T3/r7/2023-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'does time matter anymore?' T3/r7/2023-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: '... he types from the mists of his timeless void, the eons slowly trickling by like so much falling sand.' T3/r7/2023-01-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'asking the question, yes' T3/r7/2023-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'mccarthy finally won the speaker vote' T3/r7/2023-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: '15th try is the charm' T3/r7/2023-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Can you get better takeout or cheap meal for a fiver?' T3/r7/2023-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'alas, money is worthless these days - the punchline is, thats the intended result.' T3/r7/2023-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'should i be concerned that my socks smell like doritos? discuss.' T3/r7/2023-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'my hound dogs never smelled like anything but Fritos, is there a distinction in chips brands?' T3/r7/2023-01-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'a six-year-old child in Virginia shot their teacher' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'https://uk.yahoo.com/news/furious-british-parent-virginia-school-223237737.html ' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Jfc' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Charge the parents with assault with a deadly weapon' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, a Republican elected in November 2021, said in a statement on Friday that he was "praying for the continued safety of all students and the community" ' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Thougts and prayers~' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'i.e. doing nothing' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'George Parker, the school's superintendent, said "We need to keep guns out of the hands of our young people" ' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'very insightful' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'ok, you showed one example of using guns in a bad way... and there would be few more... but what's % of gun misuse?' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'well, as long as the number of gun-related deaths are less than 1% per year...' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'i meant... in media you'll be seeing only bad things... there are some guys who are drowned by drinking tap water and they can ba a cause to demand ban of tap water at all... statistics and context matters :)' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'in most countries, kids don't shoot adults' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/bengaluru-14-year-old-boy-detained-for-killing-parents/articleshow/82474675.cms' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'just google kid killed parent india' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Classic Vost claps half-heartedly, clearly unimpressed. T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'I still think there needs to be parental accountability for child gun crimes. It's not an 'accident' a six year old had access to a firearm, ammunition, and the ability to take and conceal it without their parents' knowledge.' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'as in my perception in India is culture of respect to their parents' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country ' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'but in US you can buy a gun like donuts, right?' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'depends which state' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'some states, you can walk into a gun convention and just buy a gun' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'but gun is only a tool, some kids would kill other schoolkids/parents with stones' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'now you're trolling' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'There is still a background check but it is delayed. If it comes up they shouldn't have been sold the gun then ATF agents some looking for the buyer. Not perfect by any means but no zero accountability for the seller and buyer either.' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'nice try' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'It's the private sales to worry about' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'we should not blame guns, because problem is somewhere else' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Another thing to worry about is the fact in the US you can buy every single component of a firearm except the receiver online. And you can just mill your own receiver.' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'So people are making 'ghost' guns' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'private sale... isn't this illegal?' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'No' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'well maybe in some states but not in general' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'that's why it's so easy to buy a gun at a convention' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'it is a "private sale" ' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'well, my point as a person who attended shooting range for like 2 years is that guns are great way to have some fun in a good way :)' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'if there's a small price to pay for people's fun...' T3/r7/2023-01-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'Resolved, Sour cream and onion is the best flavor of potato chip' T3/r7/2023-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'if you had solved it properly the first time, you wouldnt have to solve it again. also, no - best potato chip is clearly a misleading question, as corn makes best chips.' T3/r7/2023-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'are you saying someone shouldve decided to run with "sour cream" OR "onion" flavors?' T3/r7/2023-01-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'both are D at best, and when added to potato chips? solid D-. by contrast, restaurant-style corn, unflavored, with a dash of home-made salsa? magnifique.' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'Vladimir Putin has been named Politician of the Year...' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'what?' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'https://uk.news.yahoo.com/vladimir-putin-named-politician-of-the-year-in-russian-state-run-poll-153540762.html ' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'is that like Rand Paul board-certifying himself through an organization he founded?' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'is good, very much leader' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Classic Vost falls to the ground and rolls around, laughing hysterically. T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'When the fuck hasn't putin made himself the best of everything?' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'he has consistently topped the poll since it began in 2006' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'yeah, poll, sure...' T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Classic Vost chuckles politely. T3/r7/2023-01-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: '(im saying its not a poll)' T3/r7/2023-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'do you have a bunker?' T3/r7/2023-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'see. the thing is, if Russia is about to lose, those idiots will launch nukes' T3/r7/2023-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its about 50:50' T3/r7/2023-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'dig a bunker, be safe' T3/r7/2023-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'if someone is CEO of themselves, is it better to claim "executive privilege" or "I do not recall" ?' T3/r7/2023-01-13.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'why you mes my ngoing topic, man?>' T3/r7/2023-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'lets bring back legal dueling. Pistols or swords, it matters not;defenders choice' T3/r7/2023-01-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to Gaury. T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'Illinois sheriffs won't enforce the law that bans assault-style rifles' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'https://uk.yahoo.com/news/least-74-illinois-sheriff-departments-000100152.html ' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'so they say. because they are sheriffs who work for the locals, instead of being employed by the state, they might actually be able to stick to their claims.' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'it's easy to not do something' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'on the other hand, what are the odds they dont take any state funds to run their offices?' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Torkin: 'wait, are we supposed to be enforcing laws we dont like now? i bet some texas border towns would like to get into that convo' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'pretty to think so. but its no coincidence that state-employed leos are almost universally willing to do pretty much anything to the citizenry. no sense risking their pension, after all.' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'it would require someone to report a sheriff who didn't pursue the owner of a semi-automatic weapon' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'and they would report it to the police/sheriff...' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'county sheriffs arent in the chain of command of the state - so merely failing to enforce a law wouldnt be enough to do anything to them. you would need them to break a law _requiring_ their action - which as far as i know, none of the states have. at the moment.' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: '"These are folks who are entrusted by the public to enforce the law," the governor [Pritzker] continued. "They dont get to choose which laws they enforce." ' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'and even if you _did_ have such a law, it would take ages to drag the first case through the courts, and _both_ sides would be funded by governments ... good luck calling that result before the buzzer.' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'actually, they do. its called 'discretion', and its a power inherent to the position of any leo. if they governor had put any thought at all into how his own state police might fall victim to that position? he would have kept his mouth shut.' T3/r7/2023-01-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'So if you have classified documents I guess your garage is okay to keep them in. ' T3/r7/2023-01-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Have we devolved into a society where being a pretty girl is literally a job?' T3/r7/2023-01-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'it depends on the letter that follows your name on the news scrawl, g.' T3/r7/2023-01-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'and yes, u, being pretty (regardless of gender) has been a profession for quite a while now.' T3/r7/2023-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'can't remember who he's singing happy birthday to, and has access to the nuclear football. God help us all. ' T3/r7/2023-01-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rurouni Kinjin: 'amen' T3/r7/2023-01-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Sandra Feist is a league of her own bat shit crazy. https://rumble.com/v264cgy-crowders-stop-the-con-institutionalized-insanity-greta-the-rebel-viva-frei-.html' T3/r7/2023-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'Resolved,, the Book of Enoch should have been included in canon' T3/r7/2023-01-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Torkin: 'o shit council of nicea in the house' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'fuck biden and doj trying to bring back mask wearing for next 'crisis'' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'wear the fucking mask and quit bitching, nobody is impressed with antimaskers' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'weird, school 10 miles from me has a ton of kids sick. my school with mask requirement has no kids sick. ' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'salty Pringles' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'but seriously, wear the mask :P' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'hahaha' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'or don't wear the mask and face the 0 penalties for it' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Funny when you say you don't want masks to be mandated again.. you get some who just assumes you're an antimasker.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'that's what antimasker means' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'maybe he's non-binary' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'true. or a potato chip.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'weird, when you google biden and doj want to bring back masks it's only on rightwing news' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'that makes sense... the left like their masks.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'no they don't lol nobody likes masks' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'The left like not dying or being hospitalized ' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Well then you should feel good... all the crazy right people should be dead by now.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'the death rate isn't that high for covid to say that' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Would that it were that simple.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'No, the rate isn't alarmingly high. The raw numbers, on the other hand, are pretty unsettling.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'in fact that's just being silly. even right people know covid's death rate is nothing "worse than the flu" so those two statements contradict' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'yes I know it wasn't really a pandemic... the just changed the defintion 10 years ago to make it so.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'raw numbers... which tell jack.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'tell that to the people in china' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'raw numbers tell jack? So if 1000 people were chasing you with clubs and knive but they represented only 1/10 of a percent of the local populaion, what's to worry?' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'so covid is a mob now?' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'The point is not the assailant. It's the numbers.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'numbers which the left is finally agreeing were skewed... and need to be analyzed properly, because they were over counted.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: '-8' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Do you actually believe that Trump and the right did a better job of dealing with Covid than the left? Be honest.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'so I guess you agree with me, as you now want to change the subject?' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'I'm sorry. I'm not trying to change the subject. Not sure how you jumped to that, but whatever. I shouldn't have joined this discussion because I'm in rl right now more than here.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm - Covid was more dangerous than the flu, I mean that's beyond debate' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'thus the extremely strong response - being the only thing that kept the numbers down' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'not sure if that's what's being debated - but it's completely obvious' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'also Trump suggested drinking bleach to cure it, so...' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'actually flu this year might actually be more dangerous than covid for children' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I think that flu was always more dangerous for children than covid - at least in terms of possible critical effects' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Can't De Cide: 'the flu is actually pretty dangerious it just spread quite as quickly as covid can.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but that's just saying "old people may be very vunerable to covid, children are generally ok"' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Can't De Cide: 'it doesnt spread quite as quickly is waht that was supposed to say.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'here in canada 45 kids (under 11) have died from covid since the beginning. Last month 3 kids in one province (we have 10) died from flu.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'i would say that nobody did a good job dealing with the CovAIDS, Rhavage - the least destructive response would have been to do pretty much nothing.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'as far as child death rates go, yes - influenza is somewhat nastier that covid - but both are pretty much negligible in that age category.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'politics - discuss.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'HURRRDURRR' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Can't De Cide starts to hear the faint sounds of a cricket chirping. T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: '"Know when to stop debating and move on to agreeing on what should be done" ;)' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'says the jerk who clearly doesnt have a clue how to decide what to do.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: ''we should all agree' is semantically equivalent to 'do it my way'.' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'make a list and roll dice' T3/r7/2023-01-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): 2007 GWing Abelinc looks at Mushambo and screams "NEVER!" T3/r7/2023-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'greater than 3 is less than 1' T3/r7/2023-01-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'less than halfing is more than sprite?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a friend asked me one time, were the people 2000 years back as smart as we, now' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what do you thinks' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thinks:)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what you thinks?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'smarter for sure.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'are we smarter than the people 2000 years ago?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'no.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'On the whole I think we're probably dumber' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i feel it like that also' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'we're a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy... so.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thats new' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'copies are never better than the original' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'and we rely on tech more every day..' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but people are not copies' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people are mixtures' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'sounds like something a filthy copy would say' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Orphean looks around shiftily T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'mixtures... well then mixtures that are slightly diluted everytime' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'whats a perfect environment for a human to grow to unleash all the brain potential' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its not woods and a farm of sheep' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what i really mean is. is the current environment good for human brain evolution?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'because evulution is something that kinda... no one pays any attention on it.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a proven thing. but insignificant' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'I think so. More knowledge and stimulus available now than ever before. Learning how to turn that data into information is a real skill however. And while on the whole percentage wise I think we're likely dumber than our forebears, numberswise there are more smart people today than ever before.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'by evolution what do you mean?