, you're wrong - as the thing cannot be imagined - so get your mind out of the gutter T3/r7/2022-06-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: pretty sure i can imagine anything your suction can do to a penguin. T3/r7/2022-06-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: lol T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Why do we even have this channel? "Mr.Lasher should remove curse channel".. We can't even say the word "Fart" and we have fart socials that can be used... So I imagine that nobody wants to curse anymore.. Am I right? Or am I right? Because you want proper english and to be snobbish with a redwood oak up your bum!:P T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: shh motherfucker...i need to swear T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: stfu T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: For the year 2030 which would you rather have? "Earth Patrol" or "Birth control"?:P T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: whats with these fucking stores refusing to answer their phones T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: this one's like a major sporting goods chain, probably 300 stores nationwide? already called 5 times T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: maybe they have a list T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: nowadays they are mostly contactable via their social.. fb message, ig etc T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: this requires an actual department of the store so no luck T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: i dont think ive ever connected to them without spending 30 minutes each day calling T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo: so 10 fucking minutes T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: wtf, All my hats in my funny "Annoying hats video" must have pissed people off.. The view counter stopped going up for some odd reason!:( T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Blackweb: pissing people off would get you more views :) T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: then you check part 2 of my "Annoying hats videos" and be the next view.. Only takes 7mins to laugh this time!:P " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVBA5AaEDu8 " T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Blackweb: 7 min is a long time to get a laugh T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: wait till you see why:P T3/r7/2022-06-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Freedom of a horse or fiendom of divorce? Which is more comfortable? T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Beware of my new title:P T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay is catching a facefull of Sotura's Ken doll smoothness. It's extra creepy. T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: fuck T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiet Nuala perks up, something must have grabbed her attention. T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: hello T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: perk T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sex like a czech?! Ex like it yet?! The best like to sweat! I stress mics to death! With my lines of life to mess! Just because I'm from the cut don't get knife to test! T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: wtf? T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: was vulgar, thought it belonged here... sorry T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: it does but it dont make sense T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: not sure that belongs anywhere T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: fr T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: anyone here T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight: fuck no T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kalreborn: Sure T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: maybe T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: anyone here T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: yep we still here T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: bet T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kalreborn: Mmm-hmm T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: fuck off T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: bitch ass T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: pecker queef T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: woah woah T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: milf fucker T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: no need for the hostilities T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: it is the curse channel T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: titty-teaser T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar The Unfuckable T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: sexy name T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grasshacker: give yer balls a tug, make sure they're still there T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i mean yeah T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: slob on my nob T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: like corn on the cob T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: moms are hot, especially yours T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: flattered T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: youre into gilfs? T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: nigga what? T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: k then T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: grandma midget porn is way better T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: milfs but a tier higher T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: na nugget porn bitch T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar perks up, something must have grabbed her attention. T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: nuggets? T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: oh rlly? T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: no arms... no legs baby T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: ahhh shiiitt, here we go again T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bogstar: bad subject T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: grove street.. home T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: at least it used to be T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: this is the best channel T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi is catching a facefull of Sotura's Ken doll smoothness. It's extra creepy. T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: thank you T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: love you to T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SNEAKER Mushambo calls down Kalaila's light shield against Islanzadi! T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: k then T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: your degeneracy has gone too far, it must be cleansed T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay shoves Islanzadi into a barn and forces her to cluck like a CHICKEN!!! T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: no ;0 T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your pubic hair T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: delish T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: what if you dont have pubic hair? T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: lmao T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: instantly grows T3/r7/2022-07-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: little known side effect of sand fleas. instant nut hair T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: suck my balls T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: islanzadi you couldnt fuck a woman if she bent over and tied up stfu T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: ha gottem T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: fuckin' nighttime screw you T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: just stay up all night pussy T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: good advice dipdick T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: not everyones on meth Quiescence T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: my pointttt T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: but you could be T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: gimme some then T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: honestly that sounds like a yall problem T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: earn it T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: bawk bawk bbawk T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: newb T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: the safe word is flower but she keeps saying flour T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: what an idiot T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: fucking retard T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ivar's Momma falls off the shortbus scraping her knees and Mael laughs his ass off at her! T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: how can a fucking pawn fight you? T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: they have to face you from a diagonal T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: google en passant T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: pawns representations of footsoldiers dumbass T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: lmao T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: im the dumbass? im rtalking about in aardmud T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: i dont even know what the fuck youre trying to say T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: dogs are better than toasters T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: ur mom T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: what about my mom T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i heard she's a real nice lady T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: hot? T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: sup shawdy T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: nobody here? T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so fat that she has an "atkins diet" tattoo T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I just invented that T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: totally steal if ya want:P T3/r7/2022-07-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: sup homies T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: pp T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: R.Kelly with 30 years lol.. It's about time.. He should get more.. Since Sandusky got 400 years lol T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: There are no hoes on market T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma failed T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: And I wanted a legendary hoe:( T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: or an eternal tagged hoe T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: Yamillay dont worry if you save up enough money maybe you can one day pay to not be a vigin. Then and only then will you maybe stop being an incel. T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: burn T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Well only if you stop being goth:P T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: that literally made no sense yam... im goth? T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: yeah you are, thats why you hug with daggers T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars pats [FatherYa] Yamillay on his head. T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: OH SHIT WARS U GOT OWNED T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars snickers with Nohh about their shared secret. T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nohh: WORLD STAR! T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: The name PelvisSlam is available for use. T3/r7/2022-07-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: go for it:P T3/r7/2022-07-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I grew a penis that can be held by two hands! Open your legs if you're interested:P T3/r7/2022-07-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: this is what we call thirsty people T3/r7/2022-07-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence BES BIG MUDDIN WHILE Sotura BES BIG PIMPIN N CLUBIN UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH T3/r7/2022-07-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sotura is showing pictures of fat, nude men and chicks with dicks to Quiescence. T3/r7/2022-07-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sotura: - 20 T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: fuck work T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: There is a loud scream and a flare of light shoots towards the sky. T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Below the flare, you hear Elfo scream 'Big Baby Jesus I can't wait, N**** phuk dat I can't waait' As the light fades you realize a new superhero has been born. For the next 15 minutes experience is doubled in honor of the new superhero. T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: long ass fight T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: pp T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: on T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quiescence: mis T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon screams in Quiescence's ear, "Wakey Wakey!" Maybe she is stunned? Beautiful plumage... T3/r7/2022-07-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon nods quietly to himself. What a wacko. T3/r7/2022-07-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: YOOOO FUCK HICCUPS T3/r7/2022-07-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: I'm a motherfuckin vamire! T3/r7/2022-07-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: is that a sub-race? T3/r7/2022-07-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: I wish. :p The Mother fucking subclass T3/r7/2022-07-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Diet Redcola: You get a subclass skill to impregnate female characters. T3/r7/2022-07-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: FUCK THIS T3/r7/2022-07-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: mother fucking maze, gotcha. T3/r7/2022-07-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pure WhiteTiger: hit me with a good one T3/r7/2022-07-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pure WhiteTiger: nobody? nothin? T3/r7/2022-07-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Hey, Who said "Sex" can't be an abjective? Someone forgot about "Google" and the dictionary:P T3/r7/2022-07-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: pp T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: they should have "fake richard burns" for your waist as a surprise to people T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: fake sideburns around our dicks! T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: kers T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: lol T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: el T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Your mom says "Arigga-my-jig?!" everytime I say "arithmetic" so I believe you don't know math!;( T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: What do you get when you cross a "Penis" with a "Potato"? T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Llions, Ttigers: a Dick-Tater T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: something you shouldn't make fries or salad with because now it's nasty:P T3/r7/2022-07-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pure WhiteTiger: you misspelled ' tasty ' T3/r7/2022-07-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Nobody watched "The Jerky Boys"? It's a funny movie! Ya milky lickers! T3/r7/2022-07-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: It's so hot that now the sweat of my balls is now tattoo'd T3/r7/2022-07-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: hot as satan's piss outside lol T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo mom is so upright that it's beneath her to take it in the basement!:P T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: When you fight with a machete and you feel like you're not ready! DIARRHEA! DIARRHEA! Cha! Cha! CHa! T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: lol we used to do the diarrhea rhymes when I was young T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: sometimes we're only as young as we feel:) T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: when you talk to your mum and it comes out your bum, diarrhea, cha, cha, diarrhea T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: when you lock at the clock and it dribbles in your sock, diarrhea, char, char, diarrhea (etc) T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: When you keep palms sweaty and you can't keep mom's spaghetti! DIARRHEA!! CHA CHA CHA! DIARRHEA!! T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: but it's supposed to be about diarrhea T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: when you're talking to the vicar and it comes out even quicker, diarrhea, ba, ba, diarrhea :) T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I thought a almost "Mr.Eminem" story type diarrhea joke would score points:P T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: off T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: Well Good Fucking Morning! T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: OOOO u cursed.. I gone tell my dad! T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: Shit.....Run T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: dad says the mouth needs washing out with soap! T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay ducks defensively. T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: shitpissfuckcuntcockerdockermothrrfukershitturd and twat T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Phalcor: good song T3/r7/2022-07-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: you forgot tits, p. never forget tits. T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: You dick sweat! T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Ooohh Quiestes T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: how does a ... is it overweight? T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: sometimes the heat of vagina pudding creates dick-sweat too:P T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: nah, it's overweight T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: that's why i wear black condoms, they're slimming T3/r7/2022-07-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sotura is looking for something to peel. T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Please say "Yes I give a phuck!".. Cluck like a donkey! Or why not honk like a rooster! Haha! Last place is what I won't be, Losers! T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so hot that she can wear a davey crockette hat during summer on a friday! T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: yo momma's so ugly when she goes into a bank they turn off the cameras T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Uhoh I thought up a new original one get ready T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so ugly that when she goes to the mall everyone sprays enough perfume to blind.. T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: you suck at this Yam T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: yo momma so ugly she plays muds T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so stupid that she thought a quarterback was a rebuttal...! Uhn! Got ya! Burn! T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: yo momma so fat she fell in love and broke it T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: yo momma so fat she jumped for joy and got stuck T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: burn! T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: yo momma so fat I had to take 2 buses to get on her good side T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so fat that every time she turn around it's her birthday:P T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Oquichtini Ometotchtli: yo momma so fat, I'd say it to her face but I've only got a half tank of gas :P T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so fat that after she sat on million dollar bill Mr.Teddy Rosevelt's face crumbled off of rushmore.. T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fhantom: ok ok, let's get off yo momma jokes, cause we all i know i just got off yours T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Oquichtini Ometotchtli is agreeing with that Fhantom person again... T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma is so poor that she has to put your food in sandwhich bags under arms to heat it up... T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fhantom: that' just economical T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fhantom: yo momma so fat, it tooks me two bus rides and a train ride to get on her good side T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so fat that I had to roll over twice from her mail-order pic... T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fhantom: yo momma so dumb, she sits on the tv and watches the couch T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma is so stupid that she cheats in thumb-wrestling by using karate! T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I created that T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: don't steal:P T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fhantom: stealing it T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: rofl T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: on T3/r7/2022-07-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: off T3/r7/2022-07-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sex is like 'Chex".. Crunchy, even when in milk... T3/r7/2022-07-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: stfu = strawberry toast frosted under? T3/r7/2022-07-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking studygroup just assumed I have no problem giving them all my code >:o T3/r7/2022-07-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grasshacker: In six months you'll think that code was trash anyway T3/r7/2022-07-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "Glen Taylor Roasts Chickens Alive" T3/r7/2022-07-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'll keep reminding folks everytime my egg prices go up :) T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: stupid telemarketer.... now I have a CR to do. T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: you forgot to curse T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: he did say telemarketer T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sotura: this *is* the curse channel, so if you have to talk about telemarketers, i guess this is the place T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: thumbsup garence T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: errr T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek gives a thumbs-up to Garence. T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: thanks T3/r7/2022-07-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fuck... I died. T3/r7/2022-07-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: fucked T3/r7/2022-07-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji looks smugly at Cilmarill and screams, "NO U!11 Cilmarill!!" in her most classy voice, You are gripped by an urge to join in. T3/r7/2022-07-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: she was T3/r7/2022-07-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: stupid ass mEdusa. T3/r7/2022-07-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: mmm medusa steak.. who has the last laugh now bitch? T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Now that's hot! Shipwreckd Kazul is mounting his wardildo and riding toward #33 Roebart! T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol wardildo :) T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: questor at the plaza hotel is penny pinching bastard today for some reason. T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fuck T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: I knew a guy who got hypnotized to stop drinkin beer and it worked T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: now he just drinks liquor T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: I once knew a guy from Nantuket... T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: and he had a boat, because.... its an island... everyone has boats. T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Now that's hot! Shipwreckd Kazul is mounting his wardildo and riding toward MrBucket! T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Now that's hot! Shipwreckd Kazul is mounting his wardildo and riding toward MrBucket! T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: missed the first time T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: 8, 8, 10, 8, 10, 10, 8. I swear this questor hates me. T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: should be nicer to saraid T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fuck i died. T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Now that's hot! Shipwreckd Kazul is mounting his wardildo and riding toward a cult theurgist! T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: good swearing though T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Now that's hot! Shipwreckd Kazul is mounting his wardildo and riding toward Cilmarill! T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: see... you call out the questor, he starts given you 18s... gotta keep em honest apparently. T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh piss T3/r7/2022-07-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: in fact piss shit bastard T3/r7/2022-07-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: wtf companies sitll expect me to pay extra to splice pages of a pdf? T3/r7/2022-07-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: only the stupid ppl i guess T3/r7/2022-07-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo eyes Garence suspiciously. T3/r7/2022-07-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: Kingsholm you fucking shithole T3/r7/2022-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: fucker T3/r7/2022-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: whose the lucky guy? T3/r7/2022-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Defcon chuckles politely. T3/r7/2022-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Shaddup, Yo momma so anxious that she can't be upstairs anymore when she take it in the basement! T3/r7/2022-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: don't steal:P T3/r7/2022-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I invented that T3/r7/2022-07-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Stop beating your meat! Use the spice known as "Meat tenderizer"!:D T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: backstab cock - that's unfortunate. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: its not critical just helpful T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: mischan.. whatever :P T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ryoken: I curse these mobs! T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tee-hee! You see ArcaneMage Stuyvesant trying to trick Ryoken into recalling. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ryoken: Holy shit T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [1] ArcaneMage Stuyvesant's toxic cloud does UNSPEAKABLE things to you! [OMG] T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ryoken: Double Kill! T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: I am already past the double kill part:( T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ** For his interference in your cool story, you can take revenge on Mael. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ryoken: Oh damn! T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Defcon: Pot Damn! T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant quickly picks Mael up and pops him into a bag. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Defcon chuckles politely. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant kicks the bag. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ryoken: chuckle T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Holy Crap!! Mael just kicked ArcaneMage Stuyvesant right in the box! T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant makes an odd hand gesture, and Mael is vaporized by a storm of exploding cows. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant screams in horror as he falls to the ground after being tipped by Mael. T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant throws a ninja smokebomb at Mael! It POOFed in their face! T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: you can't pay a 1000 bucks if you only going to last for 2 minutes T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ArcaneMage Stuyvesant: ITS WRONG! T3/r7/2022-07-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fuck you qmaster. T3/r7/2022-07-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay sexes luxuriously. Kinda makes you want to, doesn't it? T3/r7/2022-07-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: someone needs to include a mob cockroach assistant in the next area. I've backstabbed cock and I've backstabbed ass, but I want to backstab cock ass. T3/r7/2022-07-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: KEEP MY WIFE'S NAME, OUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH! T3/r7/2022-07-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: *slaps chris rock* T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: STFU and start acting like man, what's up with this stupid names and impersonating little scared fuckups who decided to gang up so they can be mean like Yakuza? T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: whats up with the psychopaths joining the mud T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: uhh, good point. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: rofl T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: Nothing wrong with it, we need to devellop a curse for that mind boggling concept of their, dont we? T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: cure* not curse. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: wtf, what's going on here? T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grasshacker: (walks up to urinal) This must be where the dicks hang out. hehe T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: so the great circle of druids is actually an undercover name for homophobic rejects of society who couldnt handle that men are cunts and women are bitches and they turned against eachother instead of showing the path to enlightment? hmm interesting. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: what dicks ?! chopped and placed on a temple to worship!? T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: probably they are V-Heads that lacked an orgasm during way too many years and turned against the tyranical prosecution of not giving them that sparkle of a pleasure. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I think I fucked up "YouTube" lol... Especially when I showed a sampled of neighborhood propaganda aimed at me.. So this silly girl comes outta nowhere to my channel to comment on the video "YAY someone has my name"... When I told her "that I was first with the name" she had nothing to say back.. I even left a message for youtube and google to highlight that for me.. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Billy Jean is not my lover... T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay air-guitars like a mad man ... EXCELLENT!!! T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay shouts "Don't breastfeed him or her!" while pointing at you! You suddenly watch yourself shrink as a baby... T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: your swearing ability isn't worth a piss T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay bursts into tears. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay apologizes to Cilmarill with a very sincere look on his face. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill giggles - sorry I'm in a bit of a mood T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Alright then how about some toast and eggs?! Is it still breakfast time?!:( T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: not fucking here it isn't but I can get you some egg on toast if you like, you arsehole T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: see that how you swear *practices swearing full* T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: fucking doubles always starting at the same time as my meetings *sob T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sotura: hey, if you didn't like it, you shouldna put a ring on it, laddie T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fuck T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: not my night. T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Silver Von Ruval: just 'this' night? T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: hehhe T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: just to a nice run to bloodlust dungeon... T3/r7/2022-07-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: insta death lol T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: New insults I invented that you can use on people: "Dick test" and "Stressed vagina" T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: fucking global quest T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dag nabbit! T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Silver Von Ruval raises an eyebrow at Hi, I'm Elfo's weird actions. T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Silver Von Ruval: what the fuck? T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sorry T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: thats how you get hepititus T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i go a little crazy sometimes T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: I have a docs appointment, didnt expect this messy quest. T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: fuck you stafiloco aureus T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: even you stafilococco aureus, fuck you too! T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: Staphylococcus aureus T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: fuck that too! T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: using a delete button or a rubber! T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: wtf T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i need more fucking ram :-( T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: download some? T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: https://downloadmoreram.com/ T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i dont think thats how RAM works? i mean, im not a computer scientist but.. T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: dont worry, im an engineer... I recommend 32GB T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: i learned from watching videos on ram-hub that you can in fact, download more ram. its a members-only feature, tho. T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: Not when youre using Google Ultron T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: of course, then your ram is full of porn, but ... wasnt that the point anyway? T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: you can download this ram T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: bah, google is evil. you can tell because they gave up the motto, 'dont be evil'. T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: think of all the companies that NEVER said it in the first place T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: they already know where you live, and where you are at all times. they went evil. as soon as they get that whole self-driving car thing more or less functional? boom! instant terminator movie. except, you know, real life. T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i'm drinking some juice on the rocks T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: im stuck on coffee T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: fuck I love tacos T3/r7/2022-07-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Islanzadi: lmao T3/r7/2022-07-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: wtf? T3/r7/2022-07-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) AquilaN: what the fuck? T3/r7/2022-07-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I heard that every McDonalds might close because people keep using the "Dollar menu" lol T3/r7/2022-07-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: thats because the dollar is in the fucking toilet - and theres no money in letting people shit for free. T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: FUCKING SHIT PISS PISS PISS T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: the no ear muffs channel T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: someone dropped their toast T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 81.tallpal Logrom rolls on the floor laughing at Miscreant Omnivek's antics! T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: FUCKING hour double, how did I mis that PISSING SHIT YES SHIT, NOT POOP WITH AN S, ACTTULT SHIT T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 81.tallpal Logrom: You still have ten minutes Cilmarill. Go go go! ;) T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: surprised you're upset. You never seemed that interested in leveling up... T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I have someone to blame, so it's 10% ok T3/r7/2022-07-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 81.tallpal Logrom disclaims all responsibility in this apportionment ;) T3/r7/2022-07-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Don't falk wif meh! T3/r7/2022-07-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay whines, "Hey, I was only joking!" T3/r7/2022-07-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: 8 fucking qps questor... a pox on thee. T3/r7/2022-07-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Oh snap! Epsilon just slapped Garence with a nocho! What a jerk! T3/r7/2022-07-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: heh T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: Ayla lends a minotaur defender god-like powers to terminate you! T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: WHY AYLA, WHY T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sammael: because fuck you that's why T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: nod T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: 100% fuck me T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sammael: get noterminate wish T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: When I see the eq known as "A lady's suit" I picture "A bra and panties" but I could be wrong... So what is it really? an Ms.Ellen Degeneris outfit? T3/r7/2022-07-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Twilight zone here.. One of your own should have said that first:P T3/r7/2022-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I wanna be a black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks!;) T3/r7/2022-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: It's good to have goals T3/r7/2022-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: What you talkin about? Shut yo mouth! Only talkin about "Yam"!? We can dig it:P T3/r7/2022-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: you been watching shaft again? :) T3/r7/2022-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay is agreeing with that Hi, I'm Elfo person again... T3/r7/2022-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: now at level 69...;) T3/r7/2022-08-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adamski: only 69 you'll ever get T3/r7/2022-08-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma is so stupid that she even had "YOUR" child and so now you have a son-brother!;) T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: y'all think that sound characteristics of 'fuck' carries farther than a word like "rock" or any other four lettr? T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Redryn: no T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: sometimes I hear my neighbor disciplining his dogs from inside his house..when i'm inside MY house...and I'mlike whoa he mustknow when im playing videogames T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Redryn: i think the F sound is higher pitched so it should travel less T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: probably, since all the Martians in Mars attacks only use Ack T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: most effective T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin acks! T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: so she broke up with you because you climbed off when your gq timer went off? T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: I AM TALKING TO YOU! T3/r7/2022-08-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: if she's always on time at work , you not doing it right:/ T3/r7/2022-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: it's crazy my int is 69 and my wis is 69 and all of a sudden I now have 69mill in the bank lol T3/r7/2022-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I wish there was a way to get extra credit for that lol T3/r7/2022-08-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: pipe it up.. pump it up! T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Why is there a warning from my guitar's company saying I could get cancer or reproductive harm from my guitar? lol T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: its all the drugs and stds that accompany rocking and rolling. T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: chrome and whatever lacquers probably T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: says "california proposition 65 warning" T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: many things increase cancer risk T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: carcinogens? T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: don't suck on your pickups T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I love that advice T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: I mean, really, don't suck on any part of your guitar T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Because if I wanted to show off I might try to play the guitar with my mouth on the strings:P T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: so I am taking that advice right away T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I like the guy that has no arms because he somehow learned how to play guitar with his feet T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: is the warning from your jackson? T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: yes T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: haven't you had that for a while now? T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: yes and just now only noticed the warning T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: well I am not balding suddenly and my hair is still long.. So I assume guitar-radiation didn't hit me yet T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: did the warning say specifically what it was for? maybe DEHP? T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: i said the hell with hair i shave my head and grew a beard T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: just p65warnings.ca.gov T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: probably has something to do with radiation I bet T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: so only take apart and re-put back together a guitar that we are safe with:) T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: it's likely either from chrome plating on the pickups or from the body coating T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: looking around apparently a lot of guitar manufacturers have these warnings now T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I'll remind myself not to get hooked on playin long.. It's a good guitar too T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: but it's unlikely to be any kind of real risk if you don't suck on parts of your guitar T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: maybe keep it away from babies or something? they put things in their mouths a lot T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: true T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Redryn: maybe if you play it, people who hear it might get cancer? T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: terribel twos lead to tasting everything T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Redryn runs away in utter terror! T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fucking everything causes cancer in california. T3/r7/2022-08-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: terrible twos lead to tasting everything T3/r7/2022-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: ive got a portal to your mom's house T3/r7/2022-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Contigo: my mom went missing 10 years ago, you can help me find her???? T3/r7/2022-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: probably not, but i can be your mamadaji T3/r7/2022-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Contigo: hard pass T3/r7/2022-08-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: false T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: where are the hot young dudes at T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: HOLY FUCKIN SHITBALLS, ITS SHELLFISHIE!!! T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shellfishie rolls on the floor laughing at [DEMON] Khadaji's antics! T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Blackweb: tra T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Blackweb: tra T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: translocate? T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: transphobic? T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ocho Ocho Ocho: transmutation? T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: transportation? T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: tralalala? T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: think he was saying trachx to summon the FiB monster T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Blackweb: bad alias :) T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: erase Kazul from that pls T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: firehole, but louder, but serious-er. T3/r7/2022-08-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: O-K Mr.Mannec you get a few more hookers and then we have to stop;) T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: she was like "you don't have cash? you can pay me later" T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: this is the point where you stop going to brothels T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: but damn!!! T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: that ass be mighty fine T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: STDs... the gift that keeps on giving! T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: according to stats.. actually nevermind that T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: look. if she look like kim kardashian. she fine T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: anyways she was like " I will never date many men when you around in my life" T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: and at that point I understood I am a big baller T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: shit I am telling yall a story here and I even getting reactions:( T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: dance with it but don't give it to anyone/ T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant grooves to the music. T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: and again (I repeate. she was like " you don't have cash? you can pay me later:)" T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: "pay later" means "i like you" for those who don't know:) T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: you didn't swear, idiot T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: ok T3/r7/2022-08-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: No matter what a hooker tells you.. Remember that "Life" can be flabbergasting.. So never take it or them for granted:P T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Next 69 mobs killed will reward bonus gold 18:00:00 T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: 69 is a magical number T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay and Warsnail Anaristos are all entwined. OMG they're 69ing!!!! T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i am a romantic, i moreso into 66 T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: spooning :) T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: spooning is a nice move T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adamski: 69 is overated as a number, half the fun T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay rolls on the floor laughing at Adamski's antics! T3/r7/2022-08-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: come do inferno slackers! T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Odd.. Wearing women's glasses doesn't make me want men.. Must be somethin with the brain chemistry then... Because through these glasses ladies look even hotter.. This must be why some ladies become lesbian:P T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: omg yam T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i can safely say that aint how it works :) T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay runs away from Hi, I'm Elfo in utter terror and horror! T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: are you sure its not that you aren't wearing ladies glasses right now? T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: if yams your god you are in for some problems T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: you're even T3/r7/2022-08-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fuck you aligned potion! T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: What does "Wtf" mean? I'm rusty here I think... I think it means "WeTruckFreights" but I could be wrong here... T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: "Wild Times Friend" T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: Wooden Toed Frogs. T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: rofl T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) RoyalFlush Kelaire: We're the Future T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: hahahahahahahahahaha T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I gotta breathe and type people.. take a break and start again T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: Wierd tiny fingers? T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Maybe it's "Wakanda tech freaks" T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I want one T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adamski: Where's The Food? T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adamski: White Trash Family T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adamski: Wild Titty Fuck T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: did "booty" exist in the 1990s and before.... T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yes we all the same with the lights off after a rubber is put on! Mewhahahahaha;) T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: LOCK HIM UP T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Did you know that when you spell "Prostitute" with the letter "D" instead of "P" that you get "Dostitute"? And that could be a new word meaning how your progress is being whored with all you do on MS-Dos?.. T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: wouldnt it be Drostitute? T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Um... you get drostitute. T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: a seller of dros - strangely ;) T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill tickles Yamillay :)) T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Instead of "Ronald McDonald" why not have a "Wino McDonalds"? Ay? Ay? Think about it.. Where you just sit inside the restaurant and see what doesn't get done because the workers are drunk lol T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hillos: Hello T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: rubbish attempt at swearing T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hillos: fuck T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ooh! much better! piss! T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec coughs towards Mael, spewing his germs like a firehose! T3/r7/2022-08-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: pretty sure ive been there, y. service sucked. but i ended up with half a sack of barely overcooked fries. T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Is poppycock or cockypop what makes hookers happy? T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sammael: it's money T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: small weapon with big money bags T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: it's the sense of customer service? T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I thought after like a hooker gets a goat then all they want is poppycock T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I was wrong T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: shouldn't of shown him the product:/ T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: rofl T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: the cheaper the more...it doesn't make sense:) T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Your local hooker knows what to do!;( T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: there are many here T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay is donning his cardboard box as camouflage and is staring at Bodhi. What is that noise?? T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay is donning his cardboard box as camouflage and is staring at Bonjour. What is that noise?? T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay grabs his fapping blanket and starts to go to town while looking at MittenSoda Mitsuda. T3/r7/2022-08-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Aaahhh... FInally found a hooker T3/r7/2022-08-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Well I rise like Your Dad from Your mom!! T3/r7/2022-08-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant pokes [FatherYa] Yamillay in the ribs. T3/r7/2022-08-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: want solid advice? T3/r7/2022-08-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: don't put chairs in your bedroom:) T3/r7/2022-08-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: only one place to sit now:) T3/r7/2022-08-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Sly devil, heh T3/r7/2022-08-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-08-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: fucking gargyolyes. T3/r7/2022-08-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking Glen Taylor Roasts Animals Alive T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gallows: up inna yuh bloi bloi string T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: curse channel, not broken rap channel T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: terrible swearing, yet again T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant pees around himself intently. T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy . o O ( syphalitic afterbirth of a drunken gang-bang? ) T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Help me come up with a safe picture for teenagers to laugh at that will go above a caption I'd have on a t-shirt saying "Diarrhea! Please don't hug!".. If you are good with sales you can steal my idea and put on market.. It should sell like crazy T3/r7/2022-08-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: obvious solution is obvious - that caption deserves an entire product line of political candidates, newscasters, and racial stereotypes. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: pst right fuckin MEOW! T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: finally some goo swearing! T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: homo badger T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fucking fat queer T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: What are you going on about? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: some random knobber T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fucking prick T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Someone specific in mind, or just a general unhinged rant? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: lol that serious? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: ranting random obscenities about nothing and nobody in particular T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fat cunt T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: might be trying out the channel T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: I have a satellite shove up my ass T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: do you know what it feels like to have a satellite shoved up your ass? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: its called 'politics', thou insufferable boundless hardship :p T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: I call it 'Bollocks'. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: nah my ass is exit only T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Does anyone know what that feels like? Seems unlikely. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: innebriated fat cock T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: homo badger wank stain T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Scrublet Sammael: What's with all the homo stuff? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: err T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: sry T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: just... T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: get called a crack head a lot cos of my surname, have to vent about something I don't care about either T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fucking filthy crack heads T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: what was your name before neocool? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: matters not T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: I'm a fat bastard with money T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Beats being a fat bastard without money, I suppose. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: precisely T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: can I say shit fuck ass bitch cunt bollocks tits wank but I can't say N... Ni... no... okay T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fucking rant day T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Why would you want to? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: idk I'm just pissed at the world and everyone in it T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: i know u just by this random rant i think T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: "If I could I would make the world suck my dick without a condom on, whilst I'm on the john" - Eminem T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fuck bitches, sluts and tits with itches, cant trip with a hoe that be bangin' 4 inches, when I go hard I go more than 4 a.m until the sun rises again in the sky until the piss comes out and I'm rolling blunts from a fat bag of cannabis T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: At the risk of offending you, Neo, I suspect that you're not getting a lot of dates these days. Or maybe any days. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: lol T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: no fucking shit T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: 40 next year bro T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: when u get old the bitches fold T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: thought you had money T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Old? I'd hate to be hanging since I was 40. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: never had much luck with the ladies T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: wonder why. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: snooty town around here bro T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: hahah might be the attitude or vocab T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: its the poems hes sending them T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: or it could be calling them bitches. But no must just be snootyness :P T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: nah fam, pushed out enough bare freshness, still no fucking attention T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Yeah, the attitue and vocab could be a contributing factor. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: don't matter anyway, enough ass holes in the world already without another T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: i think you might wanna ease up on talking straight out of the 8mile soundtrack too it should help T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: of course it's possible there is one of a mini me out there T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: i think you might wanna ease up on talking straight out of the 8mile soundtrack too it should help T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: you can say that again T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: ikr T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: it's not like I'm looking for my soulmate on a MUD ffs T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Good thing, heh T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia peers intently at a ghostly prostitute. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: in which case I can say fuck shit bollocks ass tits as much as I require to stay sane T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fuck ass shit tits bollocks wankfest fucking major bastard cunt juggler T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 25.prince Talia: what a coincidence that's what I named my first child T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: I'm so happy I could crack an egg on your forehead and then fry your ass T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: neo i bet before you hit sh your channel access gets revoked lol just a feeling i have T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: neo i bet before you hit sh your channel access gets revoked lol just a feeling i have T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: nuh uh bro T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: im taking bets right now T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I didn't think it was possible, Neo, but you're actually giving curse channel a bad name. That's an accomplishment. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: you made me believe you were close to SH Sonny, which is not true, now im sad T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: dude that's not cool, when I've kept my calm for as long as I have done over some shit, got over it, then rage a bit on the afterburners, I don't give a fuck T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Well, this is the channel for it. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: i wish T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: come drag me evl T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: too stronk for that T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: and even if i wasnt, id still slow you down T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: and just for the record curse channel is curse channel where people curse, if you don't like my dick 3waffle then you can type 'curse' to turn this fucktarded channel off, just like when you turned it on T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: In reference to.. what? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: dick waffles, obviously. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: I do like both those thing T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: stick around, I might whop out my 10 foot sausage, slap it on the ground cause an earthquake and power outage for 50 city blocks with severe cock waffle destruction T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: ned ned T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: butt crack warrior, hysteria, story of morning piss up euphoria T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: ballsack T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: *grumble mutter piss in the gutter* T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: SICK OF PEOPLE CALLING ME A CRACK HEAD IRL T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: COULDN'T BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fuck T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: had it since I was in primary school T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fuck heads T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: WOULD YOU LIKE TO SMOKE A SOME HERB WITH ME? HAVE A DRINK AND WHATEVER ELSE? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fucking shit T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: we can have a beer together and conversate about severe PTSD and how the earth is underneath a continuous assquake T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: the worst mistake of god was my day of birth and since then life's a curse for any motherfucker alive or born onto this fucked up earth, re-enable the state of worth cos if someone don't chill the shit then it's only gonna get a whole lot worse, capable of amazing fable, hate to admit I been way down low with my capers, but it has to be, systematically, eratically, the capacity for me to say fuck the free world and the little boys and girls, you all make me hurl, my toes curl, and I can't wait until the season changes and you all sit and swirl T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: cunt T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy has momentarily turned into Captain Tourette. "SHIT FUCK ARRR BALLSACK." T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyBH5oNQOS0 T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: pack a fat pack of bollocks into that cuntsack you fat bastard, ingrown twat balls fucking shit for brains ass to mouth resus bastard, cock mucnhing faggots, innebriated twats and dick licking maggots T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: I'm bored of this T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: I remember when I had my first beer T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: That had occurred to me, too. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: right I'm done for another fuck off bastard pack of shit head months T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: fuck this retarded cunt bastard ass bitch channel T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Ey, retarded is where I draw the line T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Well, you've gotten your money's worth. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: tthinking someones parents forgot to put password on his comp T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I mean at least you're swearing properly :) T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: As well as the rest of this community T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: chan ban? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: K.O T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: i won T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool: one last thing T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) NeoCool drops his pants and gives you the vertical smile! T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: parental controls neeed to be set for little neo lol! T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: I don't think this distinction has been made before, but curse is supposed to be gossip... just with curse words being allowed. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: What, there's a usage manual? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: I thought it was common sense? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Make it Reyn strongly suggests you all rtfm. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Never occurred to me that curse was supposed to be gossip. I thought it was supposed to be sports with curse words :P T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: Curse ON X-Rated : A place to let off steam. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: You can spew profanity literally anywhere... ftalk, immtalk, gclan, pick your poison. If people think that this channel is just an excuse to say 'cunt' for zero reason then why T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Mael: 'Wow this day sucked' vs 'Holy shit, what a fucking day' T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: For instance. The fucking Yankees have been a disaster for about a month. Good fucking thing they pulled one out of their ass last night. See? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys rapidly nods twice at Rhavage, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: It's still a channel. Just spouting random garbage doesn't make sense? T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Well, there's the beauty of curse channel, then. You can swear all you want and have it attached to nothing at all. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Eh, it's just my opinion. It holds no grounds in the -real- intention of the channel. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Whatever the fuck this channel is for. Just seems like an excuse for aimless profanity. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: penis T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant pees around himself intently. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: twat! T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill lol T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: PENIS T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon peers intently at Mael. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: PEEEENNNIIISSSS T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: (what is this, 2am at Denny's?) T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: I feel sorry for those at work with their boss standing behind them T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i twerk with my boss standing behind me T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: To be fair, if your boss is watching you MUD, they either don't care or you're fucked anyway. T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: my boss is kinna hot T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: See, Enlossys is just cursing on the actual gossip-curse channel. I'm playing with fire by helping newbies while I chat here :V T3/r7/2022-08-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: I don't want a hot boss,might not notice when my salary is short T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: I believe I can fly! T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Look At Stone Cold Stuyvesant Bogart That BlUnT! What A Greedy Bastod! T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: I believe I can touch the sky! T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: we didnt start the fire... T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: it was always burnin since the worlds been turnin... T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant goes ooOOooOOoo at Love & Wars. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: move your hands one letter to the right, google can correct that shit flawlessly - but all my perfectly typed searches get 'autocorrected' into uselessness. what the actual fuck? T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: never had this shit happen with lycos. man, i miss the l. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guinness: I'm always fascinated at all the search options for words that are spelled incorrectly T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Frilik: Singularity google bot hates good spelling. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Frilik: It wants the throng of unwashed can't spell masses. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guinness throws back her head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Guess I'm half-assing it. :V T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ichibo: This is new? T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon chortles mischievously. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ichibo winks at Epsilon. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Mostly a reference to gossip, to be fair. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: oh gosh has Cilmi ass-ass-ined you? T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ichibo: half-ass-inated from the looks of it T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: no, no, remember, you were the one who got assassinated, I just got my ass banished off. :V T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon clears his throat loudly and looks around. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: oh yeah. Wait, aren't I supposed to be dead? T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: To be fair, I think we all are. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: Death is cheap. :V T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: bolah dah de dum de dah, it is good day to be not dead! T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon sings about being optimistic while being crucified. Fucking looney. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: oh yeah, this is curse, so I can do this T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc starts cussing up a storm. "GodDamnIt MotherFuckerBitches!!" T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: that was terrible fucking swearing ability, Rely T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ShitBotIvar! Reltubydoc!! Jizzmopper!! hiskAhimbidi dOOWaaDUUWAAheheyaaa!!! T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: lol T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon adds Carlin's 7 dirty words to his socials-to-make list. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Slut fuck Reltubydoc bitchass Stendarr fuckstick. Captain Tourette strikes again. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss? T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon pats Cilmarill on her head. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: yep, piss indeed T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: poopoo... T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: fear the wrath of my swearing, you big... stupid... doodoo heads :P T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: poopoo is rubbish - you could probably say that on gossip T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: THE ARISTOCRATS! T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon looks around and whistles innocently. T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill pokes Epsilon gentle fucking hard T3/r7/2022-08-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Epsilon: bow chicka wow wow T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: if she comes wearing pink, send her home T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: bags! T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: In your family you can't be "The Man" because your mom is my brother..:\ T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I put this joke on youtube to keep me with more credit forgive me but:: Yo mother is so old that when "God" said "Let there be light", Yo mother turned on the T-V instead... ****Drops the mic**** T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage commits suicide. T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: hahahahahahha T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: I dont get it T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I guess you haven't been around many old people then:P T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars: that or your joke made no sense T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: So you assume old people can get things done right all the time.. Is that so?:P T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl forces a gag into Love & Wars's mouth. Ahhh, blessed quiet. T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Love & Wars sighs. T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight strokes Love & Wars's inner thigh...someone tell them to get a room! T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muze Delight squeals with Delight as Love & Wars Sniggles her! T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: it needed to be done for mental health reasons, we already lost Rhavage T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guinness: i am intrigued. how did my mother have a television before televisions were invented? did god already have all the inventions? T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl dies T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Jesus wasn't the only inventor back then? T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I mean "Cmon now" quit bustin my chops.. I'm suppse to be the holy father for cryin out loud.. Originally the joke ended with someone's mom hitting the light switch:P T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl tickles [FatherYa] Yamillay. T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay enthusiastically high-fives Dr. Evl! T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: had to get some giggles out of that terrible joke XD T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay grins evilly. T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: that's why yo momma so fat that she has to eat a triple fat goose to help her fly! T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Nintendo's "Kirby" was the inspiration that helped me invent that T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Frilik: ok bc we are having fun I'll just do this 8========D (()) T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: rofl T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Frilik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVg8o8BxNQM&t=1512s T3/r7/2022-08-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Frilik: enjoy T3/r7/2022-08-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: wtf 18x24" frames are like 30 apiece on amazon? T3/r7/2022-08-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: for the CHEAP ONES T3/r7/2022-08-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: we have to support china's military somehow T3/r7/2022-08-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Better search your 99-cent or dollar bargain stores because that's what I do sometimes T3/r7/2022-08-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: yeah good thinking...Michael's pricing so convoluted, one of those everything jacked up bigly but now buy 1 get 1 etc. T3/r7/2022-08-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Amazon sometimes has sellers that mislead with their advertisement! I went to purchase someone a affordable men's gold watch and before I could give it I noticed that the face of the watch was a little too small so I compared to a watch I had ahead of time and noticed that the face on the newer watch is smaller.. So now I have just been sold a woman's or Kid's watch! T3/r7/2022-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so stupid that she thinks A.D.D is short for "All terrain vehicle"..:\ T3/r7/2022-08-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Garence: it has to be fucking sendhia again!... thank you oh so much questor T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: bbiab = "beat box instantly aftwards, bitch!"? T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: You don't have to be thug to be able to handle a lady during the time "Aunt flow" arrives... But seriously if you can't handle a lady during that time then technically you shouldn't be able to handle a virgin because they sprinkle a little the first time:P T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: dead god T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: I meant dead, but dead is fine T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn sighs. T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: #sanguine moon T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: mines immortal T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.. Because when we see your food that's where our hearts fall to, right in the stomach.. **Nods** T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: they didnt used to teach men to cook...those sayings are outworn T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: the way to a man's heart is through the bugatti T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: now getcher ass over here and make me dinner!! T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite is agreeing with that Bloodthorn person again... T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: please hire that man for car dealership commercials T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I am tired of the lame commercials we have these days T3/r7/2022-08-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Azurite: yes! perfect! T3/r7/2022-08-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Maybe if the C-D-C said "Cooties" instead of "Covid" people would take the sickness more serious?:P T3/r7/2022-08-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Hows my jestering? pst about how it's rated.. Turnin this channel off for a little awhile now T3/r7/2022-08-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fuckin' cooties, man. shit like that is why i only groove on unicorn plushies. T3/r7/2022-08-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: can only chew bubblegum for a certain amount of time... T3/r7/2022-08-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: now sit down and think about that T3/r7/2022-08-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: all I'l thinking about is that lack of pissing swear words coming out of your mouth, not the bubblegum within it T3/r7/2022-08-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: oh, that statement says alot T3/r7/2022-08-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: you might laugh at this but to give you a more sugar-coated metaphor to expose what it's somewhat like for me in "Philadelphia" from childhood on up to adult years and I traveled outside city state and country once but Philadelphia was always my home but people in this city never wanted me to feel like this place should be my home because everyone hides how they have nasty attitudes.. I don't hide anything and I would have a nasty attitude but refuse to succumb to the powers that be in control of my city... Check out this video and watch "What happens to Raziel when he shows Kain that he got wings before Kain as a vampire":: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DOKzTHaPfM ##Justsayin T3/r7/2022-08-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dogwater Welding: jesus my eyes T3/r7/2022-08-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: sorry T3/r7/2022-08-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: wanted to tickle ya T3/r7/2022-08-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: everytime I have to go to crynn's for a quest I start singing "shut your fucking face uncle fucker" in my head T3/r7/2022-08-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: as good a song as any for that area T3/r7/2022-08-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: you're a boner biting bastard uncle fucker T3/r7/2022-08-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Your mother is so slow that she believes that submarines can only be used in "pepsi"... T3/r7/2022-08-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: Peekaboo mother fuckers! T3/r7/2022-08-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay runs away from Bodhi in utter terror and horror! T3/r7/2022-08-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Menpehtyre: &nou T3/r7/2022-08-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc says "It's Reltubydocing time!" and Reltubydocs everywhere. T3/r7/2022-08-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Count Zensch: fuck you Grax! T3/r7/2022-09-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lbid 29692 I likey that back, I don't know how to act! Slow motion for me! Slow motion for me.. Slow motion for me T3/r7/2022-09-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Here's an obvious yo momma joke I made you should have discovered first T3/r7/2022-09-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Your mother is so fat that she looks like she ate Rosanne Bar instead of one made of "Raisen"!!! T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay is getting ready to invite somebody to play their mouth-based video game! T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay shoves Cilmarill's head between their legs so they can play the GAME properly. T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay pulls his pants back up and shouts 'DUDE, IT'S NOT A DICK!' T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Forgive me but before my meds I was almost similar to being a super petty theft criminal and now I am on meds and as gentle as a kitten... Before meds I was waiting for people I hated to go on vacation so I could break into their house and steal all their copper in real life as well as their brass from around their house heaters and I always won because the damage was so bad that the people had to move their stuff out lol T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: you shoulda stole their TP, worth more than copper T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: try taking pounds of that stuff to your local junk yard like I did T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: you get more if you separate it nicely and give to junk yard so they can pay you T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: and I never got caught for any cars I stole T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I drove the "E" class T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: "S" class T3/r7/2022-09-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: that's as far as I go T3/r7/2022-09-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so short that she can't afford to pay today.. T3/r7/2022-09-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kerith: ^ soo broke T3/r7/2022-09-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma so short that I want my money back!! LOL T3/r7/2022-09-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: How come we don't have any weapons like "A long bra strap"?:P T3/r7/2022-09-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: some thief u r:P T3/r7/2022-09-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: In heaven there's rent-a-cops guarding the gates.. God has them there to let "Satan" through whenever the devil wants to snatch people that belong in hell... Obviously an angel or angels sent by God guarding the gates would never let that happen and so now we must reason with ourselves on how to take take the right path or how to get back on:P T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sat too close to a wild cat and now there's so many cuts on my butt that I can't sleep because mice think I look like meat and they bite me for that:~( T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck Samsung T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: that's how ya get electric-clymidia T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sexting is o-k other than that just keep your private parts away from samsung devices T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: did your phone bite you again? :) T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: no, my phone sucks.. You know that;) T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: grin :) T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking power grid T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo eyes the room suspiciously. T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: wear protection T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: it's electrifyin! T3/r7/2022-09-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Toastimus: I thought that's what surge protectors were for? T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: cool thanks T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) an evil human winces slightly as [DEMON] Khadaji pins V3 Order Of The Bots to his chest. T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl winces slightly as [DEMON] Khadaji pins V3 Order Of The Bots to his chest. T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = cur + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: = 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: awks T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: rip evl T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Karhunri: wow another bot gone wild T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: hehe T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] Khadaji: suspicion = suspicion + 1 T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: that's a lot of addition. You're going to hurt someone. T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dr. Evl: trying to increase my curse T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sometimes people want street credit.. Nothing wrong with that... Just don't sell yourself short for "Street credit" if you can.. I believe in you and ever since I been around u fuckers u been the coolest... So if someone has a gimmick on "Street credit" Try to resist... Ya shoulda saw what almost happened to me recently and now I stay in the house. lol T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ninja Najin: "It's all in the game" - Shotgun Omar T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I was with a goon in his car that wasn't fully paid for so the police stopped us and just before both officers approached the car the goon with me forgets that I am 40 years old and he starts lying about being able to bail me out after he passes me 500 bucks worth of cocaine in his car so I told the goon and calm down and bluff the officer and he did and then police played the name game with me.. I says (Yamillay)Jamille and it's latin and they said "You're Jameel, aren't ya?!" I couldn't argue so I agreed with the officer and me and the goon was released to never hang out ever again The End T3/r7/2022-09-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: So I told the goon to calm down T3/r7/2022-09-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: those big snakes can be ruff yam :) T3/r7/2022-09-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay sexes luxuriously. Kinda makes you want to, doesn't it? T3/r7/2022-09-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: fuck you questor and the four gates of horath that you road in on. T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: "Have fun getting played dumb ass." Someone just said this to my friend. T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: that's very mean T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: your friend a lady? T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi is agreeing with that [FatherYa] Yamillay person again... T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: My friend is a guy who is interested in a woman, but the person I mentioned thinks he is just getting played. T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Ah.. Well I forget the name of the old song that use to go like this "Darlin just use me and use me till I'm all used up".. If it's a trap and he knows it is then just watch chemistry form or sparks fly when one of the mates doesn't get what they want in the long run T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: If he wants to be used, that's his god given right. T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: agreed T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: trapoholics! lol T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Some young adult girls sneak on a little bath oil bead with calgon and then after rinsing and drying and putting on their clothes the ladies then have the most stupid idea of all time and that's walking to me after that like they're sayin "TAKE ME AWAY" like the calgon advertising use to say... My opinion here is that "If you want me then show up with a trench coat having nothing on under it" I'll observe you closer like other ladies I had because "BLuto voice from popeye cartoon saying: IT'S JUST THE GENTLEMAN THING TO DOOOOOO"! lol T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Well, Yo momma got a flat stomach with a "Wic" ad.. T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: bro T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: That's the new "Daddy" joke I invented by re-invented the "yo momma joke" that's originally like "Yo momma got a fat butt with a kickstand" T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: That's the new "Daddy" joke I invented by re-inventing the "yo momma joke" that's originally like "Yo momma got a fat butt with a kickstand" T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: sorry about that error T3/r7/2022-09-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: This is a video of Chuft after aarding before he leaves for work, lol! " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDKI7AWsouU " T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Like if you ladies offer sex and I'm not giving then maybe it's because I'm not ready... Have faith and in time that flower will blossom, right?:P T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sorry, i havent had enough coffee yet to respond to that yam :) T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kerith: thats not curse/joke go away :p T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: the problem here is T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: when you dream of ladies offering sex, the flower can't "blossom," as it were because you have to wake up eventually to the reality where you can't get none and spend your mud life talking about it. T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: some say fuck, or shit, or cock knuckle T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Eroe! Don't be a beta male! When you talk like that it makes you sound like a large "man-jyna":P T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grrdy: off T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grrdy: lol T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grrdy tries to sing, but fails miserably. T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Martinvs: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i'll take anal bum cover for 700 T3/r7/2022-09-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i can read, trebek T3/r7/2022-09-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: U have sexth like a hace rorse?:P T3/r7/2022-09-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grrdy: Oysters. Too many fucking oysters. T3/r7/2022-09-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yo momma must be a nascar race-car driver because she burned 8 rubbers in one night... T3/r7/2022-09-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: New term... "Retardatytis = fear of education" agreed?:P T3/r7/2022-09-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I didn't notice a little pyro-maniac trait in me till I purchased a 25 pack of irl cigarette lighters T3/r7/2022-09-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Cybersex is not dead... Auction history might not show it but a few days back or so someone purchased 2 hoes for 100 gold each... T3/r7/2022-09-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: the problem with 100gp hoes is aint noone want dat ass. T3/r7/2022-09-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: noexp T3/r7/2022-09-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: potty mouth! T3/r7/2022-09-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Can't De Cide gasps in astonishment. T3/r7/2022-09-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Methuselah Zensch: #masturbation T3/r7/2022-09-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: some don't have someone to hump T3/r7/2022-09-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: Balls. T3/r7/2022-09-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN T3/r7/2022-09-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grrdy: commander T3/r7/2022-09-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grrdy buries his face in his hand and sighs, shaking his head. T3/r7/2022-09-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Father I don't wanna practice the hamster style anymore T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: FUCK i got raped to death by geese T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: the geese is leese T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: anyone want to tank some rapacious geese for me T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: don't worry I banged them for you T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: here's to the geese of sailor town the white the black the squawking and down T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: walk right in throw your breadcrumbs down T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: and get banged by a goose T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: there's one good goose left in the world T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: I swear I took it for a whirl T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: I saw that feathered sexy rump T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: and I gave that honking butt a pump T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: here's to the geese of feather town T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: the white the black the squawky and down T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: walk right in throw your breadcrumbs down T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: and get banged by a goose T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: I could really use a hand with these longneck shaggers T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: they're biting my johnny T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: and I'm only level 84 T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: FUCKING HADES HELMET T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: those geese own the lease to my fat ass T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: shit's sailors T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: I'll have you know that I yardsaled the SHIT out of those birds no thanks to you hotglue enthusiasts T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: when you se you momma scripting double XP like this asshole and his 20 characters tell her I said THANKS T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: prick bastard penis wrinkle T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: slovenly shoemaker T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: fucking tart of tartaria T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: friggin in the riggin T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Millshay: there's fuckall else to do T3/r7/2022-09-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Karhunri: alig T3/r7/2022-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Karhunri: alig T3/r7/2022-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: blig T3/r7/2022-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: clig? T3/r7/2022-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: m T3/r7/2022-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Watch out, Mannec is sneezing his CovAIDS everywhere! T3/r7/2022-09-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Karhunri: alig T3/r7/2022-09-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: heh. That doesn't work here, unfortunately. T3/r7/2022-09-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: Gotta change your alignment the hard way. T3/r7/2022-09-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Karhunri: rofl yeah its a reflex from other mud haha T3/r7/2022-09-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: there's no social for "turning off internet porn"? 