I wrote a new speedwalk system, because my old one pissed me off. This one lets you add new speedwalks without having to edit any external files, lets you use Zmud speedwalks (no more %;, it now understands ; as a delimiter) and it generally is friendly to the environment.

To use it, paste the script somewhere you'll be able to find it and /load it in Tinyfugue. Then, you can add speedwalks with /addrun. /addrun

Example: /addrun dump run 4s To use the speedwalks, just type 'runto <place>', like this: runto dump (Note that you don't need a / on the runto.)

Other commands included: /purgeruns (clears all your speedwalks, but does NOT save to disk - if you really want to blow all your speedwalks away use /purgeruns and follow it up with /saveruns) You can remove a specific run with /rmrun <place>

If someone asks you for a speedwalk, you don't have to cut and paste anymore! Use /quotesw <place> <prefix>
Example: /quotesw dump ftalk

And finally, although it's a bit messy, you can see a list of all your runs with /listruns.

;; New speedwalk system! Yay.
;; Required: textutil.tf
/require textutil.tf

;; Usage: /addrun keyword directions

/def addrun = \
  /if ({#} < 2) /echo ** addrun usage: /addrun keyword directions %; /else \
  /test tolower(%1) %; \
  /let tmp=$[tolower({1})] %; \
  /set run_%tmp=%{-1} %; \
  /saveruns %; \

/def rmrun = \
  /if ({#} < 1) /echo ** rmrun usage: /rmrun keyword %; /else \
  /unset run_%1 %; /if ({?}) /echo ** rmrun: run to %1 removed. %; \
  /saveruns %; \
  /else /echo ** rmrun: run to %1 not found %; \
  /endif %; \

;; Usage: /saveruns
/def saveruns = /listvar run_* %| /writefile ~/wolf/runs.dat %; \
  /echo ** Runs saved.

;; Usage: /purgeruns
/def purgeruns=/echo ** Runs purged (but only in memory - still safe on disk) %; \
  /quote -S /unset `/listvar -s run_* 

;; Usage: /listruns
/def listruns = /listvar -s run_*

;; Usage: /quotesw keyword 
;; Example: /quotesw kerofk
;; Example: /quotesw fabledcity ftalk
/def quotesw = \
  /if ({#} < 1) \
    /echo Usage: %{0}   %; \
  /else \
    /test strlen(run_%1) %; \
    /let mylen=%? %; \
    /if ({mylen} > 0) \
      /let swprefix=%{-1-say} %; \
      /test strcat(run_%1) %; /let outrun=%? %; \
      /send %swprefix [%1]: %outrun %; \
    /else /echo ** quotesw: no such destination. [%1] %; \
    /endif %; \

;; Usage: runto place
;/def -wwolf -mglob -h'SEND {runto}*' runto = /set dir=$[strcat("run_",{2})] %; /eval %%{%{dir}}

/def -mglob -h'SEND {runto}*' runto = \
  /test strlen(run_%2) %; \
  /let mylen=%? %; \
  /if ({mylen} > 0) \
  /test replace( ";", "\%;", run_%2 )%;/eval %? %; \
  /send echo ** Destination Reached [%2] %; \
  /else /echo ** runto: unknown destination [%2] %; /endif

/load ~/wolf/runs.dat

/echo ** New speedwalk system loaded