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'cant agree there. we have more people then ever. hence more smart people.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'That is what I said' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'numberwise yes. but less when considering the percentage' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'That is what I said too haha' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'oh yes:' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'For example in the past lets say 60% of people were "smart", today let's say 30% of people are "smart". That 30% today represents more actual people than the 60% of 2000 years ago' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'But the converse is true as well' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Sadly for us all :)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so, are people getting smarter or dumber now?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'I'd say it's more complicated question than that. Both at the same time in different rates.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'You have to look at other factors like society, wealth, etc' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'height?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Ninja abilities especially' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people don't care about smartness so much these days' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'That is only true in certain cases. A lot of people are ignorant of what the smart people are doing.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'you don't have to be smart to be nice' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'And is also culturual' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and of course I have no idea what you' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i didn't mean smartass' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and of course I have no idea what you're talking about' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'being smart is not a perk to be proud now' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'feelings.... nothing more than feelings....' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'being proud is kinda bad thing' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no I think being proud is ok?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'cant be proud about being so smar' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Alot of assertions going on here haha' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'me fail english? that's unpossibl.e' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well right, so pic the things that actually make you a good person' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'being popular is often an excuse for thinking that you're a good person' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'being clever also is' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'being popular now has nothing to do with your brains nowadays' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh - being good looking too, but that's sort of like the popular thing' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'being popular now means you have some... charisma' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm - or, you take the right insta photos at the right time' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'being proud about doing something smart is a good thing.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yet being proud about it is a bad thing' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I just think people should just be proud and pleased about the little things they do' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean it's fun to see celebrities and things doing all their fancy things. But really life is actually about the little things you do for each other' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'not the self indulgent speeches you make when you win an oscar' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nono.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'say. you figured out some thing. so everyone praises you. whatever it was.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'now, when you express something about it.... it better be humble or you suck' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'like what though? how to cure cancer?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well actually for me, you said the key word - humble' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yeah. when you cure all cancer with your pill. you'd better be like "oh, we did what we could and this happened" or else you're fucked by public' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I suppose I just have this dislike for people who act the opposite of humble' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'luckily, if neither you or anyone can figure out someone's skill, ("what do you do, exactly?") theres no praise given, negating need to be humble' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there is no "yeah, fuck. we did it! we cured it!"' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I want to just thank my family, god, and everyone around for this opportunity, and if this means anything, it means that if you just believe, and if you try hard enough, anything is possible' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'STAAAAAAB!' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'You forgot to thank the Academy, which means you'll never win again :-(' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'ok. my final point is. when being proud about smartness is a sin, nothing good comes from it' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'I think we're talking about arrogance more than pride in ability' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there it is' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'whats the difference of proud vs arrogance?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Not being a dick mostly haha' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hm' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I mean I think people should feel good about being smart, or more particularly, the act of trying to know more things. It's wrong to think that it makes you better. Nothing makes you better other than being nice' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'why to tie niceness to this at all?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'Capable yes, you're more capable if you can understand certain things more. And we need capable people. But we need nice people far more' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you should be proud when doing something awesome' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'But you should also be nice enough not to rub it in other's faces or condescend to them. That would be arrogant.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well indeed - niceness is, in the end, for me, the most impressive character trait' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'by far' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so. how to disconnect proud from niceness? being proud is good. being nice is good. but together those things are bad' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'Not sure how being proud and nice is bad tbh' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no I think you should be proud of the things or thoughts you did or had that you think are good' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so there is no problem?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I'm proud when I clean the front room or when I lay out the dinner I just made' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but see. when someone is proud, looks proud, talks proud - is that bad?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'those with their nose in the air will never look you in the eye' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean I'm not saying you have to always be nice, sod that - I shout at drivers in my car when they're messing about, or when idiots just get in my way and etc etc' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'if you wake me up when I don't want to be woken, up, I might have to go to the curse channel' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I think pride is good generally, but there's a fake pride that's not so good' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so "fuck yeah, i cured cancer. im so damn smart" is bad? . if this doesnt work, is unapproved... bad.. where is the motivation?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'pride is what you feel in regards to what you have done well - arrogant is what you project in regards to what you have not (perhaps yet) done.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I suppose we all just are thankful for the incredble work you did, but also all think you're a bit of a twat' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill nods mannec - arrogant is kind of like you trying to force someone else to think you're great, pride is ok as long as you accept your achievment eith a certain humblness T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'a jerk who does quality work isnt necessarily arrogant.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): ULTRATURBO Fuel points excitedly at Mannec! T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'still a jerk though' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to ULTRATURBO Fuel. T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '"i fucking cured the fucking cancer!" is a bad thought' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'the really entertaining ones combine nice and arrogant. its like, he knows hes better than you could ever be, but he doesnt hold it against you, kind of thing.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '"i fucking cured the fucking cancer!" .... is bad to say out loud' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'unless you, ya know, actually did - then its ok to let folks know.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well right - I think being humble is a very important thing' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no one is better than me - no one, on th whole earth' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you can be fucking jerk in a good way too' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but, that's because I'm not better than no one, no one, on the whole earth' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'Cilm, would you say you can prepare a cup of tea better than 90% of players here?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'depends on... charisma' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec pats Cilmarill on her head. T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh wow when it come to making tea I will smash all of you into oblivion :)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'hence Fuel's point (I think ) :)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'yeah I know :)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but it's a bit like hiring someone who's never done plumbing to fix the leaky tap, rather than an actual plumber' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'clearly nonsense' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'just my ability to make you a correct cup of tea does make me better than ll of you' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'no, but you can be proud of expertise in the queen-ordained knowledge. cannot be on proper side for a steering wheel for instance' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'you can and should be proud of any abilties, just don't think it makes you better than someone else' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'theres a punch-line there, m. uk and us +both+ drive on the wrong side of the road.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'i thought the debate was about pride in domain-specific expertise :-( too late' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I'm not sure, but I thought we were trying to separate acceptable pride from unacceptable arrogance' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'oh no, 'acceptable' is a whole 'nother question. this was just definitional, p vs. a.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but I suppose arrogance is by definition unacceptable? That's kind of it's thing? it's when I person shows a sense of pride so much that it becomes disagreeable' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'do you suppose a childs arrogance is acceptable?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you cure cancer. did 30 years of that work. then beat it. you cured it. you feel soooooooooooo proud because no one else had done it... ' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and you cant show it. have to tame it' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'be polite. humble' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its not natural!' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I'd say a person who clearly doesn't command the knowledge and expertese they need (and so I'm saying this is the child) but still claims and asserts that they know more than you might, without good reason, is yes, arrogant' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I'd say being overly proud of a thing you did which really was amazing is just showing a lack of integrity, and that your motivations weren't great' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'theres the individual power of "not giving a fuck"' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'imagine if Usain Bolt was on TV just shouting at the camera "yeah, you see, you're rubbish, I'm the fastest, see? you're so slow, you'll never be as good as me!"' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean, he's right, but it makes him a bit of a prat and a bad character' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'then you giggle at him' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'it has gone too far. waaay to far' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'so maybe distinction is bragging about something true from the genetic lottery?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'then again, track & field isn't a real sport anyway ' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'humbleness has become a bloody stat' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its not sincere anymore' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people can fake anything' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no but there's some truth in that - some of us are just better at certain things, for whatever reason. Arrogance implies a certain desire to make other people feel that they're worse, which imo is reprehensible. It's ok to feel good about being good at something, just why do need to make someone feel bad about not being as good as you?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people can fake being humble, respectful, nice so well. ' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'I dare not ask what they are, said the other man humbly, or astutely."' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'arrogance also imples a kind of assumption that you are better, without necessarily being so' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'at least when they are arrogant, you can see they are honest' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'there's blunt, but not honest though' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I don't really follow that at all' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'being humble or nice - guess if they really mean being that way' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'niceness is fakeable' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'arrogance is a sort of self-dishonesty' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'if a person is arrogant, cant hide or care to hide it - he is 100% honest at least' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'never ever can tell if a nice person is honest' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'you're convincing yourself of your ability and just falsely asserting it on other peopl' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'arrogant person is 100% honest. nice person... who knows?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I think I would know' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Gaury knows T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nice is fakeable. no one fakes arrogance in purpose' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'you sound like you're talking about sociopathy' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well precisely - the arrogant person wants to appear that way in order to make other people bow before them' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but that's not honesty' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'if anything it's insecurity' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'arrogant person is honest' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'I'd say that arrogant people are insecure.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'Trump is the best business person the world has ever seen, bigly style' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'because he cant help it, its against the law but he cant help it' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I don't really understand. To me arrogance is a dishonesty to one's self' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a nice person can fake it' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Nice people don't have to fake it.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'knows the law. fakes it' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'talking about the few' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'ok a person can fake nice.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'or respectful.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well that's definitely true, if you don't actually care about other people much' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'or just being polite, which is good' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'when you see an arrogant person fully blasting it out. he is 100% into it. ' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and do you like them more for it?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no acting' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i like to not think about it' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm - being convinced that what you're doing is ok is not the same as honesty' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'to me, arrogant people in full throat are deeply insecure.' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'surely so - why spend so much energy trying to show how great you are if you actually just are great?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I think it's a kind of bullying' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'cil did you reply to my note' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean, I'm the richest halfling ninja in this world, I don't need to mention it every 10 sentences ;)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'oh. ok. my whole point is. nowadays, when you come up with something good, the pressure of exactly that -be humble or die in shanme- hinders the good stuff' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you cant be fully happy in public or you'd be shamed' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'have to be fucking humble' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its not arrogance. people coming up with good stuff have to look like a saint' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'in public' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I suppose that's how I think - stay small. But, I am small, so, I cuddle up to it :)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well no it's fine, all the Steve Jobs walking onto the stage to rapturous applause and the whathisname tesla owner coming out with all his ways to fix the future, it's fine go for it, but you know, these people aren't gods' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but I know that I'll always be tiny, and as I said, no one's better than me, because I'm no better than no one :) *STABS*' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'cure cancer and you'll think differently' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but cant show it' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you saved 500000000 lives. try to think yourself as tiny' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean I don't disagree with you - if I was capable of that I would there's something about me that other people aught to admire' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but I just wouldn't force it upon them - which I think is what arrogance is, the idea that other people aught to think more highly of you than what they naturally want to' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'or maybe more precisely, that you think more highly of yourself than you aught to. Which really makes you right, if you'd cured cancer you aught to have a moment where you're just holy crap I'm flipping brilliant' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean if I ever get to r7 I'm going to kick up the suds, trust me :)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'arrogance made me practice 10 hours/day once' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'im not arrogant anymore. dont practice much' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'woo! practice what!?' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'planning to become more arrogant' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'the thing is, being arrogant really does helpa lot' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'guitar. what else..' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ooh I play guitar, kind of' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'piano too - but to such a terrible level that there's no way I could be arrogant about it :)' T3/r7/2023-01-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): ULTRATURBO Fuel :) T3/r7/2023-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'if evolution was real, animals would have grown wheels by now' T3/r7/2023-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but i wonder. would it even be possible that an animal could evolve such way..' T3/r7/2023-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'those arent animals, f. they are bugs. pixar theory ftw.' T3/r7/2023-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'the closest thing i know of to an evolutionarily produced wheel is found on a rattlesnake's tail.' T3/r7/2023-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'it is strictly speaking possible, but unlikely, to evolve a wheel, since the intermediate stages would likely not confer any reproductive advantage.' T3/r7/2023-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'aint nobody wanna date a scrub with a learner's permit, neh?' T3/r7/2023-01-28.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '4b years and no wheel. ' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i wonder if the mice are thankful when i feel sad when trapping them' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thankful for my sadness' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'does it put me in some psychological category when thinking about it?' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i would like them to be thankful for being sad when they die' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'probably narcissism' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'will katie holmes be stepping down or keeping her job?' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'katie holmes has a job?' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'er hobbes lol' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'should wrongdoers be outed publicly? (I mean obviously guilty folks who are public figures but claim to be holier than thou, although shame on thou for not being more holy!' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no, only if they are very reprehensible, or consistently claim to be holier than thou (both of of which are difficult to define of course)' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'there seems to be some overlap in folks your statement apply to ' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'that's why we should always have a free press. The court of public opinion is the only correct way of judging' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'though I undertand that public opinion can be maniuplated even in a free society' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'public opinion? no i nominate for one position of judging' T3/r7/2023-01-29.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'myself, second would be Fuel' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so. we, the humans, have found out that many animals have big brains and are really smart.' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'why are we not using this for the greater good of the human kind?' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'why not enslave them more? i mean.. more than in the zoo' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'could you shit some lite on this, please?' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'animals are dumb' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'agreed, should train certain dogs to find the evildoers' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'penguins are mean, never try to hug one' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'kola bears have std's' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mean because they are social. there's the proof' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'social is mean' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'sloths are one of the most dumbest creatures in exsitance' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and yet they somehow survive' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'out of all other animal's kindness' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'meant what i said? do not try to hug a penguin b/c it will swat very quickly' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thanks to*' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'so do most of the sub par humans in this world thanks to welfare' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'wait' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'oh you mean not culling 80% of the herd?' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i meant animals. not humans ' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'most humans are animals' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'infact most animals are better than most humans' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'thats fake news' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'here i have to disagree with you respectfully, Adamski' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'explain' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'my dog loves me unconditionally, but my wife not so much' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'i'm all up for a discussion of "I think person X is dumber than me, they might be disadvantaged and I've no problem with them dying" I'm a Kantian moralist though so...' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the fact that 20% humans may have an advance thought occasionally doesnt mean they are not animals too' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'if it even is a fact..' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'if you had to spend the rest of your life alone but with only one companion a person of the same sex or a dog which would you choose' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a wasp in a can' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Adamski: 'wasp is not an animal' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'if the genie is a male, i'd be stupid to not choose the former?' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'then the koala. a dog is difficult. it almost is aware of things' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'btw. i just asked a random question to say "shit some lite"' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i guess it wont catch on:(' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'penguins may look like carebears :-(' T3/r7/2023-01-30.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: ''Effective Altruism" is nothing more than Ayn Rand selfishness for the yutes with a fancier name' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'the worst part of ffx is it gave us koda kumi' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'was that the beast like player.?' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'actually that was ffx-2 and it was the singer for the song yuna sings in the beginning' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'oh ffx-2. I don't consider that part of ffx lol' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'i probably shouldn't too and wow the english version is terrible' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I stopped like after an hour of playing ffx-2 and went wtf?' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I just couldn't play it.' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'same, but ff9 was the last i played and i skipped ff7/8/12 i think as well as the ending of X and X-2. i like the old fashion jrpgs more' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'ff9 was meh' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'how dare you' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'take that back!' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'what? you couldn't finish it in less than 12 hours....' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'grins.' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'it was/is a great game.' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'okay... I'll bite.. why?' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'or do I detect sarcasm?' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'the artwork and cutscenes sucked, the story was boring, the gameplay was meh, the endgame grind was pretty shallow vs. 7 and even 6 no?' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'i would agree' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'ff9, garnet was so useless as she was sick for part of the game... why did even bother building her up?' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'jail = boring life' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thats what it is' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '"you killed 3 people, you're now sentenced 25 year of boring life"' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '"prepare to be bored for 25 years!"' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thats exactly what it is' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'unless you get to go to the "interesting" prison' T3/r7/2023-02-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'in Brazil. or .. ' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'do fat people take more memory room in the brain?' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I just watched a video ranking every single MCU film, and they had Endgame at number 1. I mean, really??' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'everyone is entitled to their own opinion' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'what is endgame?' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well of course - but that one was utter nonsense' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'it's clearly Infinity War, closely followed by GOTG' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill pokes Gaury gentle medium T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'definitely ragnarok' T3/r7/2023-02-02.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'actually yeah - I'd put that at number 3 though' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'pros and cons to start a family' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what could be easier than this ' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the topic, i mean' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well if you're all set and ready, then it's mainly pros? family is good' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'in fact I sort of don't se any cons - even the rubbish things that happen with family are just life as well, I suppose' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'kids are great, parents who want to be parents experience a lot of joy from it, but it's more work than almost everyone is ready for, and it destroys your freedom and flexibilty and friendships' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i dont like to tell people what to do' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'they also cost a lot of money, which you could invest instead' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i dont like people telling me what to do' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I suppose I don't think you can apply and pros and cons list to something like family' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'starting a famile = 20 years of worries' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'cant get out for more than 2 days' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'constant action.' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'constant alert.' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'for 10 years' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '16' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'always short of cash' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'for 20 years' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Syntax: 'facts' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but the main thing - get kids. they dont like what is going on. ' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'cant provide approvable life for the newcomers' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i hated most of my life as a kid' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'it was shit' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'had a lot of energy. but it was shit. ' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'well. 1-10 it was fun. then it was just horrible' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people have family and kids without thinking if its gonna be good' T3/r7/2023-02-03.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'just to have it' T3/r7/2023-02-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'US just shot down the Chinese balloon off the coast of S Carolina' T3/r7/2023-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'why didn't they shoot it down when it was over alaska?!1' T3/r7/2023-02-05.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'moose are scary enough, noone wants to see one infected by the latest chinese bioweapon.' T3/r7/2023-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'one ought to be afraid maybe of only 4 things...God(s), Governments, Ghosts, and Magic...not necessarily in that order.' T3/r7/2023-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'you didn't mention heights or charging bulls' T3/r7/2023-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh wow - losing your phone too. Gods don't scare me in the least' T3/r7/2023-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'those arent things to fear, they're things to deal with' T3/r7/2023-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well only one of the things you meantioned will take any actual dealing with' T3/r7/2023-02-06.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'very presumptuious' T3/r7/2023-02-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mael: 'but i once drove my NE license plate through times square' T3/r7/2023-02-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mael: 'mis but f u' T3/r7/2023-02-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'nah, g. the list goes 1) the sea in storm, 2) a night with no moon, 3) the anger of a gentle man, 4) moose with the new wu flu' T3/r7/2023-02-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'big ups for nancy WOO WOO' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'what is a noodle?' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'is a cooked macaroni thingy a noodle?' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'penne? tagliatelli?' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'fine - I conclude that all Americans are idiots' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'we elected donald trump' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'how dumb can we be?' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'actually, funnily enough, I'd probably describe Trump as a noodle' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'noodles are delicious though' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but I'm being serious though - you mericans describe all forms of pasta as noodles. Isn't that odd?' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'wait till you hear what a sandwhich is' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Torkin: 'is gnocchi a noodle' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'is that the fat pouch above the vjay?' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and also, actually I'm not sure how to differentiate. In my head, a noodle is an asian thing. But it is actually quite similar to say, spaghetti. Just not sure why exactly' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'a fun word to say is SPA-GET' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'spahhh get' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill says "Gruuu gat" and ponders T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'Brazilian lawyer died after taking a gun into MRI room, causing the gun to fire' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'https://uk.yahoo.com/news/lawyer-dies-hidden-gun-goes-182941204.html ' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh dear :(' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'not a very smart lawyer...but tragic none the less.' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'Darwin award?' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I wouldn't have known that might happen either, though I don't carry a gun, of course, hopefully other people won't make the same mistake :(' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'if you work in the metal industry, always insist on an orbit (head xray) before an MRI which can detect metal embeded in your head.. It doesnt take much to do alot of damage. ' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I guess radiologist are banning lululemon during an MRI because you can get 2nd degree burns.' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'sometimes I feel all my burns are second degree :(' T3/r7/2023-02-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'true.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'who is the most dignified person of all time?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so. who is the most dignified person of all times?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i have no answer' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'Dali Lama vs Nelson Mandela fight!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'did you know ladies are attracted to men with observable dignity?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'dignity is such a strange thing' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'Dali Lama' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I think dignity sits on top of confidence, which is the real underlying factor' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'holliwood actors do better dignity than Mandela' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but to show confidence in the face of antagonism and opposition' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'dignity is such a new thing.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'animals do have it. my dog had it' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'naah they're just very aware of having to make other people think what they want' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but humans abuse it. its actable' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I suppose ll things are actable' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'even integrity' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'which is maybe the ultimate irony' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'in a safe environment, when asked for you opinion, its easy to be dignified' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'even the word sounds kinda pff' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'tbh I'm rubbish at being dignified - but thankfully quite good at being shy, those things are maybe confused sometimes :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'at least I hope so :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hm' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'this channel here is designed to let people to sit on each other' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill sits of Fuel - ow! like that? T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thanky' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'my dog. he was like a knight. he didn't know about these things. ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'he was like a knight' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'without knowing what a knight was' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'by nature' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but naturally, who are the... dignified is such a horrible english word. ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'the dog I kind of have right now - he's not my pet really - is bessed summed up by saying "blankly eager" but there is a sort of dignity in that. In that he just raises himself above all the little weedling things. Isn't that dignity?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'perhaps not' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'dignity is like a kind of arrogance that isn't annoying' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'dignity is 100% fakeable' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'respect, dig.. fuck' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its shit' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well what isn't? courage I suppose?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'even love is fakable' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'sometimes courageous people are just psychos' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I suppose but that's not really courage. But I know what you mean' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people are a gamble' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'who knows' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I suppose there's nothing that's not fakable. But you have to be either an actor or a psychopath do it :) interesting.. :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yeah' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i tried "respect" on my 2 dogs' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and it worked' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'faked respect on my dogs' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I want a dog as a pet so badly :( not fair' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'og get out - you weren't faking it' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its all an act.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'petting is not' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'petting seems honest:)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'atm' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I'm a bit lost now - but, ok - how do you respect a dog?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'or more to the point, what different thing did you do to start respecting them, and why weren't you respecting them in the first place?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its easy. you actually try to understand what it wants' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well why on earth wouldn't you in the first place?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hm' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no, it goes beyond "does it want to eat? does it want to shit?"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'treat! walkies! treat! easy' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'for people those two things are what pets want' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'honestly, people massively underestimate the intelligence of animals' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'we get films about AI robots - it's nonsense - computers are absolutely stupid, full stop' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but they dont do much else, dont they?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and people say we shouldn't anthropmorphise animals' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'we dont understand animals at all' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'at all' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'unless while having sex' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'utter nonse - animals are very clever, dogs included of course, and we have a very fine relationship where we know what each other wants, and we intelligently dance around it' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'then we do' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'the difference is that humans have all the snacks and the ability to open the front door' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'just saying, I may have had a couple of glasses of wine. But I stand by everything I say' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'are you standing right now, or sitting?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'im laying down' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'me too' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh I'm tucked up in bed :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'you stand by nothing!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'humans dont get animals anymore' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'dammit!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Gaury reads Cilmarill a story and tucks her into bed with a kiss. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'so the song bad touch was a lie?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its like... "an animal, what the fuck is it about now ffs"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'that was a dirty trick, and so I will forgive you with dignity ;)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'think about it' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'all animals understand each other. but humans are solo' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm well I totally disagree with that' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'risen above it all' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'that's what I'm saying about the whole wow AI thing' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'ok' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'we think we're so far beyond animals, intelligence wise, that we can make machines that are beyond animals. Not the case' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'not even *close* to the case' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'im thinking about my 2 dogs' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'we lived toghether for 15 years' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well both are *far far* more intelligent than any computer ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and they communicated with each other with ease' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but me? im a human.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'clueless' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'yeah well that's fine too' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill bonks ULTRATURBO Fuel on the head for being such an UTTER moron. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '2 things. wanna eat, wanna go out and shit' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nothing else' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'do you wanna do all that at the same time?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'well. wanna play too' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'eat, shit, play?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gaury: 'the commas matter there' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but. they have more. but it was being locked behind the human firewall' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm - well no - want to sit with you for a but, sniff around, work things out, know where they are, be able to run up stairs, be able to look at you and work out if they're going for a walk or if you're going to shout at them' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'my doghs made me feel like a freakin alien' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'intruder' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'bah - not they don't, you love them :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'they went to dig carrots from neighbors garden. with intent' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ooh! free carrots!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'they came back with carrots' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'smileing. both of them' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well pat them on the head and make carrot soup!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and they knew it was a crime' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'which gender is the best. the males or the females?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'they are not genders' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'excuse me?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh but first, what's the best colour or the best number :P' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'evading' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'tackle!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'you still living in 70's... we have way more genders now!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'how many?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'more than the nature designed' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'yeah Zensch identifies as a half full glass of water' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'they are sexes, not genders' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nature has 2' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'google says: the male sex or the female sex,' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'trust google' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill googles whoch is the best colour - answer, BLUE - INCORRECT! T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'first question Cil is always: what is your quest?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'google says - to bonk Zensch on the head' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill bonks Methuselah Zensch on the head for being such an UTTER moron. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ooh!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'what is your favour colour?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'dont say pink' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'sort of yellowy orangey, sometimes browny maybe - but warm usually, kind of maybe autumn leaves and stuff' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'egg yolk' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'which race in Lord of the rings never worn boots?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hobot' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'erm I already bonked you?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Methuselah Zensch nods at ULTRATURBO Fuel. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'if you had 1000000 dollars' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and you HAVE to give it away' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I have very fancy boots, now just stop it' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'would you give it to a MAN or a WOMAN,' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and why not to a man?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'to a man - Lasher, and i'd have about 100000000 QP then (or TPS)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'is it certain that Lasher is a man?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its the internet after all' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'he looks like a robocop' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'well..' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'i trust in mobprogs, they never lied to me!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'with the exception to one (G) in xyl' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Hmm. You could swear Methuselah Zensch has been here just a second ago. You wonder where he went ... T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Methuselah Zensch whistles appreciatively. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'gods have no sexes' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'or million of those' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'how do you know?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'if they are omnipotent they can choose they sex... every day, right?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i dont' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i bet they can choose from a variety of sexes' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i would' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'is it possible that God could change sex of a human being?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you are asking this from people.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'a proof that gods don't exist, and that they do' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i think no god exists' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but it's a useful philosphical construct' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nothing out there' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'just like double periods' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'something out there but its not the god everyone hopes to be' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'i find your lack of faith disturbing' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god is everything' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and taken literally, it opens up questions, and also explains the need for god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'natural logic and order is enough. and better than god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'natural order and logic is god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'good*' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and so is the need for us to have order and logic' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and so is the failure of order and logic' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'imagination' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and so is me drinking my thrd glass of wine' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'finished 2 bottles' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god is also the glass, the wine, the fact that I know I'm rambling. God is everything' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'now on my first beer' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god being everything is the only explanation' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yeah, but god doesnt really care' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'funny thing is - if something is everything, it's also kind of nothing' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh wow I get really annoyed when people think god cares' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'what is the purpose of defining "god" as "everything"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'if what you mean when you say "god" is just the universe, why say god? it is a loaded term that a lot of people impart with more meaning' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'it's kind of a thought excersise' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i toyed with the idea that life is all about poor newbie sould learning empathy' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well not just the physical universe - everything' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'sould*' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'souls*' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nash' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nah' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its nt that' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'i don't believe there exists anything beyond the physical universe so for me it is the same thing' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god is a construct we have in our mind that is always beyond what we know. kind of like A need to fantasise about things we'll never know' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'everything and the physical universe are synonymous to me' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i think there is much more but its not anything godlike' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'well, I agree with that, god is a mental construct' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'everyone who claims to have been spoken to by god is just listening to a part of their mind that their consciousness has externalized' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'so is ideal triangle' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well pringle - what is a circle? we know what they are, but there isn't a single circle in the whole universe' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'are triangles real?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its all that - shit goes on and on and on for the eternity' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'oh I see what you mean, god is both the physical universe and all abstract concepts' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'triangles > circles Cill :(' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill sticks her tongue out at Zensch T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'god is mental' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'this is not my idea!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I just mean, god is a kind of thought process, a sort of fantasy that we have. But it's useful to imagine what "everything" might be. We say omnipotent and omniscience - but what does that really mean? it just means "everything" which is fine, so there's an everything, and there's stuff that we think we understand. And like, this desire we have to undertand, is the search for god - science is the search for god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'now can someone take this wine bottle away from me? :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there is so much more. its not god. but its the same whack thing' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'science is definitely not the search for god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'on and on and on' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well of course it is' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Classic Vost bonks Cilmarill on the head for being such an UTTER moron. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'it's the search for everything - god is everything' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'in a philosophical abstract sense, i guess, i just wouldn't use it as a term because it is, particularly in the west, a heavily loaded term people innately associate with the abrahamic god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'that's a bizarre non-normative definition of "god" ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I think that's the problem, people think of god as a bloke in the clouds making decisions' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'neither is science the search for everything' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'which I mean is so much nonsense you should just discard it straight away' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well what's science then' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'science is a process that tests for falsifiability of claims about reality' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'science is a methodology for gaining knowledge' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'god for people to rise above' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'that sounds a lot like the search for everything to me' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'no' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'no' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'that's like saying roads exist to come to my house' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'not everything is falsifiable' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'so science does not tell you about what reality is, but what it is not?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'roads are a tool for transportation' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'use god to lift you up from the mundane' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh - here's something we don't know, let's try to know it - oh here's another bit, let's know that too.. let's keep going till we know eveything' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'god is not falsifiable, and therefore cannot be investigated by science' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'I USE roads to get to my house, but that isn't their only purpose' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god is entirely provable' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'and a tool does not have an intention' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'if you decide that god is everything - that's what I'm saying - it's the only workable definition' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there surely is a "god" but its not what people believe' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'we imbue tools with our intent, but they do not inherently have said intention' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'you would have to demonstrate that god is provable' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'saying "god is everything" is a diversion tactic' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i bet the god is quite clueless' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'look around you, every single thing you see and think and imagine, it's all god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'that's exactly as coherent as saying "i define god as my sock, therefore i find him every morning"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'what is the UTILITY of defining god as everything?