0_o lol T3/r7/2022-09-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: how about "Player makes you back out. Now you can't COME back" T3/r7/2022-09-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: while turning off internet porn might be an inherently social act, its also an entirely fictitious one. T3/r7/2022-09-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kerith: jor T3/r7/2022-09-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: cob T3/r7/2022-09-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fiesty Lilbabe: cob T3/r7/2022-10-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: My penis is harder than education and it's not gonna suck it's self T3/r7/2022-10-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay runs away in utter terror! T3/r7/2022-10-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: crynn q for minimim qp, fml T3/r7/2022-10-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: suckme tuesdays... When's that happening? T3/r7/2022-10-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: mischan, sorry T3/r7/2022-10-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Grrdy: Soooon.... T3/r7/2022-10-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: u should hate a cocktease and not help one:P T3/r7/2022-10-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc tosses his head and says "01100110011101010110001101101011!" T3/r7/2022-10-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: just my fuckin luck, time for my bi-monthly FB checkin and the site is "Down for Maintenance" T3/r7/2022-10-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: damn facebook! :) T3/r7/2022-10-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: luckily, pretty sure my cousin has kept popping them out so I just need to say "cute kiddo" T3/r7/2022-10-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh :) T3/r7/2022-10-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Sex! I always wanted to say that here on T-V.. Thank you!! T3/r7/2022-10-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Minicons can't be stolen if there's no autobots and decepticons tho T3/r7/2022-10-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: mom's cool for once cuz she's going to save money with me to help me complete my collection of autobots and decepticons T3/r7/2022-10-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: the "T" word is taboo T3/r7/2022-10-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: don't call those bots that word T3/r7/2022-10-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I use to be a kid in school hallways but now I'm an adult into alcohol:P T3/r7/2022-10-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im all for finding abducted children, but like wtf they can't geolocate the Ambert Alerts with a certain radius? T3/r7/2022-10-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: May I stand behind your computer? I can't help myself, because your bot is so tight... T3/r7/2022-10-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Show me your fortune cookie fortune.. Here's one of mine and it's new but the saying on it is late.. LOL:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PeY1KCt9CE T3/r7/2022-10-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I got 6900 hp max T3/r7/2022-10-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: 69 as hp?! T3/r7/2022-10-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jyin: why the fuck are some of the tasks so fucking hard to get the next step? T3/r7/2022-10-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: My first covid!! I'm that guy who's face hasn't been seen for 2.5 years. T3/r7/2022-10-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: Well, DAG NABBIT T3/r7/2022-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how soon is too soon for "i fucking told you so" ? T3/r7/2022-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: what did you fucking told me so? T3/r7/2022-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: pfft I fucking told you so T3/r7/2022-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: an hour? :) T3/r7/2022-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: Yajan gets it T3/r7/2022-10-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: Mush, I fucking told you so T3/r7/2022-10-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fatherman: dummy T3/r7/2022-10-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: No 271 aard weapons yet... I can have sex faster than this... T3/r7/2022-10-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: What?! At least I know what I am doing that's why I can do it faster! T3/r7/2022-10-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: shitpisscuntmotherfuckingfartsniffindonkeyhumpinintergalacticplanetary! T3/r7/2022-10-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck Google, it is not MY fault any quarterly stock expectations werent met long ago, please do not interrupt every 3 minutes so kiddo gets 16th Prius T3/r7/2022-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: finger self is still funny T3/r7/2022-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: if you're laughing then you're doing it wrong T3/r7/2022-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but it tickles :D T3/r7/2022-10-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael probes Dein Untergang. You feel disgusted, yet slightly aroused. T3/r7/2022-10-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: With this Pot-sickle I thee fed T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: maan.. I have sex faster than this... T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yes I am bragging! At least I know what I am doing so I can do it faster T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: first to cum wins right T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: thats racist, g T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: yessir T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: last has to eat the biscut T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-10-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: foreign bedroom term: What is Segaing your genesis? That's when you let a lady give you head before you hit her vagina... See she's using her mouth to make sure that the cartridge works before you put it into her game-system;) T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: DO not smoke, people... But if you mess with tobacco this is me in my adult-time showing you how to use a hand-tobacco injector to make a cigarette properly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIApNco9Hbs T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha, i'm on a quest to find a consumable to harden. T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang kicks her leg up and boots herself in the head. T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang seems to have a really vivid imagination... He's popped his eyeball out, but there's NO WAY he's gonna even come close. T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) OMG! Fyzzy Xyzzy just popped out a bouncing skull's eyeball and is now skullfucking it! Hmmm... what's that white stuff leaking from a bouncing skull's ears? T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang cries out "FUCK ME! DEAR GOD! FUCK ME!!" as she dies with only 1 tnl. T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Spellup Roninleader: the post-death spellup will likely cause you to level. :D T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan has now completely mastered dual-wield! T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: you know that thing where cats will knock things off of other things, so they end up lost for ages? you would think that /not having a cat/ would prevent that sort of thing - but FUCK NO! T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: It's the essence of cat. T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: They sneak in while you sleep. T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I SLEEP TWO EYES OPEN T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: hmm. you know, that sounds entirely plausible. i wonder if that is phase 2? T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: But you need three. T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: might be a cat in the wall situation T3/r7/2022-10-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fucking wall cats, man. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: women are fucking dumb in this area T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: women are fucking dumb in every area. if they werent, there wouldnt be a next generation. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill challenges you to a dumb competition T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: THUMB WAR!!! T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i had some chick mad i wanted to talk to her after she followed me home. acted like a jerk and then got mad at me. i don't know her, she aint gettin princess treatment kuz she followed me how. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: what was she after? T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang twiddles Cilmarill's ears. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: she wanted the D she didnt get last time she came over T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: cil i'm still wanting to duel again someday T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: anyways, i did kinda end up flucking and then she got weird and was asking to see stuff and i showed and she got mad and was like why would you show me exactly what i asked for and i did the you fucking asked thing and then we were yelling in the street about how we liked each other and then she went to get meth and i realised i'm drunk as fuck and stupid T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i dont fucking understand, how does a resort decide their cybersec means i cant look up their shit T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: b/c im on a VPN, like is this for real? i can still access all sorts of "real" websites T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: sounds like their stuff was technically on an internal network, but blocked from exterior access. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: bougie T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: its not like im bouncing through a -stan. Im literally in their town T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: by their I mean Disney, b/c IM trying to organize an Aard vacation at Disney World T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: but their server sees it as coming from outside their resort. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: it appears out of my budget sorry T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fancy Feast: the bots might enjoy it T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: this my second vote https://www.schlitterbahn.com/new-braunfels T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i will say, schlitterbahnn is fucking awesome. and if i ever win the lottery, yall all invited :) T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: real lottery, not aard lottery T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Here's a link to a audio recording of a male and female arguing since they're both nasty and they use their time on the chat in the recording to rationalize and it sounds funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUGaX9mvZcw T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang just popped out of a cake wearing only glitter! T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: why was the cake wearing glitter? T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy eats, shoots, and leaves. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PERVERT PRESENT! Dein Untergang is trying to flash herself. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang is looking around with a face of panic as she searches for her fapping blanket. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: socials are weird T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: I just learned what "boofing" means. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: the easy way? or the hard way? T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: the hard way T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: lucky! T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: BIIIIIIIIITCH I'M THE MAN OF THA HOUSE T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: today is Thursday? T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: all day, subject to change without notice. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: mother fucker it's a different day! T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: ah, you noticed. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I dunno why these channels gotta look identical T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I'm gonna end up swearing on epics and get banned T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: change your fucking colorsets! T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: FUCK ME! OK! T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: eww, no. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: Basically anyone who bids under 1 million gold for a TP is added to my kill list. T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: now say it with a curse T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bodhi: bitches! T3/r7/2022-10-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill bonks Bodhi on the head for being such an UTTER moron. T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: The name Bologna is available for use. T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy . o O ( My bologna has a first name, it's O-s-c-a-r... my bologna has a second name, it's M-a-y-e-r... ) T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: And it strange that you named it :P T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: ViennaSausage is too long. T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: that explains quite a bit around here... T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-10-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: vidblain is butt. i kinda appreciate the horrors of making maps to be a dick, but still right now fuck vidblain. T3/r7/2022-10-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Fuck all the "the doors in your home don't lead where you think they do" -nightmare inducing mazes. With a passion. T3/r7/2022-10-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: bagger T3/r7/2022-10-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Old Person is a really good horror. T3/r7/2022-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im going to choose to call thse mfers out only b/c their ad interrupted my google music playing. and i made sure to click so they would be charged too https://www.prageru.com/about T3/r7/2022-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gwynyfar: anybody know how to go about getting deprogrammed...like from a cult? T3/r7/2022-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Did you invest into Tesla? T3/r7/2022-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gwynyfar: i want that car....not that cult lol T3/r7/2022-10-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Girl outside tried to offer me the 'Rusty trombone" I guess I had waay too many ladies and now they want revenge:P T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: tell me there aren't "random people" that see time differently? Deltron Zero aka 3030 in 2008 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrEdbKwivCI T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Methuselah Zensch: fuck aoe spells! :D T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: i wouldnt - those damn things have been _everywhere_. T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Methuselah Zensch: don't reproduce them? T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Methuselah Zensch nods quietly to himself. What a wacko. T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jyin: i fucking hate rooms that have 10 aggro mobs that respawn before you can kill them all and are in a no recall area T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: unescapable gangbang T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Abig: I know what you mean ... not everyone wants faster area resets T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jyin: i would be fine with it except its a full room that respawns full every time T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: based on my recent egg carton purchase, i just want to remind everyone "GLEN TAYLOR ROAASTS ANIMALS ALIVE" fuck that dude T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Haters I learned from paying attention to other musicians on guitar that without being taught I have been taking advantage of the "Chromatic scale"... Hardest and easiest to learn according to one pro that I am not.. I am always amateur.. Thanks for reading- T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: unless this is your subtle way of saying you're despirately poor T3/r7/2022-10-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: mischan T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Yamillay Quote - Education is a joke and that's why I don't get it.. My apologies.. Just sayin.. #JustSayin T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay opens your prostate and makes a generous deposit. T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy has just bypassed [FatherYa] Yamillay's anus and connected his intestines directly to his mouth. Now [FatherYa] Yamillay can REALLY talk some shit. T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Human ouroborous T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: (of shit) T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Grddy you hate eygpythion mythology? T3/r7/2022-10-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Not in particular. T3/r7/2022-10-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Simetra! 69 is a magical number! T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck people who remove their mufflers, soup up engine noise whatever T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: also those who drive bright yellow cars (not including the short bus, those folks I'm okay with) T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Agreed. Fuck them to death. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: A little gentler with the ones who drive bright yellow cars, but to death neverthless T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: maybe im just bitter my favorite cartoonist quit b/c all the folks with jacked up trucks, bumper sticker peeing on the other brand T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Calvin was not designed for weird 'Murica truck brand loyalty war :-( T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Also: fuck the said war. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: there is a clerks 3? this is gonna be a trashpile T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cosette: lol T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: lol i just heard some mfer describe TPB as an 'beaten site' T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Beaten by what? O_o T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: I still use it T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: haha yeah im like oh really :) T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: one of my fave countries in the world is sweden :) T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: the question is, can you trust a VPN run by tpb folks? T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: maybe wrong fucking channel, anyway GLEN TAYLOR ROASTS ANIMALS ALIVE. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: LOL T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: like crabs? T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: i guess thats more a boil T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Soloran: mmmm crawfish T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: remember to kill the crawfish first tho T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Soloran: ew gross T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul snickers with Innuendo about their shared secret. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Soloran: If you do that, you don't get to hear their screams T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if they don't squirm, you're not daring enough T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "they disappeared into the depths of the internet" lol T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: well, i'm a bit drunk at noon. so i'm gonna go read some harem litrpg i downloaded because it's stupid that gacha games are enough of a part of life to be books now. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: can i look up what that literary genre is without being on...? haha I still subscribe to three stooges theory of being on lists T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, battlemaster's gambit. prob need like 4 vpns and tor to not get on a list for reading weird shit T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: well you'd already be wrong, b/c VPN plus 1, TOR plus 2 (now you're looking sheisty ;) T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: stupid ass toilet design...been baffled why I put new flapper in and still leaks...FINALLY figured it out. Stupid refill tube is syphoning water from bottom of tank and putting it into the bowl! T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: do you have goldfish and could they help? T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: hehe T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: your cp target? yeah... 36.oyster T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: obviously T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck kevin bacon, I say it's only two degrees of connection for anyone that matters T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: I had to go to another local store instead because the first one I went to was being robbed.. That's why I don't have many spanish people to enjoy talking to in my community:( T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: why is she limping after them? she can juckin fly T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: off to the beer store so i can grind qp and watch beavis and butthead all night. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: You will not restrain the almighty bunghole T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: fuck i typed quit instead of quest... T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oof T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: Woops. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) PenguinGod Galoth: protip, always have nosave stuff on you, never be able to just quit T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: perfect. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron agrees! T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck it. this whopper commercial wins. i'm having bk for lunch tomorrow. T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jyin: fucking geese suck T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: you shouldnt fuck geese T3/r7/2022-10-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the cloaca isn't meant for it T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: dingbat T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: jackass T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Soloran: poop T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: humbug T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: pony T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: wee-wee T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Graoldan: nugget T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang loves kids so much he is attempting to breed with himself. T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kankourou: wow... T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael is planting his ass on Dein Untergang's face, why is he holding a jar of jam? T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm in my 30s, perfect time to start learning how things work T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Kankourou: will turn this channel off T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: off T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: h 10 T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: unsubscribe T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jesus falls off the shortbus scraping his knees and Mael laughs his ass off at him! T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i still am finding odd socials. it's so much more fun that doing anything useful T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck me to death this rice is the best T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: holy shit i been talking to some cchick while drinking and she sent me a pic of an adult in a onsie in her kitchen and i think i know enough to bail T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: no one here is going to send you bail T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: maybe it was just really cold and the onesie was comfy T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: even then, nothing wrong with adults in onesies, right? Unless it means something completely different here. I just know Onesies as those warm fluffy animal costumes T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: what do you assholes wear? twosies like morons? T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: yeah wtf is wrong with Onesies T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: fivesies T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: I was thinkin of getting a fforty-twosie T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: wait, we're looking at this wrong maybe? Maybe the Onesie wearer was another guy and Untergang was not looking for Poligamy T3/r7/2022-10-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc apologizes profusely. T3/r7/2022-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Watch this hip grandma call "Shotgun" seat in the car, it's funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE9n34ImYKE T3/r7/2022-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Having his mind set on it, Dein Untergang is training to perform rimjobs on himself. T3/r7/2022-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: logged into disney 4 times today, watched two episodes. what the dick disney? T3/r7/2022-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang rages to himself. T3/r7/2022-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang sings to himself about murdering all these assholes T3/r7/2022-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I CAN FUCKING IMMOLATE I CAN FUCKIN IMMOLATE!!!! T3/r7/2022-10-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck that gquest telling me to kill baby birds. atleast tell me to murder children or something that deserves it. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fucking hell. i found a vid that makes a drinking game from the show boondox and it's a danger to play T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: How is it a danger? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: https://ibb.co/zJQRkCV T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: those are the rules for the game. that's a lot of drinking T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: Nod, but I think that the Bob Newhard game might cause more drinking, but I haven't watched Boondocks. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm gonna look that up quick T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: You take a drink anytime someone says Bob, and you chug it if someone say Hi Bob. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: to be clear on the boondox game. all of those things happen mostly all the time. even just one of those and in a few eps you'd be fairly boozed save maybe hugey being woke. he kinda does his but maybe that should have been him refrencing samuris or spouting existential bullshit, which is like 80% of his lines T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron nods. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Remember: the route to all evil is merely just sayin this non-existent word "deflabbaladdacus" T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i dunno what bob newhart is but this isn't helping me by having looked it up. also, i'm pretty drunk from watching boondox T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: I see. It is a 1980 sitcom and they say his name all the time. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, chris farley playing a drinking game might be a sign to not play T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, i took enough shots during this to forget i was drinking and stopped taking shots T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: two hours watching a 36 min video. i'm fucked T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: that's how I am on marijuana with marijuana... Then I wake up hours later and see a bunch of buds instead of a bottle sometimes that's only half full:P T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, my bro wants me to visit and its legal and i'm scared i wont remember going to see him T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: see'em when yer sober:) T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: well i would til i end up smoking something and then i basically spent a bunch of money to remember the flight there T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm not gonna not smoke a joint in public and then eat crab til i'm painfully full. but yea, i'd not really remember the trip. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i swear to fucking god, someone who's go FU money..PLEASE spend the 100 bucks or whatever to design a 1800 phone tree system T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: that begins with "Menu options are the fucking same, Press them and if you dont remember hang the fuck up" T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i literally know the codes to find a rep through my local bank yet they keep changing T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: so better than ones that change everytime you call? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: no that's the problem they HAve CHANGED. yet the phone tree hasnt T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: so yea. haha, let me hit 3 if i need to talk to someone or let me hit 1 to know what's in the account T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: what. the options don't line up? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: you live in a world of madness where you don't even have the instructions tell you the truth? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Education is irrelevant and not intelligent? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: do what i would and walk in drunk, barefoot, and with a hatchet on your belt. seems to always work if i have to go to the bank in person T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay laughs hysterically at Dein Untergang, OMG! his ass just fell off!! T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm not thinking that maybe my bank has been really chill with me T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: now* T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: personally my phone tree options would be 1) If you know my dog's name, but you better be damn sure you want to ring my phone live or 2) You're asking for money, I have none sorry, 3) You're going to claim friend of friend, this is acceptable T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm too drunk to not be an asshole. not gonna try but i just feel like i'm gonna anyways T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang rots internally from having already died inside. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i fuckin love F+ T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i def shouldn't try to watch another boondox drinking game. but whatever T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: made rice n bacon and fucked it and put way too much ghost pepper so i gotta go get sour cream and bread and hope its edible at that point T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: why is it that 90% of the time that i check the news, I have to say wtf T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Methuselah Zensch: what's happened? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: well there's a crowd surge in SK, which is terrible. not what i was saying wtf about though T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: this 'furries conspiracy' ... a US Senate candidate expects me to believe kids in public schools are choosing to use litter boxes? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: frig deadlights T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: hahahaha, accidentaly killed myself a second time T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: HAHA metaverse has lost 700 billion fuckin dollars. haha, i love that so much. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: technically its the shareholders that lost that much T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is Dog the Bounty Hunter after that stablecoin guy yet? T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: stablecoin? never heard of it but i'm guessing a crypto scam. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: metaverse is piss. swear word. best thing about it is how it reminds us that people with loads of money are not super people, they're idiots just the same T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: it's basically second level fake money? guess that would make it exponential monopoly...:-/ T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i am still waiting for a vr chat ability to watch netflix but you meet in a room where all the movies are arranged on shelves and you gotta like pick one up and take it back to your main area and put it in a thing then watch the movie. so basically a video shop. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: Steam had one for a while T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'm still waiting for someone to bonk Untergang on the head.. oh wait T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Tuesday my babydude prob will headbutt the shit outta me when i'm not expecting it. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill bonks Untergang on the head for being such an UTTER moron. and then giggles T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also piss. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang bangs his head against the wall, exhausted at the thought of yet more PK. T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ooh! kill the Unter! head banging awaits! T3/r7/2022-10-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang is stripping his gear off and is yelling at Cilmarill to not gank him. T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: my hoe is a better main than my aard axe and i dunno if that's bullshit or awesome T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: (Shimmering) a hoe [L198 exotic] : Ave617 DR26 HR16 Wgt21 Str6 Int1 Wis7 Dex1 Con1 Lck12 T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: where the fuck did i get a pil that causes serious and blesses? T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: where the fuck did i get a pil that causes serious and blesses? T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: raining fire is still boss shit T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) From a distance you hear Dein Untergang scream 'SHIT, FUCK, DICK, MOTHER FUCKER, BITCH, I died again. Anyone up for a cr?' T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [DEMON] SonnyQuinn: where? T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: nah i just wanted to use the socail T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck you keifer sutherland T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oh no it's almost 3am. something scary might happen. T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Super creatine... duh T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: my password generator I wrote still kicks ass when I need some stupid password that I'll never remember T3/r7/2022-10-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ':m2~k9 T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: dicks, it's been over an hour. i shamped the fuck out this bitch T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: that's definitely english, but i have no idea what you said T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: I believe he was getting drunk and shampooing his carpets this morning T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Methuselah Zensch: gez-n gucci T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Omnivek translated T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Thanks. yes i shampood some carpets while drainking a bottle of vodka. went well. drunk as fuck. nothing else i need to do for the day and it's not even lunch yet. T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: that vodka's not going to drink itself T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck nah, vodka needs drank to stimulate the economy. i'm being a good citizen by pounding shots down. T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: my drink might be to strong kuz the shot went down fine but the chaser was work to drink. haha, i've passd some sort of line at this point T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: linkedin doesnt have a delete/unsend button wtf, i sound like a moron lol T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck yea T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: fuck no! T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Sir, I must ask... How dare you? T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: how ya doing Eroe? T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: just dandy T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: thief/cleric is an interesting choice. normal for ya or a test? T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 404 Eroe: I like to preach when I'm not stealing, what can I say T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha, brilliant T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: well i'm reasonably pissed and just gonna finish some drinks and watch stuff while murdering things. have a good night/day everyone not scared of naughty words. T3/r7/2022-11-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: What if you're built like a "sink" instead of a "Tank".. Then what? T3/r7/2022-11-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: it's still this fookin night? damn, been today for like a week T3/r7/2022-11-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i must admire the work ethic of bill collector robocallers, working so hard on a holiday T3/r7/2022-11-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: 69! T3/r7/2022-11-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: https://i.imgur.com/UoiP1Br_lq.mp4 T3/r7/2022-11-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang is streaking around wearing nothing but glitter and yelling about a cake! T3/r7/2022-11-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: holy moly, there are 5K GBP bikes? like you still have to be the chump pedaling T3/r7/2022-11-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: totally explains why there was someone who almost ran me over earlier on the sidewalk, riding a bike as he guided a second one T3/r7/2022-11-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: if i were a cat, all the dipshits that try to hook on me when i go outside, i could just bop en on the head and hiss lol T3/r7/2022-11-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: but no....im not a cat, and if they get rude or persistent i have to growl and swear lol and walk away T3/r7/2022-11-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: more swearing! piss! T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i've gotten pretty good at saying 'sorry I've fucked up, twice' over the years, yet I'm not hiding in some billionaire Bahamas bungalow...where did I go wrong? T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 90's born, should be a default flag. If they wear a bowtie or spin an umbrella, game over T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: bbq ribs in fryer and i'm bout to fuck that shit up and forget the day is still on.. T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: share!!! I'm hungry again now T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: pack shit in, hopefully don't explode. T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: far be it from me to tell others how to spend their vaster sums than me, BUT...someone should try to send Bezos some medical help. wtf Dolly needs another 100M for...? T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "i'm too fucking lazy to figure out where to give my own ill-gotten gains to better causes, so b/c im focused on flying purple people to mars, ill outsource philanthrophy" T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: tapeth that asswich T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: Transcend this *middle finger goes up* T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: pees on an allway T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: alleyway T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay watches an alleyway pee on you. T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: awkward. T3/r7/2022-11-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: punches that alleyway in the jaw T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how many acronyms can a job posting have before it's reasonable to decide the problem in communication may be on THEIR end T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking two? T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: idk up2u T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gallows: jook back T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i've fucked up a LOT in my life...but overall, i think my rep is pretty strong. and i don't have to hide out in some island b/c i stole billions from others T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: yeah, and fuck islands T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra silently toasts MAMBO! Mushambo. T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: why hasn't "Dog the Bounty Hunter" found these folks yet? T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: cuz he's one of them T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: so what if the rabbit gets the gun now? T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra curls up next to MAMBO! Mushambo, wrapping her tail around herself. T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: feelin sick? syrup time! Ask your pharmacist or your parents lol because I know how to save money when buying... All of us as kids love vicks formula 44, and dimetapp and robitussin and benadryl T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I still do think honey in hot tea. T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: as an adult a couple shots of whiskey in the mug doesn't hurt either. T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: honey and tea is nice T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'll still kick a tussin if i need though. not gonna fight science. T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: well we both proved how nobody needs to spend a tone of money on drinking "lean":P T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: well we both proved how nobody needs to spend a ton of money on drinking "lean":P T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: sorry about the error T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: happens sometimes when you smoke pot and type lol T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm working on getting to smoke next year without it being crime stuff. T3/r7/2022-11-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: which crypto thief is someone going to find first? can i bet on this concept yet, and if not, why is las vegas sleeping T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking frogs T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: what the fuck, i didnt want to do anything but lick the bloody wall T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: prickly T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zabimaru: lol T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: Are you that hungry? T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: whats the point of blood dripping from the walls? and yes, my ramen ran empty and I still wanted a snack. T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: gait analysis is a hell of a fucking thing T3/r7/2022-11-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: While I was aged in my 30s a old lady in my neighborhood thought she was clever enough to hook me with her exposer but I showed her.. See first she pretended to lose her phone and had me call it to help her locate it then after I made the call and she got her phone I left her to go into my house and then what does she do? She called my phone and asked how my number got on her phone.. After I explained that "I helped her locate her phone earlier with a call" I hung up and blocked her number lol T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}Abelinc disconnected from Aardwolf at 00:48:43. Missing Curse channel messages from then until 17:12:50. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: take a deck of cards, shuffle, spread it out...52! has happened less than the odds of winning powerball T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: Well we got blessed by "Mr.Joe Biden and Ms.Kamala Harris" what more do you want? Share your wins! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: BUT it just did T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: we got blessed by Jesus ~ ~ T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: indeed we have T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan starts singing "One Bread, One Body" T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: I'm blessed by the Flying Spaghetti Monster and am happy. My winnings are a good reason to get pissed and eat good food when I want to. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: is that a lottery? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: gonna have to try that one T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: it's less of a lottery unless you count the gamble of people not being a dick when you bring it up. then yea, high odds they are gonna be. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: when is next PB draw? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: and has the big pot been won yet? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: my sink $20 in T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: yeah someone in CA nabbed 2B, assuming they can find the ticket T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: nice, good for them.. can buy a new house before CA sinks into the Ocean T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: maybe they build a nice houseboat from the redwoods T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: well dicks, i just got 4 texts from paypal for security codes... think someone is trying to steal my money. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: or they thought they were the one who created the username bigdick@gmail.com T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: haha, my email is begdeckmail.com because accent matters. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: color codes matter too! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: haha, i learned T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: knowing is half the battle! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the other is stumbling through. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: yes! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i love the idea of not caring about shit other than food that's in a western. going in to get food and they just hand ya a hot pan of food. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: yeah, and they give it to you in a bedpan, but who cares about shit, right? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: it's food they told you, so T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: Hungry nuff sometimes to finish before I notice what I been eating. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: I wonder if that's why dogs never care what you give them T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: and they're kinda dumb. cats atleast sniff stuff before eating. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: dogs sniff it too! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: but then usually give a look like "fuck it" and eat T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: not that i've seen, but i've never tried to poison animals either so i guess i didn't pay attention. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: I've given dogs human food before and they sometimes put it in their mouth and then are like.. "nah" and spit it out T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: that actually surprises me. and makes me wonder what you call 'human food'. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'm one the people that'll like show up with a big bag of jerky sticks and make someone's dog love me real rast. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: i remember when i had to rush a dog to the vet, he said "hopefully this is someone rat poisoned your dog" T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: which, as you can imagine, is not a fucking good "hopefully" T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: kidney issue :-( T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the deep dark shitty part of my brain says to do that to dogs that are a danger to people, but the test of me thinks that's horrid. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: I still don't fucking care how much people like dogs, but I'll put it down if it seems like it'll attack my kid. suffering isn't a good way though. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: depends on how bad the kids been behaving.. i'd let it nibble a while if they've not been listening. :O T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: that's a diff sitch too. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: but maybe the dog doesn't see it like that.. *shrug* T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: messing around and the dog gets growly i am not worried if its still fun. random dog running out the yard barking and i'll pull my kabar out and be ready to kill it. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: but agreed, a dog shouldn't attack people unless it's warranted. I'd put it down as well. Or atleast incapacitate it. Lift the hind legs and kinda 'whip' them cross and down. Voila, pup in wheelchair. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: I let the kid play with big dogs a lot and they are chill and relaxed. any sign of aggro and i'm protecting him more than anything. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: too many people have dogs. the ones that got chill ones are great. even when my macaws lived with me like some dogs had no interest in them and some would freak out and the owners couldn't control them. ppl give pits a bad rap but they are also chill as fuck really. it's not a dog's fault if they are an asshole really because they're an animal, but if they haven't adjusted and ppl let them run free then it's not diff than a bear T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: famous movie quote: "If there's something wrong with the bitch, there's something wrong with the pup" T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: F*ck! It's from Harry Potter! FML! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: and it's not an anitdog thing really, i know the birds i've had and i didn't let them near kids kuz they were bitey dicks. i warned adults and kept kids away. they were cool dudes and i loved them, but i'd have killed them in a moment if i thought they'd hurt a kid and fought them if it was an adult. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: if you were my neighbor and i ever heard you talk shit like this, i'd burn your house down and then go sleep like a baby T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i missed that in harry potter T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: mushambo, me? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: It's when "papa" Dursley's sister visits, that angry thick one. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck... uh it's been 20 years since i read that shit... T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: https://twitter.com/hpotteruniverse/status/496328924281196545 <-- watch it there. It's just a GIF of Harry being his cranky ol' self, telling her to shut up. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'm trying to do this but uh... twitter is kinda fucked T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: As per usual then. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i kinda wanna see if elon firing people would get me unbanned from twitter because i only said shitty parents made me want to choke them. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nordic: I'd only give them toiletpaper and say 'here's for being so shitty' and leave the house for a while. Choking should be left to people without imagination to do to eachother instead of what everyone else does. Close your eyes and think of someone else. *shrug* T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: just think of me with nipple tassles on :) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: twirl those man-tiddy-tassles! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: There's an image I already regret. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: did your find my tutorial on tassles? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i dont need no tutorial i am a professional! :) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang fawns at a true pro. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: professional mommas boy. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: idk what we talking about just got here T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: curse all the people know me as randy rick in the red light district :) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: atleast you didnt work in the orange light district T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: actually funny like 20 years ago in therapy my psych doc told me about him and friends getting fuck'd up in amsterdam. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ask him if he knows a rick! :) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: you think i'm stable enough to have kept a therapit for 20 years? haha past ones are working harder than me in psych places T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: idk, this is an mud, we are all nuts :) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: My daughter is a psychotherapist in private practice in NY City. How I wish she could see this conversation :P T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fucking need to be to play a text based game in 2022 T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: our phones are stronger than fucking buildings in the time the game started. haha. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: its like when i see the dancing flamingos when i drive, but when my car broke down today, the flamingos jsut stood there, but then disolved.. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: at least i dont see the red sock no more T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: Rhvanage, you should invite her to study old ppl holding onto old tech T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oh, i thought we where talking about our conditions? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Well, she's always got me. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'm drunk as fuck and just engaging convo because i'm scared to go outside and se humans T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: rhavage, there's always benes of personal study. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: lucky you, i aint human, i am a canadian elfo T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: haha, i'm a Murican Autistic. not human even. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Years ago, there was an excellent game maker called Infocom. Some of you might remember them. Their entirely text-based games were wonderful. I remember one of their full-paged ads that showed a picture of a human brain avove the line, "Our graphics card." Aard is in that mold. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: I missed that with the inet not being 'viral base' T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: very cool, think their games still exist somewhere? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'd bedown to look. i a few years back went through old drives from early naughts and had to mess with wine to get them to run, but now i got fucntionals of heritic, decent, and a couple. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i know years ago i got my c64 games to work using a c64 emulator i found T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: be easier to just emu everything but, i like having save files copied over from 90s creation T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: it was ncie to revisit pigs in space :) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'm still made i've given away so much and i could be playing chronotrigger on snss if i hadent T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i was playing that like 7 years ago! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: I think Chrono Trigger got a revamp on PS.. 1? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ooOOoo T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: I owned it at one point.. mom might have sold it though :( T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ya my mom gave away my stuff T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay comforts Elfo. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: ps1 was the origianal. snes was a second round. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i was like, even my comics? she was like, ya those arent worth anything.. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i was like, ya not now.. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: keepin my comics and collector hero cards with secial casees T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: my mum when i was seventeen came over to my place and showed me pix of them having our old house torched. all my kid stuff gone. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: special cases rather T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: gah! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: sorry I'm thinking of Chrono Cross I think T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i bummed a 20 off her and got fucked up that night to say miss ya to my whole life worth of stuff that wasn't in my apartment. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: wait, did she torch the place on purpose for insurance or something? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: or just life bad luck? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: I let my mom trash my dbz vhs tapes.. Now we can all admit those were worthless T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: they got a new house and the old one wasa tax issue, so they paid the local fire place to come test burn it. but didnt' tell me until a week after my shit was gone. no like 2week notice or even like a tomorrow. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: oh shit, wow T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: very sorry man T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: my mom was just mean T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: now with a kid, i can't afford like 200 lego sets. my room was all legos and cool shit. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: i dont know how anyone can afford kids these days T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: my mom acted like she needed a green card in the beginning and that's why life was rough for me T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: jokes on her tho, lots of shelves were untoched beany babies. she legit prolly lost a hundred grand on that shit. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: crap T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: er holy crap T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: the holiest of craps T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: like she needed a green card? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: someone say a prayer for me, I need to release the holy of holies into my porcelain shrine T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: my mum's smart and wonderful, but has a great history of fucking up. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: its ok, we are all human T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: (Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its ok, we are all human... T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan . o O ( Elfo definitely not human... ) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Elfo: ok, semi? :) T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: My son, let your troubles go with a blessing. May they trouble you no more. Eat of the noodle and drink of the booze. Then you will be rid of troubles. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: I asked my mom to cross the "Freedom river" before my step dad invented my siblings and she wouldn't cross the water with me to get to freedom.. So now years later my brothers and sisters are adults and at least I was able to use a computer part of the way.. Anyhoo! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan thanks Untergang heartily. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: what is freedom river? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: a river of hope T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: a river of dreams T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: a river of freedom T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: so some water? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: Well actually I was thinkin technically "Europe" but then again the atlantic is not a river T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: my gmum did the ocean of freedom thing after wwii T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: u r blessed T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: is the air cleaner over there? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: doubt it is. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: she came from jersey and i'm pretty sure it's way nicer in the channel islands than here. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: damnit. Politics polluting behind it's self I bet is the source T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: but i won't hate on here much. it's cheap to live and mostly pretty chill. hard work gets you ahead and slacking still gets you paid. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: but will vagina keep us laid like an egg, there? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: ... i dunno... there's vag plenty, it's mostly meth riddled tho. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: robot vagina is invented now T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: a decent one is good to tuck in and snack on in the cold winter. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: don't forget "Harmony dolls" T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck 'dolls', it's economically cheaper to drink sugar water and jucst crank down. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: not useful maths, but still maths. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: well mates, it's early nuff for me to go grab a nice sixer and not get some shit to fuck me over for awhile so i'm gonna do that and be back to have one to three to end the night. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: good luck T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Yajan: finding the right sixer T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: it'll be a goose island ipa T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: a decent beer, and the best they got within a block T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: you can't teach paranoia T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: what the dick is paranoia? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: the end of this movie is rough T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: don't spoil it! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: uh... it's like 50 years old T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: 49 really T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: still i won't spoil anything this good. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: The morel of the story is 'When you're up to youre nose in shit, keep your mouth shut'. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: Complaining is a misuse of energy that could be used improving the very situation one is complaining about. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: agreed. I'd rather fix something in 5 mins than bitch about it for 15 T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i'd rather fix it in an hour than bitch bout it for quarter hour too. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: i didn't realize it was that simple T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: really it is. you complain somethings wrong then fix it or complain that it's wrong til somone else fixes it. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: good to know...work doesn't know whats gonna hit them tomorrow, i'm changing all kinds of policies i dont like T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: most people are happy to let something go and hope someone else makes motion to fix it. that's why persistent problems are a thing. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck, if you can actively sort a problem you're worth a lot. if you fuck off and let it ride you're one the ppl that will get caught up in not calling it. I was doing a job and the lead had people start and taskd me on something else. he gave me the wrong instructions on prep and had them start backwards. i caught the backwards on first day and half the day was lost, but i saved time by not undoing stuff as much as when i noticed the lead fucked up. really he fucked that job up but it was his money getting lost. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: i dunno if you're offereing or not, but my beard is dry right now. T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: any good inspirational story starts with the word fuck...i like it T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: Stormy Daniels approves of this message T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: low tier? not someone legend or even known? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: how shit are you at porn that you gotta fuck trump tho? T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: thatd be a waste of skills T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: lol some billionaire....what else do you go for as a porn star T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macuiltotec: less damage than a professional athlete to the goods i suppose T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: he's not a billionarre T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: Trump prefers Sea Turtles...in the sack T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: not a dude that doesn't pay til they sue T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: trump prob has less money viable than me T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck dude, sasha grey made a name in porn and she's solidly worth morth for guesting than any prez but maybe obama T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: trinity beats nobody on start T3/r7/2022-11-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang stumbles around bumping into tables and people. Must be drunk. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Untergang: fuck haha. Oracles can hunt opk and hardcore player. why isn't there some t9 running it to just smoke ppl? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: my elderly father saying that all of y'all are pinocchios ("not real people") ... i dunno how to take that. I guess shock that skynet has gotten this good already T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: reminds me of a doctor who asked if i had paranoid thoughts, I asked for clarification... "do you think the internet has messages intended only for you?" T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mushambo: "please let me explain to you how the internet "works" lol T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: when I think of who should be given $100M to "do good with", b/c maybe I'm too fucking lazy to do my own philanthropy (?) Dolly Parton certainly strikes me as the most deserving recipient T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: agreed T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I bet Elvis' hound dogs are at least 6th generation by now, I'd trust them to make philanthrophy decisions about as well T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oh no, i got so drunk i forgot i was binging westerns and took a nap. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: what the fuck is truth social? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaping Kazm: bullshit T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Martinvs: it's twitter for rednecks T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: its no Frank Speech T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Trump's most recent scam. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: well its not reddit lol T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: HAHA, thanks. just heard of it and y'all confirmed it's just idiots screaming together. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its just the normal social media, dont trust any of it, just listen to aardwolf mudders :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: real shit, i get a third of my news from muds and the rest from somethingawful T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: invest in cans of tuna! Tuna to the moon! :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: I get mine from the comment section of PornHub T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: that is a reliable source for sure T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'd put my life savings in tuna before getting fucked by a subreddit telling me to invest in a store that literally has no point after 2010 T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i agree T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: wait.. is tuna a bad investment? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: at least you can eat the tuna if need be T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I've never scrolled down, but maybe i need to get hot tips from pornhub comments. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: no honestly i look at all social media as entertainment only T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: a literal ton of tuna is really viable for eating over the next 5 years. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: very true T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i used to do twitter and i avoided the gross like attention seeking shit, so i just talked to accounts that were cats and vegetables. it was very nice to just see new toys and dumb jokes a lot. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Perishing Starphoenix rolls in on his wheelchair, crushing your feel as he goes by T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i avoid the political and economic stuff and go to the joke stuff on reddit and facebook, i dont do twitter myself T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: talking to vegetables is good, unless they recover and start talking back T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: isn't hard to post cute cat pix. that's most the internet. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: yup lol :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I actually ended up with some close friends from fucking with twitter and just having laughs. I won't touch facebook at all kuz of security issues and invasive shit. but still chill fun convo is a thing that does happen on the inet when ppl are being assholes about it. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh nod T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: elfo give me one song link to start music for the night T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: fade to black - metallica T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i love metallica T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool: he said link, not song title! T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh so he did, 1 sec T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool flicks his whip across Hi, I'm Elfo's bare back. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: love that it's a metallica song i am less used to T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: great intro. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEQnzs8wl6E T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya the guitar is outstanding T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: end of the guitar then vocal when the rest comes in is so good. maybe i should have been born in 65 and gotten to have more fun with shows T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Quick as a flash, Hi, I'm Elfo's been bowled over by Dein Untergang in a huge GLOMP! T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: grin T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: for real tho thismakes me wanna listen to other guitar heavy stuff. like i really wanna get some rush going and then see bout more T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: check out my fav metallica song then if you would like, one - metallica T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JNmz17gnMw T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck me to deaath that fingering is impressive T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: bloodthorn i dunno if this is even music but it's skills T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: they're incredible T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya metallica my fav band :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: no Elfo, Polyphia :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oo, sorry T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: love Metallica too though.. not St Anger.. but in general T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i've always been a fan of anyone trying. if it's shit music but they are really going then cool. if they fuck off life to be the best in the world then that's still kinda awesome. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i just lvoe the old stuff T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: black album will always be my favorite T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: agree :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm normallly a fan of like 80s hardcore punk and anything that's very fuck everyone. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh nice T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: like the pixies? thats who nirvana was influenced by apparently T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i also love nirvana T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: this shit makes me think maybe a band of like 5 guitars and one set of drums would work T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: more minor threat and such, but sonic youth and the pixies are amazing too. cobain was influenced by a shit load of cool groups T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh cool T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: like ppl don't know who flipper are, but one my ten fave songs are by them T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh cool, i been looking to explore old blues music myself, trying to mellow out a bit T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i did that too, like george thurogood was one my dad's faves and so i ended up digging and blues is great T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya i am liking it, i need to destress for my heart codition and diabeties T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i prob need to drink a half or quart of liquor less for my heart daily. but... Fuck, i'm bored a lot without my kid. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya, i brew my own booze, so i do get that T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: no kids here though T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i didnt want to pass on my bed genes T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guinness: so you're a bed elf? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: yes :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: he's the worst T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I got 2 and they both got a lot of the good parts of me. assholes that are very nice to others. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: (piss) - it's the curse channel! swear better everyone! T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh, nice :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: lol cil T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck off cil. i'll use whatever cunting word i want. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I was wrong on something but the sky is crying is still amazing T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I GAVE away all my irl money today T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: gimme! T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne holds out both hands T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the seven cents left? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: pulls out his man-string T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: shit gone. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dollah-dollah T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: got stack of wipes and pullups and food in kitchen. can't buy shit if i need it without asking for cash now. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck money. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: totally, money is a trap T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne starts to lube up a pile of coins T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: for real, rather have ppl round that ask me to help them for shit to get supper. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya true T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Get it gis, get deep in that coin. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: socialism prob is the best thing, but nobody will do it without trying to catch profit and ruin it. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo reaches out to try to touch Guy of Gisbourne. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya very true, although the world is running towards it now and many dont know it T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill smacks Elfo's hand away and pokes Gisbourne gentle medium T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i always liked the idea of communism (i know, cant happen without being corrupted though) where everyone is equal and we all get equal stuff/opportunities T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dont kill me guys, i just said the idea T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i love that the world is getting the point that we see we got the planet and can just help each other. sad people are still fighting against it. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: agree T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: well i think we need to figure something out as a world cause we basically just hit 8 billion people, i feel we are running out of time tbh T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I'm not a believer in communism, but only for practical reasons, but I can sum up and solve all the worlds problems, economic, religious, and ethical, with a simple statement - "try and be nice to each other" T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: gilligans island was a great communistic society, cept the howells did fuck all. but really the idea that 7 ppl can get along and work together is the basal idea behind growing a world where ppl use skills to help others and everyone gets what they need, ppl just got this idea that it's inherently gonna be fucked and it's kuz those people will fuck it by trying to take advantage. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) It is Abig: I liked the idea of Cockayne (not cocaine), but ideas not in the realm of reality will not help us T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: look on the bright side - bio-weapons released in the upcoming ww3 will fix that little population problem. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: nod, ya the problem is keeping corruption out of everything, there was an isaac assimov story i read as a youth and bascially they got to a world where ai robots had to regulate the humans to ensure no corruption occured, no i dont remember the story unfortunately (er story name that is) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: it definately could mannec, who knows T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but thats what i feel we need, an equal system governed by something not human and neutral to the situation T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill spoons some worms into Mannec's mouth T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Cil I'm an asshole by nature and nuture, but I try to be nice. I have no conception of greed being good and I'll give away my last dollar if someone tells the truth and wants a beer, but fuck shit ppl scamming and say they want food when they aren't gonna get food. there's the prob with socially responcible people is that they are gonna get fuck'd over by ppl that suck T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: agree T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yupyup - "try to be nice to people", emphasis on the "try" T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: bugs, c. its fucking _bugs_ they want us to eat. its called current events, get with the program! T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: w should have had asimov made the leader of the world T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: he was a genius in his own right, i agree T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill spoons more worms into Mannec's mouth, some with the word "current" written on them, some with the word "events" T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: dead asimov >>> the last several potuses. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'll not stop being an an asshole and i'll hit anyone that wants to hurt my family, but i'll always do everything for anyone that just wants help. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec starts to hear the faint sounds of a cricket chirping. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: can we elect books? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: well I mean tbh that sounds about right, Unter T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: agree unter T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the bridge has been made by electing a tv character. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: no. election is cancelled by our new overlords. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec sniffles a bit. Watch out, he might have the CovAIDS! T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: oh jesus that would be horribad, covaids T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: worse than superaids T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i feel bad with me stero on but its not even 6pm and i should get to bang right? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: agree, i think thats fair T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, even one the small speakers keeps dumping shit off. haha, T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i got sanitarium playing now myself :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i eventually let youtube lead me back to normal shit but maybe a night of older metal would be good and i kick back T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya good choice :) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOUwEjMZc8Y T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: take a brief tour thru satriani / the crossroads, a quick stop at swamp bass, and then dive face-first into darksynth vampire cyberpunk gothic. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: can i get that in a pill? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: so easy to ignore when people need help. that's why this world is fucked T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: very true, it dont affect me, so it dont matter mentallity T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: (Trending) McDonald's Happy Meal w/ Toy drains life from a merdevil seahorse jockey. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: wut T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: well the food does make you poop fast T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: was i kiling pirates or drinking with them? T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: lol T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck i'm in the drunken parrot. so both T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: best way to check is to see how many goats you have T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [FatherYa] Yamillay: Hey Mr.Cody:) T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cosette collapses as Dein Untergang dick-hammers the life out of her! T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck it's so early and i didn't plan to be awake still T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: who invented this stuff? "Octave, major scale, minor scale, harmonic minor" "pitch" etc. T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: blarg, could use a CR at "Bend in corridor" T3/r7/2022-11-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: Mount DuNoir T3/r7/2022-11-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Poppa: hi T3/r7/2022-11-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Poppa: If you were a friend of "Eukanuba's" please send me a tell T3/r7/2022-11-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if anyone can override their companies phone tree system, PLEASE change the opening message to "The menu options are the fucking same as months ago. Try to keep up, we've got no time for slowpokes" :) T3/r7/2022-11-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: it takes time off MY life to have to wait to hear the exact same numbers that i remember T3/r7/2022-11-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: not getting any mail or my redelivered package today reminds me of the mitch hedburg joke about the folks on the restaurant waiting list T3/r7/2022-11-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "shouldn't we be concerned what happened to party of Jones?" T3/r7/2022-11-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) *Yay!