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I'm not saying it's particularly worshipable, just that it's a useful idea' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well try for a while to imagine what everything is' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Garbanzo: 'im god... u just live here' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'are you drunk or high, Cilmarill?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i think god doesnt give a shit. not in a bad way. at times i dont give a shit - its a bliss. thats god-mode' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I think most people, maybe correctly, think that science defines a limiting border with god (or religion) but I think of it just as stuff-we-don't-know-yet' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'i just think that these debates where people have niche definitions for god that eventually lead to people saying "well yes, what you define as god exists" only serves as a trojan horse to justify abrahamic creationist apologia. i've seen lots of christian apologists use this, they abstract the definition of god to the point that people have to say "that thing you describe exists" and then they say "therefore jesus died for our sins"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ok look I think I'm a bit tipsy :) but my god kills children and doesn't give a shit. It also helps people out of cancer, and doesn't give a shit about that either. It also is the scummy marks on my car, it's also the annoying grimace I get from the people on the train, it's also the sun through the leaves, it's also the hum I feel right now in my head' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'so it is a useless definition' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you have something there, Cil. but its not god. its something. but its not god' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'abrahmic creationist apologia? Could you point me to a definition or a website for this term?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i think god doesn't give a fuck' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I doubt that anything like the Jesus in the bible actually existed, but I do very much agree with the idea that "we should be nice to people" and actually, if there's a personification of my weird kind of god that's it right there. It's an urge to progress, to learn, and therefore be nice' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'god lets things go' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god definitely doesn't give a fuck, that's the point' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god is the knife slamming into the birthday girl's neck because QuestoR told you to :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hm' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Jesus exsisted. Read the works of atheist Roman historians of the that time. ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yeah. its history' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no problem with that ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'pretty sure the bible was written like 3, 4, 5? hundred years after Jesus was supposed to have been alive. Also that no one can turn water into wine. Though I can see the urge to try and do so' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nono' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the bible wasnt "written"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'bible is a bunch of collected stuf' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well created then' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'parts of the bible were written thousands of years before jesus was even born' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'that has been assembled a few times.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its not holy' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh right yes - I was just talking about the new testament - the Jesus part' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Jesus fullfied over 200 prophecies from the old testament.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean the old testament was just people telling stories by the fireside, which is completely unreliable but actually the best way to pass on the true meaning of a story' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'what even the one where he went into a 7-11 and went postal? :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'why even take the bible route when speaking about god at all?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'it's all just stories to try and make people be nice to each other. Which is lovely, and why religion, in the modern age, is largely a force for good' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I don't. The christian bible is just a single manifestation of the deep urge we have in us to "be nice to each other"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a god should be a thing to discuss. not to persuade' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'all other religions basically send that very same message' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'karma makes more sense' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Actually ALLL of the new testament was written shortly after his death anyhwere from 14 to about 60 years... not hundreds of years as you have suggested.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but there is no karma' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well that's not my understanding Garence - but regardless, do you think he magically turned water into wine? for what reason? and magically healed people?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'no magic needed.. being the son of God, he simply willed it to be. ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there is god. but its a bot or something. not a thing to rely on.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'physics bot' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I think it's a nonsense that unfortunately so many people over the years have used to their own benefit. Often convincing people to pour their small savings into churches or "faith healers" as a huge con trick. Which, ironically, is the precise opposite of Jesus - who's basic message was "be nice to each other"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yeah but why would Jesus even say that?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '"be nice to each other" happens over time - its a logical social development' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Jesus never said be nice to each other.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean I do love the message of Jesus, and I was brought up catholic. I actually hate how that simple message isn't just understood - how people manipulate religion for their own means' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no really - that's surely entirely what he stood for' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I can't find any scripture to support your claim.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I don't really see how you need a sentence of scripture' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and in fact I'm convinced I could find one quite easily if I bothered - that's the thing with scripture, it can be used it many way. But look at the whole story of Jesus. I mean please are you really saying that his main message wasn't "be nice to each other"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'nope not there.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'jesus literally said to love your neighbor and defined your neighbor as anyone' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'by using the example of a samaritan, a people group the israelites hated' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'love yes be nice no.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'fuck your love if you don't think being nice is part of it' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'don't tell me, you "love" gay people' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I love gay peopel.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'and do you think being gay is wrong' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I can't help but think that love is basically being nice' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yeah. you can love someone and not be nice to them - a human thing. very common' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'pretty sure no one mentioned being gay' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'i'm trying to suss out an opinion here, bear with me' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'I'm pretty familiar with how these conversations go and i'm trying to skip some steps to get at the heart of what garence is saying' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'if my assumptions are incorrect, i will be happy' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Can't De Cide: 'well also said to not judge so why should we care what they feel?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'so skip away.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no, that's just on a very simple level. If you love someone you will be nice. I'm not talking about shouting at them when you're grumpy, I'm talking about the deeper motivations like spending your time wondering how you can make their lives better, or feeling bad that you made them feel bad for shouting at them' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'then I ask again: do you think being gay is a sin' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Lasher: 'keeping the conversation light for a Friday night I see.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'bible God says it is, so yes it is a sin.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'DING DING DING' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'my debatedar was on point yet again' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i've never seen such conversation being so light' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'and you point is?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well ok bible god isn't god, it's a roman writing a book in order to try and unify the religious beliefs of a number of different people' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'that your "love" is evil' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'and i want none of it' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'you have set your own moral compass on what exactly?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill pokes everyone hey! I was enjoying this conversation even while tipsy! T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'stoppit!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'on philosophical underpinnings' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'would I be correct in assuming that your moral compass is set to whatever God says is good?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'yes.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Ospario: 'kill the men and boys and women over childbearing age and divide the rest amongst yourselves' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god doesn't say anything' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'then you have no moral compass. divine command theory is an inherently immoral philosophy. divine command theory demands that you believe the war crimes and genocides ordered by God in the Bible are good.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'cant derive answers from a book' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Ospario: 'that's god for ya' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god literally doesn't say anything. Why on earth would a god say anything? it's not some bloke at the corner shop' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Ospario: 'god is the most present character in the bible' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'God made everyone. God is judge. Yes God is good.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'it's just an easy metaphor' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Ospario: 'and he said that to moses' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'so you agree that the genocides he ordered in the bible are good?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'a simple way to insert stories about morals into people's head' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Lasher sows conflict, sending many prophets to earth, each with a different message. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'wait. ts not bad at all' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Since is was God's will, yes is was good.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nothing personal here' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'so if your moral compass leads you to say that genocide is good, what fucking good is your moral compass?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god is everything - god doesn't say stuff, why on earth would we ever think they might? I mean really, a universe creating being starts speaking English and tells people off if they have sex with someone they think they shouldn't? really?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Lasher: 'yes but only after giving them the drive to do it in the first place.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'So pringles, are you saying we shouldn't kill nazis?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'oh. now its there' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Lasher: 'good luck with this one, let me know what you decide, I'm out :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god *was* nazis!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'Killing all Nazis everywhere? Wiping out everyone who lived under Hitler's rule? No. You kill their leaders.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Lasher: 'next up, you can tell me if neutral gender should return or not, but you have to debate it without using the words "attack helicopter", as soon as you do, the whole team loses.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Lasher waves happily. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god *is* the children killed by nazis!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'lasher i actually think it would be cool to code custom pronouns' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'god *is* the feeling in a child's mind the moment the dagger entered their eye!' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'although I DO use both he and it pronouns so if I were to go neutral gender and get called "it" i wouldn't mind lol' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'is so futile and without consequence to image a god that has some kind of agency about what's happening' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'you kill all the nazis that are bad right pringle?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'I literally just said no.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'so you only kill some evil people but not all of them... I don't get you moral compass.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'Godwin's law achieved' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'well, unlike you, I don't believe people are inherently good or bad, and I don't think everyone who has ever had the label "nazi" on them is some irredeemable lost soul. I think a lot of them are misguided teenagers fed lots of propaganda and they can get out of a life of hate' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'but you're deflecting because you already admitted you think genocide is good' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'so all you can do now is try to drag me down to your level, which is a tacit admission that my morals are better than yours' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'pretty sure no one would say genocide is good' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'he literally just did, scroll up' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'If God deems everyone in a group an irredeemable lost soul, than absolutely i agree with genocide.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'i mean at this point i don't gotta say shit. you are a wonderful advocate for christianity.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm well I think he was just assuming that you can somehow section off all the evil people (forget the nazi word) and then do bad thing to them, and make the world a better place. Which of course you can't - and I don't think he thinks that either' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'there is no hate like christian love' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Gaury crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to Classic Vost. T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but in the context of "baddies and goodies" obviously you try to repress the baddies, and help the goodies' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'like I said before - "just be nice to people"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'it wasn't until vatican II that the catholic church declared jews were no longer to blame as a race for the killing of christ. that wasn't until the 60s. the holocast was in the 40s.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'so you literally just laid out that you think genocide is good if god calls for it, and now you're stuck because that was also the justification the nazis used for the holocaust' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I don't think that's what he was saying at all' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'no, but it is where his logic leads' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'i don't think he would openly say that the holocaust was a good or justified thing. but his justification that "genocide is good if god calls for it" is the same one the nazis used backed by catholic doctrine' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'regardless of the historical activities of Christianity - I think it's actually very impressive that the core, and correct, moral direction has remained' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I was never talking about the holocaust.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'no i don't think you were, unfortunately, you walked right into an example of how your moral compass is the same one that enabled the holocaust' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the 10 commandments doesnt address slavery. or bullying.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I regard the awfulness of religion, wars and what not, but also the remaining strong sense of society and aiding each other, as qualities of human beings - we use the picture gods as ways to express the inner feeling of (yes I'll say it again) "just be nice to each other"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I have no idea where you are going with the vatican, or jews.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'and you could have avoided this all if you hadn't tried to come at me for what the foundations of my moral compass were' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill STABS all moral compasses T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'i imagine you have no idea about a lot of things' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'so what does your philosophical unpinnings say to you about the genocide of millions of babies killled every year aka pro-choie?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'anyway, i'm bowing out, this was fun. i didn't think i'd get someone to bite the "genocide can be justified" bullet so quickly' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'oh i think it's based, the more dead babies, the better. it's actually quite the delicacy' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'well you enjoy your dead babies and your 'moral' highground that you like.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I'm not sure what you believe about abortion, Garence, you think it should be banned?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'you want a drumstick?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'my eyes were a little too big for my stomach' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'yes.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'wow, you'd eat a baby? that's fucke dup' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ooh, well I mean I strongly disagree with that, though I appreciate that, a with all things, it's a sliding scale' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: '(if you can't tell, I don't take abortion debates seriously)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'I know you philosophical unpinnings don't allow for it.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'don't allow for what? abortion, or taking it seriously?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well no, there is a point at which a baby shouldn't be aborted, although still there's special circumstances. But an egg fertilised 1 second ago? that's not a baby.. so where's the dividing line, woo! guess what, there isn't one, as usual' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'tell you what, I'll engage you in a serious debate on abortion once you can unequivocally say that genocides are bad always. as it stands, you're just looking for a whataboutism based on premises I don't accept' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Reyn: 'what is a philosophical unpinning' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'after all, if abortion is genocide, and a bad genocide, surely the bible would have anything to say about abortion other than instructions for how a priest can perform an abortion on an unfaithful wife' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'abortion has nothing to do with genocide. And genocide is provably bad for the population, let alone any moral issues' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'i agree with you cilmarill, but garence is the one who brought up abortion as a modern-day genocide' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'no it just got a bit too heated' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'the whole meaning of genocide is some wildly innacurate idea that you need, and even *can* and more importantly *should* remove certain genes from the gene pool. Which is nonsense - people don't understand genes' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'well, no, you're describing eugenics. eugenics can be a motivation for genocide but they're not exactly the same thing' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and by the way, as I understand it, eugenics existed in Germany before the nazis - in fact they used the movement to gain political power' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'eugenics was a very popular idea in the early 20th century. it only fell out of vogue BECAUSE of the nazis' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well yes you're right, but genocide implies that you're getting rid of a portion of the population because they should remain in the gene pool' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'umm shouldn't' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'not necessarily, you can have genocides based on religious grounds which are not inherently genetically linked' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well only because it was always happening before we knew about genes. In the olden days it was just "hey, they look and act different, kill them all"' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'eugenics led to its logical conclusion results in genocide, but it is not the only motivation for genocides.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'eugenics was probably just a modern, pseudo-scientific justification of what we've always been doing - genocide because they look a bit weird and I'm scared' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'Do you know how many unborn black babies are killed as a percentage of all babies killed in the US?' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'no such thing as an unborn baby, that's like saying there's lava underground.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: '35%. even though black only make up 13% of the total population... abortion is genocide.' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean Garence that doesn't make any sense, really' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Prancin' Garence: 'All abortion is genocide. All abortion is eugenics, designed for population control for various reasons. - Alveda King. ' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'Poo poo pee pee. - Pringle' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'it doesn't matter if abortion is genocide, you already said genocide can be good' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm yeah, let's weed out those pesky babies that are created because I woman was raped, that'll sort the gene pool out' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'and if abortion was a bad genocide, god surely would have said so' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'dammit - I started all this by pointing out that gos is everything, and therefore doesn't give a crap abput any of it! :)' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mob walks' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mis' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'and i warned you how that was a backdoor to people running christian apologia and look where we are' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'gquester maniacs do whatever they can to win' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mis' T3/r7/2023-02-10.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) A Can of Pringle: 'no i think that's a good debate' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'can i have an argument, please?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'uhm, no?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you say so but you are here. so' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'no, i'm not' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'certainly not!' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes, you are' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'can you prove it?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you're here, arguing' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'i agree with you' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'so i'm not arguing!' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no, you dont' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'it takes two to agree' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'im not in an agreeable mood' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'this makes no sense' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you were wrong, you're being wrong and you always will be wrong!' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there is no rules here on debate, can change the opinion in the middle of an argument when.. "feel like it"' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'so, if I'm wrong, and i agree with you, which means i disagree with you, but you are saying that i have different opinion, then do i agree with you or not?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its word math' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Smoloran Soloran: 'Excuse me sir this is a Wendy's' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'so we are not debating, we are doing calculations now?!' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'use this when trying to get out of jail' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'when you use such complicated sentences, you'll lose the audience fasty' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'fastly*' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'no' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'are we still debating?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'looks like it' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'i don't think so' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'currently its "yes" vs "no"' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'this debate is pointless' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a perfect debate' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'at least guys from Monty Python were getting paid for it! we don't.. no point to continue' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i claim the victory, then' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'it's debatable who won...' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'you can't be a judge in your own case' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'why not?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'but ok.' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'gotta go' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'is this a stament or counterargument?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'Zensch win!!!' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'just curious' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'damn' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no. you don't win because i said it first' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'i said it second so my claim is stronger' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i win' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'don't think so' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'with your own logic, i beat you' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'i haven't used logic in this discussion yet' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'debate is not about logic at all' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'it is, but not this one' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so you agree that this is a debate, it has no logic, and you say "debate is about logic"' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Hmm. You could swear Methuselah Zensch has been here just a second ago. You wonder where he went ... T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'harmless fun' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'is debatating a good thing?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'it's a trap! *ackbars*' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thank you for comint' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'coming' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Tasty Tipro: 'yes but not because you should expect to change others minds, but your own' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'oh. Tipro said something significant' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'ahh Tipro the wisdom whisperer, please tell me something more...i'll start with my mind on the UKR/RUS war' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'please change my mind?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Tasty Tipro: 'my point was just that if you choose to debate, go into it trying to learn from your partner' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Tasty Tipro: 'bold assumption that you're pro-ukraine here, if I was pro-putin maybe you'd learn more about how russian propaganda has influenced me' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I agree with you wholeheartedly, Tipro, but this is the internet' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'Resolved, I posit unsolicted aggression into another country's national territory is perhaps not "modern" ?' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its a bad topic' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'useless and bad for this channels, this hour' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'maybe "the best plants to grow for bonsai seedlings are 'tropical'" ? :)' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Tasty Tipro: '"the airspeed of an unladen african swallow is 20.1 mph"' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'while (obviously) the best hounddogs to raise ARE scenthounds ... except craps, there's no debate on that front :-(' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the speed of light is super slow if observed from a far' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'afar*' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'afar is a such a strange word' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'sound like something from the middle earth' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'middle east' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'Satan has a few dead teeth for sure. those would smell. add character to the tune' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mis' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'they all die there' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mis' T3/r7/2023-02-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'don't we all' T3/r7/2023-02-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'nah f, satan got eaten by the demon sheep of the dell. all hail fenton!' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'should land have been taken or returned?' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'burgess or vonnegut?' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'i have to go with kurt' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'solid choice really. but have you read 1985? ' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'you mean 1984? or is this a sequel?' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'both i love so much to read there stuff and probably only chomsky is close to the books i still have here.' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'i've read the 1985 fahrenheit farm :P' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'burgess wrote 1985 which is an alternate view of english socialsism. more accurate to some points and overwhelmingly darker ' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'it's way better than a clockwork orange. he actualy was annoyed ppl focused on that for the wrong reasons. but 1985 was a real dark story. I'd say for the point of fun Vonnegut is def what i should read. even slaughterhouse 5 will depress me less than anything i have by burgess.' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Ice 9 should frighten or depress you enough. Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'i don't think i read that one yet but it's on my fridge with the doctor is sick.' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what product would you invest right now?' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'invest? myself' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mud is possible in ink form' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so. ink' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'hummus.' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hummus trending?' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'wish i would have invested in lube at the end of 2019...' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'in Russia, everyone should invest in mafia' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'a little fire roasted garlic, bits of sun-dried pepper - it damn well should be.' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'in russia, they dont have to _choose_ to :p' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'i thought mafia invested in you in ussr, now i've got to contact some nigerians for money back?' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'just because you are mafia, doesnt mean you are cleared to _know_ that.' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'also, its a scam, m. money isnt any more real than birds.' T3/r7/2023-02-16.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'here in far east europe ... oh this is a gametalk question' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'circumcision is a physical assault on the body of a person that is not able to make their own decision, and far too young to be able express whether they want to be mutilated. There is absolutely no truth in the apparent medical benefits of it, and the fact that people who are in favour of circumcision cling to that possiblility only shows you that the reason for doing it has nothing to do with health. Which is fine. I had my ears pierced when I was 4. Circumcision is weird. debate or don't. yes I am drunk That' also ok' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'sucking the tip off of a child is werider' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'mohel life' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ok fine, I thought for second there I was going to stop you Americans being quite so odd' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'You'll never socialise my freedom!' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'is there a research about how many penis cancers are avoided thanks to circumscisions' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'yeah, plenty - and all say wash yourself and your fine' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people dont have warning tags on their bodyparts' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'According to the doctor it doesn't really matter either way.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ok well let's just chop off all the body parts just in case>' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean give me a masectomy when I'm 1?' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'You seem overly concerned about something that ddidn't happen to you.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ha don't get me wrong, I only say this because I want to understand why it's so prevalent in the US' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Just to match. That's the whole reason anymore.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'that US thing is nothing compared what is happening in Africa' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'some places there' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i encourage you to drink more before googling...' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well let's not get onto female circumcision (I kno, I just did) but it seems to me like it's a just a thing. And people justify it afterwards' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'it sems that people are just a bit iffy about genitals, and look in the bible or wherever, to just justify their weird idea that cutting them back is somehow a purifying thing' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Well I wasn't bothered by it.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'https://www.wikidoc.org/index.php/Castration_anxiety' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'begins in babyhood' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I mean Freud was largely a nutcase' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a baby forgets nothing' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a baby remembers' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'lol I mean come on castration anxiety it nonsense :)' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people do not forget' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'I did.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'if you're talking abotu circumcision then yeah, surely there's a point where you think "oh hang on, my parent cut a part of me away" which must be kind of weird' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'not one single time in life have i thought that' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'i've lost more skin of my knee than my dick my guy' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thinking is a tiny part of the life' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well if I had female circumcision I hope it would be a thing on my mind' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but look, we can row it back - why? I mean actually why?' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Ha, I've been more bothered by a bad haircut. Just wish my parents would have saved it for me to make a keychain out of. ' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'what actual reason is there for to chop a piece of a baby off?' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'look, beelzulbulb ain't gonna summon itself' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'who here has not been circumcised, and then later in life when they can make their own choice, has decided to?' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I mean it's fine and all, but why would it be normal?' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Just is normal same as going into debt for getting sick.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I get it - like I say I was super happy to have my ears pierced when I was 4 - people put bigger and bigger cirles into their ear. But these are choices, not some kind of automatic molestation of the body that you need to have done before you can be godly' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'You need to drop the focus on a god that doesn't matter. I wasn't even baptised. It's not, for the most cases, religiously motivated.