* Go Veridio!!! 2 Naughty Poppa cheers him on. T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gurbuz: fuck this i need to go to the brothels T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: am i the only person who occasionally gets frustrated having to deal with complete BS incompetence? i do NOT have time for slowpokes T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: sorry T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: sorry T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: well, slowpoke relative, i move and talk very slow myself. It's just like wtf T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: Mushface is a slave driver, check. T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: complaints are still 5cents with Lucy or inflation? T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa apologizes to VinSHlut Roebart with a very sincere look on his face. T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: finding a 3page handwritten apology my parents made me write when i was 9, "my apology for stealing" lol. I'd be lying if i say I'd never stolen since and that my life isn't immensely better because of it T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: b/c i like movies :) T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Time to give oral to a cup of coffee.. Stay tuned T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i now understand that old phrase going postal T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: fuck me! did I miss martini?:( T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Glen Taylor Roasts Animals Alive T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Yo momma is so fat that her "Accent" is "Chilli fries". T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: burn! T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Yo momma is so fat that she keeps "oil" as a pet!! T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: burn! T3/r7/2022-11-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia goes, "OK". T3/r7/2022-11-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: https://alchera.ai/en/technology/visual-ai/behavior-analysis T3/r7/2022-11-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: My favorite line: I just went down on you and you liked that so why are you just sitting in front of mine like it don't count?:P T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: the name "Janos" and "Jason" are spelled with the same letters:P T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: I hope I impressed aard with my guitars.. Remember "I am nothing without you".. So when I am blessed again I'll show ya another guitar I chose.. Thank you for "reading" T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: what is the kindest way to tell a yankee to 'slow the fuck down when you talk' it's still early and we're slow nitwits around here T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: prefacing with "please" shoudl be okay right T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: excuse me ma'am, but your gluteus maximus is most maximus and it's knocking me over T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: need 3 t-p to make that a social? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: that's more phenomenal than my line T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: it's a little weak, I admit T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I think it has potential though T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa tells 9th Tier Yajan "Roses are red, violets are pink without you I need a shrink!" T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: yours is more hardcore than mine T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I have a knack for making ridiculous/inappropiate things just cute enough that people don't string me up T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: but I think this one needs some stroking T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: teach me oh wise one T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan falls down laughing. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: made my coffee while yawning didn't drink yet and now I face even sweater! T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I can't tell you how many times I've done that.. been so tired that I forget to drink my coffee T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I blame this Matrix of colored words I get hooked into T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa is looking at 9th Tier Yajan and panting lustily... What the hell does he see in a 400lb, 50-year old trucker from Duluth, named Bubba, that's all that sexy? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: too fuckin drunkish to wanna figure shit out. gonna skip that goal and go slaughter mobs. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: She's not a dish rack! And her name is "Chloey"!;( T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: mischan, sorry T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: lol T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril peers around suspiciously. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: far be it from me to judge who may indulge in substances for whatever reasons, except when they're my federal mail service T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: hm? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: Oh yeah, mail carriers shouldn't be allowed to drink beer. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon nods quietly to himself. What a wacko. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i listen to the automated message saying i had requested package redelivery 11/18 and it should be arriving. okay. well i check my calendar, etc. dude i talked with eventually was quite faded and asked if i wanted it redelivered tomorrow T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i fucking disagree. I should be able to have a beer with the mailman T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: we all go through ups and downs, but like i know a lot of folks who get faded and still pull it together enough for whatever they need to do. so why cant the us postal service T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: if it's 120 out and dude sweating then a beer is doing less than the heat to fuck his mentals. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: they have a very strong union, almost impossible to get fired T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: we have a mailman who punched someone while working and was high on meth... still working T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'm not trying to be a taskmaster here, but like if they don't redeliver this by tomorrow it might get returned. i dont have a car, i cant go pick it up T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: those meth user mailmen really are efficient T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: maybe the guy ordered a knuckle sandwich T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: very well sorted letters, by size for sure ;) T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'll sort you're letters by size T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I don't even know what that means T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: uber probably costs like $30 to get to the post office, i don't feel that i should have to spend myself b/c incompetence T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: get online postal tags shipped to you. it's pretty easy T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: or show up and just throw money at them and say you need stuff to go somewhere. that's viable too if you are nice. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I only like to throw pennies T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i bet amazon can get me a fake mustache before i need to sign something express from france T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: maybe not...bezos is apparently too lazy to give away his own money, which is actually "impressive" T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: reminds me of the line in Idiocracy "Shouldn't we train him? -- No I'm pretty sure he can figure out how to sit on his ass and do nothing" T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm pretty tempted to put sideburns on a 3 year old and see if he can get my stuff from the mail T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I loved Idiocracy...great future documentary T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: some people "see time" differently T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I suppose a lot of it is already relatable T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: if it was my daughter it'd be easier, she looks a lot like me. basically like i'm 15 and havent grown facial hair. the tiny one looks like i'm just tiny and got no beard T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: your daughter has a beard? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: sexy T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: You can't see my jordan zooms on because I forgot to make the camera angles better... But how do I look in this video? Like a "Rapper" or a "Fan" or both? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smLmXceKF4I T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Poppawehadababyeetzaboy! lol T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: who's your favorite "James Bond"? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: mine is "Mr.Timothy Dalton" T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: pierce brosnan no question T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: Austin Powers...YEAH BABY! T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: bronson followed by moore T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: My mom likes "Sean Connery" lol T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Austin Powers is fun T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: Do I make you randy baby? Well do I? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: will faerell is fantastic in austin powers. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I forgot he was in that...I really need to watch them again, it has been years T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: I really enjoyed another Mike Myers movie -- So I Married an Axe Murderer T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: Classic T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: woman... wooo man T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: no love for beyonce from me. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: pink panther with steve martin was fantastic yesterday :) T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I feel old T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: looking to rewatch leap of faith. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I hate the Colonel with his weee beady eyes, and that smug look on his face...oooooh you're gonna eat me chicken ooooooh T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: and of course I made my kids watch NI peng and Neee-wom... but seldom live to tell the tale. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: never know when you need a nice shubery. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: Ooooo I found some lovely filth down 'ere! T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: what's the most professional way of saying you know absolutely nobyd T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i do not recall anyones name and sure as hell dont know my own password, sorry T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: lol T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: but i just killed my first BEGONE! UNWORTHY! mob, 594 xp (+daily double so what like 1200) T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: Hey! If anyone needs a job, Twitter is hiring again! :| T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I heard I have to be a hardcore engineer though :/ T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: pretty much T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how many shrooms must one consume daily to be on the same level as elon? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: only thing hardcore about me is my porn T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: just wake up T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: at least you have that T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan is headbanging wildly again, care to join him? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord is headbanging wildly again, care to join him? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: the rest of what musk does, is driving his enlightenment into the gravel T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: maybe if he was high... all the time.. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i haven't been so disappointed in a person's change since nixon T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: were you .. alive with nixon? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: i was T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: too much talking, not enough leveling T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: naah but i've seen it in Oliver Stone movies so probably well-versed enough T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: Since who? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: no idea T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: old people convo I think T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: I think he was a Beatle T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: sounds right T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: lennon? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: wait, who are the Beatles? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: not as good as the Oasis fellow though T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: a colorful family of insects T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: who can sing T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: ooOOoOo T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan slaps his thigh and screams "Yeeee doggy!" T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: wait, look up what theyre named after :) the Beadles T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: they couldn't even choose an evolutionary advanced species like monkey T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: look it up :) T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: its actually a really cool documentary about the Beadles T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: to this day, i giggle when someone younger than ~ 60? says their fave band is the beatles. like "this gonna be fun" T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: whole different ball of government/parliament T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord is acting like a donkey in the room. T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if someone simultaneously tells me soup is a meal, it's like mardi gras T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord looks around and gives a happy Mooooo! T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: hi T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I just pissed my pants, it's pretty much reasonable to shit myself now right? T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I think it's more of a down step thing T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: like if you shit your pants, it's reasonable to piss yourself T3/r7/2022-11-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: opposite kind of seems intense T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if i own copyrightjail.com, can i be put in there? pretty sure thats a mulligan T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: please fucking do saraid. and let them know you got called out on lying about not letting me out of the fucking clan. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan faints. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran grabs some popcorn and sits back to watch the show. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oh fuck, i'll prob get banned kuz i pissed off someone that wouldn't outcast me when i asked months ago and it took literally causing a clan issue to get out. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: Jesus take the wheel T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: yes. let us let jesus drive while we sit back and enjoy the shitstorm I have created. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: our nation needs healing right now.. our Aard nation T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang hugs 9th Tier Yajan. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan smiles happily. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: awww sheeet T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: Untergang gonna pk everyone T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: nah, i can't pk anyone T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: to celebrate my freedom I'll be in the drunken parrot T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan grabs an unwilling Dein Untergang by the arm and together they dance a tuneless, stumbling jig...be glad it isn't you! T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: who drank my beer? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Limmerick: ME. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha how do i activate hbing enemies clan skill? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I might be fucked in the head. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang and Mischanner Epsilon giggle and jump around the room doing much havoc. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: well i'm fucked at midnight. pretty good, maybe i'll sleep. maybe i'll wake at 3am and go pound burritos on the way home. no sour creme. burritos would suck :( T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: no, I haven't been drinking. I woke up this drunk. fuck off nerd. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i maybe accidentally taught a 3 year old to yell 'fuck off nerd' at people. I'm hypothetically fixing it. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luci: 1 hour of letting her play call of duty with a headset should fix that T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha, I should have made my daughter play cod. might have helped. the boy might be a danger to unleash on the world currently. He's an amazing monster. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: sometimes I'm afraid of a 30lb person and I feel bad, then he tries to murder me with a sand filled banana and I understand my fears. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, it just hit that what? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: is say not a curse channel? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: Nope. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: Oddly enough. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Can't De Cide: its considered a public channel i would assume as it goes to everyone in the room T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Today I learned. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: "help channels" - list at the bottom. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I guess in the future i'll check pkoff and not say dick in say T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jayward: It bums me out when people don't curse on the curse channel. fucking shit T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool faps. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck shit. Does that help? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Jayward: better thanks T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: prost T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oh no, i forgot i gave my kid my sideburns and can't get them til this afternoon. my face is fuck'd T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luci: lets be real, sideburns wern't gonna save it T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: they give me somethig to hold on to T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: the floor? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: everybody walk the dinosaur T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: they work for some chicks. that really like inner thigh rugburn. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but really, I got decent chops. sadly they are away because the dude needed them. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how is it even a discussion that law enforcement throwing surveillance cameras up on a utility pole aimed at someone's house may be a violation of the 4th amendment? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'd buy neighbourhood kids bb guns and give them a tenner to throw shots all day. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my brain still thinks analog, "slingshots" T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I already hated the neighours I had that put cameras up all over(most were doing meth) but ring camera networks working with cops is also pretty suspicious. Can't I walk a block with my beer in peace? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: HAHA I still fucking picture a dennis the menace slingshot and not like the really badass slingbow/shot combos they sell these days T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: there have been new and exciting developments in slingshot technology since then T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "agents without a warrant, installed a small surveillance camera...to record activites of a private home over an 8 month period...watch realtime, see faces, digitize gait" T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha, new and exciting indead. no more finding a forked branch and some packaging rubberband. I legit do want a nice slingbow even if the city might arrest me for bunny hunting in the yard. but there's turkeys and rabbits everywhere here and I could be sourcing dinner from the yard. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: are cops getting to lazy to stop and frisk? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "all your interests belong to us" i can't access a US federal court opinion through a US vpn server hmmm T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan chortles mischievously at MAMBO! Mushambo. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: FUCK, will you people finally get on board with this blowing up the sun shit I keep screaming about? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: sounds promising T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: can you email me the details? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I don't hand out details. I just scream them at strangers while drunk. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: oh, that works too T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but I'll give you a general idea. So, we mine everything we can send ships to after mining the planet and collect everything to build a bunch of bombs and send it all to the sun to either destroy viability of life, or blow up the fucking sun and then nobody gets sunburn the first day having to work outside every few summers T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if you're michael bay, can you send all of us to disneyland? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: what if the sun fights back and sends its own bombs out to deter our bombs? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: might end up blowing up Venus T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the sun is already attacking us with radiation. that's all it has. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: venus can fuck off anyways.stupid neighbour with a yard full of inhospitable gas. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: sounds good, where do I send my money to support this? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i have a buddy doing geoengineering shit and i was like "shouldn't you be modeling these effects first?" T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: when you see the ppl collecting everything and screaming about murdering the sun just give what you can. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: kk T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: can i do the sundance? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: are you going to be doing it to mock the sun? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: you can do the moon dance T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm more on the page of open hostility and I just moon the sun. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: why would i mock the sun? i can be smitten here in the comfort my chair T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: you need to think about it mushambo. Has anything bad ever happened to you on a planet that the sun wasn't shining on? T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: that's correlation. now let me prove causality. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: would life exist without the sun? no. So with these two things we can determine that nothing bad would have ever happened to anyone without the fucking sun being a big burny dick of a gasball. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oh yea i forgot, I'm awesome. fuck yea. T3/r7/2022-11-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: oof, how did i get in a fight T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Hey! Africa isn't just a denile with river! T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: am I sayin the joke right? T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: help T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Happy turkey day everyone! T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dark Goose Xaeris peers intently at 2 Naughty Poppa. T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Well I wasn't eatin when your goose was cooked but I'm ready now:P T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Help! Spell : Change sex (55:14) so I is momma instead of Poppa now:( T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: need a name change token? T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mischanner Epsilon: All your leaves are brown? T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: DOn't touch my breasts! T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pure WhiteTiger: that was random T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: change sex spell on me T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: lol...buy some rutabega T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Now I have to protect my chest more.. So for 40 more mins I'm a woman:( T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan stares at Poppa's chest and pants lustily. T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: What's better than a fuckin small bag of chocolate covered pretzels? A LARGE BAG OF BIGGER CHOCOLATE PRETZELS! THAT'S WHAT! lol T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: but these pretzels are making me thirsty! are making ME thirsty? T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: "jamaica me happy" is delicious to drink T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is www.tuttletwins.com like a landover baptist church or is this shit for real? T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: unless there've been new and exciting developments in trolling :-/ T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: "Parents like you struggle to find educational material that doesnt lie about our nations history" T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: sounds like they're pushing critial race theory then T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: naah it's more Hayek, anti-gov stuff i think T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: i was joking T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i somehow doubt their word on refund no questions asked is as good as mine? semi-tempted to try it but sounds like extra work laying down justice in 6 weeks T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: but could you eat if you laid down breakfast in 6 meets? T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: that is extra work T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: if your boss likes you then you gotta eat your way out to being rich T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i've not known some folks who would be described as 'freedom fighter' or 'thought leader' and yet never called themself that. wtf is with "personal branding" these days. i thought name still meant shit T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: well in america we be clubbin! T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "stood for" i meant, like marlo says my name IS my name T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: I pills ya.. I feels ya T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa enthusiastically high-fives MAMBO! Mushambo! T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa pelts MAMBO! Mushambo with indecipherable 733+ sp33k, d00d. Hide. T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa is a 733+ |-|4><0r |)00|), now. Hurray for him. T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "i dont have time to research all the laws so i'll just say fuck it" lol https://youtu.be/rJuqUihwGxM T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: funny, it doesn't appear judges or politicians have time to research all the laws either :-( i dont get paid for my ignorance T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: it's pretty fucking 'impressive' to lose a billion in 2 years. especially when it's not even YOUR money to begin with T3/r7/2022-11-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i was referencing a business tv personality, i guess the crypto dude knocked that record out of the park T3/r7/2022-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: S.U.G.M.A. T3/r7/2022-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking google asks if I remember a certain date, no that's what I pay y'all for T3/r7/2022-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: you know what soccer needs to raise the excitement level.. land mines T3/r7/2022-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: mischan T3/r7/2022-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "The Tuttle Twins" T3/r7/2022-11-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'd feel better morally giving a kid Oliver Stone's history of the US T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: friendtalk Hey! Challenge him to a duel! Don't just let anyman get away with beating on your aard-spouse! SPOUSE-NEGLECT IS NOT TOLERATED IN CYBER-COURT! #SiliconYes T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: shit T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: mischan, sorry T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: think my DMCA violation number resets in a week fucking great :) T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Karhunri: YMCA T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: It's fun to play with the D M C A T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: it's those damn neighbors that somehow got access to your network, pirating stuff, tsk tsk T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my ex hated when i signed my emails "Mr. Polite, as usual" T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i only wish i was smart enough to have ever though to end replies to MPAA that way. sadly, not :-( T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'd vote for the avicii sign of love first, then longhorns, then like where's my white flag i need to leave this situation T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i choose to practice the security practice of 'Preservation through Dissemination" T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how many folks can come after me without tripping? T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if i'm not back in one hour, please call the authorities somewhere to say..i dunno T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "shit did not go as planned" T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: I'll call them just to show that someone cares. T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: WHO ARE YOU, HOW DID YOU GET AHOLD OF MY CONTACT INFORMATION AND WHAT DO YOU WANT? if not a duffel of unmarked 20s atmy door, seriously what T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: apparently i missed the clarification memo about how american capitalism works. Then again I coud be waiting on a 16 year old memo from a a postal worker sacked long ago T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i think nerds are going to fucking win :) T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: over evil T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: some rich kid in a twatty pickup his parents bought him who decides to disrespect at the crosswalk vs. well just a nobody obviously T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i need to improve my throwing arm its been a minute :-( T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i could ask my dog to translate these lyrics and literally get "more" .. google lost its edge? seriously wtf T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im looking at the exact same words in Google Translate for French to English..shit even I can translate "yeah what they said" T3/r7/2022-11-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "I'm pretty sure he can figure out how to sit on his ass and do nothing, no training needed" T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Who remembers Eye-tattoos? Bet you're glad you didn't get into that.. Me too:) https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=eye+tattoo+gone+wrong T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luci: item T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Don't eat yellow snow.. It's probably not always lemon flavor:P T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lady Mirayne: Pretty sound advice right there. T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa is agreeing with that Lady Mirayne person again... T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: You spend 15 trivia points on a trivia sleeping bag. T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: time for me to meet a nice lady because I need an aardspouse:P T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKJymx2KDWo T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa thanks Prancin' Garence heartily. T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: I love this video T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence ) T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i like that my covid test kit is missing entire parts, so who knows how much tax dollars were spent on something that i just threw away. they should work for microsoft T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Almost as bad as worms.. Think about it.. U just opened a can of beans!;( T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: mischan T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: sorry T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa apologizes to MAMBO! Mushambo with a very sincere look on his face. T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Lady Mirayne: Now I'm intrigued on the other portions of that conversation... T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: all my friends are competent in whatever they, so when i deal with utter fucking stupidity i get grouchy :-( T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa runs away from Lady Mirayne in utter terror and horror! T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shadowgazer: none of you are using this channel fucking properly T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid smirks at Lady Mirayne's saying. T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck incompetence T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shadowgazer: shit fucking happen bruh T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: this channel always makes me wonder why i have it on T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shadowgazer: it can be turned off from what ive read in the helps T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: no shit T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shadowgazer: def fuckin check it out bro T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: let me check real quick T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shadowgazer: fuckin good man T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: missouri sounds about as fucking backwards as where I am, federal judge wont allow a 18 year old to witness their dad's lethal injection? T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: are states just advertising where never to move? T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: seems like the fucking nazis have wormed their way into most countries :-( T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: they arent popular man T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: then why havent they been rooted out yet? T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: i think people know they arent popular, so no search teams maybe? T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: when theres very few, and its an unpopular club. peopl emay think they will go away, u r right. T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: ` T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: not a fan either brutha T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: but the club is distressingly increasing in popularity? feel like there needs to be some change in commUNITY search priorities T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: i hope thats not true, social media is just ever present in our culture, so they can reach out easily T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: just liek old racist people. they r gonna die T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: people have been and are going to be more progressive, it cant be helped T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: we will all be at least a little brown by 2050 T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "a true romance" hopper's rant to walken about sicilian hehe...but my concern is the evildoers know we're coming and are going to lash out T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: know what the most useful fucking words in any language are? thank you T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: Hey, don't fucking swear T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: that life advice was free. seriously, tell folks thanks :) T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: Cast 'harden body'. You feel your body harden. Heh. Heh heh. Heh. T3/r7/2022-11-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: he said "Hard"... Eh heh heh heh heh T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Like how my hair bounced in that video? That's hair salon selects known as "Videl selsum";) T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: fuck T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: mischan sorry T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macadamien: you rock man... keep mischanning! T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: nice! T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "continuous tracking of persons and vehicles without use of traditional electronic emitters' sounds exactly in fucking line with my sense of morals, so i'll be sure to try to help the navy do so T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: googling "statute of limitations bank robbery california" seems like a smart thing to have added to my fucking file T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: any time I do one of those, I like to then search, "things to search in google to freak out the monitors" T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: probably doesnt help though. T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "how to correct a search history when the neighbor hacked your system?" T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MrBucket: hehe, probably just as effective. :) T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: works with ISP dmca issues, i kicked that no-good roommate out ;) T3/r7/2022-11-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I'd like to thank the Jamie robo-bot from Discover, faithfully calling me every morning at 814am to remind me their voicemail is not a solicitation call T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: pretty fucking sure i knew that about 3 months ago. people used to pay for wakeup calls ? T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: how did I miss this fucking gem of movie? https://rumble.com/v1x458l-van-damme-movie-knock-off-is-so-crazy-it-changed-pants-bombs-forever-best-m.html T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: but is it as good as the 3 movies he did in like a year where he was forced into underground fights? T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "my credit list? shambles, ain't that a bitch" genius T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: one time at band camp I "Craigs lists" some campbells! T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: you can build credit score with your debit card-- when they say "credit or debit?" pick credit, it still takes the money but raises your score T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pure WhiteTiger: .... is this true? T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Pure WhiteTiger: dont lie to me now...im gullable :P T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my only good credit is with under my name :-/ T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: in 3 years time i gad a score of 810, im serious T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: still have to exercise it but my score is high T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: it cant hurt either way but yeah T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Salinavi: I'm so bored with managing see invis T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: spellup T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: pop quiz: if the gear shift in your car is next to the letter 'N', and the letter 'N' is illuminated, and the dashboard is complaining that the car is 'not in park', what gear are you in? T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: fortunately there are cures for that.. the aardhelm gives you ongoing true sight T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I am sick of fucking crackheads in McDonalds T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luci: park T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: wrong! you are in park. why? fuck you, thats why. stop buying german cars. T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: can't help you there T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: bang em at burgerking? T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Salinavi: HA! T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: without crackheads, there wouldnt be anyone at mcdonalds. i mean, behind the counter. T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: everytime I am there someone is having an overdose in the washroom T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: sheesh, go die in the gutter at least, am I right? T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: exactly T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: I'm trying to take a piss T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luci: i can help T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: jokes on you, b. the gutter is full of burger wrappers and paper cups. T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: from whence it came T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: fuckin ayYyYyy T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I feel like I'm in a horror movie.. it's 2F outside with Fog T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: gonna get stabbed with an icicle T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: behind you! T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: AHH! T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I actually looked T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: i saw that T3/r7/2022-11-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan bursts into tears. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "the thing about smart mfers is that to dumb mfers they sound like crazy mfers" . I think it's Voltaire? ;) T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Luci: that's not always true T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: for sure it is, just sometimes the people you're talking to are smarter than they think T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: When I conjured my elemental, I forgot to give him a fucking brain. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ULTRATURBO Fuel: so he cant fuck? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: that's fucked up T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: no lucky no fucky T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: Anyone want to adopt an earth elemental? He will perform sexual favours for free. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: you don't need to be lucky... just come to my country T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: does he have big stones? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: BIG stones. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: which country is that? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Doomsayer Sethril: He knows how to pound you good. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: mmm pounding T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: ILLEGAL T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: I need to cast "giant strength" to lift my penis.. I'm carrying too much:( T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: same, but also Mystic might T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: and Power of faith T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj: more like detect hidden T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: "I believe I can lift this penis.. I believe" T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa laughs hysterically at Dashj, OMG! his ass just fell off!! T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: more like fuck you! T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan curtseys gracefully to Dashj. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: perhaps you both need to just spend more time working out your right arm? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I can't think of a good spell-based comeback.. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dashj moans in ecstasy at a donkey. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: maybe something around Flesh armor T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: Flesh armor = Metaphysical armor of foreskins? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: flesh armor is only a "Lambskin condom" T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: You'll be a daddy in no time while using T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: foreskins are amazing things... Had a Rabbi friend who collected all the foreskins he had taken off over the years. When he retired he gave them all to a leather-crafter and asked him to make something special. Crafter came back with a leather box the size of a shoe-box, and the Rabbi was pissed. Said... "this is ALL you could come up with?" and the crafter said yeah, but if you rub it it'll turn into a full set of luggage! T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neeper: hahaha T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: wow, can I invite you to my son's bar mitz vah? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: dang I just guessed on spelling.. wasn't far off T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: bar mitsvah T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: Yiddish words are only loosely spell-checkable... T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: think Channakuh T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: What did the ghost say to his girlfriend? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) It's a Nordic: You won't die from taking it all the way now.... T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: smh T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: rofl T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Dear FTII - fuck you T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron laughs out loud. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: Trying to find a princess? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy: or perhaps the goal? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: prince is worse thanks to lazy matching T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: Or a prince. Either way haha T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Should my shirt have a pocket for a "Tampon" or should I get a "Purse"? T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: when I read someone is a "Forbes Magazine 30 under 30 member" as like an accomplishment, that's like the easiest fucking way for me to decide ignore T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck these arrogant yutes T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Wednesday night fucking poppin. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) The Muse: Delight fistbumps Dein Untergang. T3/r7/2022-11-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: boner boner boner stoner stoner stoner boner boner boner T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Aww I phuckin love you people! Now hold me close like a breast-implant:P T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'm pretty fucking sure I can make mistakes in my own cybersecurity, but I don't charge others for that privilege while accepting millions in salary. while describing myself as an "industry veteran with 25 years of experience in the sector" T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i made the mistake of trusting others :-( T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: feels good to trust T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: sector? dang near killed her T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i admit i'm not detail oriented, but a ceo described as a 'detail oriented product management professional' ... this why i follow 3 stooges practice T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'll give 100 TPS and immense gratitude to any player here who figuers out how to sue Lastpass executives for all their Porsche's T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: fake a vehicular injury and be really convincing T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: that's the only way T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: where's my 100 t-p? or is it only toiletpaper?:P T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: well at least you'll get his undying gratitude! T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Also "Lie under oath" and deny settling before court if your were bribed to cancel lawyer costs and court fees T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Also "Lie under oath" and deny settling before court if you were bribed to cancel lawyer costs and court fees T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: much better T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: you will have every porche when the courts are done guaranteed T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: these mfers get cuter by the minute. If I pay them more, Lastpass is offering to help me change 59 "likely compromised" passwords that were supposedly unique to their system. T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "I see your total fucking incompetence and I choose to double down in my confidence in it" T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: pretty sure being that the service they're offering is secure password generation.. a class action lawsuit does actually have a good chance of success T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: they literally had one job T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Use the names of people's "moms"... Nobody will ever guess that correctly:) T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: my mom's name is Shekneekwa T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: you're welcome to use it T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: see.. How's someone gonna guess that at your password screen? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'm less interested in the notion of receiving $8 in 3 years in some weird envelope i'll figure is spam and throw out T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: well they might now T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: well then lawyer up yourself and get those fat cats T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: I rather have the "Rat Pack" and "Alley Cats" T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: use to be a way to have them as a chess set but now the offer is gone or hidden:( T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: there's not enough justice in this world anymore :-( need more robocop folks and fewer takers T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: but Goku defeated robocop.. Remember? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: it's on a dragon ball z re-run T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: we need a superman T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm too fucking lazy to learn lua just to make an EQ miniwindow. T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'bad boys, bad boys, whatcha going to do when we come for you?" T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: shoot at ya and then claim it was police brutality when we end up full of lead T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Taunten: arm T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i see alot of "I" statements in descriptions of what people may have done when I know 100% it was a team effort... T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my red pen may run out of ink T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck takers, support all givers T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) It's a Nordic: fuck kittens too! T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) It's a Nordic shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: if i only suck female dicks, is that gay T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: yes but only cause its you mael T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: oh so another mael is fine T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if there's another mael, then i need to correct my LastPass once again T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: sammael is even more evil than regular mael T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: no just more samish T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: let's just all live in harmony T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: e-harmony? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: whatever tickles your fancy T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: that ship sailed long time ago bruv T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: let me show you T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: i just found out Grindr isn't a support group application for mud addicts. T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: lolllll T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: you won't find a grindier mud than this one i suppose T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: its also more "pestle and pestle" than "mortar and pestle" it turns out T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: like i said, only female mortars T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: or is that the pestle T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: whatever gets ya grindin T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: well you need both i guess T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: police get weirded out if you answer the door for a loud music call, in swimming goggles b/c you were making salsa T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: ah yes the mortar is the bowl T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: i fucking LOVE AARDWOLF AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: me too :) "fuck" T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: you're not obligated to swear on this channel T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: in case you were wondering T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: i'm pretty sure I was fucking told otherwise T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: shit fuck shit you're probably right T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: i will fucking curse when i fucking want shit fuck cunt bitch aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA dick penis fuck fuck shit cunt pussy clit cooth SNATCH T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: ok? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: *kisses Yajan* T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan smiles happily. T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: TFW you use a aardwolf on an IBM thinkpad T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: Philly where ya at? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: ADRIEN! T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: yesss Rocky Balboa too T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: anybody know where the cave opening in Hatchling Aerie is, asking for a friend? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Monadragon: yip yip! T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: do not eat fake bacon T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: do the bahamas even have nice beaches? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i thought the fucking 'point' of freemarket capitalism was the state's not supposed to get involved? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'm also pretty fucking sure that a corporation is legally considered a 'person' (not my choice) AND that b/c i know how to count in order, the first amendment comes ...well first T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: so why is DeSantis stealing money? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: a corporation is the embodiment of a 'person' that is allowed to act in a sociapathic way T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also, piss! T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: piss shit T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bedokman: Elon is the 2nd coming so intervention is allowed T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: oh wow he went for it there *tickles Reltubydoc* T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: yeah but Ronnie Hairspray is stealing money from...well everyone. I share no fondness for Blackrock by any means, but a corporation is allowed to speak with their dollars T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if they happen to accept that 'climate change' is like FUCKING REAL (sorry y'all, block me if you dont agree), and want to invest accordingly i don't see the problem T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan cancels Mushambo. T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: oh my gosh guys! He mentioned politics! He is worse than Satan! Cancel him! T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: thought Elon canceled 'cancellation' ? T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bedokman: Tonight we'runto elemental canceling the Apple-colypse! T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: thanks, googling that, I'm probably on yet another list T3/r7/2022-12-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I'm pretty sure I'll bet on Mickey Mouse to win over an asshat who was deployed to Iraq as a lawyer. That means he was doing shady shit T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: time Warner rep said my internet will be out to am and i should just go yo bed T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I didn't see any swear wors, poor form T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: a funky yute tried telling me a bedtime. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i forgot to ask what their fucking excuse was T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: and how much money i get back on my bill T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: whenever my internet goes out I think of River Phoenix as the technician, "Do you mind if I use your john" T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: this fucking bullshit, i'm a civilian T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: eat piss! drink shit! T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: fuck shit with piss T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: yay! that was a good one! T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: poop T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ok 5/10 Kazul T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is it 1 or two points when your dog tracks down mfers messing with internet? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: arf? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's 3! piss! T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: or is it a hundred fucking treats T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck SmartBear Ventures, Talons Ventures, Francisco Partners, and Evergreen Coast Capital for choosing an absolute fucking clown as CEO. Board of Directors role has responsibility, you sign your name on reputation T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my name IS my name and I don't shill for shit, so fuck asshole 'executives' who don't value their own name T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill mushes a fucking ambo T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: things you never fucking want to hear is some employee saying 'weird, never seen that code" T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if total fing incompetence keeps my internet from not working for another hour, the isp will credit me 50 cents T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: that seems like a fair trade? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Fuck yea, I'm buying my kid a lite-brite and probably gonna push him to the side and play with it myself kuz I wanna play with that shit. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Jesus turned on a computer long ago only to end up saying "I'm tired of dying in this game, Father will you forgive them?" T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ghost pepper sauce is pretty good, but fuck that shit when even an extra drop gets in stuff. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: what's good about it exactly? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: tastes like you're dying T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: flavour T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: is the flavor tastier than non molotov based sauces? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: and you taste it with a single drop or? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: death is pretty tasty I get that T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the sauce i got is really good, but like a drop or two is max. still a lot of flavour and it doesn't hurt. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I like smoked serrano hot sauce or something that is tasty but isn't overly spicy so you can put lots on T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: not sure I'd find much point in putting 1 or 2 drops of a sauce in and then searching for the flavor T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: but I have a small penis so T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I do like sauces that aren't as hot. but if i'm gonna spice stuff up the ghost sauce works well. turkey day i had habenaro peach my nieces brought and that was good T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: there's a jar of peaches soaked in moonshine in my fridge T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: my dad is isn't habanero and jalapeno jams and makes them.. I don't really get the draw but glad people enjoy it T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the trick is not getting a sauce that cares more about heat than flavour. you can have both. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron goes 'mmmmm'. Yummy! T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: is into* T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm not sure about the jams. I don't mix sweet with sour/spice/salt T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Yo bro my hood has mad chicken places and philly lost pizza huts so now we have "Boston market" everywhere "Pizza hut" use to be.. I'm not lyin they bought all their old buildings around me in my community.. So are you ready for this? We have "Popeyes chicken" also "Arab crown fried chicken" "K-F-C" and "Boston market"... too much chicken T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: and we have chinese food stores fryin chicken T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: there's never too much chicken T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: but what if you walked outside one day and noticed all your jack in the boxes and wawa were replaced by pizza delivery? How would you fair then? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: we don't have those here, and the pizza could use improvement T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: rofl T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: dont matter to me, i can no longer afford fast food here :) T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i live in like the bible belt buckle T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa comforts Hi, I'm Elfo. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Might have to move into a black neighborhood... Fast food still affordable for me there:P T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ya seriously T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: The buckle? Hmmm. Alabama? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Texas? That place seems pretty bucklish. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa laughs hysterically at Rhavage, OMG! his ass just fell off!! T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: i thought texas was more the crotch, or is that florida? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: Pardon texas has gotta be the dick of the united states and it's penetrating south america:P T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: heh T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: the united states grew two dicks? T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Except for out west in the Texas mountains. Mainly because hardly anybody is there. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: florida is confusing T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Florida is a little bizarre. Culturally, the farther north you go, the farther south you get. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: but they make the best orange juice T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Good grapfruit, too. Great, actually. T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'm supportive of finding abducted children, but the odds of me randomly noticing an amber alert wearing a long sleeve shirt with flowrs..when i don't leave the house are pretty fucking slim T3/r7/2022-12-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Ronnie Hairspray T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: waste of fucking time T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Karim Toubba T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "fuck that asshole" T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: sorry, i forget the channel rules ;) T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: covfefe sorry T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Mandiant T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: coconuts T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo just touched himself on the forehead. Strange. T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: hrm, that didnt work out T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: american's can't claim political asylum anywhere wtf? T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: they should commit you to a political asylum T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS CARRION CRAWLER T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: oh found him T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: slacking again? T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if it'd be free, involve beaches and martini masters, sign me up T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: yes, mostly :'( T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: damn you crawlers T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: he was like around the corner of the corner T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: couldn't get scan on him T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: little bastard T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: they always do that! T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: right? T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: exactly T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I like you for some reason.. maybe because you agree with me T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: probably why I don't like Mush T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: hahahaha T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo whimpers at 9th Tier Yajan. T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: damn my notification went off sothought he was here T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: you're uninvited from upcoming Mush Fest then, 2024 T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: What is this mushfest T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: fine.. probably all you were gonna do is eat mushed potatoes and mushed mac & cheese (the latter being chewed by old people first) T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: mush going to be like WayneStock? which (apparently) is a real festival, but i was just trying to find Mike Myers clip saying i'd dot lower case ... j's T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: isn't a J like a blunt or something? T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i bet you'd think that Panama Red, lowercase j's is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vvMKxDvAt8 T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: yall probably think this about me on other things, but seriously try to keep the fuck up? i dont have time for slowpokes im dying T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "fuck off" seems like an appropriate sister to brother reponse right? she's the older and thus infinitely smarter one T3/r7/2022-12-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: yall have to deal with my nitwittism :-( T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i fucking "love" folks who choose to double down and say 'hit me' on 19 T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: are you a croupier? T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: no, but Clive Owen shouldve been the chosen bond :-( T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: which film are you referring to ? T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "Croupier" starring Clive Owen T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: ok, I haven't seen it T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: worth watching? T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i liked it when it came out, but havent watched since so no im not sure i can recommend 2 hours until i redo it T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: but i heartily recommend the steve martin pink fucking panther to anyone who wants to smile :) T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: the Peter Sellers film was better T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: blarg, learn something new... get all corpse seemed to ignore the cursed items on the first get. T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: probably due to weight issues T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: ah, so it was a fluke? T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: err... fucking weight issues i mean T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil grins evilly at Miscreant Omnivek. T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: that's the last circumstance you want to have weight issues in T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: yeah if your gear wasnt on you probably werent fucking strong enough to pick it up T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: or maybe not! i won't judge T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fimbulthul: im killing hours here in solan. no one wants that damn ring oO T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i get the amber alerts at like 3am, not smart enough to receognize a license plate 800 miles away. what should we call the 'WE are the ones about to fuck shit up' alert? T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan just wet himself. T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: ragamuffin? T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: fucking ballz T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: log on with 18 min timer left.. 10 min of double qp T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I suck at timing T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: why do I ever logoff T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: oh yeah, my pc dies T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: time warner spectrum T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: ahh close enough T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: got you comp on turbo to play aard? T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I should get another stick of ram for Aard T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: maybe I'd win more GQs T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: another 64gigs fo sure T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan rapidly nods twice at Prancin' Garence, in complete agreement. T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: that's probably why I don't win much T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: yeah definitely T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: htop has told me all sensors are over 212F. for months. it keeps going so im kinda proud of that fu attitude. warnings are cute (except here) T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: https://www.ted.com/talks/kade_crockford_what_you_need_to_know_about_face_surveillance T3/r7/2022-12-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: don't need to watch, bc covfefe. always wear your sunglasses at night T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: can anyone explain in mush terms wtf is "Kolmogorov complexity" ? take the lazy route is what im interpreting T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking DONE ;) T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: "don't write too much shit to produce very little shit" T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: You're welcome T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: some user agreements are a fucking hoot if you actually read them didnt know i'm to be considered a "natural person" :-( T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: wtf happened in NC with the power system? fucking rednecks think they can't be tracked down lol T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: that's about the level of idiocracy of some dude who made shitty pillows thinking he'd be find hackers T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking lol (to me) that some folks brag about 'social media impressions' when the smarter mfers try to live like ghosts T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i didnt know 5.1 million twitter 'views' for the month was like an accomplishment T3/r7/2022-12-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking yutes T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: let's burn this shit down. T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) It is Abig: let it end in hellfire T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: we ran out of ketchup! T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Use ghost pepper T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: allergic to pepper.. T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: must touch nipples... T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: rub ghost pepper on nipples. spicy. T3/r7/2022-12-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'd buy anything if it was called 'high' or 'enhanced' lol bird & fortune awesome T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i thought Elon's infinite wisdom had conquered censorship on the internet? LinkedIn did not like my trying to add "dont give a fuck about fucking injustice up" as a skill :-( T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: #cancelled T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: probably the curse words? brain doesn't compute the norms between platforms :-( T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: maybe... LI is NSFW and then some T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'dog the bounty hunter' is like lol level of mullet incompetence T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: gonna turn him loose on you T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: and then we'll see how you feel about his level of competence T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: that's okay, i'm pretty sure MY doggs know how to handle idiocracy T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) You catch 2 Naughty Poppa and Simetra basementwise... Is everyone taking it in the basement? T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is firefox's memory hole so fucking big it just doesnt correct itself unless i turn the machine off? T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: yes. T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: sorry, i meant 'fuck that shit-show of a program, yes its hole is huge and hungry'. T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: lo and behold, telling someone on Instagram i only give two warnings...shut the person up. course im now $2K poorer b/c i didnt click the link :-( ill make it up on volume T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: usually you lose more from clicking the link T3/r7/2022-12-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i shouldve asked for their payment link, given it to yall and hey, we all need a vacation. i accidentally alerted too soon sorry T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK the internet T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: devs fuck everything up to keep a job and sec bullshitters just make it impossible to use shit. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: you know what doesnt have any of those problems? fucking /paper and pen/ T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: there's no reason it should take hours to get access to an account that's never been comprimised. I got the password right, let me in. ok, I got the email verification right, let me the fuck in. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Mannec You're dead on. I love my bank so much for letting me just write my name and take money. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: last time we lost internet at work, we were completely shut down for an entire day - even the cash drawer was locked, because its run by a fucking remote web page. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Scrubs not having a failover solution T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan faints into Ensolyss Enlossys's open arms. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: you're my failover T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: we _have_ a failover solution. and if the internet was working, we could contact the remote IT department to enable it. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys looks at 9th Tier Yajan and swoons in ecstasy. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: we even have a phone number to call to work around the lack of IT web interface - guess what fails when you lack internet connectivity? VoIP phones! T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: That's seriously stupid. You need internet to enact your failover? T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Just get the manager to use a fucking cellphone T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: That's some next level apathy T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fucking personal cell calls dont get answered, due to a combination of "fuck you, use the web page", and the department being one very busy intern and not having time to deal with anybody's problems. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: If that's the case, then I guess corporate or whoever deserves to have the store go down when the internet croaks T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neeper nods at Ensolyss Enlossys. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: oh, you wouldnt believe the shitstorm a loss of a day's revenue brought down, not on IT, but on our poor beleaguered local manager. eventually they found something else to bitch about, but it took a week and a half. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: on the upside? we have an appointment scheduled 3 months from now to send an IT tech to review our connectivity. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: It can be automated so easily as well T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fucking corporate culture bullshit. used to be a family owned business, the managers could just make shit work and get rewarded for it. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: oh sure, e - but not by anyone local, because its corporate-controlled. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i fuckin spaced out hard ' Enlossys: Scrubs not having a failover solution' Redundtancy on internal servers? T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: local software hosting would work. so would a cellular connection. one is not available, and the other not properly configured. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I don't even work IT but I run home servers and got that shit sorted when I'm away and on my phone. Also, I concurr with Yajan's FUCK SHIT FUCK SHIT FUCK T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: screaming curse words before doing physical exercise improves performance T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: something about hormones T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: no shit T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: this is fucking true T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: helps me level faster too T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Fyzzy Xyzzy knows how to make a hormone... Don't pay her. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: guttural shouting is actually shown to improve performance in high stress lifts. still shitty to scream in the gym, but a grunt here and there when it doesn't bother ppl helps. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: its spelled 'whore stab', x. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I hear some asshat in charge of something called "The TUttle Twins" can re-educate your kids hormones T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: unless it's planet fitness T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: think they'll boot you for that T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: always find that mind-bogglingly stupid T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: punch line? their boot aint got enough oomph to do the trick, unless they grunt while kicking... T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: thought people were at the gym to push themselves but who wants to be worried about what everyone else is thinking T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: same as banging, yea it's more fun to yell, but sometimes ya gotta bite down and just work. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck planet fitness. I'd last less than a day kuz they boot ya for putting more weight on the bar than they can lift. if you're stronger than struggling to carry the free pizza they don't want you. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: pretty sure theyll boot you for banging, also. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: the point is, floppy whiners are pf's target demographic. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: everyones gotta start somewhere? T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: So twitter regulars go to planet fitness T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: its spelled 'twits', e. and yes. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: pf is where 'start' goes to die, m. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: If we're talking about pathfinder and I name a character 'Start', then yes T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I've happily done max 3 reps and chatted with a couple in their (50-60s) We were in the gym 4 or 5 mornings a week and I was working on strength and they were doing total health stuff. we chatted and got along. if i growled through clenched jaw a couple times during the day they didnt care and it was chill T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I fucking love seein older ppl in the gym tho. such a better use of time than sitting round watching wheel. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: were they wearing pf employee badges? theres your answer. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: worse is the crossfitters that eat the shit enough to think cheat reps mean anything.hurting yourself for numbers isn't helping anything. just take time and lift less pleasum and thankoo. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'd like to pop back in just to say the word cunt T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: fucking hell, i hate software updates. every fucking time i have to deal with that shit, /functionality gets removed/ ! T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck i got a headache trying to think. i'm drunk or stupid... could prob figure it out if i stop thinking for a couple days and sober up. T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'burial insurance' email was a nice fucking reminder that each of us are getting older :-/ If you aint, then wtf the secret T3/r7/2022-12-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: The "X" in "Dexx" is for sex! T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: note editing sucks dick with timers on. T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I almost feel like the 'Not your friend.' line is an attack on my happiness. T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Najin: perhaps they just like to watch their friend wannabe list T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I checked mine and nobody wants to be my friend :( T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm pretty chill with that tho really kuz my fave person is my kid and I'd rather him punch me in the face for another cookie than talk to most humans. T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is fifa like the most corrupt/incompetent multi-billion org ever? happy to hear nominations for more T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: They're AMONG the most corrupt T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: But I think Nestle takes the cake as one of the top 5 evil companies T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Like, fucking disney villain levels of evil T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: who thinks to change fucking rules for who is able to advance during stages of a tournament? im not expert, but pretty sure the robo rules around here have remained quite similar T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: The video I made about a bot has 7 likes and now I have 40 subscribers.. Add a thumb up if you want but remember you don't have to subscribe.. I use youtube to v-log click to 5:00 on video time to see the finished bot joke tool LOL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpaPL-RXLiU T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 2 Naughty Poppa: I use it to v-log so click 5:00 on video time T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck shit piss T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Gaping Kazm: fuck shit hell damn piss T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: cunty dick shits T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: maybe i just need my ass kicked tonight T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: lol wtf Spectrum thinks their reputation and (quite skilled previously) talent in blocking sites better than someone's reputation T3/r7/2022-12-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i wavbed on "personal reputation" :-( sorry T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i look at hidden processes running on my end...my peeps WILL track every fucking person down eventually, go out swinging T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: kick his ass, sea bass! T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: haha, wtf is up with bonertime? T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) SpringRaine: damn that was quick T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: I just wanna say -- Fuck 10K TNL! T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: Merry Xmas Mother Fockers T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: 3k can suck a fuck so I'm sure 10 is 20x worse. T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric nods at Dein Untergang. T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: What's an inventory? T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Let me see your bot... My bot was pre-owned and I just merged it with 2 minicons: Galvatron minicon merger took me one minute to stage up for and 7 minutes to figure out lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYArwhRqeJs' T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: amazing what happens when all those rich mfer VCs subsidzation of companies to teach everyone to be EVEN lazier "dries up" fuck Uber T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Correction... 3 minicons now on Galvatron instead of 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hv0JghMR4E T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Uber sends me a link to "Agree to community guidelines" fucking lol, b/c there's no link on what community guidelines i might beegees agreeing to :-/ T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: what if my community hated "Uber"? T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: still sticking to guidelines? T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im pretty sure there's also a difference between a VC company claiminig community and like commUNITY T3/r7/2022-12-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: very criminal lol T3/r7/2022-12-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: teleporting adrunk man in the last 2 min of double exp, then when he runs back you curse and web him, while he's trying to fucking curse you fucking kill khim, fuck you RNG GODS T3/r7/2022-12-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: someone bring out the doll. now show us on the doll what happened and where he touched you T3/r7/2022-12-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: yeah because drunks make the best witnesses T3/r7/2022-12-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: why is the doll wet? T3/r7/2022-12-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: we don't talk about that T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: can you imagine a business plan that relies on incompetence ? its called fucking google (now) T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: things i like are waking up on Monday and hearing I've got an unscheduled fucking house inspection T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: quick! clear up all the screwed up ransom letters! T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also piss! T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: It won't farkin stand up! T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: fuck T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: mischan, sorry T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool: Is it really a mischan to say fuck on this chan? It seems like the perfect channel. T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: mfers are thinking to balance spears off their nose now? ive gotta learn to lmao safer at what community coming up with T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: mfers who keep doubling down on their lies are driving me shit piss bonkers :-( T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: is shit piss where you piss in her A and then.. T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan shivers uncomfortably. T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: need Poppa to confirm this nastiness T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i dunno? would that involve a brass section? T3/r7/2022-12-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: deferring to Poppa on this one T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: December rain can eat several unwashed dicks. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan cringes in terror! T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I apologize for the imagery, but not the sentiment. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm about a pint from bed and it pisses me off there's nowhere to get decent 3am food. I dig the stuff round but they closse at 2 and can't even find a kebab shop in the day T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: are you "drinking yourself to sleep"? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: when you tell time to bed in beers.. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: it's bullshit that most of what i can get is just the same drivel and i can't just eat tortas and key tibs all the time, for fucks sake i just wanna a döner once in awhile T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: is that like "beer-thirty"? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: yea, well, no point in keeping the pint til the morning. its in a glass and it'll taste like dogshit fucking a potato in the morn. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I mean I could really go for a pint T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Can't De Cide goes, "Hmmmm." T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I try not to keep beer in the house T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: because I drink it T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: if ya stop over you can have it. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: guessing you're somewhere where what you said makes more sense T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: dude im going to call out that statement T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: you're wrong, i don't make sense anywhere T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm fucked in the head globally. it's fun, we enjoy. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if you continually are asking others to 'make more sense' ...maybe someone should start trying to keep up T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: do YOU know what a döner is? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: without googling? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I rest my case T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: he lives somewhere where that word is something people know T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: i.e. not here T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i tabbed out and youre a bitch now? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: anyone who's ever gotten a kebab should know what döner is T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: döner T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: umm nope T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I've got kebabs lots of times here, no clue T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: sorry yajan i wasn't using ur version. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: US likes to takes thinks piecemeal T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: so we'll just take what we like and fuck all for the rest T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: it's german. from turks introing it to germany. ur a fucking git. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: go look it up. i'll wait T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: kk, I thought it might be but didn't want to be a pleb and assume T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: to backtrack, if you're in europe and don't know what döner is it's like a gyro, it's just a bit diff in stuff put in. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: interesting.. never heard that word here T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: sounds suspect, i need to see id T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: apparently that brought up repressed memories for Mushambo T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: i think we need to perform gait analysis on this one T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: it's not that common to call it that in the US it's mostly called gyro from what I remember T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ok fair. nothing gainst ya mate. I'd still but ya a kebab. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: good ones? doner is great, figured a foodie would know that T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: not all doner is created equal, i've had some pretty shit ones T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: so common here but just called kebab T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) After a brief pause, Helpdesk Kharpern gives Hrrdy Grrdy her formal nod of approval. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: kharpern there are gyros and kebabs in different spots. meat and seasoning is the difference. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: it's like all over here but really not very good imo T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: seasoning is pretty similar and same combo of meat T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: different sauce is all from what I have noticed T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: is lamb bigger in kebabs? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: it's a mixed meat just like gyros T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: guessing in my little town there are at least 10 to 15 shops that sell it here, most common fast food T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: pleb = kebab? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i can throw a stone and hit a decent mexican spot, but there's no kebab place here. it's not like living in southendonsea T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: there is one "mexican" place here but I wouldn't even call it that :P swedish'zed tex mex that's not even that close T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: pleb=not knowing difference of dishes? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: if you dont know doner, then you're a plebab T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: why am i even inserting myself into this, i must be a pleb T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Kharpern if you ever can have a Mexican chef cook you not upscale but like street stuff like a torta, go on that. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan is a plebab. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: grrdy plebab might havt broken me. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: I'm from california I've had proper mexican :P T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: the best stuff comes from restaurants who claim to be 'worlds best' 'famous' etc. thats how you know youre going to get quality T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: doner is a misspelled reindeer to me :P T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy snickers with 9th Tier Yajan about their shared secret. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Shut up mushambo you live where yums come from in the US T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: uh... fuck taco bell is what i meant T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: taco bell would be better than some swedish tex mex if that tells you anything T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: is Swedish food really blah? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: tells me i shouuld rather eat the fermented fish T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: my Swedish gf cooks everything at home and only talks about how restaurant food sucked T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: and that traditional foods are blah T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: Well it's better than traditional foods where every fucking thing contains rice T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: so it's not.. the worst..? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: it's norther europe on the sea so it's prolly supposed to be salted for preservation and it's not like the dishes have naturally a big range of veg T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: oh Kharp was busy pking T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: I can't even enjoy feijoada because of it :p T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: yeah, sounds awful T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I'd like to try for myself either way T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: just not sounding super at this point T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: guessing you have never been here though because that's now how it is for eating out T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I have not! T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I even know people round here that don't think rabbit and deer are food. Bambi can't get fuck'd right onto the stove and her mum got done for some human kids to not go hungry. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Helpdesk Kharpern: unless you are at a julbord maybe T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: wait what happened to poor bambi? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: human kids did what now? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: they took her out and ate her? *gasp* T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: those damn kids T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: killing for sport T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: get off ma lawn! T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy shakes his fist and yells at a cloud T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: sport? I grew up eating deer for dinner. crawfish and anything my da and gpa could trap/kill T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: deer jerky I think is the most deer-like thing I've eaten T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: mebbe I had a deer burger once too T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: deer jerky is good, ya should try steak or burgers. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: thinking I had it once T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: deer are yummy as fuck. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: a lot of red meats taste similar once you take them to a burger T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: they do yeah T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: or maybe it's a mental thing T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: like your brain is trying to make it into what you're used to between all those toppings T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: now if one is free and easy enough to kill in your yard... T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: lol, that's every day for me T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: but I can't touch them in town T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: no reason to buy beef when venison would stop walking up. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: in town is a bitch. i came from a spot it didnt matter much. and mostly lived on farms after. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I mean not that I want my neighbors shooting and missing things T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i was trying to remember what that communal appallachia party food was called...b/c my memory stinks im now on the hook for accidentally searching it's nwo a 'extremist movement' T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: but I should be able to take my bow and take one out in my yard T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: when i learn terms have been coopted by hateful people, i just think of office space...im not the one who sucks, why should i have to change T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I am also happy bout ppl not sending rounds around. trapping or bow hunting in the city is dumb to stop T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: city laws are weird.. I mean there's a lot of gray area T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: common sense should rule.. but it seems like it doesn't a lot of times T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I want to get a slingbow and pop rabbit all spring/ssummer/fall but i think it's illegal. they sit in my yard tho and not in my belly T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i was thinking of 'burgoo' a stew often served with muffins T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'm good with not shooting guns near houses, but deffo i'm not sending a bold through a wall and killng someone from a sling T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: here, any sort of projectile is illegal in town T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: you cant play golf from your yard? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: probably easiest to make a very broad law, because people will always try to work the edges T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: thats where i'm iffy. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: I think it's firing something specifically T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: who knows though, haven't read it T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i get work arounds and shit, but rabbit's not like endangered T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: what happens when the wabbit decides its time to grab the gun? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: read laws, it's a simple search to pull up code and few mins to read. then again it's mostly useless halfspeak and nothing means anything. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Well ya gotta de-Fudd urself and just beat it to death. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: stand T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: so i need to sleep a bit so I can get told by me kid I farted with my butt. not sure why that's his new thing, but he's a funny little dickhead and I supoort him going along with it T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: funny how the internet can prove pretty much every fucking falsity eventually T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: alarms need to learn to fuck off when told T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Well Immortals will cringe anyway especially if they stand behind me because I just drank another muscle milk T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: mischan T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: ignore that plz T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: ewwww T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I just had a random memory of a mickey mouse watch from the 90s that sang it's a small world. What the fuck is actually wrong with my brain that I can't find my glasses I lost in the room 2 years ago? Too bad it's out of warranty. T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: A parent's pound tickles you. [2] A parent is unaffected by your thrust! T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: you thinkin, what I'm thinkin? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: wtf? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: thrust harder? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how many fucking times does commUNITY grant idiocracy doubling down? like, we all make mistakes, T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i think the rule remains third time a charm? T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: The 17th amendment says I have the right to be with your mom... T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: ask your dad T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: truly my mos def fav country in world i've never visited :- T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: covfefe mfers T3/r7/2022-12-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: "Sosophobia" should be "Fear of duncan donuts" T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neeper: well wibble to you too T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neeper wibbles threateningly. T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hrrdy Grrdy: if FTII was a person, i would drag them at the end of a rope behind my car. T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: If you really married your brother than this part of the conversation is complete! Gratz! Now can we change the subject?:P T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: shit T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: mischan T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool is lookin to PiMpsLaP -YoUnG- Poppa better warn him quick! T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'm no soccer aficianado, but im pretty fucking sure an announcer saying "fortunately he was offsides" is like check a rulebook? T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: choosing to just like 'make things correct' ... fing exhausting T3/r7/2022-12-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: some folks never thought to turn my volume to 11..better mic i will keep fucking going going T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck piss shit is like the 'required' opener on this channel? so..said T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hey.. you stole my swear word T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: my game broke as fucck T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fixed the shit i guess. dope T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Rum conquered my stomach when I had a shot of such with my stuffed crust papa john pizza:P T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im looking very fucking clearly at my house leasing agreement and it says there are no unannounced visits for like 'general repairs' T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: i think it's the law T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: but maybe depends where you live T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: they have to give you 24h for non emergency T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: depends on the repairs T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: at least give someone a heads up there might be people climbing on the roof T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: its christmas, you should expect someone on your roof at some point T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: yea, should be 24. I'd not complain if it was something helpful, but random visits I'd refuse to play along. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if anyone asks you to sign a contract, from now on just cross out the 'non-severance clause' and write in "help conduct" ... nobody checks what you actually send back T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: I promise people look. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: depends on industry and level, but for the cursory stuff ;) T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Probably has the same effect as not agreeing to a software EULA. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: those parking paystubs where the back says by accepting the risk of parking here you automatically indemnify the facility for their own malfeasance? not a real thing T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: those fucking things are hilarious. purchasing a right to use(limited) and no actual ownership of a copy of software. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Well it makes sense, so you can't copy it and distribute it yourself, among other things. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: If I gave someone $50 for a sandwich and they took it back and blocked access because they didn't like how I was using it I'd be getting arrested. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: They can have it back, but it might not be in the same condition they gave it to me in. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: can i just rent the sandwich as a bundle deal? T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: putting in wording to that effect is one thing. but the way they write stuff for games and things means if they want they can take the game away and you can't even use it. I get in some cases it's sensible, but in those they might awell refund people. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'd like a 2 day lease on a party sub. I'm hoping to get back my deposit, but it's not likely. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: A lot of that is liability purposes, if the game isn't generating enough revenue, they can take servers offline without having to refund you. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i hope everyone realizes how fucking lucky we are to be to enjoying this conversation that is free ... T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: There prob is a bit of purpose. Especially on free games, but it's just weird stuff like how the term license gets used and if you can't use the software for anything illegal they might as well let you keep it. Can just pirate it when they revoke license anyways. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: yeah there's "free to play" business model and there's also free T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: its like this game, its free and i love it, best mud i have every played T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: even in Peanuts, Lucy's official prices are "Opinions 5cents, Thoughts for the day 10, and sound advice for 25c" T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: but in it being free, there is zero control on my end also T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: the imms and in the end lasher control, if you dont like it, then you can hit the road (not a complaint, just a fact) T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: well just compairing it to other free games, your always subjected to the will of the owner T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Elfo I agree, but like there's not a frontend software. We just agree not to be too much of dicks to each other to get to keep accessing. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Hi, I'm Elfo: ahh gotcha, i misunderstood T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ToS isn't my complaint. it's like paid stuff that companies like steam can delete from your account and all the sudden you just don't have a copy of the software or game. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) What's that fapping sound? Oh! It's just Dein Untergang, poor thing couldn't find anyone to fuck. T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: CONVOY T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: so who's buying some Trump NFT's for Christmas T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: gotta catch that grift while it's open T3/r7/2022-12-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: [ Worn around body ]: (K) (Invis) (Hum) Santa is Coming (91) [ Sleeping ]: (K) (Glow) (Hum) a blanket so you forgot to laugh (1) T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I love stupid conversations that make me laugh hard enough to forget what the shit I was doing. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss! T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Fuckbutler. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: pretty sure the idiocracy burger chains named followed the decline of the roman civilization? T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: pretty sure a cheeseburger is better than a burger. Piss, etc T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: anything with cheese is better than the fuckity bullshit not cheesed version T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: cheese a damn food group. separate from dairy T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ok challenge - what's better without cheese T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: things like strawberry sweets don't count T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: agreed, I need cheese and if possible I'll buy other foods to add to the cheese. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: sushi T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: ok fine that was easy T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: dammit T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: no fucking way sushi doesn't get better with nacho cheese. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: hmm I'm not sure T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: if a twinky is better with nacho cheese than something savoury/umami has to T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: only if it was a Taco Bell brand would i accept unagi with cheese on top T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I just had a cream cheese and ham bagel so I think I spoke too soon, and am in a cheese frenzy T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Cheese does deserve places of worship erected simply to praise its existence. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Where are the top chefs on this cheesy sushi thing? so busy trying to use $200 truffles for an omelet, for shame. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I would happily worship the altar of cheese T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: maybe nibble at it a little too T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if i'd eve rthought to train my hounds to truffle dogs, i'd be rich :-( T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: I live in Japan, so probably the closest thing we'll get to an expert here. Can say I have never tried cheese on sushi. HOWEVER, I have had cream cheese ice cream AT the sushi place. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: my son is 3 and if he tells me he wants cheese I know I'm making a quesodilla that he's gonna rip open and eat the hot cheese out of. He is a good dude. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Oh wait, there is cream cheese on some sushi. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: pepperjack rice is really good, I'd assume it still would work for anything rice is involved in. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I've used cream cheese when making sushi plenty of times - slamon, cream cheese, cucumber, chives, maybe avacado, yum yum! T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: avacodo is one of the grossest things I've had ever. I guess not had it in many ways, but it'd not hurt me to stop the plant from existing. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: definitely overrated right now, but I like it, as long as it's with other things T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I do like guac tho. that'd be the only loss. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: also not enough fucking swearing on the curse channel T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I worked with someone that would eat just an avacado and it made me ill to watch. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Avocado is delicious. Just salt pepper oil and vinegar T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fucking dicks, i keep shitting up the channel forgetting the cunting swears. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's kind of like a more vegetable tofu, not really much by itself T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: a banana is delicious and doesn't require multiple ingredients. celery is yum and doesn't need prep work. avacado needing work makes it seem like it is bad. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: but I mean I do pissing like it T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: and I pissing love guacamole T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I could go for a shitlot of quac for my chicken strips T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: guac... I'd also not hate some quacks thrown at my strips, too bad they aren't duck. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill throws an avacado at Unter's duck - bam! right on the nose! T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: only need to be rich enough to not think twice 'guacamole on top? sure T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: (beak) piss T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: fuck T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran peers around himself intently. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: tequila guacamole is great. tequila tacos are great. tequila shots with some boozy tacos is perfekt. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: shitpoop. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: tequila is simply disgusting T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Just saying tequila makes me black out. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: it's just a fact T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: pardon? T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: tequila has it's places. like if you wanna drink but don't want to enjoy it. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: anything you need to mess about with salt on your hand and limes and things in order to not taste the thing - clearly not good T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: well if it ain't 100% agave, you might as well be drinking rotgut vodka T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I think we've found Mushambo's weak point T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: I sweeten my coffee with agave syrup T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: don't do teq shots like that. rough on the gut. Bloody Marias are good though. or a tequila lemonade. piss? am i doing the curses? T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Its my wife's fault, she's on this organic junky phase. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Mate, I'll take mescal. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I never do any shots of any kind, every time I got forced into it it turned out bad T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: For me its not the shots that are bad, it's the champagne that inevitably gets popped. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: Literally mind eraser juice. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: I get drunk very easily, and it's not pretty T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: there's a drink called mind eraser. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Cil do you make a mess trying to jump up and get stuff off the counter? T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill sticks her tongue out at Untergang T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: but actually I'm little irl, maybe thus the getting drunk thing T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: countersurfing a real damn thing :-( i once lost my weeks worth of sandwich supplies to a hound that liked peering up T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill feels like she's just been compared to a hound :( T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: def being small makes it less fun to take shots. my kid's mum can have like 3 and she's off. i'll knock a half pint and make sure she's cool T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: 3 or 4 glasses of wine is more than plenty for me T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: to be fair 4 glasses of hard chard and i'm prob good unless i wanna get pissed. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neeper: FREEEEEDOOOOMMMMMM T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) It's a Nordic: Settle down William. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) It's a Nordic snickers softly. T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: FUCK YOU PLAINS OF NULAN'BOAR T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im feeling in a f things up mood...what would be kindest fucking way to put someone in check on LinkedIn? a post about integrity from someone who used to take notes off my desk is rich T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'This is rich coming from you' sounds professional enough? T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: b/c the person literally is stealing others quotations at the sametime b/c he did't use 'share' function, he decided to copy paste T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: at least LinkedIn caught my use of the word "shit" before they reposted my recommendation T3/r7/2022-12-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: otherwise what i said might not have sounded 'professional' T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: wow, fastspellup is a huge quality of life improvement T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: should have done that shit sooner T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: my idea is to make instant spellup wish T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Ensolyss Enlossys: I would buy that wish T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid: same in an instant haha T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: So, my kid woke up while i was grinding and I fell alseep with him. Leaving my character to eyeball a guard for 9 fucking hours. T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) ULTRATURBO Fuel: are you a flicker, eater or rubber? T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I need a eq named "Firm Buttock" for a back eq... Anyone know where it is? T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: muscle-eq collection T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: yeah, he's just usin it to find aard chicks T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: also, sadly, I couldn't find it :( T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I wanna wear an eq called "Thigh master" on my legs for exercise T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Perlesvaus: freaking use restring then T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Perlesvaus: fucking case solved...next ! T3/r7/2022-12-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: mitch heberg was fing Plato level of planes, prove me wrong T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: My front private part stays busy while the others I don't want hired lol.. I have to cast "Sense life" as ranger remort just so I can know when my front private part is gonna be back for me to keep using on ladies lol T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: my quest points is a total of 869.. Questor tellin the clown joke wrong, the response back for answer is "7-8-9" T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: being too lazy to donate your own money, choosing it should be redistributed to a boob surgery musician,...that's truly fucking impressive level of laziness T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Jeff Bezos probably destined for mars along with elon T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: ive truly never heard of someone who could suck so much at the concept of 'giving away money for good causes' . fuck that dude T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa fucks that dude and then says "Damn, where's the money?!" T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: creepers cannot make someone chase their dog to rescue it...theres a thing called fucking counter artillery T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: letters of fing advice...do starrt with A) Dont make old folks chase their dog if youre creeping, b/c B) we WILL find you, never was a C student so i'll stop lapping the alphabet T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: ill buy donations for any jackass thinking of buying some Donald Chump NFT T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: I'm not trading for your Pedo Biden cards T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: Unless you have the whole 'falling down' set. T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: doubling down on stupidty, like...many times, dude is like a marathon runner T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: trump gets his exercise pretending to drive trucks T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: requires one hand to raise those cheeseburgers or steak with ketchup T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: need some ketchup to drink trump vodka T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: but if i were under investigation form like every jurisdiction, i would never think to start running a scammy NFT scheme right around the holidays..that is a truly fucking level impressive of stupid T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: he can't miss a big fuckoff grift like that. T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: free money from anonymous sources to help with legal fees? yeah except nonthing IS anonymous , except maybe Legion T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: and he can't just donate it to his charity anymore. With how banks look at him it'd probably help if he could show some decent income T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Neclord: Those trump NFT's sold out in 24 hours :| T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: fuck, trump is always under investigation FBI = Dems' KGB.. it's business as usual T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: everyone's always under investigation T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: I love reading WP article from 3 days ago.. saying the cards wouldn't sell lol T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: never underestimate the power of stupidity T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: well super power stupidity was investing in FTX T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Fucked myself having blooing off. fixed with a trigger. No wonder I haven't gotten any drop today T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck cps in uprising T3/r7/2022-12-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: still dont know which company is more fucking evil, so i figure i'll click the ad on one and then let them sort it out T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Methuselah Zensch: fuck firenation! ban creator of the area! T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: the more irritated you are, the better the area is :0 T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: the fucking audacity of the government charging me a "convenience fee" when making me apply for a license T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: it's better than a $5 line-item on a friend's court bill "Processing to be released from jail" wtf T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: do they let you do it online or something? T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: no im pretty sure jail isn't online? maybe new developments on the internet though im not gotten memo for T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan: was talking about Omnivek :P T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan punts MAMBO! Mushambo halfway across Andolor! Jerk. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: what, you expect us to let you out of jail for free? pfft T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if they'd known it was only $5 to get out of jail, probably wouldve paid it on the front end T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: a fucking hour I wasted on trying to upload a file to my site because for some fuckoff reason I can't access it in any way even with the password. fuck internet security. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the funny part is it validating the password/login and then takes a moment and tells my my ip adress changed. There's so many webdevs that the internet is starting to not work. I could write a ruby code to verify my password and be happy with that. 'security' = 'hassle' anymore. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: if you got a 12' plank and an 8 foot gap to cross, cutting the plank into 2' strips isn't the solution even when it gives people something to do. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'new IP address' means youre using a VPN, (suspect points plus one) so we want to give you more shit to validate T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I thought that actually kuz I'm proxied to my phone to avoid the hotspot data limit. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: proxy? immediate plus one suspect points too T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: turned off the browser proxy, figured the firejail covered it, but i maybe the system proxy is still an issue even though i got one connect to go through. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: firewall? plus two? are you going for a royal flush of suspectism? T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I got 50Gb hotspot unlimited. I don't use phone much so I proxy it to the phone so I can burn hundreds on my computer a month. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: not a firewall, firejail T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: best answer to anyone asking why you like privacy-related internet is, "do YOU lock your bathroom stall?" b/c technically everyone does it, theres nothing to hide T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fun linux think on Parrot(and else) that stops programs from interacting with anything else. Can't catch heat that's not able to transfer. JS sucks always anyways, but I can outright open known viruses and it won't do fuckall because it can't interact with the rest of the system. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: fuck yea, i'm not trying to poo with the door open in public. I've nothing to hide but my weird way off straddling the toilet T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: downside to a Sec system is it's a bitch to force allowance. Like steam on ParrotSec is a bit of a trick, works cool after it's sorted, but takes some reading to make it happen T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Who just shit my pants? T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: whatever the latest version of USB charging cble system is called...name called out . there was nothing wrong with my previous USBs, and i could figure out the fucking chargers T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: making me feel like idiocracy trying to plug square peg to round hole to charge my phone, well..duly noted T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul calls preident kumacho! T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Kumacho 2024 T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: let's get terry cruise in character, be better than trump was T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: sponsored by Brawndo! T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: It has electrolytes T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: it's what plants crave T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: so much that they wont even grow T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I wonder if people younger that 30 even get how fucking funny that shit is T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: yall wrong, electrolytes make everything work better T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: so does straight injecting salt T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: maybe I'm wrong on that, but I didnt' ever hear back from the dude I gave powdered salt to and if he shot it up and died, that's kinda on him. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: merged new minicons today and got a new decepticon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNE9hcscZGg T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Short clip of me showing my "Galvatron" with more minicons added, He can fly now and has better ramming power:: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/QF1poyke_KQ T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: O-k either I am seeing a youtube-glitch or it really happened really fast... I just made this new "Galvatron" video and already it has 2.3 k views and over 200 likes T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Jesus... I don't even get that much reception for playing guitar lol T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: i get good fanfair when singing, but i need security...to keep guys off me T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa puts a minicon on an autobot to play Aard. Pretty Smart, right? T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Forgive me for trolling... It's just the video almost went viral and people sound comical in comments so far... One person said "Hey Keymere" like I'd trust them with me or my "Galvatron"... Glad my youtube has that person visible on the internet so I won't always sound like I'm talking out my ass lol T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: did someone fart just now? T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: you'll have to be far more specific. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa grins evilly at Shipwreckd Kazul. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul winks at -YoUnG- Poppa. T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: that was that one dudes nugget T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Kazul always wins when he busts my chops T3/r7/2022-12-19.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: juck it, i'm going to bed and i'll finish in the morn T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: always allow your best friend to spank your gf T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: you are bros, you should always know what's happening in each other's lifes T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: applies to wife too? T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: yep T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: especially the wife T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: good lord! lol T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: you will be blinded by love but a friend can tell you if your wife needs to hit the gym T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: not wrong T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i only take flak from flock, f other inputs T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: so let's have our best friends spank or wives and gfs to check if they still in shape:) T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: our* T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: youve got both? who are you bill gates? T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: wife for family , gf for parties T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: although apparently its now the Louis Vuitton guy, i didnt dig into details of how that occurred T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i guess maybe Elon made a wrong chess move? T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: don't expose your children to drugs. Christian wife and then get a Amy Winehouse kind of gf T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: my words are true! my words are life. A man with multiple women in his life goes into old age with his back as straight as a ruler, a man with one woman in his life will have his back bent like a bow T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: when a person slaps your cheek,you should turn around and back hand them for they will always bully you. T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im thinking of including slap boxing in my decathlon T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: Discover credit cards T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im going to have to call my bank for fraud, b/c i certainly didn't issue them 2 cent payment. but that resets the time that im allowed to just tell creditors 'its four years f you' T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: More surprising stuff for me... I was at therapy in the waiting room today before therapy and ladies were enjoying seeing me record myself on how I prepare for safe sex. Also how I do so could be funny to you so please, parental discretion is advised: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jt6ixOsD1Pw T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: cant fucking wait til the 23, then I can start airing grievances and showing feats of strength T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: fucking festivus! T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: apparently (thanks FB) i had a longstanding argument 10 years ago about whether it was the 19th or the 23rd T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: if you need a therapist in the next room to make sex safe, then _you are doing it wrong_ T3/r7/2022-12-20.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i'm going to start answering folks with "Unknown reason occurred" as my excuse..good enough for a vpn service, must be pretty fucking pro T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool: Sometimes you gotta say 'Hey I'm gonna F*** you softlyyyyyyyyy' T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Icecool: oh shit, I censored myself T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: it should be gently T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1NxreLH6hA T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Classic Vost: wait, it's also softly T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: terrible swearing T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im fing "thrilled" to learn that apparently *I* am to be in charge of shutting off the block's main water valve, but it may require purchasing a key from a hardware store? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: did you actually ust make a post to the curse channel and purposefully hide an actual swear word? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: because if so that's a fucking travesty T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: poop T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if fing aint a fucking curse word, someone needs to get on urban dictionary and remedy the damn situation T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: there, that's better - always trust a pirate to come in hard with the swear words T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Fuck, I tried not fucking swearing on the curse channel and ended up not swearing on gossip and now i'm just cunting mad at myself. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i still dont know what damn channel is best for 'random rants' and sometimes i dont feel like sounding like a total sailor T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Do we need a void channel? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: ftalk is best for random rants unless its a rant about how much your friends suck T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill gives Untergang a 10/10, clapping T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: isnt void just yelling in trans? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: the map? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: when do we get a 'send ftalk to everyone but X friend' feature? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: alias behindback * * T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: It's 4 out right now and a 9 block walk about killed my ears because i'm stupid and didn't bring a hat. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Damn the "hash" I been gettin isn't as strong as it use to be because I wake up from it too fast lol T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Waking early at a party is gonna be a huge surprise:P T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking love it when people lie on LinkedIn, but yall tell me to sit on my hands :-( T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: so i cant lay down flak..."oh you are finished with the lie? well then, please allow me to retort" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: People should respect "Easter" Because there's not just one kind of egg-hunting game happening at that time T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I thank you all for your decent choices and guidance... I came a long way to bask under your kickass attitude... I really did come a long way and you even made me laugh as medicine, all of you.. Life I use to live was so hard and rough that it one time made me wake up "Cursing out offenders that were in the past somewhere else living their life probably 'Stressless' "... Hey the old sayin is "Don't lose sleep over it or they win" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i hate fucking snitches, but i feel pretty damn happy i was able to report some mfer T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: b/c probably saved some lives T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: not from here obviously :) T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is fucking ignorance like the new powerball? im more than happy to rant about stuff i know NOTHING about, i can get paid for this? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my damn business card would probably need to say "Aspiring influencer" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: some mfer already grabbed mushfest.com, this aggression will not stand, that was to be the name of MY waynestock T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: anything but .com , that's cute call me when its a real fucking domain T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: some mfer wants $200K for mush.com ... good luck getting that amount of fiat lol T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: but after the $200K one-time fee, it'll only cost me $1 a year T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'how about i take YOUR fucking money' and we just decide to call things even T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: moving soon mfers, yall need to wake up too ;) T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking prove i knnow my passwords or names of anyone? boxing my head...well i used to box, so that would seem to compound the problem of proving T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Tyson use to box and he was even robbed of money and it made him a jerk but the one thing that makes him o-k sometimes is that "He shows signs of working on being positive socially with approaches to his audience... T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Watch me prepare for safe sex a in waiting room where I usually sit waiting for "Psychiatry" the t-v in the room was even on time for me and I stopped watchin t-v a decade and a half ago so I dunno what's on And you all thought I was lying lol! Who's lyin now?:P https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jt6ixOsD1Pw T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: dude, I think we get it T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: safe sex lol T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Contigo: this guy types like yamillay T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: FUCK safe sex T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: raw that shit or stay home T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: I thought children weren't allowed to have the curse channel on? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa starts watching a combination safe hump another. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I got kids older than you mate T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: I mean it wouldn't be recommended, but there's not an ingame feature that prevents them from turning it on T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: What fucking kid plays muds and admits to being under 18? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: none, just their actions give them out T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: actual kids? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Like mine? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Reltubydoc: I did a couple years ago T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: I've had the curse channel on longer than you've been born T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: interesting. I was born in 85 T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: so what curse channel did you have on? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: assuming I'm talking to you again, mhave something to prove? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: when you say shit after me in a text format it kinda seems that way. do you wan ID me? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: I don't know any adults irl that aggrandize unsafe sex but if I go any further on this I'll probably end up silenced so I'm going to duck out T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: wise choice T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: who the fuck is an adult woman that doesn't have birth control? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: who the fuck is fucking sketch people that they don't know if their getting an std? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: adult fucking doesn't need condoms when it has forethought and decency T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I would say "Fuck it" but then again I am not circumcised and some ladies get funny about that calling it a "Turtle neck" so I have to wear a condom... T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I think uncut shouldn't be hated on. I'm clipped, but it really doesn't matter either way. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: "Smegma" when you don't clip... Some ladies hate that.. It's gross T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe googles Smegma. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe googles Smegma examples. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: 10 T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: rofl T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: off T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Tobe is def a 9 year old T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: in America it's pretty standard to do it and I've only had a couple friends that didnt and it never was an issue. I'd imagine if anything it is less tight when rocked. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: i know in 2022 its kinda controversial or whatever but... ive never once thought "damn, I wish I had some extra skin on my pp" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: rofl T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: When my son was born the DR asked us and explained how it didnt matter but people go with the same as theirs and roll on the 'it looks like mine' thing. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I've wished I had extra skin sometimes kuz it felt like it was gonna rip. haha T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: true story, I had a buddy in high school that was uncut. he ran off to bang this chick one night and when he got back to the house the entire front of his sweats were covered in blood cause his dick ripped T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia twitches nervously. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Some ladies would tell me to warn their friends before makin the move to avoid risk of bad relationship happening... So I told some... And they all said the same thing to me "YOUR MOM WAS SUPPOSE TO FIX THAT WHEN YOU WERE BORN!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR MOM?!" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i still choose to practice preservation through dissmemination as a survival method, which means...others can kiss my ass as i spew truth. try to fucking find me, i double dog dare them T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "a legislative bill authorizing the DMV" (same foxes in charge of guaring the henhouse from foxes in first place) to take 'swifter action when fraud is identified' ... truly WTF T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i need the fucking job where i can just continually keep fucking up, doubling down, getting raises and still keep getting paid T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: i think it called the goverment. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: It's called "working at McDonalds" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: only in certain locales, but yeah think youre right T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Tell ppl to fuck off about talking shit. until chicks got a uniform pussy design they can shut up. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: nah variety is the spice of life my dude T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: That's what I'm saying T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "TX lawmakers passed a bill in June that authorizes swifter action when fraud is idenitified to reduce the potential number of tags 'at risk' (sicc mush) for illegal use' T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ppl are different and it's not an issue. plus I don't think it matters when it come to banging and really historically humans didnt have cutting as a thing for the majority of existance T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: unless ive typoed, there's a lot of problematic statements in that quote from a news org...TX been issuing illegal paper plates for years and somehow no one knew of it?i call FUCKING BULLSHIT T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: in 2010 IA passed laws to make it legal to have loaded guns on atvs on public grounds, took smoking out of bars, and made it legal to take a pistol in the bar. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: you gotta go outside to smoke after the gunfight T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i get the atv thing, kuz you can drive with a loaded shotgun farm to farm. The guns being legal and cigarettes not thing kicks my dick. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I guess trying to smoke a gettaway cig is good... T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i can legally walk out my door with something im wildly untrained to use, but i can't do X, it is pretty "rich" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: mutual combat is legal in texas. you cant pull out a weapon, but as long as two people agree to beat the shit out of each other nobody can sue afterwards T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: We got pretty shit gun laws don't we? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: i'd have like half as many criminal charges with mutual combat. here you gotta get your ass kicked or you're equally responcible. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: sliders episode: Illegal not to be carrying. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'd live somewhere where everone is legally required to have one. then everyone know if shit goes fucky everyone is spraying shots. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: that sounds like my (apparently) valid approach to cyber security...let the pros sort things out T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: im fucking lazy T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I don't like gun crime, but people shouldn't not have guns if they are not fuck'd in the head and a danger. I know plenty of people that I wouldn't trust in my home with me gone and they can get a gun anytime they want. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: same time if I walk to the woods I get stopped for having a machete on my belt way the fuck out in the open where it's not a crime and cops stop me and I tell them I'm not gonna do shit different next time and they can try arresting me. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: I live in Canada where only the criminals have the fucking good guns. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: i agree, we _do_ have some shit gun laws. should get rid of all of em. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec comforts Prancin' Garence. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: guns for every preschooler! T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: nah, just the ones with the cool parents. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Syntax: seems like every time theres a mass shooting you always get the stories like "cops have been called to this guys house like 15 times in the past year and theyre on 10 different anti-depressants and darnit we shoulda known" T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: shit, i was dropping nickel-sized groups at 100yds as a kindergartner. education, thats the ticket. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: we did know, its just that noone cares until it can buy them cheap votes. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if youve gotta step outside the room to press your hand against a wallsafe to achieve hand cannons, youre doing things wrong T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: cops dont do anything about it, 'cause its /not their job/. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to MAMBO! Mushambo. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: tightie-whities with reinforced waistbands. 'cause gats are heavy. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: hoodies carry them quite well? T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: hoodie isnt an article of clothing, its a way of life. and yes, they do ok. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I could have killed them all I could have killed you. In town you're the law out here it's me. T3/r7/2022-12-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: now I pretty much gotta watch first blood right? T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol yesterdays curse slays me... uncut guy goes on a lady and comes back bloody because his dick ripped T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: wear a condom T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: so are the fucking neo-nazi's / alt-right spreading some bullshit conspiracy about the holocaust that it was freemasons? T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if so, i need this source T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i honestly don't know where seemingly normal folks from the past are getting their fucking misinformation. "No, YOU are wrong" T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: If the temp even gets back to positive i'm going out naked to make a snow angel. T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adannon: heal T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Teleron: No :P T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Adannon: lol that didn't work. sorry still learning T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Shipwreckd Kazul: Heel T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: how hard is it to just get killed by motherfuckers round this bitch? T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Rhavage: Not hard at all. T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: that lastpass mfer is continuing to double down on lies, it's almost go time T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck lastpass T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: everyone gets a couple chances to admit 'i mightve fucked up' ... doubling down on 18 and blaming the dealer when you bust, is like wtf lol stupidity T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: but sir you have 20 already... T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: hehe T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: hit me again, i'll grab the ace? T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: hit me! T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: hahah T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: say WHAT again! i dare you, double dare ya T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how fucking stupid must one be to post a $250M bail (although reportedly only has 100K) to get released from pirson T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: on a scale of 1-10, i'd rate that 10 T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i dont have an amp otherwise i'd turn things up to 11 T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: ya know what the difference between 2 dicks and a joke is? T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: same thing T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: you know what the ghost said to his girlfriend? T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: youre bootiful T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Zarras mum can't take a joke. T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) You laugh mercilessly as Zarra forces Dein Untergang to plummet from the plank into the icy water. T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Fair, I need a swim T3/r7/2022-12-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: that's such a shit joke and still funny T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: sometimes I just get so tired of CP leveling... maybe I'll take the next mort off T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: oyu forgot to curse T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: fuuuucking hell, CP levelling is eye bleedingly boring T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: better? T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Miscreant Omnivek: barely T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Sommeil: fair T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: all the winter prep warnings I've gotten, none ever suggested "wrap your fucking cable coax box" T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my state government officials fucking promised id not lose power T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: you trust them? T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Zarra: shit, buddy, you OWN them...call em up T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: of course not, now im just taking names to kick ass down the road T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: id call my attorney General to complain, but hes been under federal indictments for fraud for several years T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I truly do not give a flying fuck about re T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: does CEO mean I'd just get to be totally fucking incompetent at my own responsibilities and get paid millions for getting fired? T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: INFO: Blood drips from Gravy's weapon as they turn their gaze towards you. T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: shouldn't that be gravy dripping? T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck corporation malfeasance. I pay the bill, gimme what you promise T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: also NOT my damn fault that some vp level executives at Google need to cover their Porsche lease fee. Don't shove ads in my meditating videos T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I don't like lifting shit anymore does that mean I can claim social security? T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Why don't ant's have dicks? T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: because then theyd be uncles T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: bingo, someone give this string of characters a drink T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: whoever thinks to keep inventing "new" usb cables unnecessarily... Fucking stop T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Guy of Gisbourne: https://xkcd.com/927/ T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: ok, lets all go back to OG USB, with its 1.5Mbps, huge wide ports T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: 1.5Mbps won't even run a webcam these days let alone a harddrive T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: not to mention they didn't transfer power T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: you make the switch first, I'll follow I promise. T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: yeah but keep the holes the same size? I feel like idiocracy trying to visually match usb mini b to c to etc T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I'll choose to blame the sock goblin for this. T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: c T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: carrot T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: nope it was covfefe. keep up ;) T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric nods. T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Aoric: I shall T3/r7/2022-12-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: there is no "trade secret" copyright owned related to corporate incompetence..someone should register this T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: make ducking billion each time some company decided to be dumb. "according to law, you actually owe me money for yhe concept" T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: sometimes I feel stupid as fuck. I just tried to pour a shot of gatorade T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: It has electrolytes, it's what plants crave. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Atleast I'm not drinking water, like from the toilet. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Cilmarill: piss? T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron: I don't think Cilm saw the movie T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: She needs a Brawndo to help T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Piffaron nods at Dein Untergang. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Your mom ruins parties because she gets drunk enough to think she's a "drink umbrella"! T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: He said "I came here to take a punch and not a pump! I didn't sign up for pound town in a fight" ROFL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntdPDinsmMs T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: someone sent me a vid where someone tosses a baby up and I lost my shit. don't throw babies. what the fuck. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Nepenthes Nid tosses Dein Untergang up in the air, he loves it! T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I would try to pick up your mom but she's so fat that I can't hold back from last time... T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: if ya can't pick up mums ya should hit the gym T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: deadlifts and power cleans. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I've picked up nuff mums to know it'll help, still might break the fridge. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: lol, that really sucked not having our fridge. might need to keep the bed from floating away for a few hours. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: or break your bank if you're a sugardaddy:P T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I jis wen poopy T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: was ral gewd T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Lets all celebrate someone's mom today!:) T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: mommy! T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: I'm going to just start using my computers error messages..'Working on updates. Progress 30%" mfers email me again I'm at 31 T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: ah the curse of a windoze user. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i missed the fucking airing of grievances yesterday, can i get a mulligan to start ranting? T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: must be fucking hard to hire lawyers when you've personally cheated so many peopple over three decades (while being expert at business), be like scraping bottom of the barrel for quality? T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Pissmissed peasant! T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa pees on u T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Piss upon me not, sir T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: truly never fucking thought i'd be relying on a Cheney to defend american democracy T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: if all my lawyers names ended in a vowel (maybe I somehow managed to lose money running casinos, 3 times (statistically impossible), id shoot myself and do the country a favor T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Happy fucking Holiday season. I hope everyone eats so much they need to nap before moving. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Evine: happy fucking holidays to you too :D T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I hope you eat so much that you wake up in sections! T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm gonna be eating so much tomorrow that I'll prob be passing out on the couch with my kid snoring on my side. So, a good day. T3/r7/2022-12-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Holidays are hilarious for me kuz we all head to my mum's and hang out alil and eat too much and then people are just falling asleep while we talk and then other people drop out. It's a wonderful kinda thing T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "it's alright im not running for office...it was theft and you knew it, it was fraud and you knew it, and we know you knew it.' T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: you write on papyrus, still?? ROFL! It's the year 2022 going on 2023! We been using paper for the longest! Hellooo! 21st century calling you and asking you to change with the times.:P T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: mischan, sorry T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i think Google has enough fucking money already that they shouldn't be interrupting my Peanuts episode with ads T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran: No one ever made money by stopping making money T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) 9th Tier Yajan crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to Smoloran Soloran. T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: whichever fucking republican governor decided to bus migrants in tshirts and a winter-storm, fuck them. T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: not actually possible to be charged with libel/slander of a public figure, unless the description of their actions is false T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "kicking ass and taking names" is going to be my new biz card T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: They'll dougie your howswer with no M.D T3/r7/2022-12-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: mischan, my apologies T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: my price is now five fucking duffle bags sent to five friends T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: 3 short of a joe pesci movie T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is asking for 8 for 8 better? T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "high quality-lesson plans" sounds about as fucking reputable as any restaurant that has World's best or world famous in its title T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i can be totally fucking incompetent for much less than 3M a year, I'll settle for 1. Sounds like a smart deal for Southwest T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: truly fucking remarkable how people keep doubling down on already proven lies T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: jet fuel can't melt steel beams!!! T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i dunno, for a politican to claim they graduated from NYU but have no college degree...that's pretty baalzy T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia narrows her eyes warily at Duke Baal. T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Legendary Gruagach: STOP THE STEAL T3/r7/2022-12-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia slinks back to first base. T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: That's why your mom is so fat that after she eats she transforms into something too heavy... T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: took forever to think that new one up.. Give me credit T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: don't go back to her if she cheats T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: remember she undressed for him,she kiss him,she got wet for him,she put it back in when it slipped out...remember! T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant throws back his head and cackles with insane glee! T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa goes into the basement to open tuna... T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael whispers to -YoUnG- Poppa. You hear only the words 'shower' and 'wetdog'. T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) You catch -YoUnG- Poppa and a current of the maelstrom basementwise... Is everyone taking it in the basement? T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) You catch -YoUnG- Poppa and Mael basementwise... Is everyone taking it in the basement? T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa goes through great lengths to open tuna in the basement. Umm WTF! T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: street fucking craps, my "Google Takeout" download is 14 GB, cant wait to find out what they got on me T3/r7/2022-12-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fuck effective altruism, it was a lie from the getgo T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Holy shit! Ok, I tried the robitussin honey that my son hates and it's the worst liquid medicine flavour i've ever tasted. Thought the honey might make it sweet and help with soar throught. Nope, he can get some candy fruit flavoured shit from now on. T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [Outlaw] Mendaloth: Did a doctor direct you to do taste test it? T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Nope, just have the beginning of a sore throat so I took a shot of it. tbf my throat feels alil better, but I can still taste it. T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) [Outlaw] Mendaloth: OK phew, was thinking you were not using as directed. T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: curious, are you using voice to text? T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Never used voice to text. T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: my bad, think officially it's called speech to text. T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: icic T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'm just shit at typing when I'm tired. And that's the majority of being awake for me. T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Macbeth: go sleep! T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I wish I could. I got 6 hours,. though T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Your mom is so stupid that she thinks "Delicatessen" is how you spell "Dressing room". T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Forgive me.. It's just I learned from working in so many places while young that "Some people" only "think" that they know what they're reading... I use to be concerned about such but now it's funny to me T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: we have to talk T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Stone Cold Stuyvesant: bring out the doll T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: What did the "Nintendo" say to the "Playstation"? T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I wish you were never artificially inseminated T3/r7/2022-12-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: some asshat called threatening to garnish my wages if i didnt pay an unpaid tax bill that doesnt actually exist...wish id kept the number T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: first robocop movie high light is the car ads!11111 "6000 s-u-x" was a car LOL T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I turned on my camera after re-logging... So now you're all celebrities even though you didn't wanna be:P https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVBQtLByKQg T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking cell phone companies, in case of emergency please send pigeon T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) GodKing Stuyvesant: like the new generation is brave enough to touch a pigeoon T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "My apologies for you have been billed for twice and honestly really want to check it but we do not have any access for prepaid accounts." fucking kafka-esque T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'd really say fuck this campaign and just get to SH, but I'm super thirsty for a single tp T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Finished it on last mob with 400 health and no pots left. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i keep missing the fucking memos i guess? :-( shouldnt be necessary to open up art tubes physically to check for contraband, customs got plenty of tax dollars to use xray, dogs, ai, whatever T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: how much drugs would i need to smoke to look like Dr. Ben Carson?? I don't think ive got enough money T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Smoloran Soloran looks at MAMBO! Mushambo ponderingly. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I absolutely love watching ppl shitmix expensive cars by being dumbasses. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: what does that even mean? T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Bloodthorn: you don't shitmix? T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: some would say my music is a shitmix T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: but never a car, no idea what that means T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Busta Rhymes wouldn't lie T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa is agreeing with that Busta Rhymes person again... T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: destroying T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: like trying to burnout but not understanding to turn off traction control so they just jump forward and hit a pole. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: every first-time mustang/camaro driver ever T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: But I'm watching like lambos hit walls. same concept tho. also people that buy really powerful bikes and try a wheelie and send it flying T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: my friend bought a wrx, dropped a new japanese engine in it, drove drunk and totalled it hitting a parked car T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: luckily the only one hurt was his pride T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: but brand new wrx and still making payments on it T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: would use change the body of a car you didn't like with a kit if you could? T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: That's really a shame. My cousing restored a chevelle and his friend ditched it. my last car was 200 and a week later my friend wrecked it and i didn't even care. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: Poppa: depends on the base car i guess T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: I'm not huge into cars so I drive a camry now haha T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: like Camero with 911 porch kit body T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: ugh no. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'd like a 60s Charger but built with current tech. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: i would do a tesla with an old-school body maybe, get that 1950s chevy look with an electric/battery going T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: porche kit rather T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: now you're cookin T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: who wants to beat the cannonball run record next race? 21ish hours coast to coast T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I want a powerful electric ran ferrari testirosa T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: might be more worth it when battery tech is better and aerodynamics matter less for electric cars though T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: disguise supercars as old ford sedans...run radio counter, etc. T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: I'd love a sleeper station wagon with side panels T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: the ferrari spyder is the new breast implant.. Any lady with thar vehicle wins instantly even if they use to fail without T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) :-/ Talia: i misread that as side penis :/ T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: freudian slip? T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: lol T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: HAHA, that'd be odd decals T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: if you had a ferrari spyder and could trade it for any 2022 car you wanted.. what would you pic? T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: pick rather T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: do you get to keep the difference in $? T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: audi a8L T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: or straight trade? T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: straight trade T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: I'd get me a Delorean T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Busta Rhymes: ooh thats a nice pick T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: a car made by a drug dealer sounds "Fancy" T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: holy fuck I just decapitated two monsters in one round of combat T3/r7/2022-12-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: time to buy lotto tickets T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: Both arms on martini! C'mon now while saying to yourself "WE MUST, WE MUST, WE MUST INCREASE OUR BUST!" T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: my arms weren't strong enough:( T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: "I've got a lot of problems with you people and now you're going to fucking hear about it" T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Can't De Cide: seems fiar T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Can't De Cide: fair too T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: someone tell me this is just a game fuck T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mael: this is just a game fuck T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Tobe: I'm game fucked right now T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: is it a fucking crime to receive mail from overseas? did i miss a memo? if so i should update my contact info in Lastpass so I make sure to get it T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: maybe Southwest Airlines can courier the memo to me also T3/r7/2022-12-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Funny ass kid. I ask if he's awake and hear a no from the bed. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: German potato salad in a can with bacon?! YOU'RE FIRED T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Orphean: ewww T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: just as bad as rasins T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) -YoUnG- Poppa: raisins rather T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: at the begining of nightmare before christmas my son said 'pumpkin will kill me' I assured him it won't and now I'm wondering if showing him pumpkinhead would make me an asshole. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Seifer falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: They still fucking sell Lite-Brites and I need that shit. I'll be sitting on the floor for hours plugging coloured plastic pegs in just like 'twas still the 80's. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Prancin' Garence: The 80's called.. They want there store back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvjQkxqsV4U T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Terrible radioshack redesign while they never addressed that they charged 4 times as much as amazon or ebay for small electrical bits. But they did start selling rgb stuff for computers, not that it mattered when Lite-Brite was the penultimate rgb electronic device. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: Kinda funny that their commercial to revamp was trying to get away from the 80s then they show a bunch of good stuff from the 80s. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Dein Untergang: s&d is pissing me off today. also oceanpark bodyguards are pissing me off today. I keep killing them. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: fucking Google runs official ransomware..."subscribe to premium or we'll send you to asylum from incessant ads" T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) MAMBO! Mushambo: i don't know why i'd fucking be allowed walk down the street with a giant rifle untrained, but i can't get a hyena type animal as a pet. legal priorities :-/ T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: just get it a collar with a tag that says T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: 'seeing-eye dog'. problem solved. T3/r7/2022-12-31.txt.gz:{chan ch=curse}(Curse) Mannec: also, rifles are exactly the thing for the untrained - they are easy to use against roving hyenas.