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'there is nothing *at all* about medical benefits to circumcision, male or female' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'to be frank, it's the mutual acceptance of mutilating babies' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'I don't know for certain, but I think that circumcision was originally meant to prevent disease. ' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there is medical benefit' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'well.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you have to wash it more often if not cut' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its kinda medical' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I have to wash my leg - I don't want my parents to cut it off when I'm 0 years old' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'if your parents cut your legs, you would read more books' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'yeah I know I'm just being silly there :)' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but it really isn't just a clinical thing, it's just a religious tradition' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and it has no medical advantage at all' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hm' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'That a lot of people don't follow for religious reasoning. Not all in the U.S. are that into religion.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'It looks better :)' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'It wasn't religious tradition when I was circumcized many years ago. It was simple SOP.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'honestly it was only a year ago I found out that Americans (and Australians) do it all the time, and it completely bizarre. I shouldn't conflate female circumcision with it, but it's sort of hard not to? and just, don't do it?' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'looks better and smells less' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'they beat evolution right there' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm well to get base then - I've never seen a circumcised penis, ' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'There's no downside to having it done. That's why it is a standard some places.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and the dog stopped that sentence by nosing the keyboard' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'I'm not gonna tell ya what to do with your free time, but you are on the internet...' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but well I don't know - I shave my legs and arms etc so ok' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'shaving legs seems insane to me. especially in winter.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I've had enough halfling jokes about having hairy limbs so fine I get it' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'it also just makes certain clothes more comfortble' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'I guess it's comfort, but I shaved my face one winter and it was way cold. I'd keep as much fur as possible. ' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'ok fine! chops your flippin penises! just don't start with the girls or I will STAB you! :)' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Wouldn't even think of weighing in on females.' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'also before I get immed - I'm just saying thse things because I'm curious, and perhaps because I've drunk enough wine for now' T3/r7/2023-02-17.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'I think ya should be fine. Not like ya said anything awful.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'can you learn empathy by observing only?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'can you really learn it without knowing how all feels?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'see, i believe the life is a shitload of crap.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and and a complete torture for so many' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'to get to know how it feels... could be a point.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what's the biggest question of your life?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so far..' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mine is "do i even have it|"' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and dont hesitatae' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'questions is the thing that brought us so far' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'mine is why on earth do people eat blue cheese' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'fungal cheese' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'they have taste buds?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what would be a question so large that the universe cant take it"' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'what is everything?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'When will you start declining' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so what' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'anyway' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there are ideas about how to cope with the world' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mostly very anxious and panicky' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'im pretty sure all involve substance abuse' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'that must mean that the problem is not solved' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'that problem is unsolvable' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'lets solve it right now' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'eprove' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well answer me then - what is everything?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'might mean the world should change first, im not the one who sucks' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'um. prove. ' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'is it solvable' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its not magic' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I mean only abstract constructs are solvable - and of course I know you know that - they're the easy problems' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'not doing something...yeah i guess i can prove that ? sounds easy, im just not doing it' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'that problem - life and all that - should be logical. ' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'oh goodness no :) it neither is nor do I wish it to be :)' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hence - solvable' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'it shouldt be so hard' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I find that it's best to try and embrace the madness' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'because it's not going to stop coming' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'think about it... imagine the news title "the Aardwolf community solved the problem of life and everything"' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'let the waves wash over you and enjoy the nice qualities they have - ignore the sand in your bum kind of thing :)' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and its not hard' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'solid logic needed. withoug paradoxes' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'empathy must be one key' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what are the others?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well now you have to definie solution' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the solution is not here' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'are you talking happiness or success - material gain? or deep understanding' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what if the grant old univese is evil and vicious?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'grand' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I'd say it's more likely that the universe is just ambivalent' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what if the grand old universe of everything is vile and vicious' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'doesn't care one way or another, why should it' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you have no data' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'blind pitiless indifference' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well of course I do' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Evine: 'can there exist an answer for every question? Can we exhaust the set of all possible question space? :D' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'as I said before - what is everything?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'that's the universe. But then, everything is everything. All good, all bad, all death and life. ' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you here cant have an answer for that. ever' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I agree' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so its a catch' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'which is why there is no answer. But to try to imagine what everything is is really what you were getting at to being with, it seems to me' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'umm begin' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'you can't imagine everything, but it's useful to try. We do it all the time, it's what drives both science and religion, imo' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'can i imagine that there's no spoon?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and it is absolutely useless all the time' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well no not useless. It's what drives us I think - being conscious and with all out fancy language and things, we're always trying to get closer to "everything" but obviously we'll never get there' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'a bit like me trying to finish tier 9 :)' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'accept being clueless and do as you're told. by your genes' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'trying to figure it all out is against the nature's law.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'if you're "situationally aware" you get plus demerit points :-/' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no one has a clue what is going on' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and yet we keep trying' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'you too, clearly' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no points' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: '"still just making things up as we go"' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'yep, fitting things together sometimes, sometimes just picking it out of the air' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'no points for figuring' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the nature awatrds no points' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nature tells you that you should go flashing it and get another generation going' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thats nature' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'hmm I would call that something more like mother nature - or the nature of living things and the ecosystem' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but in the universe, as far as we know now, that nature is utterly miniscule speck ' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'still though, I'd say nature most definitely does away points' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'theres the nature and all what the humans have imagined' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'nature wins all ' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but we can't understand it - it's far too complex. I mean a double hunged pendulum is far to complex to be "solved" let alone a human cel or a collection of billions of them' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you cant win nature with any human ideas' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'but I know you're just thinking things through a bit - me too :)' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'cant attact nature with humaan logic' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Should we have small dungeon raids? I was thinking of like some mmos that you buy in with up to 5 ppl and take a chance at random drop goodies.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Should Vampire be made a subrace?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'type/subtype got wierd with dnd3. can of worms best left unopened, say i.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): MAMBO! Mushambo eyes Mannec suspiciously. T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Fair, I don't wanna muddy the system. but Vamp is kinda OP and un clerified. a vamp halfling could be interesting. But same time Drow doesn't have sneak which should be like breathing to one. ' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'why would a drow need sneak? they have darkness.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'someone said halfling!' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'no they don't' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'drow got detect magic and night vision. it's about pointless. there is no class drow is even good at.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'eh, maybe not here. they also dont have wings or natural invisibility, so like - why be one?' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec's Spritely glory shines forth, saying it all -- without saying a word. T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'And yes. i mentioned halfling as one example of a class that with vamp sub would be cool.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Drow are cool af everywhere but Aard..' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'nah, just that one. you know, with the swords.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'for night work drow are awesome in literature and games. There's prob a reason nobody plays the race.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'light sensitivity _sucks_. you know, in places where drow are cool.' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'but in every system they get bonuses to hide in shadow and sneak and stuff. here it's easier to be an elf warrior than a drow ranger. it's alil weird' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'from what i hear, ranger is kind of an issue regardless :p' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'I still think vampire would work as a subrace and that'd take a deeper complexity to the race system than aard has. ' T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec shrugs helplessly. T3/r7/2023-02-18.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Arguably I'd say anything that draws more people than other things should be lookedd at if it's under/over powered or just more popular/fun.' T3/r7/2023-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'a four-foot-long alligator was found in New York park' T3/r7/2023-02-21.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'https://uk.news.yahoo.com/godzilla-alligator-captured-york-200236606.html ' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Donald Trump is going to visit E. Palestine, Ohio, today. My prediction: He will utter not a work about help and cleanup and recovery. His entire address will be to assign blame and amplify grievance.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gorsk: 'so put responsability on the people who are supposed to be responsable? the monster!' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'use the disaster to improve his own image - just like every politician' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Sorry, was yanked away. My point about Trump is that he's only interested in stoking fear. He has nothing constructive to offer. He cultivates white grievance like it was a garden' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'that's kinda the essence of populism.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Najin: 'what about Space Force?' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'And once you appeal to emotion like that, it's really difficult to argue against it with reason.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'The lines have been drawn, the enemies identified. "You're either with us or with 'them'".' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Which is my point. Trump is about identifying enemies, about 'othering' anyone opposed to him. ' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gorsk: 'what about the abraham accords? those were a big deal but no one talks about em much' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'Sometimes I really don't want to live on this rock anymore. The post truth era makes me kinda depressed when we have people in the US senate who tink a deepthroat in the government uses an image board to disclose secrets like that the democrats worship satan and harvest adrenochrome from children in a tunnel network that spans the whole globe, and how JFK Jr. is actually leading a war down there.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Yes, the Abraham Accords. Well intentioned and have brought an Eden of peace to Israel and the middle east. ' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gorsk: 'so, perfection or nothing? they made things a bit better' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Sorry. I simply despise Trump, a man who actually champions that wretched creature Taylor-Greene.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'I don't think anyone proposed such dichotomy.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Hrrdy Grrdy is agreeing with that Rhavage person again... T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Gorsk: 'it's dangerous to believe things one hears on msm. they often misrepresent' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'It's dangerous to believe things period. It's better to actually know things.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Ospario: 'https://www.theonion.com/study-finds-more-americans-turning-to-own-feverish-imag-1850101478?utm_campaign=TheOnion&utm_content=1676998638&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=twitter' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'what are the pros and cons if imms were anonomous here?' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a mundane car takes 6 layers of pain to become sellable. a luxury car need 20.' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'would you paint your apartment as they paint the expensive cars?' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and why not' T3/r7/2023-02-22.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'why should cars look shiny and holographic etc. but yout apartment doesnt need that?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'because cars are painted on the outside and i'd hate watching holographic chameleon 20 layer walls' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Hrrdy Grrdy: 'fwiw, i don't think cars should be chameleon painted either, it really bothers me.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'i would love to see someone build a heat-box to set the paint inside their apartment...' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'pros and cons for imms being anonymous here? this has never ever been discussed here. not the channel. but here. so. would be fun.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'Fiendish?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'just for fun' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'a pro would be that people wouldn't accuse me of being a neckbeard powertripping discord mod wanting to ban people for disagreeing with me....I MEAN WITH AN IMM' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'i was quite surprised to learn that upon promotion to the staff, the players here keep their mortal names.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yeah!' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'a con would be that we'd lose connection to the community' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'I am willing to accept people periodically accusing me of things that I believe are unjustified in exchange for having a better connection to the community' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'my experience before then was that the duties of the imms include /neutrality/, and that distance you mention is considered not just an advantage, but a necessity.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Meanwhile, Sammael: 'Only reason for an imm name to be obfuscated and the mortal not to be known is im RPI's' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'I know for a fact that Fiendish is an awesome person. but when being an imm, a certain amount of players would kinda get... you know. bitchy.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'It also means we have one less secret to keep. I will defend _your_ secrets forever. Anything a player tells me in confidence that isn't a direct threat to the game or another player stays a secret with me. But I don't need to keep my own secrets too.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'a new name for the imm, without whatever political/clan/social baggage the mortal name has accumulated, looks like a good way to start off towards that neutrality.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: '"Welcome our new imm, someone you've never heard of before."' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I mean come on - changing a name means nothing, everyone will catch on almost immediately' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'i dont really like that idea.. you kind of obfuscate.. everyone has some implict bias' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec crosses his arms and nods slowly and sagely to 1337 H4x0r Fiendish. T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'we could rename you to Finedish - it'd be like a super hero eye mask that somehow fools eveyone' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'and also it makes me think of food. Which I like' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'the bias inherent to the new imm is unavoidable, so not avoiding it is hardly unexpected. yes, many folks would be able to figure out who the new imm is - but it still matters.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes. you can punish the mortals left and right and on some channel you can say "dont blame me, i mean, im not here even"' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'thats the ticket, fuel.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'wouldnt it be fun?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'the old saying about 'the clothes make the man' is about how dressing differently affects how a person behaves - and when most of what you wear is a name, thats a significant difference.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Cilmarill renames Mannec to Manic T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'as a mortal. i would love to interact with a imm named "imm"' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate): Mannec pats Cilmarill on her head. T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'an*' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I prefer "umm"' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'let me try to put some sense to it' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'dont interrupt me now' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'argue later' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'imms should be neutral.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'and fair' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'neutral and fair - so if all imms were perfect. we wouldn't need to know an imms name at all!' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'the mortals i mean' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'all imms - when all are perfect - would be the same thing' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'hence, why do you need to be named at all?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'ok. done here' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'oh. and a minor con against named imms would be that people develop grudges against those names. fairly or not fairly. they just do' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'I think it's a much of a muchness' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'well I suppose it is until I reveal that actually I'm Lasher' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'WOAH' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'dammit - I knew there was something I was never supposed to say' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'Lasher wouldn't do that to me!' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'well said, fuel. and if imm names are disconnected from the mortal realm, then you also gain the option of disposing of a name, and its accumulated baggage, _multiple times_.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'imo, and its only an opinion. an imm should be "imm" when punishing. but named when doing nice deeds' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'not sure its the best' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there are catches' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'bad and worse situations' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'how to balance a fart' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'two hiccups' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'to balance a fart properly, do wee need a chemist's opinion or a psychichist's?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'or a weather man' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'i'm all three, stand by my answer' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'if you accept "amateur" levels of training for all i mean' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'ex blasphemed i was a walking chemistry set and i can look outside and tell you if it's raining, so i feel board certified' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'is fart heavier than air?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'wet ones are for sure' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'watching tucker carlson.. idk how ppl just watch this unironiclly ' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'he's so worked up about the ukraine spending.. seems to be crickets on the fact gop led house hasnt put a bill up. or the dod is unlimited' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'lol talking debt.. hahahah' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'dude its like i could pick any random show under obama and its the same show' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'https://www.salon.com/2023/02/21/fox-news-texts-reveal-the-truth-the-big-lie-was-a-con--that-the-viewers-were-in-on/ covers a lot of why people watch him unironically. republican viewers enjoy being lied to.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'they like being lied to because they're in on the lie too' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'or rather...they support the con because they think they're not the ones also being conned' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'someone should do a mash up of the texts sent during jan6 and what they say on air.. lolz. man its all starting again too with trump in ohio' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) 1337 H4x0r Fiendish: 'we live in a wild world. people enjoy self harm.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'its all biden btw, even though congress approved it' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'also we are talking 10% of our dod budget.. we can do both' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'REee :P' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Who the fuck thinks the president does more than congress for law?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'you think mccarthy is having sexy time with greene?' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'alright 17 mins, i almost made it to a second commericla break.. ' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'People argue, but it's not on Biden what they choose to do. he can't be blamed unless he abuses execorders.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'And i'd not put anything past greene and the rest of the shitshow that ssupported overthrowing themselves.' T3/r7/2023-02-23.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Contigo: '"they like being lied to because they're in on the lie too" is a pretty fire rap lyric' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i bet Putin chose this date to invade Ukraine to send some sort of sick message' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mis' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'ignore that' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'uel, what do you mean revange has no influence in gap, what do you mean by gap?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: '@atFuel*' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'gap - the power difference between players' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'yeah, so possibility to take revenage when you have higher level and your opponent has low is exactly what could help with power gap?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'of course won't work if the aggressor sits at SH forever' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'oh' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'well yes but its.. kinda sad way to do it' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'it would make player killing others like HC, but without HC flag :)' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '"wait when they're low"' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'not very knightly' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'and they would need remember whom they killed' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'killed innocent is not cool :P' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'so the aggressive ones should never know when the hand of justice will hit them hard' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'killing innocents*' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'in panopticon, behavior just "adjusts itself" b/c never know if you're being watched...maybe wiz strategy too to ne'erdowells' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'i figured out how to make jail time. RL jail time scary' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Just being in jail isn't scary enough?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Classic Vost: 'being part of a gang is fun' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'instead being in jail, chilling. for 8 hours the prisoner has to face the crime' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'that he committed' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'there are SO many options' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so. jail. but its a constant schooling' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so, when you think jail is just hanging out... NO! you go back to school' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '8 hours/day' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'if wanna take a break, this add to your days in jail' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'if there are 2 extremes, capital punisment and do nothing, let people understand they've done wrong, which one is better?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'capital punishment is better' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'thats just logic' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'better in what sense?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'you have a "do nothing" society and those psychos just wipe it clean' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'people are not all good' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'let's continue... psychos would wipe out everyone else... what would happen next?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'a very certain amount are super bad' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: '?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'assuming some bad guys would kill all good ones, what would be next?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'predicting something.. one psycho remains ' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'they would kill each other?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'yes' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'see. psycho is not a trait. its a bad brain condition. ' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'its a certain part of the brain doesnt work well' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'I wish my daughter were reading this. She was the lead psychotherapist (and supervisor) at the Brooklyn and Manhattan detention centers. The jails. She's find this conversation amusing, I'd guess.' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'so they very well may end up killing each other' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'she'd*' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'why is Book of Enoch included? "Council of Nicea" okay politics excuse next, "not inspired" okay, who said? oh wait ' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'is my keyboard corrupted or user-error? for not including the "NOT"' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'from internet' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'mis' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: '"So if I gave my 8 year old nephew some drugs, he'd basically come up with your moral and political philosophy if I said it carried risk I'd take Skittles candy never actually earned in the first place? Or that minorities might steal the MandMs too?" sounds genius, please direct me to the Plato passage ' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'I basically just voted for half the SE USA congresspeople and knowing them, i'll get no dimes for the copy :-( ' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'i'll happily vote for secession agreement to split USA up...sadly, one can easily check every single tax dollar paid:received in benefits and see that within a few years, the "anti helping people" country will be the ones with their hands out :-(' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'I cannot wait for Marjoie Taqylor Green's detailed plan to save Georgia's agriculture economy from demonrat climate change conspiracy..lot of nuts in that state (lol) but in about 30 years, there'll be ZRO' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'california's stats on active military are quite impressive too but not sure how good it is vs. a % of the population ' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'far as i know US military is taxed at local state (i'm most likely wrong though :-( ) yet if rednecks keep building federal prisons, those 'constituents' get counted into the representatives districts...maybe i dont understand incentives of discouraging crime vs. accumulating more personal power' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'when preserved, your brain has nothing to offer to the world at this point' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'darn, I forgot, we'll want Chicago and Detroit also...im sure MTG's new republic will have thriving commerce' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'so CA and NY comprise 25% of entire US GDP, TX and Florida account for ~14%, seems like good opening negotiation levels? if Marjorie Taylor Green wants to add Georgia's 3% to the right side ledger while arguing against Mickey Mouse, i'll concede to her wisdom' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'Couldn't she just fall down a well? I mean, really - is that too much to ask?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: '222b, or not 222b ... is that the question?' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Cilmarill: 'elementary my dear Mannec' T3/r7/2023-02-24.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'if thats a decibel level, not' T3/r7/2023-02-25.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'there really should be no-spellup option!!!' T3/r7/2023-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) ULTRATURBO Fuel: 'do we really need to flush each and every pee?' T3/r7/2023-02-26.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'yes. eventually. but you get a much better rate for bundling them with sports channels, cooking channels, and a home telephone line.' T3/r7/2023-02-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Would Lasher allow a one time doller per exp boost to t9r7?' T3/r7/2023-02-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Nobody else wants to consider this?' T3/r7/2023-02-27.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Chill ranking US, Aus, Brits. What's the thought on this?' T3/r7/2023-03-01.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Methuselah Zensch: 'fractal rewards (martini etc.) should be available for clans to buy using clans resources, even at higher prices, any thoughts? :)' T3/r7/2023-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'which is worse, the designated hitter in baseball or forward pass in american football?' T3/r7/2023-03-04.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'pretty sure the new scoring in cricket has them both beat.' T3/r7/2023-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'Do people, actually, get bothered by blue switches on other people's keyboards? ' T3/r7/2023-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'noise canceling earbuds/cans are a thing so no' T3/r7/2023-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'That's a good point I didn't think of. I don't mind the background clickinesss of otherss typing anyways, but it's still gotta be less bothersome than other things. Headphones def make it kinda a moot point.' T3/r7/2023-03-07.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dein Untergang: 'The only downside I have found to the keys, after adjusting mic settings to not annoy people with open mic while typing, is that if my kid is asleep I have to use the laptop board to keep it quite and let him sleep. ' T3/r7/2023-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'which is better -- canape or tapas? or are both just fancy words for overpriced appetizers?' T3/r7/2023-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) # Burning Myth: 'canape is french, tapas is spanish, you rarely have them both in the same place' T3/r7/2023-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'i think you gotta check how much work and time it is to make said appetizers' T3/r7/2023-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'like sushi isn't just slapping rice vinegar and raw fish together' T3/r7/2023-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'by that logic, the spanish are most efficient then? tapas is only two syllables' T3/r7/2023-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) # Burning Myth: 'tapas are likely more common as people go to tapas places to get tapas, but they usually go to french places for the full dinner, not just canape' T3/r7/2023-03-08.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'if it's prefaced with cocktails, i guess both sound tasty?' T3/r7/2023-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'would you translate takoyaki as octopus ball? ' T3/r7/2023-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'well yaki means grilled so i guess a direct translation would be grilled octopus' T3/r7/2023-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Summoner Yuna: 'Takoyaki are fried octopus balls, but the literal translation is just fried octopus.' T3/r7/2023-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Orphean: 'but they are octopus balls :P so there's wiggle room' T3/r7/2023-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Summoner Yuna: 'Correction: Grilled/roasted, not fried.' T3/r7/2023-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'but it's like 20% octopus' T3/r7/2023-03-09.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'mostly cake' T3/r7/2023-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: '"better to appear unprofessional as opposed to 'being unprofessional'" ? ' T3/r7/2023-03-11.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'Old vs. New Testament (if of the biblical persuasion?)' T3/r7/2023-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: 'left shark or right shark was the sharper one?' T3/r7/2023-03-12.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'if your takoyaki is wiggling, then you arent done frying them.' T3/r7/2023-03-14.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Mannec: 'all ballots should include an option for 'none of the above'. discuss.' T3/r7/2023-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor' T3/r7/2023-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Rhavage: 'So what about Carlson? Sorry, I don't tweet.' T3/r7/2023-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'no thanks' T3/r7/2023-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Dartan: 'someone hacked his twitter and his bio is: Non-binary climate change activist of color. Visionary tech founder. CNBC market analyst. Informal Zelensky advisor ????????????' T3/r7/2023-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'he prob thinks its celver..' T3/r7/2023-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) Legendary Gruagach: 'these are the people that love to be called domestic terrorits' T3/r7/2023-03-15.txt.gz:{chan ch=debate}(Debate) MAMBO! Mushambo: '"funny story" is my adopted doggie was named Tucker when I got him, I knew 100% why given the place he came from, and they cock their head in the exact same quizzical manner'